681 resultados para cluster computing
Monitoring, object-orientation, real-time, execution-time, scheduling
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
Ziel der Arbeit war es, den Wirtschaftsraum Blankenburg (Harz) durch die Bildung und Förderung von gewerblichen Clustern attraktiver zu gestalten. In diesem Rahmen wurde zunächst die Entwicklung von Gewerbe- und Industrieflächen mithilfe der Bauleitplanung in Theorie und Praxis beschrieben. Die anschließende Untersuchung des Bundeslandes Sachsen-Anhalt und im speziellen der Stadt Blankenburg (Harz) bildeten die Datengrundlage für die weiteren Arbeitsschritte. Um die Ergebnisse dieser Standortanalyse in einen direkten Zusammenhang mit tatsächlichen Eindrücken der ansässigen Unternehmen bringen zu können, wurde eine schriftliche Unternehmensbefragung durchgeführt. Diese thematisierte vor allem die Einschätzung der Standortfaktoren in Blankenburg (Harz). Die im Zwischenfazit beschriebene Wertung, dass die Stadt derzeit nur wenige Anreize für Unternehmensneuansiedlungen bietet, war Ausgangspunkt für die Theorie der Clusterpolitik. Dabei wurden zunächst gewerbliche Cluster aus den ansässigen Unternehmen gebildet. Daraus resultierten die Wirtschaftsbereiche, deren Unternehmen für eine Ansiedlung in Blankenburg besonders in Frage kommen. Da diese Betriebe feste Anforderungen an Gewerbe- oder Industrieflächen in Bezug auf die Größe, die planungsrechtlichen Beschränkungen und die infrastrukturelle Anbindung stellen, konnten die vorhandenen Freiflächen im Rahmen einer Mikroanalyse hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für Neuansiedlungen untersucht werden.
This paper shows how a high level matrix programming language may be used to perform Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrapping, estimation by maximum likelihood and GMM, and kernel regression in parallel on symmetric multiprocessor computers or clusters of workstations. The implementation of parallelization is done in a way such that an investigator may use the programs without any knowledge of parallel programming. A bootable CD that allows rapid creation of a cluster for parallel computing is introduced. Examples show that parallelization can lead to important reductions in computational time. Detailed discussion of how the Monte Carlo problem was parallelized is included as an example for learning to write parallel programs for Octave.
This note describes ParallelKnoppix, a bootable CD that allows creation of a Linux cluster in very little time. An experienced user can create a cluster ready to execute MPI programs in less than 10 minutes. The computers used may be heterogeneous machines, of the IA-32 architecture. When the cluster is shut down, all machines except one are in their original state, and the last can be returned to its original state by deleting a directory. The system thus provides a means of using non-dedicated computers to create a cluster. An example session is documented.
The purpose of this paper is to study the possible differences among countries as CO2 emitters and to examine the underlying causes of these differences. The starting point of the analysis is the Kaya identity, which allows us to break down per capita emissions in four components: an index of carbon intensity, transformation efficiency, energy intensity and social wealth. Through a cluster analysis we have identified five groups of countries with different behavior according to these four factors. One significant finding is that these groups are stable for the period analyzed. This suggests that a study based on these components can characterize quite accurately the polluting behavior of individual countries, that is to say, the classification found in the analysis could be used in other studies which look to study the behavior of countries in terms of CO2 emissions in homogeneous groups. In this sense, it supposes an advance over the traditional regional or rich-poor countries classifications .
An important debate on the role of creativity and culture as factors of local economic development is distinctly emerging. Despite the emphasis put on the theoretical definition of these concepts, it is necessary to strengthen comparative research for the identification and analysis of the kind of creativity embedded in the territory as well as its determinants. Creative local production systems are identified in Italy and Spain departing from local labour markets as territorial units, and focusing on two different kinds of creative
Un reto al ejecutar las aplicaciones en un cluster es lograr mejorar las prestaciones utilizando los recursos de manera eficiente, y este reto es mayor al utilizar un ambiente distribuido. Teniendo en cuenta este reto, se proponen un conjunto de reglas para realizar el cómputo en cada uno de los nodos, basado en el análisis de cómputo y comunicaciones de las aplicaciones, se analiza un esquema de mapping de celdas y un método para planificar el orden de ejecución, tomando en consideración la ejecución por prioridad, donde las celdas de fronteras tienen una mayor prioridad con respecto a las celdas internas. En la experimentación se muestra el solapamiento del computo interno con las comunicaciones de las celdas fronteras, obteniendo resultados donde el Speedup aumenta y los niveles de eficiencia se mantienen por encima de un 85%, finalmente se obtiene ganancias de los tiempos de ejecución, concluyendo que si se puede diseñar un esquemas de solapamiento que permita que la ejecución de las aplicaciones SPMD en un cluster se hagan de forma eficiente.
PelicanHPC is a rapid (around 5 minutes, when you know what you're doing) means of setting up a high performance computing (HPC) cluster for parallel computing using MPI. This tutorial gives a basic description of what PelicanHPC does, addresses how to use the released CD images to set up a HPC cluster, and gives some basic examples of usage.
This paper presents a semisupervised support vector machine (SVM) that integrates the information of both labeled and unlabeled pixels efficiently. Method's performance is illustrated in the relevant problem of very high resolution image classification of urban areas. The SVM is trained with the linear combination of two kernels: a base kernel working only with labeled examples is deformed by a likelihood kernel encoding similarities between labeled and unlabeled examples. Results obtained on very high resolution (VHR) multispectral and hyperspectral images show the relevance of the method in the context of urban image classification. Also, its simplicity and the few parameters involved make the method versatile and workable by unexperienced users.
En este proyecto se han visto dos sistemas de computación distribuida diferentes entre ellos: Condor y BOINC. Se exploran las posibilidades para poder conseguir que ambos sistemas logren trabajar conjuntamente, escogiendo la parte más efectiva de cada uno de los sistemas con el fin de complementarse.
This is an introduction to some aspects of Fomin-Zelevinsky’s cluster algebras and their links with the representation theory of quivers and with Calabi-Yau triangulated categories. It is based on lectures given by the author at summer schools held in 2006 (Bavaria)and 2008 (Jerusalem). In addition to by now classical material, we present the outline of a proof of the periodicity conjecture for pairs of Dynkin diagrams (details will appear elsewhere) and recent results on the interpretation of mutations as derived equivalences.
This is the third edition of the compendium. It documents the status of important projects on nanomaterial toxicity and exposure monitoring, integrated risk management, research infrstructure and coordination and support activities. The compendium is not intended to be a guidance document for human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies, as such guidance documents already exist and are widely available. Neither is the compendium intended to be a medium for the publication of scientific papers and research results, as this task is covered by scientific conferences and the reviewed press. The compendium aims to bring researchers closer together and show them the potential for synergy in their work. It is a means to establish links and communication between them during the actual research phase and well before the publication of their results. It thus focuses on the communication of projects' strategic aims, extensively covers specific work objectives and the methods used in research, and documents human capacities and available laboratory infrastructure. As such, the compendium supports collaboration on common goals and the joint elaboration of future plans, whilst compromising neither the potential for scientific publication, nor intellectual property rights. [Auteurs]