990 resultados para classical nuclear import pathway
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Grx6 and Grx7 are two monothiol glutaredoxins whose active-site sequences (CSYS and CPYS, respectively) are reminiscent of the CPYC active-site sequence of classical dithiol glutaredoxins. Both proteins contain an N-terminal transmembrane domain which is responsible for their association to membranes of the early secretory pathway vesicles, facing the luminal side. Thus, Grx6 localizes at the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments, while Grx7 is mostly at the Golgi. Expression of GRX6 is modestly upregulated by several stresses (calcium, sodium, and peroxides) in a manner dependent on the Crz1-calcineurin pathway. Some of these stresses also upregulate GRX7 expression under the control of the Msn2/4 transcription factor. The N glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin induces the expression of both genes along with protein accumulation. Mutants lacking both glutaredoxins display reduced sensitivity to tunicamycin, although the drug is still able to manifest its inhibitory effect on a reporter glycoprotein. Grx6 and Grx7 have measurable oxidoreductase activity in vivo, which is increased in the presence of tunicamycin. Both glutaredoxins could be responsible for the regulation of the sulfhydryl oxidative state at the oxidant conditions of the early secretory pathway vesicles. However, the differences in location and expression responses against stresses suggest that their functions are not totally overlapping.
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
BACKGROUND: The p53 transcription factor is located at the core of a complex wiring of signaling pathways that are critical for the preservation of cellular homeostasis. Only recently it has become clear that p53 regulates the expression of several long intergenic noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs). However, relatively little is known about the role that lincRNAs play in this pathway. RESULTS: Here we characterize a lincRNA named Pint (p53 induced noncoding transcript). We show that Pint is a ubiquitously expressed lincRNA that is finely regulated by p53. In mouse cells, Pint promotes cell proliferation and survival by regulating the expression of genes of the TGF-β, MAPK and p53 pathways. Pint is a nuclear lincRNA that directly interacts with the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), and is required for PRC2 targeting of specific genes for H3K27 tri-methylation and repression. Furthermore, Pint functional activity is highly dependent on PRC2 expression. We have also identified Pint human ortholog (PINT), which presents suggestive analogies with the murine lincRNA. PINT is similarly regulated by p53, and its expression significantly correlates with the same cellular pathways as the mouse ortholog, including the p53 pathway. Interestingly, PINT is downregulated in colon primary tumors, while its overexpression inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells, suggesting a possible role as tumor suppressor. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal a p53 autoregulatory negative mechanism where a lincRNA connects p53 activation with epigenetic silencing by PRC2. Additionally, we show analogies and differences between the murine and human orthologs, identifying a novel tumor suppressor candidate lincRNA.
We review the functions of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta in skin wound healing and cancer. In particular, we highlight the roles of PPAR beta/delta in inhibiting keratinocyte apoptosis at wound edges via activation of the PI3K/PKB alpha/Akt1 pathway and its role during re-epithelialization in regulating keratinocyte adhesion and migration. In fibroblasts, PPAR beta/delta controls IL-1 signalling and thereby contributes to the homeostatic control of keratinocyte proliferation. We discuss its therapeutic potential for treating diabetic wounds and inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and acne vulgaris. PPAR beta/delta is classified as a tumour growth modifier; it is activated by chronic low-grade inflammation, which promotes the production of lipids that, in turn, enhance PPAR beta/delta transcription activity. Our earlier,work unveiled a cascade of events triggered by PPAR beta/delta that involve the oncogene Src, which promotes ultraviolet-induced skin cancer in mice via enhanced EGFR/Erk1/2 signalling and the expression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers. Interestingly, PPAR beta/delta expression is correlated with the expression of SRC and EMT markers in human skin squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, there is a positive interaction between PPAR beta/delta, SRC, and TGF beta 1 at the transcriptional level in various human epithelial cancers. Taken together, these observations suggest the need for evaluating PPAR beta/delta modulators that attenuate or increase its activity, depending on the therapeutic target.
Introduction: Germline variants in TP63 have been consistently associated with several tumors, including bladder cancer, indicating the importance of TP53 pathway in cancer genetic susceptibility. However, variants in other related genes, including TP53 rs1042522 (Arg72Pro), still present controversial results. We carried out an in depth assessment of associations between common germline variants in the TP53 pathway and bladder cancer risk. Material and Methods: We investigated 184 tagSNPs from 18 genes in 1,058 cases and 1,138 controls from the Spanish Bladder Cancer/EPICURO Study. Cases were newly-diagnosed bladder cancer patients during 1998–2001. Hospital controls were age-gender, and area matched to cases. SNPs were genotyped in blood DNA using Illumina Golden Gate and TaqMan assays. Cases were subphenotyped according to stage/grade and tumor p53 expression. We applied classical tests to assess individual SNP associations and the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)-penalized logistic regression analysis to assess multiple SNPs simultaneously. Results: Based on classical analyses, SNPs in BAK1 (1), IGF1R (5), P53AIP1 (1), PMAIP1 (2), SERINPB5 (3), TP63 (3), and TP73 (1) showed significant associations at p-value#0.05. However, no evidence of association, either with overall risk or with specific disease subtypes, was observed after correction for multiple testing (p-value$0.8). LASSO selected the SNP rs6567355 in SERPINB5 with 83% of reproducibility. This SNP provided an OR = 1.21, 95%CI 1.05–1.38, p-value = 0.006, and a corrected p-value = 0.5 when controlling for over-estimation. Discussion: We found no strong evidence that common variants in the TP53 pathway are associated with bladder cancer susceptibility. Our study suggests that it is unlikely that TP53 Arg72Pro is implicated in the UCB in white Europeans. SERPINB5 and TP63 variation deserve further exploration in extended studies.
Contexto Una central nuclear, al igual que cualquier otro tipo de central generadora de energía eléctrica, mediante turbinas de vapor, está basada en un proceso termodinámico. El rendimiento de las mismas es función del salto entálpico del vapor, para mejorarlo las centrales están constituidas por un ciclo compound formado por turbina de alta presión y turbinas de baja presión, y un ciclo regenerativo consistente en calentar el agua de alimentación antes de su introducción a los generadores de vapor. Un ciclo regenerativo está basado en etapas de calentadores o cambiadores de calor para aprovechar al máximo la energía térmica del vapor, este proyecto está basado en la mejora y optimización del proceso de control de estos para contribuir a mejorar el rendimiento de la central. Objetivo Implementar un sistema de control que nos permita modernizar los clásicos sistemas basados en controles locales y comunicaciones analógicas. Mejorar el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo de la central, aprovechando las mejoras tecnológicas que ofrece el mercado, tanto en el hardware como en el software de los sistemas de instrumentación y control. Optimizar el rendimiento de los lazos de control de cada uno de los elementos del ciclo regenerativo mediante estrategias de control. Procedimiento Desarrollo de un sistema de control actualizado considerando, como premisa principal, la fiabilidad del sistema, el análisis de fallos y la jerarquización del riesgo. Análisis y cálculo de los lazos de control considerando las premisas establecidas. Configuración de los lazos mediante estrategias de control que nos permitan optimizar y minimizar los efectos del fallo. Para ello se han utilizado parámetros y datos extraídos de la Central Nuclear de Ascó. Conclusiones Se ha modernizado y optimizado el sistema de control mejorando el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo. Se ha conseguido un sistema más fiable, reduciendo el riesgo del fallo y disminuyendo los efectos de los mismos. El coste de un proyecto de estas características es inferior al de un sistema convencional y ofrece más posibilidades. Es un sistema abierto que permite utilizar e interconectar equipos de diferentes fabricantes, lo que favorece tanto el mantenimiento como las posibles ampliaciones futuras del sistema.
The classical theory of collision induced emission (CIE) from pairs of dissimilar rare gas atoms was developed in Paper I [D. Reguera and G. Birnbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 184304 (2006)] from a knowledge of the straight line collision trajectory and the assumption that the magnitude of the dipole could be represented by an exponential function of the inter-nuclear distance. This theory is extended here to deal with other functional forms of the induced dipole as revealed by ab initio calculations. Accurate analytical expression for the CIE can be obtained by least square fitting of the ab initio values of the dipole as a function of inter-atomic separation using a sum of exponentials and then proceeding as in Paper I. However, we also show how the multi-exponential fit can be replaced by a simpler fit using only two analytic functions. Our analysis is applied to the polar molecules HF and HBr. Unlike the rare gas atoms considered previously, these atomic pairs form stable bound diatomic molecules. We show that, interestingly, the spectra of these reactive molecules are characterized by the presence of multiple peaks. We also discuss the CIE arising from half collisions in excited electronic states, which in principle could be probed in photo-dissociation experiments.
Autoantibodies against complement C1q (anti-C1q) strongly correlate with the occurrence of lupus nephritis and hypocomplementemia in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Although a direct pathogenic role of anti-C1q has been suggested, the assumed complement-activating capacity remains to be elucidated. Using an ELISA-based assay, we found that anti-C1q activate the classical (CP) and lectin pathways (LP) depending on the anti-C1q immunoglobulin-class repertoire present in the patient's serum. IgG anti-C1q resulted in the activation of the CP as reflected by C4b deposition in the presence of purified C1 and C4 in a dose-dependent manner. The extent of C4b deposition correlated with anti-C1q levels in SLE patients but not in healthy controls. Our data indicate that SLE patient-derived anti-C1q can activate the CP and the LP but not the alternative pathway of complement. These findings are of importance for the understanding of the role of anti-C1q in SLE suggesting a direct link to hypocomplementemia.
The relationship between the magnetic dipole-dipole potential energy function and its quantum analogue is presented in this work. It is assumed the reader is familiar with the classical expression of the dipolar interaction and has basic knowledge of the quantum mechanics of angular momentum. Except for these two points only elementary steps are involved.
PURPOSE:To compare the prognostic and predictive features between in situ and invasive components of ductal breast carcinomas. METHODS:We selected 146 consecutive breast samples with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) associated with adjacent invasive breast carcinoma (IBC). We evaluated nuclear grade and immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), cytokeratin 5/6 (CK5/6), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in both components, in situ and invasive, and the Ki-67 percentage of cells in the invasive part. The DCIS and IBC were classified in molecular surrogate types determined by the immunohistochemical profile as luminal (RE/PR-positive/ HER2-negative), triple-positive (RE/RP/HER2-positive), HER2-enriched (ER/PR-negative/HER2-positive), and triple-negative (RE/RP/HER2-negative). Discrimination between luminal A and luminal B was not performed due to statistical purposes. Correlations between the categories in the two groups were made using the Spearman correlation method. RESULTS:There was a significant correlation between nuclear grade (p<0.0001), expression of RE/RP (p<0.0001), overexpression of HER2 (p<0.0001), expression of EGFR (p<0.0001), and molecular profile (p<0.0001) between components in situ and IBC. CK 5/6 showed different distribution in DCIS and IBC, presenting a significant association with the triple-negative phenotype in IBC, but a negative association among DCIS. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that classical prognostic and predictive features of IBC are already determined in the preinvasive stage of the disease. However the role of CK5/6 in invasive carcinoma may be different from the precursor lesions.
Activation of NFkappaB plays a pivotal role in many cellular processes such as inflammation, proliferation and apoptosis. In Drosophila, nuclear translocation of the NFkappaB-related transcription factor Dorsal is spatially regulated in order to subdivide the embryo into three primary dorsal-ventral (DV) domains: the ventral presumptive mesoderm, the lateral neuroectoderm and the dorsal ectoderm. Ventral activation of the Toll receptor induces degradation of the IkappaB-related inhibitor Cactus, liberating Dorsal for nuclear translocation. In addition, other pathways have been suggested to regulate Dorsal. Signaling through the maternal BMP member Decapentaplegic (Dpp) inhibits Dorsal translocation along a pathway parallel to and independent of Toll. In the present study, we show for the first time that the maternal JAK/STAT pathway also regulates embryonic DV patterning. Null alleles of loci coding for elements of the JAK/STAT pathway, hopscotch (hop), marelle (mrl) and zimp (zimp), modify zygotic expression along the DV axis. Genetic analysis suggests that the JAK kinase Hop, most similar to vertebrate JAK2, may modify signals downstream of Dpp. In addition, an activated form of Hop results in increased levels of Cactus and Dorsal proteins, modifying the Dorsal/Cactus ratio and consequently DV patterning. These results indicate that different maternal signals mediated by the Toll, BMP and JAK/STAT pathways may converge to regulate NFkappaB activity in Drosophila.
Chronic inflammation induced by amyloid-beta (Aβ) plays a key role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8 may be associated with chronic inflammation in AMD. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) regulates inflammation via inhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling, and resveratrol has been reported to prevent Aβ-induced retinal degeneration; therefore, we investigated whether this action was mediated via activation of SIRT1 signaling. Human adult retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were exposed to Aβ, and overactivation and knockdown of SIRT1 were performed to investigate whether SIRT1 is required for abrogating Aβ-induced inflammation. We found that Aβ-induced RPE barrier disruption and expression of IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-9 were abrogated by the SIRT1 activator SRT1720, whereas alterations induced by Aβ in SIRT1-silenced RPE cells were not attenuated by SRT1720. In addition, SRT1720 inhibited Aβ-mediated NF-κB activation and decrease of the NF-κB inhibitor, IκBα. Our findings suggest a protective role for SIRT1 signaling in Aβ-dependent retinal degeneration and inflammation in AMD.
The present study investigated the effect of silibinin, the principal potential anti-inflammatory flavonoid contained in silymarin, a mixture of flavonolignans extracted from Silybum marianum seeds, on palmitate-induced insulin resistance in C2C12 myotubes and its potential molecular mechanisms. Silibinin prevented the decrease of insulin-stimulated 2-NBDG (2-[N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino]-2-deoxy-D-glucose) uptake and the downregulation of glutamate transporter type 4 (GLUT4) translocation in C2C12 myotubes induced by palmitate. Meanwhile, silibinin suppressed the palmitate-induced decrease of insulin-stimulated Akt Ser473 phosphorylation, which was reversed by wortmannin, a specific inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K). We also found that palmitate downregulated insulin-stimulated Tyr632 phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and up-regulated IRS-1 Ser307 phosphorylation. These effects were rebalanced by silibinin. Considering several serine/threonine kinases reported to phosphorylate IRS-1 at Ser307, treatment with silibinin downregulated the phosphorylation of both c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and nuclear factor-κB kinase β (IKKβ), which was increased by palmitate in C2C12 myotubes mediating inflammatory status, whereas the phosphorylation of PKC-θ was not significantly modulated by silibinin. Collectively, the results indicated that silibinin prevented inhibition of the IRS-1/PI3K/Akt pathway, thus ameliorating palmitate-induced insulin resistance in C2C12 myotubes.
Le contrôle immunitaire des infections virales est effectué, en grande partie, par les lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques. Pour y parvenir, les lymphocytes T CD8+ doivent être en mesure de reconnaître les cellules infectées et de les éliminer. Cette reconnaissance des cellules infectées s’effectue par l’interaction du récepteur T (TCR) des lymphocytes T CD8+ et des peptides viraux associés au complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH) de classe I à la surface des cellules hôtes. Cette interaction constitue l’élément déclencheur permettant l’élimination de la cellule infectée. On comprend donc toute l’importance des mécanismes cellulaires menant à la génération des peptides antigéniques à partir des protéines virales produites au cours d’une infection. La vision traditionnelle de cet apprêtement protéique menant à la présentation d’antigènes par les molécules du CMH propose deux voies cataboliques distinctes. En effet, il est largement admis que les antigènes endogènes sont apprêtés par la voie dite ‘‘classique’’ de présentation antigénique par les CMH de classe I. Cette voie implique la dégradation des antigènes intracellulaires par le protéasome dans le cytoplasme, le transport des peptides résultant de cette dégradation à l’intérieur du réticulum endoplasmique, leur chargement sur les molécules du CMH de classe I et finalement le transport des complexes peptide-CMH à la surface de la cellule où ils pourront activer les lymphocytes T CD8+. Dans la seconde voie impliquant des antigènes exogènes, le dogme veut que ceux-ci soient apprêtés par les protéases du compartiment endovacuolaire. Les peptides ainsi générés sont directement chargés sur les molécules de CMH de classe II à l’intérieur de ce compartiment. Par la suite, des mécanismes de recyclage vésiculaire assurent le transport des complexes peptide-CMH de classe II à la surface de la cellule afin de stimuler les lymphocytes T CD4+. Cependant, cette stricte ségrégation des voies d’apprêtement antigénique a été durement éprouvée par la capacité des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes à effectuer l’apprêtement d’antigènes exogènes et permettre leur présentation sur des molécules de CMH de classe I. De plus, l’identification récente de peptides d’origine intracellulaire associés à des molécules de CMH de classe II a clairement indiqué la présence d’interactions entre les deux voies d’apprêtement antigénique permettant de transgresser le dogme préalablement établi. L’objectif du travail présenté ici était de caractériser les voies d’apprêtement antigénique menant à la présentation d’antigènes viraux par les molécules du CMH de classe I lors d’une infection par le virus de l’Herpès simplex de type I (HSV-1). Dans les résultats rapportés ici, nous décrivons une nouvelle voie d’apprêtement antigénique résultant de la formation d’autophagosomes dans les cellules infectées. Cette nouvelle voie permet le transfert d’antigènes viraux vers un compartiment vacuolaire dégradatif dans la phase tardive de l’infection par le virus HSV-1. Cette mise en branle d’une seconde voie d’apprêtement antigénique permet d’augmenter le niveau de présentation de la glycoprotéine B (gB) virale utilisée comme modèle dans cette étude. De plus, nos résultats décrivent la formation d’une nouvelle forme d’autophagosomes dérivés de l’enveloppe nucléaire en réponse à l’infection par le virus HSV-1. Ces nouveaux autophagosomes permettent le transfert d’antigènes viraux vers un compartiment vacuolaire lytique, action également assurée par les autophagosomes dits classiques. Dans la deuxième partie du travail présenté ici, nous utilisons l’infection par le virus HSV-1 et la production de la gB qui en résulte pour étudier le trafic membranaire permettant le transfert de la gB vers un compartiment vacuolaire dégradatif. Nos résultats mettent en valeur l’importance du réticulum endoplasmique, et des compartiments autophagiques qui en dérivent, dans ces mécanismes de transfert antigénique permettant d’amplifier la présentation antigénique de la protéine virale gB sur des CMH de classe I via une voie vacuolaire. L’ensemble de nos résultats démontrent également une étroite collaboration entre la voie classique de présentation antigénique par les CMH de classe I et la voie vacuolaire soulignant, encore une fois, la présence d’interaction entre les deux voies.
La technique de clonage par transfert nucléaire de cellules somatiques (SCNT) présente une page importante dans les annales scientifiques, mais son application pratique demeure incertaine dû à son faible taux de succès. Les anomalies placentaires et de développement fœtal se traduisent par des pertes importantes de gestation et des mortalités néonatales. Dans un premier temps, la présente étude a caractérisé les changements morphologiques des membranes fœtales durant la gestation clonée en les comparant à des gestations contrôles obtenues à partir de l’insémination artificielle. Les différentes anomalies morphologiques des placentomes telles que l’œdème chorioallantoique, la présence de zones hyperéchoiques et irrégulières dans la membrane amniotique et la présence de cellules inflammatoires dégénérées compromettent le développement fœtal normal de la gestation clonée. L’examen ultrasonographique représente une technique diagnostique importante pour faire le suivi d’une gestation et de caractériser les changements placentaires dans le cadre d’évaluation globale du bien-être fœtal. Le profil hormonal de trois stéroïdes (progestérone (P4), estrone sulfate (E1S), et œstradiol (E2)) et de la protéine B spécifique de gestation (PSPB) dans le sérum des vaches porteuses de clones SCNT a été déterminé et associé aux anomalies de gestations clonées. Une diminution de la P4 sérique au jour 80, une élévation du niveau de la concentration de la PSPB au jour 150, et une augmentation de la concentration d’E2 sérique durant le deuxième et troisième tiers de la gestation clonée coïncident avec les anomalies de gestation déjà reportées. Ces changements du profil hormonal associés aux anomalies phénotypiques du placenta compromettent le déroulement normal de la gestation clonée et gênent le développement et le bien-être fœtal. Sur la base des observations faites sur le placenta de gestation clonée, le mécanisme moléculaire pouvant expliquer la disparition de l’épithélium du placenta (l’interface entre le tissue maternel et le placenta) a été étudié. L’étude a identifié des changements dans l’expression de deux protéines d’adhérence (E-cadhérin et β-catenin) de cellules épithéliales pouvant être associées aux anomalies du placenta chez les gestations clonées. Le tissu de cotylédons provenant de gestations clonées et contrôles a été analysé par Western blot, RT-PCR quantitatif, et par immunohistochimie. Les résultats présentaient une diminution significative (p<0.05) de l’expression des dites protéines dans les cellules trophoblastiques chez les gestations clonées. Le RT-PCR quantitatif démontrait que les gènes CCND1, CLDN1 et MSX1 ciblés par la voie de signalisation de la Wnt/β-catenin étaient significativement sous exprimés. La diminution de l’expression des protéines E-cadherin et β-catenin avec une réduction de l’activation de la protéine β-catenin durant le période d’attachement de l’embryon peut potentiellement expliquer l’absence totale ou partielle de l’attachement des membranes fœtales au tissu maternel et éventuellement, l’insuffisance placentaire caractéristique des gestations clonées chez la vache. La caractérisation morphologique et fonctionnelle du placenta durant les gestations clonées à haut risque est essentielle pour évaluer le statut de la gestation. Les résultats de la présente étude permettront de prédire le développement et le bien-être fœtal de façon critique à travers un protocole standardisé et permettre des interventions médicales pour améliorer le taux de succès des gestations clonées chez les bovins.