929 resultados para computational fluid dynamics (CFD)


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The electronics industry and the problems associated with the cooling of microelectronic equipment are developing rapidly. Thermal engineers now find it necessary to consider the complex area of equipment cooling at some level. This continually growing industry also faces heightened pressure from consumers to provide electronic product miniaturization, which in itself increases the demand for accurate thermal management predictions to assure product reliability. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is considered a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. CFD is now widely used within the electronics packaging design community to thermally characterize the performance of both the electronic component and system environment. This paper discusses CFD results for a large variety of investigated turbulence models. Comparison against experimental data illustrates the predictive accuracy of currently used models and highlights the growing demand for greater mathematical modelling accuracy with regards to thermal characterization. Also a newly formulated low Reynolds number (i.e. transitional) turbulence model is proposed with emphasis on hybrid techniques.


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The SMARTFIRE Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire field model has successfully reproduced the observed characteristics including measured temperatures, species concentrations and time to flashover for a post-crash fire experiment conducted by the FAA within their C-133 cabin test facility. In this test only one exit was open in order to provide ventilation for the developing cabin fire. In real post-crash fires, many exits are likely to be open as passangers attempt to evacuate. In this paper, the likely impacts on evacuation of a post-crash fire in which various exiting combinations are available are investigated. The fire scenario, investigated using the SMARTFIRE software, is based on the C-133 experiment but with a fully furnished cabin and with four different exit availability options. The fire data is imported into the airEXODUS evacuation simulation software and the resulting evacuations examined. The combined fire and evacuation analysis reveals that even though the aircraft configuration is predicted to comfortably satisfy the evacuation certification requirement, when fire is included, a number of casualties result, even from the certification compliant exit configuration.


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This paper presents the challenges encountered in modelling biofluids in microchannels. In particular blood separation implemented in a T-microchannel device is analysed. Microfluids behave different from the counterparts in the microscale and a different approach has been adopted here to model them, which emphasize the roles of viscous forces, high shear rate performance and particle interaction in microscope. A T-microchannel design is numerically analysed by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate the effectiveness of blood separation based on the bifurcation law and other bio-physical effects. The simulation shows that the device can separate blood cells from plasma.


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An aerodynamic sound source extraction from a general flow field is applied to a number of model problems and to a problem of engineering interest. The extraction technique is based on a variable decomposition, which results to an acoustic correction method, of each of the flow variables into a dominant flow component and a perturbation component. The dominant flow component is obtained with a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code which uses a cell-centred finite volume method to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The perturbations are calculated from a set of acoustic perturbation equations with source terms extracted from unsteady CFD solutions at each time step via the use of a staggered dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP) finite-difference scheme. Numerical experiments include (1) propagation of a 1-D acoustic pulse without mean flow, (2) propagation of a 2-D acoustic pulse with/without mean flow, (3) reflection of an acoustic pulse from a flat plate with mean flow, and (4) flow-induced noise generated by the an unsteady laminar flow past a 2-D cavity. The computational results demonstrate the accuracy for model problems and illustrate the feasibility for more complex aeroacoustic problems of the source extraction technique.


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This paper presents modelling and design optimization of a microfeeder which, as part of a microassembly system, is used for contactless object delivery. The microfeeder consists of an array of microactuators which are controlled by electrostatic actuation and used for maneuvering outcoming air jet for object hovering and delibery. The airflow behaviour in the microactuator is analysed by means of fluid mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation from three aspects, theoretical analysis, initial design assessment, and design modifications. The focus is put on the basic types of the microfeeder structure and the effects of structural details to the systematic performance. The structural pattern of the microactuator for forming airflow nozzle is identified and two design plans are proposed as basic structure patterns of pneumatic microactuators. The optimized design numerically shows the ability of delivering objects. This paper analyses the flow distribution pattern in microactuators and points out a way for effective design of pneumatic microfeeder systems. The optimization strategy provided by the present paper has close relevance to the design and manufacture of pneumatic microfeeder systems.


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Since their introduction in the 1950s, marine outfalls with diffusers have been prone to saline intrusion, a process in which seawater ingresses into the outfall. This can greatly reduce the dilution and subsequent dispersion of wastewater discharged, sometimes resulting in serious deterioration of coastal water quality. Although long aware of the difficulties posed by saline intrusion, engineers still lack satisfactory methods for its prediction and robust design methods for its alleviation. However, with recent developments in numerical methods and computer power, it has been suggested that commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software may be a useful aid in combating this phenomenon by improving understanding through synthesising likely behaviour. This document reviews current knowledge on saline intrusion and its implications and then outlines a model-scale investigation of the process undertaken at Queen's University Belfast, using both physical and CFD methods. Results are presented for a simple outfall configuration, incorporating several outlets. The features observed agree with general observations from full-scale marine outfalls, and quantify the intricate internal flow mechanisms associated with saline intrusion. The two-dimensional numerical model was found to represent saline intrusion, but in a qualitative manner, not yet adequate for design purposes. Specific areas requiring further development were identified. The ultimate aim is to provide a reliable, practical and cost effective means by which engineers can minimise saline intrusion through optimised outfall design.


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Previous researchers use the velocity decay as an input to investigate the ship’s propeller jet induced scour. A researcher indicated that most of the equations used to predict the stability of various protection systems are often missing a physical background. The momentum decay and energy decay are currently proposed as an initial input for seabed scouring investigation, which are more sensible in physics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) experiments are used to obtain the velocity data and then transforming into momentum and energy decays. The findings proposed several exponential equations of velocity, momentum and energy decays to estimate the region exposed to the seabed scouring.


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The purpose of this article is to apply an alternative method whereby discharge coefficients can be estimated for the flow through a poppet valve at various lifts. Presented is the development of an operational quasi-steady flow rig. An engine cylinder head poppet valve was used as the case study. The requirement to directly measure mass flowrates using a standard conventional steady flow apparatus has been eliminated. Transient mass flowrates, pressures and temperatures of air during an inflow test for a poppet valve at various lifts were measured. Mass flowrates were also calculated from measured cylinder gas pressures and corrected for heat transfer. Using both methods to determine the mass flowrates, isentropic discharge coefficients were calculated and shown to compare within +/- 4.0 per cent of steady flow data. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) validation of the quasi-steady flow rig is also presented.


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A systematic computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach has been applied to design the geometry of the channels of a three-dimensional (thick-walled) screen comprising upstream and downstream sets of elongated channels positioned at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to each other. Such a geometry of the thick-wall screen can effectively drop the ratio of the maximum flow velocity to mean flow velocity below 1.005 in a downstream microstructured reactor at low Reynolds numbers. In this approach the problem of flow equalization reduces to that of flow equalization in the first and second downstream channels of the thick-walled screen. In turn, this requires flow equalization in the corresponding cross-sections of the upstream channels. The validity of the proposed design method was assessed through a case study. The effect of different design parameters on the flow non-uniformity in the downstream channels has been established. The design equation is proposed to calculate the optimum values of the screen parameters. The CFD results on flow distribution were experimentally validated by Laser Doppler Anemometry measurements in the range of Reynolds numbers from 6 to 113. The measured flow non-uniformity in the separate reactor channels was below 2%.


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The present study proposed the semi-empirical methods for determining the efflux velocity from a ship's propeller. Ryan [1] defined the efflux velocity as the maximum velocity taken from a time-averaged velocity distribution along the initial propeller plane. The Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) were used to acquire the efflux velocity from the two propellers with different geometrical characteristics. The LDA and CFD results were compared in order to investigate the equation derived from the axial momentum theory. The study confirmed the validation of the axial momentum theory and its linear relationship between the efflux velocity and the multiplication of the rotational speed, propeller diameter and the square root of thrust coefficient. The linear relationship of these two terms is connected by an efflux coefficient and the value of this efflux coefficient reduced when the blade number increased.


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This paper describes an investigation of map width enhancement and a detailed analysis of the inducer flow field due to various bleed slot configurations and vanes in the annular cavity of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor. The compressor under investigation is used in a turbocharger application for a heavy duty diesel engine of approximately 400 hp. This investigation has been undertaken using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the full compressor stage, which includes a manual multiblock-structured grid generation method. The influence of the bleed slot flow on the inducer flow field at a range of operating conditions has been analyzed, highlighting the improvement in surge and choked flow capability. The impact of the bleed slot geometry variations and the inclusion of cavity vanes on the inlet incidence angle have been studied in detail by considering the swirl component introduced at the leading edge by the recirculating flow through the slot. Further, the overall stage efficiency and the nonuniform flow field at the inducer inlet have been also analyzed. The analysis revealed that increasing the slot width has increased the map width by about 17%. However, it has a small impact on the efficiency, due to the frictional and mixing losses. Moreover, adding vanes in the cavity improved the pressure ratio and compressor performance noticeably. A detail analysis of the compressor with cavity vanes has also been presented.


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The application of blown jet vortex generators to control flow separation in a diffuser with an opening angle of 10° has been studied using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code Fluent 6™. Experimental data is available for the uncontrolled flow in the diffuser. The section of the duct upstream of the diffuser has a height H equal to 15 mm; its length and breadth are 101H and 41H respectively; the diffuser has an expansion ratio of 4.7:1. Fully developed flow is achieved upstream of the diffuser. Pipes of diameters equal to 1.5%, 2.5% and 5% of H were considered; pitch angle was constant at 45° and yaw angle was fixed at 60°; velocity ratio was varied from 1.7 to 8.0; both co-rotating and counter-rotating arrays were studied. The best results were obtained with a counter-rotating array of generators with a hole diameter of 5% of H and a velocity ratio of 3.7.


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Heat sinks are widely used for cooling electronic devices and systems. Their thermal performance is usually determined by the material, shape, and size of the heat sink. With the assistance of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and surrogate-based optimization, heat sinks can be designed and optimized to achieve a high level of performance. In this paper, the design and optimization of a plate-fin-type heat sink cooled by impingement jet is presented. The flow and thermal fields are simulated using the CFD simulation; the thermal resistance of the heat sink is then estimated. A Kriging surrogate model is developed to approximate the objective function (thermal resistance) as a function of design variables. Surrogate-based optimization is implemented by adaptively adding infill points based on an integrated strategy of the minimum value, the maximum mean square error approach, and the expected improvement approaches. The results show the influence of design variables on the thermal resistance and give the optimal heat sink with lowest thermal resistance for given jet impingement conditions. 


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This study provides a novel meanline modeling approach for centrifugal compressors. All compressors analyzed are of the automotive turbocharger variety and have typical upstream geometry with no casing treatments or preswirl vanes. Past experience dictates that inducer recirculation is prevalent toward surge in designs with high inlet shroud to outlet radius ratios; such designs are found in turbocharger compressors due to the demand for operating range. The aim of the paper is to provide further understanding of impeller inducer flow paths when operating with significant inducer recirculation. Using three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and a single-passage model, the flow coefficient at which the recirculating flow begins to develop and the rate at which it grows are used to assess and correlate work and angular momentum delivered to the incoming flow. All numerical modeling has been fully validated using measurements taken from hot gas stand tests for all compressor stages. The new modeling approach links the inlet recirculating flow and the pressure ratio characteristic of the compressor. Typically for a fixed rotational speed, between choke and the onset of impeller inlet recirculation the pressure ratio rises gradually at a rate dominated by the aerodynamic losses. However, in modern automotive turbocharger compressors where operating range is paramount, the pressure ratio no longer changes significantly between the onset of recirculation and surge. Instead the pressure ratio remains relatively constant for reducing mass flow rates until surge occurs. Existing meanline modeling techniques predict that the pressure ratio continues to gradually rise toward surge, which when compared to test data is not accurate. A new meanline method is presented here which tackles this issue by modeling the direct effects of the recirculation. The result is a meanline model that better represents the actual fluid flow seen in the CFD results and more accurately predicts the pressure ratio and efficiency characteristics in the region of the compressor map affected by inlet recirculation.


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One of the most critical gas turbine engine components, rotor blade tip and casing, are exposed to high thermal load. It becomes a significant design challenge to protect the turbine materials from this severe situation. As a result of geometric complexity and experimental limitations, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools have been used to predict blade tip leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer at typical engine operating conditions. In this paper, the effect of turbine inlet temperature on the tip leakage flow structure and heat transfer has been studied numerically. Uniform low (LTIT: 444 K) and high (HTIT: 800 K) turbine inlet temperature have been considered. The results showed the higher turbine inlet temperature yields the higher velocity and temperature variations in the leakage flow aerodynamics and heat transfer. For a given turbine geometry and on-design operating conditions, the turbine power output can be increased by 1.48 times, when the turbine inlet temperature increases 1.80 times. Whereas the averaged heat fluxes on the casing and the blade tip become 2.71 and 2.82 times larger, respectively. Therefore, about 2.8 times larger cooling capacity is required to keep the same turbine material temperature. Furthermore, the maximum heat flux on the blade tip of high turbine inlet temperature case reaches up to 3.348 times larger than that of LTIT case. The effect of the interaction of stator and rotor on heat transfer features is also explored using unsteady simulations.