901 resultados para case law
In light of the recent European Court of Justice ruling (ECJ C-131/12, Google Spain v Spanish Data Protection Agency),the “right to be forgotten” has once again gained worldwide media attention. Already in 2012, whenthe European Commission proposed aright to be forgotten,this proposal received broad public interest and was debated intensively. Under certain conditions, individuals should thereby be able todelete personal data concerning them. More recently – in light of the European Parliament’s approval of the LIBE Committee’samendments onMarch 14, 2014 – the concept seems tobe close to its final form.Although it remains, for the most part,unchanged from the previously circulated drafts, it has beenre-labelled as a“right of erasure”. This article argues that, despite its catchy terminology, the right to be forgotten can be understood as a generic term, bringing together existing legal provisions: the substantial right of oblivion and the rather procedural right to erasure derived from data protection. Hereinafter, the article presents an analysis of selected national legal frameworks and corresponding case law, accounting for data protection, privacy, and general tort law as well as defamation law. This comparative analysis grasps the practical challenges which the attempt to strengthen individual control and informational self-determination faces. Consequently, it is argued that narrowing the focus on the data protection law amendments neglects the elaborate balancing of conflicting interests in European legal tradition. It is shown thatthe attemptto implement oblivion, erasure and forgetting in the digital age is a complex undertaking.
Internet connectivity providers have been ordered to block access to websites facilitating copyright infringement in various EU countries.In this paper, the proportionality of these enforcement measures is analysed. After addressing preliminary questions, the recent ECJ ruling UPC Telekabel Wien (C-314/12) and then case law from all Member States are examined from the perspective of proportionality. Finally, five criteria are submitted for proportionality analysis, and a proportionality evaluation is provided. The major observation is that the underlying goal of copyright enforcement has implications on how the scale tilts. In particular, ineffective enforcement mechanisms can be more easily accepted if the goal of symbolic, educational or politically motivated enforcement is considered legitimate. On the other hand, if the goal is to decrease the impact of infringement, higher efficiency and economically quantifiable results may be required
The author examines whether and by which means the decisions handed down by the State judge giving his support to the arbitral proceeding (juge d'appui) may be appealed. Every relevant Article in the PILA (Private International Law Act) is addressed and analyzed in this regard (Art. 179(2) and (3), Art. 180(3), Art. 183(2), Art. 184(3) and Art. 185) by reference to the present legal doctrine and case law. Concerning the stages of appeal, the view is held that by direct or analogous application of Art. 356(2) CPC (Civil Procedure Code) the juge d'appui has jurisdiction as the sole instance of the Canton to render decisions in support of the arbitral tribunal. On the federal level however, the parties shall have the right to appeal against these decisions by filing a civil law appeal before the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, with the exception of most decisions given by juge d'appui within the meaning of Art. 180(3) PILA. As to this federal appeal, it is established that the case law of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court under the FTA (Act on the Federal Tribunal) indicates the Court's inclination to qualify both negative and positive decisions issued by the juge d'appui as final decisions in terms of Art. 90 FTA. In reference to the upcoming revision of the PILA's 12th Chapter the author concludes that the legislator might implement some clarifications in the current legal framework. It seems particularly advisable to ensure that all relevant Articles in the PILA regarding decisions of the juge d'appui explicitly reference to Art. 356(2) CPC. Moreover, the author is of the opinion that it would also be expedient to specify the
The new Swiss Federal Patent Court, with nationwide first-instance jurisdiction over all civil patent matters, has been operating since January 1, 2012. This article reviews and contextualizes the most important patent cases published in 2012 by the Swiss Federal Patent Court and the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. More specifically, the article covers cases on issues such as the evidentiary status of party expert opinions, the formal requirements for requests for injunctive relief, the infringement and non-obviousness tests employed by the Swiss Federal Patent Court, the use of reports and statements from technical judges in lieu of expert opinions, and the procedural devices for the pre-trial taking of evidence, in particular the new patent-specific device of precise description. The author suggests that designing the Federal Patent Court to include technically trained judges may lead to a more automatic adoption of the practices and case law of the European Patent Office. The article concludes that the revamped Swiss patent litigation system has the potential of turning Switzerland into a competitive venue for the adjudication of patent matters in Europe.
The reflexive nature of reason and the unique relationship reason shares with autonomy in Kant's philosophy is the theoretical basis of this dissertation. The principle of respect for autonomy undergirds the two main legal and ethical tenets of genetic counseling, an emerging profession trying to accommodate the sweeping changes that have occurred in clinical genetics, clinical ethics, and case law applicable to medicine. These two tenets of the counseling profession, informed consent and nondirectiveness, both share a principlist interpretation of autonomy that I argue is flawed due to its connection to: instrumental forms of reasoning, empirical theories of action supporting rational choice, and a liberal paradigm of law. I offer an alternative bioethical-legal framework that is based in the Kantian tradition in law and ethics through the complex theories of Jurgen Habermas. Following Habermas's reconstruction of the mutually constituting notions of private and public autonomy, I will argue for a richer conceptualization of autonomy that can have significant implications for the legal and bioethical concepts supporting the profession of genetic counseling, and which can ultimately change counseling practice. ^
Commentary of Article IX of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) on business practices, including a textual analysis of the provision, as well as an examination of the pertinent WTO case law and of other related international and regional rules and practices.
This is a concise encyclopedia entry that discusses the applicable law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) with regard to telecommunications, audiovisual, postal and courier services, which are framed in terms of existing WTO classification under the common heading of 'Communication Services'. The chapter analyzes the pertinent rules of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the present state of commitments, the problems faced in light of the recent technological advances that affect, albeit differently, all these sectors. It includes insights from the case-law and a brief overall appraisal of the prospects for change.
Over the past 30 years, states have expanded minors’ authority to consent to health care, including care related to sexual activity. This trend reflects U.S. Supreme Court rulings extending the constitutional right to privacy to a minor’s decision to obtain contraceptives and concluding that rights do not “come into being magically only when one attains the state-defined age of majority.” It also reflects the recognition that while parental involvement is desirable, many minors will remain sexually active but not seek services if they have to tell their parents. As a result, confidentiality is vital to ensuring minors’ access to contraceptive services. Even when a state has no relevant policy or case law, physicians may commonly provide medical care to a mature minor without parental consent, particularly if the state allows a minor to consent to related health services.
Conventional wisdom on the insufficiency of existing WTO disciplines on export restrictions has triggered momentum on the issue. In this book, Ilaria Espa offers a comprehensive analysis of the scope and coverage of WTO disciplines on export restrictions in light of emerging case law. She investigates whether such rules still provide a credible and effective framework capable of preventing abuses in the use of export restrictive measures on critical minerals and metals during a period of economic crisis and change in international trade patterns. Giving a broad overview of the export restrictions applied to these materials, Espa identifies distinctive features in the proliferation of export barriers and analyses the existing WTO rules to reveal their gaps and inconsistencies. She goes on to present solutions based upon her findings with the aim of bringing more coherence and equity to WTO rules on the export side.
El presente trabajo de Tesis Doctoral surge de la Figura de la Dirección Integrada de Proyecto en Edificación (“Project & Construction Management”) y su analisis de la situación regulatoria en la legislación española. El primer planteamiento fue pensar en la situación actual de esta figura en el contexto internacional, para analizar su repercusión en el sector de la edificación, lo cual me llevo a cabo las siguientes preguntas que he reuelto en esta investigación. ¿ Como surge el ¨Project & Construction Management”? ¿ Cuales son sus actividades, funciones y cometidos? ¿ Existe el ¨Project & Construction Management” en otros países? ¿Hay regulación del ¨Project & Construction Management” en esos paises? ¿Cómo es la regulación del ¨Project & Construction Management”? ¿Existe demanda del ¨Project & Construction Management” en España? ¿Cómo es esa demanda en España, y como se puede cuantificar? ¿Existe regulación del ¨Project & Construction Management” en España? ¿ Como debería ser la regulación del ¨Project & Construction Management” en España? Todas las preguntas anteriores las he ido respondiendo con el presente trabajo, llegando a una serie de respuestas, que están reflejadas en el desarrollo del presente trabajo y que resumo: - EL ¨Project & Construction Management” surge a principios del siglo XX en USA, desarrollándose como una disciplina con metodología propia y extendiéndose por otros países. - EL ¨Project & Construction Management” es una disciplina, basada en una metodología propia con herramientas y técnicas para organizar cualquier 14 proyecto de cualquier tipo, pero en este caso un proyecto de edificación, para lo cual he definido con todo detalle esta figura. - El origen del ¨Project & Construction Management” es anglosajón, concretamente en USA, extendiendose luego al Reino Unido, a Europa (Francia y Alemania), a Asia, a América del Sur y a Oceanía. - En todos los paises estudiados (Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Francia y Alemania) existe una regulación sobre el ¨Project & Construction Management” que me ha servido de base comparativa para introducirla en España. - Hay muchas empresas en España (Nacionales e Internacionales) que ejercen su actividad dentro de este sector, por lo que para realizar un estudio más profundo, hice una muestra de las 30 empresas más significativas, prepare un cuestionario, dividido en 5 apartados: Organizativo, Sectorial, Cualitativo, Cuantitativo y Profesional para obtener una radiogradía de la situación real del sector, y así valorar cual es la importancia de este agente. - Estudié las posibles regulaciones del ¨Project & Construction Management” en España y no encontré ninguna. - El lugar idóneo para que se regule al ¨Project & Construction Management” es la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación (LOE), ya que la jurisprudencia (sentencias de los tribunales de justicia españoles) le ha asimilado con los agentes de la LOE y se ha basado para absolver o condenar en la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación. Por lo que el Objetivo fundamental de esta tesis ha sido regular la figura del ¨Project & Construction Management”, traducirla al Castellano, definirla y realizar una estructura de Agente de la Edificación, según la LOE, para poder introducirla dentro de la Legislación Española, con el objeto de mejorar la calidad de la edificación, proteger al usuario, estableciendo responsabilidades y garantías y proteger al ¨Project & Construction Management” de las responsabilidades solidarias. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis figure emerges from the Integrated Building Project ("Project & Construction Management") and his analysis of the regulatory situation in the Spanish legislation. The first approach was to think of the current situation of this figure in the international context, to analyze its impact on the building sector, which I conducted the following questions that I have met in this research. - How did the “Project & Construction Management "? - What are your activities, functions and duties? - Is there a “Project & Construction Management "in other countries? - Is there regulation “Project & Construction Management "in these countries? - How is regulation of ¨ Project & Construction Management "? - Is there demand “Project & Construction Management "in Spain? - How is that demand in Spain, and as you can quantify? - Is there regulation “Project & Construction Management "in Spain? - How should regulation ¨Project & Construction Management "in Spain? All the above questions have been answered with this study, leading to a series of responses, which are reflected in the development of this study and are summarized: - The ¨ Project & Construction Management "comes early twentieth century in the USA, developed as a discipline with its own methodology and extending other countries. - The ¨ Project & Construction Management "is a discipline based on a metodology own tools and techniques to organize any project of any kind, but in this case a building project, for which I have defined in detail this figure. - The origin of ¨Project & Construction Management "is Anglo-Saxon, particularly in USA, then spreading to the UK, Europe (France and Germany), Asia, South America and Oceania. - In all countries studied (USA, UK, France and Germany) there is a regulation on ¨Project & Construction Management "has helped me to introduce comparative base in Spain. - There are many companies in Spain (National and International) who perform work within this sector, so for further study, I made a sample of the 30 most important companies, prepare a questionnaire, divided into five sections: Organizational , Sector, Qualitative, Quantitative and Professional radiography for a real situation of the sector, and thus assess which is the importance of this agent. - Study the possible regulations ¨Project & Construction Management "in Spain and found none. - The place to be regulated to ¨Project & Construction Management "is the Law of Construction Planning (LOE), as the case law (judgments of the courts Spanish) has assimilated LOE agents and has been based to absolve or condemn Law Construction Planning. So the objective of this thesis has been regular figure ¨ Project & Construction Management ", translated to spanish, define and perform an Agent structure of the Building, as the LOE, to enter into Spanish law, in order to improve the quality of the building, protecting the user, establishing responsibilities and guarantees and protect the ¨ Project & Construction Management "solidarity responsibilities.
La limitazione del brevetto in corso di causa è uno dei temi più caldi ed attuali del contenzioso brevettuale, a seguito dell’introduzione nel Codice della Proprietà Industriale, con la riforma dell’agosto 2010, del 3° comma dell’art. 79, a mente del quale “In un giudizio di nullità, il titolare ha facoltà di sottoporre al giudice, in ogni stato e grado del giudizio, una riformulazione delle rivendicazioni che rimanga entro i limiti del contenuto della domanda di brevetto quale inizialmente depositata e non estenda la protezione conferita dal brevetto concesso”. L’applicazione della disposizione in discorso genera una serie di interrogativi, ai quali giurisprudenza e dottrina cercano di rispondere, e determina, e sempre più determinerà, un cambiamento radicale dello svolgimento del contenzioso brevettuale, con la possibilità di un “riassetto” della privativa, anche per successivi tentativi, nella quale anche il C.T.U. è spesso (e non senza contestazioni, a questo riguardo) parte attiva, non essendo infrequente che questo offra indicazioni circa la sussistenza di un margine di validità del titolo . L’elaborato tenta, quindi, di approfondire le problematiche di natura sostanziale e procedurale che l’articolo 79, comma 3, C.P.I. solleva, ripercorrendo con l’occasione le possibili facoltà di intervento sul brevetto, sia allo stato di domanda, che a seguito di concessione, che l’ordinamento mette a disposizione dell’inventore per perfezionare la propria privativa.
A presente dissertação tem como tema central a onerosidade excessiva na revisão e extinção dos contratos no direito civil brasileiro. Ela aborda as hipóteses de rompimento do princípio do equilíbrio econômico contratual na fase de execução dos contratos em virtude da superveniência de fatos extraordinários e imprevisíveis que interrompem sua originária relação de equivalência. O presente estudo divide-se em seis grandes partes. Em primeiro lugar, fazem-se necessárias uma introdução e uma descrição da problemática relacionada ao tema. Em seguida, apresenta-se a origem histórica da revisão e da extinção contratual a partir do exame da cláusula rebus sic stantibus. Feito isso, são relatadas as teorias que as fundamentam pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência antes do advento do texto legal expresso que trata da matéria. Concluída essa fase histórica, analisa-se o direito positivo brasileiro vigente, primeiramente, por questões cronológicas, a revisão por onerosidade excessiva no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Posteriormente, as disposições legais inseridas no Código Civil que possibilitam a revisão e resolução dos contratos por onerosidade excessiva, com uma análise dogmática dos pressupostos positivos e negativos necessários à aplicação dos arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil. Em seguida, o estudo procura analisar algumas questões pontuais relacionadas à aplicação dos dois artigos, tais como: (i) quem tem legitimidade e interesse para requerer a revisão e resolução dos contratos, de acordo com os arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil, respectivamente; (ii) qual é o papel do juiz na revisão e resolução dos contratos, de acordo com os arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil, respectivamente; e (iii) se há concorrência na aplicação desses artigos ou deve ser observado um procedimento sequencial em atenção ao princípio da preservação dos contratos. Finalmente, o trabalho apresenta breve síntese e conclusões.
O presente trabalho examina a interpretação das imunidades tributárias previstas no art. 150, VI, da Constituição Federal brasileira de 1988. Em primeiro lugar, são examinadas as teorias sobre a interpretação jurídica e conclui-se que a interpretação deve ser entendida como a construção do sentido do texto. No entanto, tal interpretação está limitada ao sentido literal possível do texto e, ademais, deve ser devidamente fundamentada, através do discurso argumentativo, de modo que a decisão possa ser intersubjetivamente controlada. Conclui-se que, no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, têm primazia os argumentos de natureza linguística e sistemática, visto que se referem diretamente à ordem jurídica vigente. E, dentre os argumentos sistemáticos, deve-se prestigiar aquele sentido que seja mais consentâneo com o princípio constitucional subjacente ao dispositivo a ser interpretado. As mesmas conclusões aplicam-se às normas de Direito Tributário, já que estão sujeitas aos mesmos métodos de interpretação aplicáveis às demais normas jurídicas. Contudo, deve ser ressaltado que as normas que estabelecem a incidência dos tributos, bem como os preceitos que fixam a competência, incluindo as imunidades, têm sua interpretação limitada ao sentido literal possível, sendo vedado o recurso à analogia. Diante disso, afirma-se que, na aplicação desses preceitos, devem ser considerados principalmente os argumentos linguísticos, que limitam a interpretação ao sentido possível do texto, e os argumentos sistemáticos, que estudam a relação das imunidades com as outras normas inseridas no ordenamento pátrio, especialmente os princípios constitucionais. Nesse estudo, deve ser examinada a função exercida pelas imunidades, que não apenas bloqueiam a instituição de tributos, como podem resguardar certas condutas e promover um estado de coisas desejado pelo Estado. Estabelecidas tais premissas, são examinadas as imunidades do art. 150, VI, da Constituição, tendo em vista as principais questões hoje debatidas pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência acerca desses preceitos.
This Article examines a problem in cybercrime law that is both persistent and pervasive. What counts as “communication” on the Internet? Defining the term is particularly important for crimes such as cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying, where most statutes require a showing that the alleged perpetrator “communicated” with the victim or impose a similar requirement through slightly different language. This Article takes up the important task of defining communication. As a foundation to our discussion, we provide the first comprehensive survey of state statutes and case law relating to cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying. We then examine the realities of the way people use the Internet to develop a definition of “communication” that reflects those realities. That is, we aim to provide effective tools by which prosecutors can address wrongful conduct without punishing innocuous behavior or chilling speech. We conclude by proposing a model statute that appropriately defines “communication.” We recommend that state legislatures adopt the statute or modify existing laws to match it in pertinent part and demonstrate how the statute would apply in a range of situations.
Límites a la interpretación dinámica de los convenios de doble imposición internacional: el caso ING
El presente trabajo contiene algunas reflexiones críticas sobre el valor hermenéutico de los Comentarios al Convenio Modelo de la OCDE y su interpretación dinámica, más o menos matizada, al hilo de la Sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional de 10 de julio de 2015, dictada en el Caso ING. La interpretación de los convenios de doble imposición internacional ha concitado desde antiguo posturas encontradas tanto en el plano doctrinal como jurisprudencial; discusión que cobra hoy renovada importancia en relación con el soft law en general, y las recomendaciones del Proyecto BEPS de la OCDE, en particular.