979 resultados para bradykinin-related peptides


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High-affinity (Kd = 1 × 10−9 M) anti-platelet GPIIIa has been isolated from serum immune complexes of immunologic thrombocytopenic HIV-1-infected patients (HIV-1-ITP). Affinity-purified anti-platelet antibody reacted with a recombinant GPIIIa-(1–200) and -(1–66) fusion peptide and with an 18-mer GPIIIa-(49–66) peptide but not with seven other GPIIIa peptides spanning the length of GPIIIa. Most of the anti-platelet antibody (≈85%) could be adsorbed to and eluted from a GPIIIa-(49–66) affinity column. Binding of antibody to platelets could be inhibited by GPIIIa-(49–66) or an equimolar peptide-albumin conjugate (IC50 = 2 μM). Sera from 7 control subjects and 10 classic autoimmune thrombocytopenic patients gave background reactivity with GPIIIa-(49–66). HIV-1-ITP sera from 16 patients reacted with a mean OD 6-fold greater than background (range, 4- to 9-fold). Serum anti-GPIIIa-(49–66) concentration correlated inversely with platelet count, R2 = 0.51, n = 31, P < 0.0001. Because mouse platelet GPIIIa-(49–66) has 83% homology with human GPIIIa and mouse monocytes contain Fc receptors for the human IgG1-κ/λ antibody, we determined the in vivo effect of human anti-GPIIIa on mouse platelets. Affinity-purified antibody, 25–50 μg given i.p., resulted in a precipitous drop in platelet count to 30% of baseline, with nadir at 4 hr and return to normal in 36 hr. No effect was noted with control IgG. Acute thrombocytopenia could be prevented or reversed by the injection of the GPIIIa-(49–66) albumin conjugate at zero time or 2 hr after antibody, respectively, but not with a scrambled peptide-albumin conjugate. Thus HIV-1-ITP patients have high-affinity anti-platelet GPIIIa against a major antigenic determinant, GPIIIa-(49–66), which correlates inversely with platelet count and induces thrombocytopenia in mice.


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Insects defend themselves against infectious microorganisms by synthesizing potent antimicrobial peptides. Drosophila has appeared in recent years as a favorable model to study this innate host defense. A genetic analysis of the regulation of the antifungal peptide drosomycin has demonstrated a key role for the transmembrane receptor Toll, which prompted the search for mammalian homologs. Two of these, Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4, recently were shown to play a critical role in innate immunity against bacteria. Here we describe six additional Toll-related genes (Toll-3 to Toll-8) in Drosophila in addition to 18-wheeler. Two of these genes, Toll-3 and Toll-4, are expressed at a low level. Toll-6, -7, and -8, on the other hand, are expressed at high levels during embryogenesis and molting, suggesting that, like Toll and 18w, they perform developmental functions. Finally, Toll-5 is expressed only in larvae and adults. By using chimeric constructs, we have tested the capacity of the signaling Toll/IL-1R homology domains of these receptors to activate antimicrobial peptide promoters and found that only Toll and Toll-5 can activate the drosomycin promoter in transfected cells, thus demonstrating specificity at the level of the Toll/IL-1R homology domain. In contrast, none of these constructs activated antibacterial peptide promoters, suggesting that Toll-related receptors are not involved in the regulation of antibacterial peptide expression. This result was independently confirmed by the demonstration that a dominant-negative version of the kinase Pelle can block induction of drosomycin by the cytokine Spaetzle, but does not affect induction of the antibacterial peptide attacin by lipopolysaccharide.


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Multizinc finger peptides are likely to reach increased prominence in the search for the “ideal” designer transcription factor for in vivo applications such as gene therapy. However, for these treatments to be effective and safe, the peptides must bind with high affinity and, more importantly, with great specificity. Our previous research has shown that zinc finger arrays can be made to bind 18 bp of DNA with picomolar affinity, but also has suggested that arrays of fingers also may bind tightly to related sequences. This work addresses the question of zinc finger DNA binding specificity. We show that by changing the way in which zinc finger arrays are constructed—by linking three two-finger domains rather than two three-finger units—far greater target specificity can be achieved through increased discrimination against mutated or closely related sequences. These new peptides have the added capability of being able to span two short gaps of unbound DNA, although still binding with picomolar affinity to their target sites. We believe that this new method of constructing zinc finger arrays will offer greater efficacy in the fields of gene therapy and in the production of transgenic organisms than previously reported zinc finger arrays.


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The Shc adaptor protein, hereafter referred to as ShcA, possesses two distinct phosphotyrosine-recognition modules, a C-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain and an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain, and is itself phosphorylated on tyrosine in response to many extracellular signals. Phosphorylation of human ShcA at Tyr-317 within its central (CH1) region induces binding to the Grb2 SH2 domain and is thereby implicated in activation of the Ras pathway. Two shc-related genes (shcB and shcC) have been identified in the mouse. shcB is closely related to human SCK, while shcC has not yet been found in other organisms. The ShcC protein is predicted to have a C-terminal SH2 domain, a CH1 region with a putative Grb2-binding site, and an N-terminal PTB domain. The ShcC and ShcB SH2 domains bind phosphotyrosine-containing peptides and receptors with a specificity related to, but distinct from, that of the ShcA SH2 domain. The ShcC PTB domain specifically associates in vitro with the autophosphorylated receptors for nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor. These results indicate that ShcC has functional SH2 and PTB; domains. In contrast to shcA, which is widely expressed, shcC RNA and proteins are predominantly expressed in the adult brain. These results suggest that ShcC may mediate signaling from tyrosine kinases in the nervous system, such as receptors for neurotrophins.


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A key event in Ras-mediated signal transduction and transformation involves Ras interaction with its downstream effector targets. Although substantial evidence has established that the Raf-1 serine/threonine kinase is a critical effector of Ras function, there is increasing evidence that Ras function is mediated through interaction with multiple effectors to trigger Raf-independent signaling pathways. In addition to the two Ras GTPase activating proteins (GAPs; p120- and NF1-GAP), other candidate effectors include activators of the Ras-related Ral proteins (RalGDS and RGL) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Interaction between Ras and its effectors requires an intact Ras effector domain and involves preferential recognition of active Ras-GTP. Surprisingly, these functionally diverse effectors lack significant sequence homology and no consensus Ras binding sequence has been described. We have now identified a consensus Ras binding sequence shared among a subset of Ras effectors. We have also shown that peptides containing this sequence from Raf-1 (RKTFLKLA) and NF1-GAP (RRFFLDIA) block NF1-GAP stimulation of Ras GTPase activity and Ras-mediated activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. In summary, the identification of a consensus Ras-GTP binding sequence establishes a structural basis for the ability of diverse effector proteins to interact with Ras-GTP. Furthermore, our demonstration that peptides that contain Ras-GTP binding sequences can block Ras function provides a step toward the development of anti-Ras agents.


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Srp1p, the protein encoded by SRP1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a nuclear-pore-associated protein. Its Xenopus homolog, importin, was recently shown to be an essential component required for nuclear localization signal (NLS)-dependent binding of karyophilic proteins to the nuclear envelope [Gorlich, D., Prehn, S., Laskey, R. A. & Hartman, E. (1994) Cell 79, 767-778]. We have discovered a protein kinase whose activity is stimulated by Srp1p (Srp1p fused to glutathione S-transferase and expressed in Escherichia coli) and is detected by phosphorylation of Srp1p and of a 36-kDa protein, a component of the protein kinase complex. The enzyme, called Srp1p kinase, is a protein-serine kinase and was found in extracts in two related complexes of approximately 180 kDa and 220 kDa. The second complex, when purified, contained four protein components including the 36-kDa protein. We observed that, upon purification of the kinase, phosphorylation of Srp1p became very weak, while activation of phosphorylation of the 36-kDa protein by Srp1p remained unaltered. Significantly, NLS peptides and the nuclear proteins we have tested greatly stimulated phosphorylation of Srp1p, suggesting that Srp1p, complexed with karyophilic proteins carrying an NLS, is the in vivo substrate of this protein kinase.


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The sliding clamp of the Escherichia coli replisome is now understood to interact with many proteins involved in DNA synthesis and repair. A universal interaction motif is proposed to be one mechanism by which those proteins bind the E. coli sliding clamp, a homodimer of the beta subunit, at a single site on the dimer. The numerous beta(2)-binding proteins have various versions of the consensus interaction motif, including a related hexameric sequence. To determine if the variants of the motif could contribute to the competition of the beta-binding proteins for the beta(2) site, synthetic peptides derived from the putative beta(2)-binding motifs were assessed for their abilities to inhibit protein-beta(2) interactions, to bind directly to beta(2), and to inhibit DNA synthesis in vitro. A hierarchy emerged, which was consistent with sequence similarity to the pentameric consensus motif, QL(S/D)LF, and peptides containing proposed hexameric motifs were shown to have activities comparable to those containing the consensus sequence. The hierarchy of peptide binding may be indicative of a competitive hierarchy for the binding of proteins to beta(2) in various stages or circumstances of DNA replication and repair.


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The plant cyclotides are a fascinating family of circular proteins that contain a cyclic cystine knot motif (CCK). This unique family was discovered only recently but contains over 50 known sequences to date. Various biological activities are associated with these peptides including antimicrobial and insecticidal activity. The knotted topology and cyclic nature of the cyclotides; poses interesting questions about the folding mechanisms and how the knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds is formed. Some studies have been performed on related inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) containing peptides, but little is known about the folding mechanisms of CCK molecules. We have examined the oxidative refolding and reductive unfolding of the prototypic member of the cyclotide family, kalata B1. Analysis of the rates of formation of the intermediates along the reductive unfolding pathway highlights the stability conferred by the cystine knot motif. Significant differences are observed between the folding of kalata B1 and an acyclic cystine knot protein, EETI-II, suggesting that the circular backbone has a significant influence in directing the folding pathway.


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Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immunogenicity of liposomes containing mannosylated lipid core peptide (manLCP) constructs, both in vitro and in vivo, with or without the addition of the immune stimulating adjuvant Quil A. Methods. Mouse bone marrow dendritic cells (BMDC) were cultured with liposome formulations for 48 h, and the resulting level of BMDC activation was determined by flow cytometry. BMDC pulsed with liposome formulations were incubated with 5,6-carboxyfluoroscein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled T cells for 72 h and the resulting T cell proliferation was determined by flow cytometry. To investigate the immunogenicity of formulations in vivo, groups of C57Bl/6J mice were immunized by subcutaneous injection, and the resulting antigen-specific cytotoxic and protective immune responses toward tumor challenge evaluated. Results. Despite being unable to demonstrate the activation of BMDC, BMDC pulsed with liposomes containing manLCP constructs were able to stimulate the proliferation of naive T cells in vitro. However, in vivo only liposomes containing both manLCP and Quil A were able to stimulate a strong antigen-specific cytotoxic immune response. Liposomes containing manLCP and Quil A within the same particle were able to protect against the growth of tumor cells to a similar level as if the antigen was administered in alum with CD4 help. Conclusion. ManLCPs administered in liposomes are able to stimulate strong cytotoxic and protective immune responses if Quil A is also incorporated as an adjuvant.


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Protective roles for protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) in the airways including activation of epithelial chloride (Cl-) secretion are based on the use of presumably PAR(2)-selective peptide agonists. To determine whether PAR(2) peptide-activated Cl- secretion from mouse tracheal epithelium is dependent on PAR(2), changes in ion conductance across the epithelium [short-circuit current (I-SC)] to PAR(2) peptides were measured in Ussing chambers under voltage clamp. In addition, epithelium and endothelium-dependent relaxations to these peptides were measured in two established PAR(2) bioassays, isolated ring segments of mouse trachea and rat thoracic aorta, respectively. Apical application of the PAR(2) peptide SLIGRL caused increases in I-SC, which were inhibited by three structurally different neurokinin receptor-1 (NK1R) antagonists and inhibitors of Cl- channels but not by capsaicin, the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist CGRP(8-37), or the nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Only high concentrations of trypsin caused an increase in I-SC but did not affect the responses to SLIGRL. Relaxations to SLIGRL in the trachea and aorta were unaffected by the NK1R antagonist nolpitantium (SR 140333) but were abolished by trypsin desensitization. The rank order of potency for a range of peptides in the trachea I-SC assay was 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLCGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > LSIGRL compared with 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > SLCGRL (LSIGRL inactive) in the aorta relaxation assay. In the mouse trachea, PAR(2) peptides activate both epithelial NK1R coupled to Cl- secretion and PAR(2) coupled to prostaglandin E-2-mediated smooth muscle relaxation. Such a potential lack of specificity of these commonly used peptides needs to be considered when roles for PAR(2) in airway function in health and disease are determined.


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1. The receptors which mediate the effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), amylin and adrenomedullin on the guinea-pig vas deferens have been investigated. 2. All three peptides cause concentration dependant inhibitions of the electrically stimulated twitch response (pD 2s for CGRP, amylin and adrenomedullin of 7.90 ± 0.11, 7.70 ± 0.19 and 7.25 ± 0.10 respectively). 3. CGRP 8-37 (1 μM) and AC187 (10 μM) showed little antagonist activity against adrenomedullin. 4. Adrenomedullin 22-52 by itself inhibited the electrically stimulated contractions of the vas deferens and also antagonized the responses to CGRP, amylin and adrenomedullin. 5. [ 125I]-adrenomedullin labelled a single population of binding sites in vas deferens membranes with a pIC 50 of 8.91 and a capacity of 643 fmol mg -1. Its selectivity profile was adrenomedullin > AC187 > CGRP = amylin. It was clearly distinct from a site labelled by [ 125I]-CGRP (pIC 50 = 8.73, capacity = 114 fmol mg -1, selectivity CGRP > amylin = AC187 > adrenomedullin). [ 125I]-amylin bound to two sites with a total capacity of 882 fmol mg -1. 6. Although CGRP has been shown to act at a CGRP 2 receptor on the vas deferens with low sensitivity to CGRP 8-37, this antagonist displaced [ 125I]-CGRP with high affinity from vas deferens membranes. This affinity was unaltered by increasing the temperature from 4°C to 25°C, suggesting the anomalous behaviour of CGRP 8-37 is not due to temperature differences between binding and functional assays.


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1. Structure-activity relationships for the binding of human α-calcitonin gene-related peptide 8-37 (hαCGRP8-37) have been investigated at the CGRP receptors expressed by human SK-N-MC (neuroblastoma) and Col 29 (colonic epithelia) cells by radioligand binding assays and functional assays (hαCGRP stimulation of adenylate cyclase). 2. On SK-N-MC cells the potency order was hαCGRP8-37 > hαCGRP19-37 = AC187 > rat amylin8-37 > hα[Tyr0]-CGRP28-37 (apparent pKBS of 7.49 ± 0.25, 5.89 ± 0.20, 6.18 ± 0.19, 5.85 ± 0.19 and 5.25 ± 0.07). The SK-N-MC receptor appeared CGRP1-like. 3. On Col 29 cells, only hαCGRP8-37 of the above compounds was able to antagonize the actions of hαCGRP (apparent pKB = 6.48 ± 0.28). Its receptor appeared CGRP2-like. 4. hα[Ala11,18]-CGRP8-37, where the amphipathic nature of the N-terminal α-helix has been reduced, bound to SK-N-MC cells a 100 fold less strongly than hαCGRP8-37. 5. On SK-N-MC cells, hαCGRP(8-18, 28-37) (M433) and mastoparan-hαCGRP28-37 (M432) had apparent pKBS of 6.64 ± 0.16 and 6.42 ± 0.26, suggesting that residues 19-27 play a minor role in binding. The physico-chemical properties of residues 8-18 may be more important than any specific side-chain interactions. 6. M433 was almost as potent as hαCGRP8-37 on Col 29 cells (apparent pKB = 6.17 ± 0.20). Other antagonists were inactive.


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A neuronal cell line (NG115-401L-C3) was stimulated by mitogenic (angiotensin) and non-mitogenic (bradykinin) peptides and examined for the time course of changes in the levels of radiolabelled inositol phosphates and phospholipids. Both peptides stimulated the time-dependent production of Ins(1,4,5)P3 and related metabolites. Bradykinin caused a much larger increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 than did angiotensin. However, both peptides stimulated similar rises in the levels of Ins(1,3,4)P3 and InsP4. Bradykinin but not angiotensin, caused a rapid (within 2 s) fall in the levels of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(4)P. Serum pretreatment of the cells caused a 2-3-fold potentiation of both the responses to bradykinin and angiotensin. Although significant levels of PtdIns(3)P were detected in resting cells neither mitogenic (angiotensin, insulin-like growth factor I, transforming growth factor beta) nor non-mitogenic (bradykinin, nerve growth factor interleukin-1) receptor activation changed its levels, arguing against regulation of either PtdIns 3-kinase or PtdIns(3)P phosphatase. We conclude that, as judged by the levels of its product. PtdIns(3)P, the enzyme PtdIns 3-kinase is not activated. This questions the significance of this activity in the receptor-mediated initiation of DNA synthesis.


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The receptors for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM) are complexes of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMP). The CGRP receptor is a CLR/RAMP1 pairing whereas CLR/RAMP2 and CLR/RAMP3 constitute two subtypes of AM receptor: AM(1) and AM(2), respectively. Previous studies identified Glu74 in RAMP3 to be important for AM binding and potency. To further understand the importance of this residue and its equivalent in RAMP1 (Trp74) we substituted the native amino acids with several others. In RAMP3, these were Trp, Phe, Tyr, Ala, Ser, Thr, Arg and Asn; in RAMP1, Glu, Phe, Tyr, Ala and Asn substitutions were made. The mutant RAMPs were co-expressed with CLR in Cos7 cells; receptor function in response to AM, AM(2)/intermedin and CGRP was measured in a cAMP assay and cell surface expression was determined by ELISA. Phe reduced AM potency in RAMP3 but had no effect in RAMP1. In contrast, Tyr had no effect in RAMP3 but enhanced AM potency in RAMP1. Most other substitutions had a small effect on AM potency in both receptors whereas there was little impact on CGRP or AM(2) potency. Overall, these data suggest that the geometry and charge of the residue at position 74 contribute to how AM interacts with the AM(2) and CGRP receptors and confirms the role of this position in dictating differential AM pharmacology at the AM(2) and CGRP receptors.


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Adrenomedullin (AM), adrenomedullin 2 (AM2/intermedin) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are members of the calcitonin family of peptides. They can act as growth or survival factors for a number of tumours, including those that are endocrine-related. One mechanism through which this occurs is stimulating angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. AM is expressed by numerous tumour types and for some cancers, plasma AM levels can be correlated with the severity of the disease. In cancer models, lowering AM content or blocking AM receptors can reduce tumour mass. AM receptors are complexes formed between a seven transmembrane protein, calcitonin receptor-like receptor and one of the two accessory proteins, receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs) 2 or 3 to give the AM1 and AM2 receptors respectively. AM also has affinity at the CGRP receptor, which uses RAMP1. Unfortunately, due to a lack of selective pharmacological tools or antibodies to distinguish AM and CGRP receptors, the precise receptors and signal transduction pathways used by the peptides are often uncertain. Two other membrane proteins, RDC1 and L1/G10D (the 'ADMR'), are not currently considered to be genuine CGRP or AM receptors. In order to properly evaluate whether AM or CGRP receptor inhibition has a role in cancer therapy, it is important to identify which receptors mediate the effects of these peptides. To effectively distinguish AM1 and AM2 receptors, selective receptor antagonists need to be developed. The development of specific CGRP receptor antagonists suggests that this is now feasible.