886 resultados para careers


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Equality with men in the world of paid work has been a major feminist objective. Given that work in the `public' sphere has historically been shaped on the assumption that the `worker' will be male, then national employment systems which facilitate masculine employment patterns (i.e. full-time work and unbroken employment careers) might be expected to be more likely to generate gender equality. This paper compares women's employment in France (where `masculine' careers for women are common) and Britain (where part-time work and broken employment careers are more likely) at the macro, meso (occupational), and micro (individual) levels. The two occupations studied are finance and pharmacy. The evidence presented suggests that there are considerable similarities between women in the two countries at the occupational and individual level, despite national variations. In the light of this evidence, structural and individual explanations of women's employment behaviour are examined, and the continuing significance of structural constraint on the patterning of gender relations is emphasised.


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The purpose of this article is to analyze how professionals who decided to risk intramobility in their careers and who were hired by organizations from the industrial complex of Camaçari (Bahia) perceive the development of people management strategies that target intranational interculturality within these organizations. To achieve this, besides a review and theoretical analysis of the concepts of mobility, intercultural management and people management in organizations, 13 professionals were interviewed who had moved from different Brazilian states to work in companies in this particular complex. The results indicate that generally organizations ignore intercultural aspects, which is reflected in a gap in people management strategies. One indication of this refers to the lack of initial support, which generates problems for the individuals who arrive with great expectations in their new workplace. Furthermore, there is evidence that the financial help provided is insufficient and it becomes necessary to pay attention also to subjective aspects that involve relocation and the consequent international interculturality. Finally, it is believed that expansion of the focus of studies on intercultural management, with a look at intranational aspects, makes it possible to learn theoretical and practical lessons because of the experiences of the players who underwent the process, since intercultural management and people management can generate comparative advantages for organizations.


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This book gives a general view of sequence analysis, the statistical study of successions of states or events. It includes innovative contributions on life course studies, transitions into and out of employment, contemporaneous and historical careers, and political trajectories. The approach presented in this book is now central to the life-course perspective and the study of social processes more generally. This volume promotes the dialogue between approaches to sequence analysis that developed separately, within traditions contrasted in space and disciplines. It includes the latest developments in sequential concepts, coding, atypical datasets and time patterns, optimal matching and alternative algorithms, survey optimization, and visualization. Field studies include original sequential material related to parenting in 19th-century Belgium, higher education and work in Finland and Italy, family formation before and after German reunification, French Jews persecuted in occupied France, long-term trends in electoral participation, and regime democratization. Overall the book reassesses the classical uses of sequences and it promotes new ways of collecting, formatting, representing and processing them. The introduction provides basic sequential concepts and tools, as well as a history of the method. Chapters are presented in a way that is both accessible to the beginner and informative to the expert.


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ABSTRACT A phenomenon closely linked to changes in social, economic, and cultural context is growing and growing as the years go by and attracting the attention of researchers for the development of studies involving both the individual and the organizational field. Named as "dual career family", this phenomenon emphasizes a joint move from a husband and wife (a couple) in the family sphere and in the development of both careers. Thus, in order to know how these relationships are being established, this study set out to investigate what are the determining factors that compose the dual career phenomenon in the Brazilian context. The research involved 340 participants, all former students of a public university, married or living in a marital status. The results allowed to feature, through descriptive statistics, the profile of dual career couples in the Brazilian scene and check what are the types of dual career in the country. We obtained five types of dual career: coordinated familistic, conventional familistic, coordinated careerist, conventional careerist and acrobat.


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The recent wave of upheavals and revolts in Northern Africa and the Middle East goes back to an old question often raised by theories of collective action: does repression act as a negative or positive incentive for further mobilization? Through a review of the vast literature devoted to this question, this article aims to go beyond theoretical and methodological dead-ends. The article moves on to non-Western settings in order to better understand, via a macro-sociological and dynamic approach, the causal effects between mobilizations and repression. It pleads for a meso- and micro-level approach to this issue: an approach that puts analytical emphasis both on protest organizations and on individual activists' careers.


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News from the Iowa Careers Consortium


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This paper proposes an analysis of training courses and their connection to other biographical lines, by highlighting their evolution according to social origin and gender. The variable of having received a diploma does not fully explain the longitudinal characteristics of the courses: the social inequalities prove to be also inequalities from the point of view of the followed itinerary. The range of available trajectories as well as the possibility of deviating in order to fulfil a custom trajectory depends on the social characteristics. The training course is connected to other biographical lines, in particular the family and the profession.


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We examined the reciprocal influence between educational decisions and the timing of first births, using the Family and Fertility Surveys of France and West Germany. Since these two processes are potentially endogenous, we modelled them jointly, using event history models. We hypothesise that the reciprocal impact of educational and fertility careers, as well as the impact of the common determinants of both processes, are gender specific and context specific.The results show a significant endogeneity for women and men in both countries. This endogeneity is stronger for women than for men, while no substantial differences are found between the two countries. Removing this shared and unobserved heterogeneity, the results show a stronger reciprocal impact between the processes for women than for men. A similar impact of being enrolled in education on first birth in both countries is found, while the effect of the birth (and especially of the pregnancy) of the first child on terminating one’s education appeared to be more marked in West Gernany than in France.


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This paper studies the theoretical relationships between core research lines of sociology such as intergenerational mobility, class structure, cultural capital and educational mismatches. By educational mismatch we mean two things. Firstly an individual can be horizontally mismatched whereby their field of study is inadequate for the job. Another direction of educational mismatch is the so called vertical mismatch where worker possesses more/less education than the job requires resulting in over-/under-education. While analyzing the educational mismatches I keep present the conclusions of Rational Action Theory on individuals’ rational choices in their educational careers. I arrive to conclusions where the influences between educational mismatches and social classes are bidirectional and one can establish fairly clear theoretical links between class of origins and likelihood of being educationally mismatched.


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News from the Iowa Careers Consortium


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News from the Iowa Careers Consortium


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News from the Iowa Careers Consortium


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Aquesta recerca aborda la interpretació de les relacions entre escolarització, immigració i gènere de forma complexa mitjançant la construcció d’una recerca visual narrativa i d’històries de vida amb el grup de noies/dones immigrades procedent dels països del sud d’Àsia que viuen i han estat escolaritzades –totalment o parcialment– a Catalunya. La investigació dóna visibilitat a les trajectòries d’èxit escolar de les noies/dones immigrades al seu pas per l’escola secundària, tot narrant: les seves expectatives i desitjos, els moments i canvis, les identitats i relacions, així com els aprenentatges assolits i les perspectives de futur. La recerca s’ha portat a terme a partir d’observar, entrevistar i conversar amb diversos grups de noies immigrades (principalment de la regió del Panjab de l’Índia i el Pakistan) en 4 centres educatius i 1 entitat, de l’àmbit de Barcelona i la seva àrea metropolitana. La investigació reconstrueix la trajectòria de 20 noies immigrades com a protagonistes. El treball de camp etnogràfic i la construcció de les històries visuals de vida culmina amb l’edició d’un documental audiovisual. De forma resumida, l’anàlisi de les dades realitzada a partir del treball de camp etnogràfic, de les entrevistes en profunditat i les converses en els cinc contextos presentats, s’organitza d’acord amb els següents eixos temàtics: 1. Migracions, espacialització i mobilitat en un context transnacional i local; 2. La construcció de les subjectivitats i del gènere de les adolescents/adultes immigrades; 3. Processos d’escolarització i formació a Catalunya de les noies/dones immigrades; i 4. Visibilitat, visualitat i representació en la recerca.


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News from the Iowa Careers Consortium