997 resultados para data elements


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The contents of some nutrients in 35 Brazilian green and roasted coffee samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn), flame atomic emission photometry (Na and K) and Kjeldahl (N) after preparing the samples by wet digestion procedures using i) a digester heating block and ii) a conventional microwave oven system with pressure and temperature control. The accuracy of the procedures was checked using three standard reference materials (National Institute of Standards and Technology, SRM 1573a Tomato Leaves, SRM 1547 Peach Leaves, SRM 1570a Trace Elements in Spinach). Analysis of data after application of t-test showed that results obtained by microwave-assisted digestion were more accurate than those obtained by block digester at 95% confidence level. Additionally to better accuracy, other favorable characteristics found were lower analytical blanks, lower reagent consumption, and shorter digestion time. Exploratory analysis of results using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) showed that Na, K, Ca, Cu, Mg, and Fe were the principal elements to discriminate between green and roasted coffee samples. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Mobilization of two P element subfamilies (canonical and O-type) from Drosophila sturtevanti and D. saltans was evaluated for copy number and transposition activity using the transposon display (TD) technique. Pairwise distances between strains regarding the insertion polymorphism profile were estimated. Amplification of the P element based on copy number estimates was highly variable among the strains (D. sturtevanti, canonical 20.11, O-type 9.00; D. saltans, canonical 16.4, O-type 12.60 insertions, on average). The larger values obtained by TD compared to our previous data by Southern blotting support the higher sensitivity of TD over Southern analysis for estimating transposable element copy numbers. The higher numbers of the canonical P element and the greater divergence in its distribution within the genome of D. sturtevanti (24.8%) compared to the O-type (16.7%), as well as the greater divergence in the distribution of the canonical P element, between the D. sturtevanti (24.8%) and the D. saltans (18.3%) strains, suggest that the canonical element occupies more sites within the D. sturtevanti genome, most probably due to recent transposition activity. These data corroborate the hypothesis that the O-type is the oldest subfamily of P elements in the saltans group and suggest that the canonical P element is or has been transpositionally active until more recently in D. sturtevanti. © Indian Academy of Sciences.


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Despite the wide distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in mammalian genomes, part of their evolutionary significance remains to be discovered. Today there is a substantial amount of evidence showing that TEs are involved in the generation of new exons in different species. In the present study, we searched 22,805 genes and reported the occurrence of TE-cassettes in coding sequences of 542 cow genes using the RepeatMasker program. Despite the significant number (542) of genes with TE insertions in exons only 14 (2.6%) of them were translated into protein, which we characterized as chimeric genes. From these chimeric genes, only the FAST kinase domains 3 (FASTKD3) gene, present on chromosome BTA 20, is a functional gene and showed evidence of the exaptation event. The genome sequence analysis showed that the last exon coding sequence of bovine FASTKD3 is ∼85% similar to the ART2A retrotransposon sequence. In addition, comparison among FASTKD3 proteins shows that the last exon is very divergent from those of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes and Canis familiares. We suggest that the gene structure of bovine FASTKD3 gene could have originated by several ectopic recombinations between TE copies. Additionally, the absence of TE sequences in all other species analyzed suggests that the TE insertion is clade-specific, mainly in the ruminant lineage. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The use of composite materials has increased in the recent decades, mainly in the aeronautics and automotives industries. In the present study is elaborated a computational simulation program of the bending test using the finite elements method, in the commercial software ANSYS. This simulation has the objective of analyze the mechanical behavior in bending of two composites with polymeric matrix reinforced with carbon fibers. Also are realized bending tests of the 3 points to obtain the resistances of the materials. Data from simulation and tests are used to make a comparison between two failures criteria, Tsai-Wu and Hashin criterion. Copyright © 2009 SAE International.


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Magnesium complex hydrides as Mg 2FeH 6 are interesting phases for hydrogen storage in the solid state, mainly due to its high gravimetric and volumetric densities of H2. However, the synthesis of this hydride is not trivial because the intermetallic phase Mg2Fe does not exist and Mg and Fe are virtually immiscible under equilibrium conditions. In this study, we have systematically studied the influence of the most important processing parameters in reactive milling under hydrogen (RM) for Mg 2FeH 6 synthesis: milling time, ball-to-powder weight ratio (BPR), hydrogen pressure and type of mill. Low cost 2Mg-Fe mixtures were used as raw materials. An important control of the Mg 2FeH 6 direct synthesis by RM was attained. In optimized combinations of the processing parameters, very high proportions of the complex hydride could be obtained. © (2011) Trans Tech Publications.


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Background: Transposable elements (TEs) have the potential to produce broad changes in the genomes of their hosts, acting as a type of evolutionary toolbox and generating a collection of new regulatory and coding sequences. Several TE classes have been studied in Neotropical cichlids; however, the information gained from these studies is restricted to the physical chromosome mapping, whereas the genetic diversity of the TEs remains unknown. Therefore, the genomic organization of the non-LTR retrotransposons Rex1, Rex3, and Rex6 in five Amazonian cichlid species was evaluated using physical chromosome mapping and DNA sequencing to provide information about the role of TEs in the evolution of cichlid genomes. Results: Physical mapping revealed abundant TE clusters dispersed throughout the chromosomes. Furthermore, several species showed conspicuous clusters accumulation in the centromeric and terminal portions of the chromosomes. These TE chromosomal sites are associated with both heterochromatic and euchromatic regions. A higher number of Rex1 clusters were observed among the derived species. The Rex1 and Rex3 nucleotide sequences were more conserved in the basal species than in the derived species; however, this pattern was not observed in Rex6. In addition, it was possible to observe conserved blocks corresponding to the reverse transcriptase fragment of the Rex1 and Rex3 clones and to the endonuclease of Rex6. Conclusion: Our data showed no congruence between the Bayesian trees generated for Rex1, Rex3 and Rex6 of cichlid species and phylogenetic hypothesis described for the group. Rex1 and Rex3 nucleotide sequences were more conserved in the basal species whereas Rex6 exhibited high substitution rates in both basal and derived species. The distribution of Rex elements in cichlid genomes suggests that such elements are under the action of evolutionary mechanisms that lead to their accumulation in particular chromosome regions, mostly in heterochromatins. © 2013 Schneider et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cancer is a multistep process that begins with the transformation of normal epithelial cells and continues with tumor growth, stromal invasion and metastasis. The remodeling of the peritumoral environment is decisive for the onset of tumor invasiveness. This event is dependent on epithelial–stromal interactions, degradation of extracellular matrix components and reorganization of fibrillar components. Our research group has studied in a new proposed rodent model the participation of cellular and molecular components in the prostate microenvironment that contributes to cancer progression. Our group adopted the gerbil Meriones unguiculatus as an alternative experimental model for prostate cancer study. This model has presented significant responses to hormonal treatments and to development of spontaneous and induced neoplasias. The data obtained indicate reorganization of type I collagen fibers and reticular fibers, synthesis of new components such as tenascin and proteoglycans, degradation of basement membrane components and elastic fibers and increased expression of metalloproteinases. Fibroblasts that border the region, apparently participate in the stromal reaction. The roles of each of these events, as well as some signaling molecules, participants of neoplastic progression and factors that promote genetic reprogramming during epithelial–stromal transition are also discussed.


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Transposable elements (TEs) are widespread in insect´s genomes. However, there are wide differences in the proportion of the total DNA content occupied by these repetitive sequences in different species. We have analyzed the TEs present in R. prolixus (vector of the Chagas disease) and showed that 3.0% of this genome is occupied by Class II TEs, belonging mainly to the Tc1-mariner superfamily (1.65%) and MITEs (1.84%). Interestingly, most of this genomic content is due to the expansion of two subfamilies belonging to: irritans himar, a well characterized subfamily of mariners, and prolixus1, one of the two novel subfamilies here described. The high amount of sequences in these subfamilies suggests that bursts of transposition occurred during the life cycle of this family. In an attempt to characterize these elements, we performed an in silico analysis of the sequences corresponding to the DDD/E domain of the transposase gene. We performed an evolutionary analysis including network and Bayesian coalescent-based methods in order to infer the dynamics of the amplification, as well as to estimate the time of the bursts identified in these subfamilies. Given our data, we hypothesized that the TE expansions occurred around the time of speciation of R. prolixus around 1.4 mya. This suggestion lays on the Transposon Model of TE evolution, in which the members of a TE population that are replicative active are present at multiple loci in the genome, but their replicative potential varies, and of the Life Cycle Model that states that when present-day TEs have been involved in amplification bursts, they share an ancestral copy that dates back to this initial amplification.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report new archeointensity data obtained from the analyses of baked clay elements (architectural and kiln brick fragments) sampled in Southeast Brazil and historically and/or archeologically dated between the end of the XVIth century and the beginning of the XXth century AD. The results were determined using the classical Thellier and Thellier protocol as modified by Coe, including partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) and pTRM-tail checks, and the Triaxe protocol, which involves continuous high-temperature magnetization measurements. In both protocols, TRM anisotropy and cooling rate TRM dependence effects were taken into account for intensity determinations which were successfully performed for 150 specimens from 43 fragments, with a good agreement between intensity results obtained from the two procedures. Nine site-mean intensity values were derived from three to eight fragments and defined with standard deviations of less than 8%. The site-mean values vary from similar to 25 mu T to similar to 42 mu T and describe in Southeast Brazil a continuous decreasing trend by similar to 5 mu T per century between similar to 1600 AD and similar to 1900 AD. Their comparison with recent archeointensity results obtained from Northeast Brazil and reduced at a same latitude shows that: (1) the geocentric axial dipole approximation is not valid between these southeastern and northeastern regions of Brazil, whose latitudes differ by similar to 10 degrees, and (2) the available global geomagnetic field models (gufm1 models, their recalibrated versions and the CALSK3 models) are not sufficiently precise to reliably reproduce the non-dipole field effects which prevailed in Brazil for at least the 1600-1750 period. The large non-dipole contribution thus highlighted is most probably linked to the evolution of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) during that period. Furthermore, although our dataset is limited, the Brazilian archeointensity data appear to support the view of a rather oscillatory behavior of the axial dipole moment during the past three centuries that would have been marked in particular by a moderate increase between the end of the XVIIIth century and the middle of the XIXth century followed by the well-known decrease from 1840 AD attested by direct measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In silico analyses of Leishmania spp. genome data are a powerful resource to improve the understanding of these pathogens' biology. Trypanosomatids such as Leishmania spp. have their protein-coding genes grouped in long polycistronic units of functionally unrelated genes. The control of gene expression happens by a variety of posttranscriptional mechanisms. The high degree of synteny among Leishmania species is accompanied by highly conserved coding sequences (CDS) and poorly conserved intercoding untranslated sequences. To identify the elements involved in the control of gene expression, we conducted an in silico investigation to find conserved intercoding sequences (CICS) in the genomes of L major, L infantum, and L braziliensis. We used a combination of computational tools, such as Linux-Shell, PERL and R languages, BLAST, MSPcrunch, SSAKE, and Pred-A-Term algorithms to construct a pipeline which was able to: (i) search for conservation in target-regions, (ii) eliminate CICS redundancy and mask repeat elements, (iii) predict the mRNA's extremities, (iv) analyze the distribution of orthologous genes within the generated LeishCICS-clusters, (v) assign GO terms to the LeishCICS-clusters. and (vi) provide statistical support for the gene-enrichment annotation. We associated the LeishCICS-cluster data, generated at the end of the pipeline, with the expression profile oft. donovani genes during promastigote-amastigote differentiation, as previously evaluated by others (GEO accession: GSE21936). A Pearson's correlation coefficient greater than 0.5 was observed for 730 LeishCICS-clusters containing from 2 to 17 genes. The designed computational pipeline is a useful tool and its application identified potential regulatory cis elements and putative regulons in Leishmania. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multi-element analysis of honey samples was carried out with the aim of developing a reliable method of tracing the origin of honey. Forty-two chemical elements were determined (Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cd, Tl, Co, Ni, Rb, Ba, Be, Bi, U, V, Fe, Pt, Pd, Te, Hf, Mo, Sn, Sb, P, La, Mg, I, Sm, Tb, Dy, Sd, Th, Pr, Nd, Tm, Yb, Lu, Gd, Ho, Er, Ce, Cr) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Then, three machine learning tools for classification and two for attribute selection were applied in order to prove that it is possible to use data mining tools to find the region where honey originated. Our results clearly demonstrate the potential of Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Random Forest (RF) chemometric tools for honey origin identification. Moreover, the selection tools allowed a reduction from 42 trace element concentrations to only 5. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, 50 ceramic fragments from the Lago Grande and 30 from the Osvaldo archaeological site were compared to assess elemental similarities. The aim is to perform a preliminary comparison between the sites, which are located in the central Amazon, Brazil. The analytical technique employed to obtain the ceramics elemental composition was instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The data set obtained was explored by the multivariate statistical techniques of cluster, principal component and discriminant analysis. The analyzed elements were: Na, Lu, U, Yb, La, Th, Cr, Cs, Sc, Fe, Eu, Ce and Hf. The results showed the existence of at least two compositional groups for Lago Grande and Osvaldo. Each compositional group of Osvaldo archaeological site matches with one group of Lago Grande. Correlated with the archaeological background, the results suggest commercial or cultural exchange in the region, which is an indicative of socio-cultural interactions between those sites.


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Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) arise from ancient infections of the host germline cells by exogenous retroviruses, constituting 8% of the human genome. Elevated level of envelope transcripts from HERVs-W has been detected in CSF, plasma and brain tissues from patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), most of them from Xq22.3, 15q21.3, and 6q21 chromosomes. However, since the locus Xq22.3 (ERVWE2) lack the 5' LTR promoter and the putative protein should be truncated due to a stop codon, we investigated the ERVWE2 genomic loci from 84 individuals, including MS patients with active HERV-W expression detected in PBMC. In addition, an automated search for promoter sequences in 20 kb nearby region of ERVWE2 reference sequence was performed. Several putative binding sites for cellular cofactors and enhancers were found, suggesting that transcription may occur via alternative promoters. However, ERVWE2 DNA sequencing of MS and healthy individuals revealed that all of them harbor a stop codon at site 39, undermining the expression of a full-length protein. Finally, since plaque formation in central nervous system (CNS) of MS patients is attributed to immunological mechanisms triggered by autoimmune attack against myelin, we also investigated the level of similarity between envelope protein and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Comparison of the MOG to the envelope identified five retroviral regions similar to the Ig-like domain of MOG. Interestingly, one of them includes T and B cell epitopes, capable to induce T effector functions and circulating Abs in rats. In sum, although no DNA substitutions that would link ERVWE2 to the MS pathogeny was found, the similarity between the envelope protein to MOG extends the idea that ERVEW2 may be involved on the immunopathogenesis of MS, maybe facilitating the MOG recognizing by the immune system. Although awaiting experimental evidences, the data presented here may expand the scope of the endogenous retroviruses involvement on MS pathogenesis