966 resultados para cylindrical aquarium
When two solutions differing in solute concentration are separated by a porous membrane, the osmotic pressure will generate a net volume flux of the suspending fluid across the membrane; this is termed osmotic flow. We consider the osmotic flow across a membrane with circular cylindrical pores when the solute and the pore walls are electrically charged, and the suspending fluid is an electrolytic solution containing small cations and anions. Under the condition in which the radius of the pores and that of the solute molecules greatly exceed those of the solvent as well as the ions, a fluid mechanical and electrostatic theory is introduced to describe the osmotic flow in the presence of electric charge. The interaction energy, including the electrostatic interaction between the solute and the pore wall, plays a key role in determining the osmotic flow. We examine the electrostatic effect on the osmotic flow and discuss the difference in the interaction energy determined from the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation and from its linearized equation (the Debye-Hückel equation).
Longitudinal librations represent oscillations about the axis of a rotating axisymmetric fluid filled cavity. An analytical theory is developed for the case of a cylindrical cavity in the limit when the libration frequency is small in comparison with the rotation rate, but large in comparison with the inverse of the spin-up time. It is shown that through the nonlinear advection in the Ekman layers the librations cause the fluid to rotate more slowly. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Evaluating the impact of splitting toric power on patient tolerance to misorientation such as with intraocular lens rotation. Setting: University vision clinic. Methods: Healthy, non astigmats had +1.50D astigmatism induced with spectacle lenses at 90°, 135°, 180° and +3.00D at 90°. Two correcting cylindrical lenses of the opposite sign and half the power each were subsequently added to the trial frame misaligned by 0°, 5° or 10° in a random order and misorientated from the initial axis in a clockwise direction by up to 15° in 5° steps. A second group of adapted astigmats with between 1.00 and 3.00DC had their astigmatism corrected with two toric spectacle lenses of half the power separated by 0°, 5° or 10° and misorientated from the initial axis in both directions by up to 15° in 5° steps. Distance, high contrast visual acuity was measured using a computerised test chart at each lens misalignment and misorientation. Results: Misorientation of the split toric lenses caused a statistically significant drop in visual acuity (F= 70.341; p< 0.001). Comparatively better acuities were observed around 180°, as anticipated (F= 3.775; p= 0.035). Misaligning the split toric power produced no benefit in visual acuity retention with axis misorientation when subjects had astigmatism induced with a low (F= 2.190, p= 0.129) or high cylinder (F= 0.491, p= 0.617) or in the adapted astigmats (F= 0.120, p= 0.887). Conclusion: Misalignment of toric lens power split across the front and back lens surfaces had no beneficial effect on distance visual acuity, but also no negative effect. © 2013 British Contact Lens Association.
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует за разреден газ между два въртящи се цилиндъра. Получени са профилите на налягането, скоростта и температурата по метода на прякото статистическо моделиране (DSMC) и чрез числено решаване на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за свиваем флуид. Резултатите сочат много добро съвпадение за малки числа на Кнудсен Kn = 0.02. Показано е, че при различни кинематични гранични условия, газът изостава или избързва спрямо скоростта на стената, или има поведение на твърдо еластично тяло. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината.
Coral diseases are a major factor in the decline of coral reefs worldwide, and a large proportion of studies focusing on disease causation use aquaria to control variables that affect disease occurrence and development. Public aquaria can therefore provide an invaluable resource to study the factors contributing to health and disease. In November 2010 the corals within the main display tank at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, London, UK, underwent a severe stress event due to reduced water quality, which resulted in death of a large number of coral colonies. Three separate colonies of two species of reef coral, Seritopora hystrix and Montipora capricornis showing signs of stress and acute tissue loss were removed from the display tank and placed in a research tank with improved water quality. Both coral species showed a significant difference in 16S rRNA gene bacterial diversity between healthy and stressed states (S. hystrix; ANOSIM, R=0.44, p=0.02 and M. capricornis; ANOSIM, R=0.33, p=0.01), and between the stressed state and the recovering corals. After four months the bacterial communities had returned to a similar state to that seen in healthy corals of the same species. The bacterial communities associated with the two coral species were distinct, despite them
being reared under identical environmental conditions. Despite the environmental perturbation being identical different visual signs were seen in each species and distinctly different bacterial communities associated with the stressed state occurred within them. Recovery of the visually healthy state was associated with a return of the bacterial community, within two months, to the pre-disturbance state. These observations suggest that coral-associated microbial communities are remarkably resilient and return to a very similar stable state following disturbance.
Metal cylindrical storage structures of significant size, such as silos and vertical-axis tanks, are almost always constructed from many short cylindrical shells of different thickness as the stress resultants on the wall progressively increase towards the base. The resulting increases in thickness are always made in step changes using metal sheets of uniform thickness because of the availability of such source materials. The result is a shell with a stepped wall with multiple discrete steps in thickness. Such shells are very susceptible to buckling under external pressure when empty or partially filled, but the buckling mode may involve only part of the shell height due to the changes in shell thickness. These changes must therefore be accounted for within the design process. A new method of determining the critical buckling resistance of such shells was recently developed, and although it has been shown to be valid, the methodology for its application in practical design has not been set out or shown. This paper therefore briefly describes the new method and demonstrates the manner in which it can be used to produce rapid, safe assessments of cylindrical shells with a wide range of patterns of wall thickness changes. The results are then suitable for direct introduction into such documents as the European standard on metal shells [1] and the ECCS Recommendations [2].