847 resultados para copper welding


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Joining processes and techniques need to meet the trend of new applications and the development of new materials. The application in connection with thick and thin plates in industrial fields is wide and the joining technology is in very urgent need. The laser-TIG hybrid welding technology can play the respective advantages of both of them. One major advantage of the hybrid laser-TIG welding technology is its efficient use of laser energy. Additionally, it can develop into a high and new advanced welding technology and become a hot spot in both the application and research area. This thesis investigated laser –TIG hybrid welding with the aim of enlightening the reader on its advantages, disadvantages and future areas of improvement. The main objective is to investigate laser-TIG hybrid on the welding of various metals (steels, magnesium, aluminium etc.). In addition, it elaborates on various possible combinations on hybrid laser-TIG welding technology and their benefits. The possibility of using laser-TIG hybrid in welding of thick materials was investigated. The method applied in carrying out this research is by using literature review. The results showed that hybrid laser-TIG is applicable to almost all weldable metals. Also it proves to be effective in welding refractive metals. The possibility of welding with or without filler materials is of economic advantage especially in welding of materials with no filler material. Thick plate’s hybrid laser-TIG welding is showing great prospects although it normally finds its used in welding thin materials in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The findings show that laser-TIG hybrid welding can be a versatile welding process and therefore will be increasingly used industrially due to its numerous advantages and the development of new TIG arc that enhances its capabilities.


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Diplomityössä tarkastellaan hitsaavan verkoston laadunhallintaa ja siinä ilmeneviä erilaisia ongelmakohtia. Tämän lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan kolmen eri laatutyökalun Lean, Six Sigma ja Total Welding Management soveltamista hitsaavan verkoston laadunhallinnassa. Teoriaosassa käsitellään sekä yleisesti että hitsauksen osalta laatua ja laadunhallintaa, sekä edellä mainittuja laatutyökaluja. Tutkimusosaan tietoja hitsaavista verkostoista kerättiin kaikkiaan kolmesta eri verkostosta. Näiden kerättyjen tietojen pohjalta tarkasteltiin valittujen laatutyökalujen soveltuvuutta verkostomaiseen käyttöön. Verkostoitunut toiminta aiheuttaa monia uusia haasteita yritysten laadunhallinnalle verrattuna yksittäisiin hitsaaviin yrityksiin. Suurimpia tutkimuksessa havaittuja ongelmakohtia ovat suunnittelun ja valmistuksen yhteistyön erilaiset puutteet, laatutasoon ja sen varmistukseen liittyvät asiat, sekä verkoston sisälle syntyvä niin sanottu hiljainen tieto ja sen häviäminen. Tutkimuksen tarkastelujen perusteella havaittiin, että kaikkien tutkimukseen valitun kolmen laatutyökalun soveltaminen myös verkostomaisessa toiminnassa on mahdollista, mutta se vaatii huomattavasti suurempaa työpanosta kuin soveltaminen yksittäisessä yrityksessä. Myös näiden kaikkien kolmen työkalun yhtä aikainen käyttö on mahdollista. Juuri oikean työkalun valitseminen kullekin hitsaavalle verkostolle vaatii tarkkaa perehtymistä verkostoon ja sen tilanteeseen.


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Welding has a growing role in modern world manufacturing. Welding joints are extensively used from pipes to aerospace industries. Prediction of welding residual stresses and distortions is necessary for accurate evaluation of fillet welds in relation to design and safety conditions. Residual stresses may be beneficial or detrimental, depending whether they are tensile or compressive and the loading. They directly affect the fatigue life of the weld by impacting crack growth rate. Beside theoretical background of residual stresses this study calculates residual stresses and deformations due to localized heating by welding process and subsequent rapid cooling in fillet welds. Validated methods are required for this purpose due to complexity of process, localized heating, temperature dependence of material properties and heat source. In this research both empirical and simulation methods were used for the analysis of welded joints. Finite element simulation has become a popular tool of prediction of welding residual stresses and distortion. Three different cases with and without preload have been modeled during this study. Thermal heat load set is used by calculating heat flux from the given heat input energy. First the linear and then nonlinear material behavior model is modeled for calculation of residual stresses. Experimental work is done to calculate the stresses empirically. The results from both the methods are compared to check their reliability. Residual stresses can have a significant effect on fatigue performance of the welded joints made of high strength steel. Both initial residual stress state and subsequent residual stress relaxation need to be considered for accurate description of fatigue behavior. Tensile residual stresses are detrimental and will reduce the fatigue life and compressive residual stresses will increase it. The residual stresses follow the yield strength of base or filler material and the components made of high strength steel are typically thin, where the role of distortion is emphasizing.


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The aim of this work was to propose, apply and evaluate a methodical approach to select welding processes in a productive environment based on market requirements of Quality and Costs. A case study was used. The welds were carried out in laboratory, simulating the joint conditions of a manufacturer and using several welding processes: SMAW, GTAW, pulsed GTAW, GMAW with CO2 and Ar based shielding gases and pulsed GMAW. For Quality analysis geometrical aspects of the beads were considered and for Cost analysis, welding parameters and consumable prices. Quantitative indices were proposed and evaluated. After that, evaluation of both Quality and Costs was done, showing to be possible to select the most suitable welding process to a specific application, taking into account the market conditions of a company.


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The application of flux cored arc welding (FCAW) has increased in manufacturing and fabrication. Even though FCAW is well known for its good capability in producing quality welds, few reports have been published on the cause of the relatively high diffusible hydrogen content in the weld metal and its relation with the ingredients used in the wire production and with the welding parameters (mainly welding current). This paper describes experiments where data obtained from weld metal diffusible hydrogen analysis, metal droplet collection, and high-speed recording of metal droplet transfer were used to evaluate the effect of welding current on diffusible hydrogen content in the weld metal. The results from gas chromatography analysis showed that weld metal hydrogen content indeed increased with welding current. A polynomial regressional analysis concluded that hydrogen increase with current was better described by a linear function with proportional constant of approximately 0.7 or 70%. Different from the GMA welding transfer behavior, statistical analysis showed only a small increase in metal droplet size with increasing current. The metal transfer mode remained in the globular range for currents between 100 and 150 A. The most surprising findings were with the high-speed cinematography recording. Observing the high speed movies, it was possible to see that at low current, "unmelted" flux sporadically touched the weld pool but at higher current, the flux remained touching the weld pool during the whole time of droplet formation and transfer. It is believed that since the flux has ingredients that contain hydrogen, hydrogen passes through the arc undisturbed, going to the weld bead intact and increasing the hydrogen content in the weld metal. Another important observation is regarding to droplet size. Droplet size increased with increasing current because forces from decomposed gases from the flux could sustain the droplets, retarding their transfer and allowing them to grow.


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Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin yksitoimisten puristussylinterien valmistusta Rautessa. Sylinterien valmistuksessa haastavin vaihe on sylinteriputken ja pohjan välinen hitsaus. Hitsauksen avuksi suunniteltiin sylinterin sisäpuolinen juuritukilaite. Hitsauskokeita suoritettiin hitsin pohjan jauhekaarihitsaukselle ja MAG-hitsaukselle. Juuritukilaitteen toimivuutta testattiin koehitsauksilla. Puristussylinterien materiaali on S355J2-terästä, jonka ainevahvuus on 20 – 60 mm. Paksujen rakenneterästen hitsauksessa täytyy ottaa huomioon hitsausliitoksen mekaanisten ominaisuuksien muuttuminen sekä eri halkeamien synty. Hitsauksen laatuun ja laadunhallintaan voidaan vaikuttaa monien eri tekijöiden avulla. Hitsausohjeen avulla, ja muut laatutekijät huomioiden, voidaan hitseille asetetut laatukriteerit täyttää. Juurituen käyttö nopeuttaa puristussylinterien hitsausta vähintään 50 %. Jauhekaarihitsaus kuparista juuritukea vasten synnyttää vaikeasti poistettavan kuonan juuren puolelle. Perinteinen MAG-hitsaus kuparista juuritukea vasten sisältää liian monta muuttujaa, mikä tekee siitä epäluotettavan pohjapalon hitsaukseen. Työssä suunnitellun juuritukilaitteen käyttö tuotannossa vaatii lisää hitsauskokeita.


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The Arctic region becoming very active area of the industrial developments since it may contain approximately 15-25% of the hydrocarbon and other valuable natural resources which are in great demand nowadays. Harsh operation conditions make the Arctic region difficult to access due to low temperatures which can drop below -50 °C in winter and various additional loads. As a result, newer and modified metallic materials are implemented which can cause certain problems in welding them properly. Steel is still the most widely used material in the Arctic regions due to high mechanical properties, cheapness and manufacturability. Moreover, with recent steel manufacturing development it is possible to make up to 1100 MPa yield strength microalloyed high strength steel which can be operated at temperatures -60 °C possessing reasonable weldability, ductility and suitable impact toughness which is the most crucial property for the Arctic usability. For many years, the arc welding was the most dominant joining method of the metallic materials. Recently, other joining methods are successfully implemented into welding manufacturing due to growing industrial demands and one of them is the laser-arc hybrid welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding successfully combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the both joining methods therefore produce less distortions, reduce the need of edge preparation, generates narrower heat-affected zone, and increase welding speed or productivity significantly. Moreover, due to easy implementation of the filler wire, accordingly the mechanical properties of the joints can be manipulated in order to produce suitable quality. Moreover, with laser-arc hybrid welding it is possible to achieve matching weld metal compared to the base material even with the low alloying welding wires without excessive softening of the HAZ in the high strength steels. As a result, the laser-arc welding methods can be the most desired and dominating welding technology nowadays, and which is already operating in automotive and shipbuilding industries with a great success. However, in the future it can be extended to offshore, pipe-laying, and heavy equipment industries for arctic environment. CO2 and Nd:YAG laser sources in combination with gas metal arc source have been used widely in the past two decades. Recently, the fiber laser sources offered high power outputs with excellent beam quality, very high electrical efficiency, low maintenance expenses, and higher mobility due to fiber optics. As a result, fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers even more extended advantages and applications. However, the information about fiber or disk laser-arc hybrid welding is very limited. The objectives of the Master’s thesis are concentrated on the study of fiber laser-MAG hybrid welding parameters in order to understand resulting mechanical properties and quality of the welds. In this work only ferrous materials are reviewed. The qualitative methodological approach has been used to achieve the objectives. This study demonstrates that laser-arc hybrid welding is suitable for welding of many types, thicknesses and strength of steels with acceptable mechanical properties along very high productivity. New developments of the fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers extended capabilities over CO2 laser combined with the arc. This work can be used as guideline in hybrid welding technology with comprehensive study the effect of welding parameter on joint quality.


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Gas shielding plays an important role in laser welding phenomena. This is because it does not only provide shielding against oxidization but it has an effect in beam absorption and thus welds penetration. The goal of this thesis is to study and compare the effects of different shielding gas feeding methods in laser welding of steel. Research method is a literature survey. It is found that the inclination angle and the arrangement of the gas feeding nozzles affect the phenomena significantly. It is suggested that by designing shielding gas feeding case specifically better welding results can be obtained.


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This thesis studies quality, productivity and economy in welding manufacturing in West African states such as Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. The study consists of two parts: the first part, which forms the theoretical background, reviews relevant literature concerning the metal and welding industries, and measurement of welding quality, productivity and economy. The second part, which is the empirical part, aims to identify activities in the metal manufacturing industries where welding is extensively used and to determine the extent of welding quality, productivity and economy measurements in companies operating in the metal manufacturing industries. Additionally, the thesis aims to identify challenges that companies face and to assess the feasibility of creating a network to address these issues. The research methods used in the empirical part are the case study (qualitative) method and the survey (quantitative) method. However, the case study method was used to elicit information from companies in Ghana, while the survey method was used to elicit information from companies in Nigeria and Cameroon. The study considers important areas that contribute to creating awareness and understanding of the current situation of the welding industry in West Africa. These areas include the metal manufacturing industrial sector, metal products manufactured, metal production and manufacturing systems deployed, welding quality, productivity and economy measurement systems utilized, equipment and materials on the markets, general challenges facing companies in welding operations, welding technology programs and research in local universities, and SWOT analysis of the various West African states. The notable findings indicate that majority of the companies operate in the constructionindustrial sector. Also, majority of the companies are project manufacturing oriented, thus provide services to customers operating in the growing industries such as the oil and gas, mining, food and the energy industry. In addition, only few companies are certified under standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 3834, and OHSAS 18001. More so, majority of the companies employ manual welding technique, and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) as the commonly used welding process. Finally, welder salary is about € 300 / month as of June 2013 and the average operations turnover of medium to large companies is about € 5 million / year as at 2012. Based on analysis of the results of the study, it is noted that while welding activities are growing, the availability of cheap labor, the need for company and welder qualification and certification, and the need to manufacture innovative products through developmental projects (transfer of welding expertise and technology) remain as untapped opportunities in the welding industry in the West African states. The study serves as a solid platform for further research and concludes with several recommendations for development of the West African welding industry.


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of diquat, copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride and their associations diquat + 0.1% copper oxychloride and diquat + 0.1% copper hydroxide to control Cerathophyllum demersum. Therefore, the concentrations used were 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.5 mg L-1 oxychloride and copper hydroxide and 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 mg L-1 diquat and their associations with 0.1% copper oxychloride and 0.1% copper and a control hydroxide. The experimental design was completely randomized with ten replications for 45 days. For evaluation we used a scale of 0-100% control of notes and rated the weight (g) and length (cm) of pointers at the end of the trial period. Diquat showed 100% efficacy at 30 DAA, associations in 21 DAA and copper sources promoted regrowth of C. demersum. Diquat and its associations were more effective in controlling C. demersum. The use of herbicide in combination with a copper source is more efficient for the control of submerged weeds because it potentiates the effect of the herbicide in weed control


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A strain of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria showing resistance to 1.2 mM cupric sulfate was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ESI (electron spectrophotometry imaging). Accumulation of copper was detected in the periphery of the cell membrane region, suggesting that the mechanism of copper resistance is similar to that previously described for Pseudomonas species. The ESI technique was used to detect copper in the membrane region. Copper-resistance in X. campestris pv. vesicatoria 484 is inducible and occurs by accumulation of the metal and not by efflux mechanism as has been suggested. The growth curve also showed that this system is inducible.


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Additive manufacturing is a fast growing manufacturing technology capable of producing complex objects without the need for conventional manufacturing process planning. During the process the work piece is built by adding material one layer at a time according to a digital 3D CAD model. At first additive manufacturing was mainly used to make prototypes but the development of the technology has made it possible to also make final products. Welding is the most common joining method for metallic materials. As the maximum part size of additive manufacturing is often limited, it may sometimes be required to join two or more additively manufactured parts together. However there has been almost no research on the welding of additively manufactured parts so far, which means that there has been very little information available on the possible differences compared to the welding of sheet metal parts. The aim of this study was to compare the weld joint properties of additively manufactured parts to those of sheet metal parts. The welding process that was used was TIG welding and the test material was 316L austenitic stainless steel. Weld joint properties were studied by making tensile, bend and hardness tests and by studying the weld microstructures with a microscope. Results show that there are certain characteristics in the welds of additively manufactured parts. The building direction of the test pieces has some impact on the mechanical properties of the weld. Nevertheless all the welds exhibited higher yield strength than the sheet metal welds but at the same time elongation at break was lower. It was concluded that TIG welding is a feasible process for welding additively manufactured parts.


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Keyhole welding, meaning that the laser beam forms a vapour cavity inside the steel, is one of the two types of laser welding processes and currently it is used in few industrial applications. Modern high power solid state lasers are becoming more used generally, but not all process fundamentals and phenomena of the process are well known and understanding of these helps to improve quality of final products. This study concentrates on the process fundamentals and the behaviour of the keyhole welding process by the means of real time high speed x-ray videography. One of the problem areas in laser welding has been mixing of the filler wire into the weld; the phenomena are explained and also one possible solution for this problem is presented in this study. The argument of this thesis is that the keyhole laser welding process has three keyhole modes that behave differently. These modes are trap, cylinder and kaleidoscope. Two of these have sub-modes, in which the keyhole behaves similarly but the molten pool changes behaviour and geometry of the resulting weld is different. X-ray videography was used to visualize the actual keyhole side view profile during the welding process. Several methods were applied to analyse and compile high speed x-ray video data to achieve a clearer image of the keyhole side view. Averaging was used to measure the keyhole side view outline, which was used to reconstruct a 3D-model of the actual keyhole. This 3D-model was taken as basis for calculation of the vapour volume inside of the keyhole for each laser parameter combination and joint geometry. Four different joint geometries were tested, partial penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint and full penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint. The comparison was performed with selected pairs and also compared all combinations together.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli hitsata tandem MAG –laitteistolla 25 mm paksua Ruukin E500 TMCP terästä. Työssä oli tarkoituksena vähentää railotilavuutta mahdollisimman paljon sekä suorittaa testihitsaukset 0.8 kJ/mm sekä 2.5 kJ/mm lämmöntuonneilla. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin Tandem MAG-hitsaukseen, sen tuottavuuteen ja laatukysymyksiin liittyviä asioita sekä siinä perehdyttiin suurlujuusteräksien käyttöön hitsauksessa sekä laivanrakennuksessa. Kokeellisessa osuudessa perehdyttiin hitsauksessa huomattuihin etuihin, ongelmiin sekä ongelmien ratkaisumahdollisuuksiin. Hitsausliitoksen mekaaniset ominaisuudet tutkittiin rikkomattomin sekä rikkovin menetelmin. Alustavat hitsausohjeet luotiin kummallekin lämmöntuonnille. Testaukset aloitettiin 30 º railokulmalla pienentäen kulmaa mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Testauksissa ei saatu hitsattua onnistuneesti alle 30 º railokulmalla. Hitsaustestien aikana huomattiin magneettisen puhalluksen vaikutus hitsaustapahtumaan. Kaasunvirtausnopeuden tuli olla tietyn suuruinen jotta palkokerrokset onnistuivat ilman huokoisuusongelmaa. Pienemmällä lämmöntuonnilla hitsattaessa kaasunvirtausnopeudet olivat tärkeämpiä hitsatessa ylempiä palkokerroksia. Kääntämällä hitsauspoltinta sivuttaissuunnassa 7-10 astetta auttoi ehkäisemään reunahaavan syntymistä. Rikkovista menetelmistä testitulokset olivat hyväksyttyjä kaikkien muiden paitsi päittäishitsin sivutaivutuskokeen osalta.


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Electrical machines have significant improvement potential. Nevertheless, the field is characterized by incremental innovations. Admittedly, steady improvement has been achieved, but no breakthrough development. Radical development in the field would require the introduction of new elements, such that may change the whole electrical machine industry system. Recent technological advancements in nanomaterials have opened up new horizons for the macroscopic application of carbon nanotube (CNT) fibres. With values of 100 MS/m measured on individual CNTs, CNT fibre materials hold promise for conductivities far beyond those of metals. Highly conductive, lightweight and strong CNT yarn is finally within reach; it could replace copper as a potentially better winding material. Although not yet providing low resistivity, the newest CNT yarn offers attractive perspectives for accelerated efficiency improvement of electrical machines. In this article, the potential for using new CNT materials to replace copper in machine windings is introduced. It does so, firstly, by describing the environment for a change that could revolutionize the industry and, secondly, by presenting the breakthrough results of a prototype construction. In the test motor, which is to our knowledge the first in its kind, the presently most electrically conductive carbon nanotube yarn replaces usual copper in the windings.