896 resultados para bone density distribution


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Objectivo: Estabelecer valores de referência da robustez óssea nos primeiros dias de vida, em recém-nascidos de termo e pré-termo adequados para a idade de gestação nascidos em Portugal. Métodos: Foi medida a velocidade do som (VdS) (m/s) por ultrassonografia quantitativa, numa amostra sistemática de recém-nascidos adequados para a idade de gestação, de termo e pré-termo, respectivamente nos primeiros dois e cinco dias após o nascimento. Foi avaliada a homogeneidade de valores entre géneros e entre grupos de idade de gestação. Resultados: A amostra constou de 158 recém-nascidos, 34 de termo e 124 pré-termo (idade de gestação entre 26 a 41 semanas), com peso de nascimento de 595 g a 4195 g, 84 do sexo masculino (53,2%) e 20 gémeos (10,8%). A média da VdS aumenta significativamente com a idade de gestação. São providenciados valores de referência da VdS para os percentis 10, 25, 50, 75 e 90, para grupos de idade de gestação, sem distinção para o género. Conclusão: São disponibilizados valores de referência de VdS nos primeiros dias de vida, de recém-nascidos adequados para a idade de gestação, de termo e pré-termo, nascidos em Portugal. Estes valores reflectem a robustez óssea intrauterina e servem de referência basal para estudos evolutivos realizados em Portugal.


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Resumo Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em três capítulos distintos. No primeiro, é caracterizada a doença degenerativa lombar, demorando-se o autor na descrição pormenorizada das alterações anatómicas, biomecânicas, e bioquímicas inerentes à sua ocorrência. Segue-se a descrição da evolução das diferentes formas de terapêutica, enumerando as que de forma clássica mais frequentemente são utilizadas (cirúrgicas e não cirúrgicas). No segundo capítulo, são referidos os mais recentes avanços tecnológicos nesta área, mencionando, nas suas vertentes biomecânicas, clínicas e terapêuticas, as particularidades das estabilizações dinâmicas interespinhosas e pediculares, bem como da artroplastia de disco. Após esta longa introdução, inicia-se o terceiro capítulo no qual se apresenta um estudo prospectivo da avaliação clínica, funcional, imagiológica e da variação da densidade mineral óssea vertebral em 20 doentes com patologia degenerativa, tratados com sistemas de estabilização dinâmica semi-rígida interespinhosa, e seguidos durante dois anos. Do estudo realizado conclui-se que os sistemas referidos são eficazes clínica e funcionalmente no tratamento de doentes com doença degenerativa lombar. Mais ainda, estes instrumentais proporcionam um aumento da altura do disco confirmado na incidência radiográfica de perfil no nível instrumentado. Constatámos ainda que a densidade mineral óssea vertebral dos doentes intervencionados, avaliada com sistema DXA, não demonstra diferenças com significância estatística ao longo do tempo, omparativamente à determinada em idêntica população mas sem qualquer patologia lombar. Acresce que se obteve uma correlação entre a funcionalidade física e a BMD radial, com significância estatística crescente nas duas medições realizadas. Abstract This study is divided in three different chapters. In the first one the author describes the anatomical, biomechanical and biochemical changes that go along with degenerative lumbar spine disease. The therapeutically possibilities are mentioned, mainly with the classic fusion and decompression as well as the non surgical options. Then, in the second chapter, the author describes, from the biomechanical, clinical and therapeutically point of view, the new techniques of dynamic stabilization, interspinous and pedicular systems, as well as disc replacement. After this introduction, in the third chapter a prospective clinical, functional, imagiologic and vertebral bone mineral density variation study is presented. Twenty patients with degenerative lumbar spine disease are selected, and operated with a semi rigid interspinous system device, and followed for a two year period. The author concludes that the interspinous semi rigid systems were clinically and functionally effective in lumbar degenerative patients. It was also founded that the disc height at the implant segment level increased after surgery. Bone density was assessed with a DXA system device. As far as vertebral bone density is concerned, the author found no differences what so ever inside the group during the study, or to an identical control group without any lumbar pathology. The correlation study between the BMD and physical function showed that there was only significant statistically data in radial BMD measurement, and this happened with growing correlation from year 2006 to 2007.


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RESUMO: A presente dissertação para tese de doutoramento apresenta o desenvolvimento e a validação de um método simples e original para o diagnóstico de calcificações vasculares em doentes em diálise, utilizando um score semiquantitativo criado por nós e obtido em RX simples da bacia e das mãos, denominado score de calcifi cação vascular simples. Demonstramos que este score vascular simples é preditor de risco cardiovascular nos doentes em diálise. O score de calcificação vascular simples associou-se ainda à baixa densidade mineral óssea avaliada por dual energy X -ray absortiometry (DXA) no colo do fémur. Verifi camos igualmente que, em doentes em diálise, as calcifi cações coronárias quantifi cadas pelo score de Agatston e o score de calcifi cação vascular simples se associaram a um menor volume ósseo avaliado em biopsias ósseas. Estes trabalhos corroboram a hipótese da existência de um elo de ligação entre a doença óssea e a doença vascular nos doentes em diálise, e um dos elementos que contribuem para este elo de ligação podem ser as calcificações vasculares. Este score de calcificação vascular simples avalia calcifi cações em artérias de grande, médio e pequeno calibre, e inclui os dois padrões radiológicos de calcificação: calcificação linear, associada à calcifi cação da camada média da parede arterial, e calcificação irregular, associada à calcifi cação da camada íntima arterial1. Nos diferentes trabalhos por nós publicados demonstramos que as calcificações vasculares avaliadas por este método simples e barato permitem a identificação de indivíduos com elevado risco cardiovascular. Este score vascular associa -se a maior risco de mortalidade cardiovascular2, de mortalidade de causa global3, de internamentos cardiovasculares2, de doença ardiovascular2, de doença arterial periférica2,4,de calcifi cações valvulares5 e de rigidez arterial3. As guidelines KDIGO (Kidney disease: improving global outcomes), publicadas em 2009,sugerem que os doentes renais crónicos nos estadios 3 a 5, com calcificações vasculares e valvulares, devem ser considerados como apresentando o mais elevado risco cardiovascular6. A elevada mortalidade dos doentes renais crónicos não é totalmente explicada pelos fatores de risco tradicionais7. A organização KDIGO defende, desde 2006, a hipótese da existência de um elo de ligação entre a doença óssea e a doença vascular8. Esta ligação pode ser explicada pelas alterações do metabolismo mineral e ósseo e pela sua interação com as calcificações vasculares. Verificamos, nos nossos trabalhos, uma associação entre calcifi cações vasculares e doença óssea. O baixo volume ósseo diagnosticado por análise histomorfométrica de biopsias ósseas foi preditor de maior risco de calcificações vasculares avaliadas pelo score de calcifi cação vascular simples (dados apresentados nesta dissertação, no capítulo 6) e pelo score coronário de Agatston num grupo de doentes em diálise9. A contribuição original deste artigo9 foi considerada merecedora de um editorial feito pelo Dr. Gérard London10, investigador líder na área da calcificação vascular dos doentes renais crónicos e actual Presidente da EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association). Fomos também os primeiros a descrever uma associação independente e inversa entre a densidade mineral avaliada no colo do fémur por DXA (dual energy X -ray absortiometry) com calcificações vasculares avaliadas pelo score de calcificação vascular simples, com rigidez arterial avaliada por velocidade de onda de pulsocarotidofemoral e com doença arterial periférica diagnosticada por critérios clínicos11. Fomos igualmente os primeiros a mostrar uma correlação signifi cativa entre a densidade mineral óssea avaliada por DXA no colo do fémur, mas não na coluna lombar, com a espessura cortical avaliada por análise histomorfométrica em biopsia óssea12. O nosso estudo atribui pela primeira vez à DXA um papel no diagnóstico de porosidade cortical nos doentes em diálise. A utilidade da avaliação diferencial da densidade mineral óssea cortical e trabecular necessita ainda de ser confirmada em estudos prospectivos. Este achado inovador do nosso estudo foi mencionado pela ERBP (European Renal Best Practice) no comentário feito à posição da KDIGO que considera ser reduzida a utilidade da densidade mineral óssea nos doentes em diálise13. Dois dos trabalhos incluídos nesta dissertação foram referenciados nas guidelines KDIGO 2009 para avaliar a prevalência das calcificações vasculares (KDIGO 2009: Tabela suplementar 10, Fig. 3.6) e para validar a associação entre calcificações vasculares e mortalidade cardiovascular (KDIGO 2009: Tabela suplementar 12, Fig. 3.7)6. A inclusão destes nossos dois estudos nas referências destas guidelines, que utilizaram o exigente sistema GRADE (Grades of recommendation, assessment, development, and evaluation) na classificação e selecção dos estudos, valida o interesse científico dos nossos trabalhos. O diagnóstico de calcificações vasculares tem um interesse prático para os doentes renais crónicos. A presença de calcifi cações vasculares é um sinal de alerta para a existência de um elevado risco cardiovascular, e esta informação pode ser utilizada para modificar a terapêutica nestes doentes6. Diferentes métodos podem ser usados para diagnosticar calcificações vasculares nos doentes em diálise14,15. O score de calcificação vascular simples tem a vantagem da simplicidade e de poder ser facilmente interpretado pelo nefrologista, sem necessidade de um radiologista. A reprodutibilidade deste score já foi demonstrada por diferentes grupos em estudos nacionais e internacionais16-24. Nestes estudos foi demonstrado que as calcifi cações vasculares avaliadas pelo método criado por nós são preditoras de maior risco de eventos cardiovasculares16, de amputações dos membros inferiores17, de velocidade de onda de pulso18,19, de calcificações corneanas e conjuntivais20 e de calcifi cações coronárias21. Também foi demonstrada uma associação inversa entre o score de calcificação vascular simples com os níveis séricos de PTH21, com os níveis de 25(OH)vitamina D 22,23 e com os níveis de fetuína A19,24. Todos estes estudos, realizados por diferentes grupos, que utilizaram o score de calcificação vascular simples na sua metodologia, comprovam a facilidade de utilização deste score e a concordância de resultados atestam a sua reprodutibilidade e a utilidade na avaliação dos doentes renais crónicos. ---------------------------ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the development and validation of a simple and original method to identify vascular calcifications in dialysis patients, using a semi -quantitative score that we have created and that is obtained in plain X -ray of pelvis and hands. This score was named in different publications as “simple vascular calcifi cation score”. We have demonstrated that this score is a predictor of higher cardiovascular risk in dialysis patients. The simple vascular calcification score was also associated with lower mineral bone density evaluated by DXA in femoral neck. In hemodialysis patients coronary calcifications evaluated by the coronary Agatston score and by the simple vascular calcification score were associated with lower bone volume analysed in bone biopsies. These studies corroborate the hypothesis of the existence of a link between bone disease and vascular disease in dialysis patients and one of the elements of this link may be vascular calcifications. This simple vascular calcification score identifi es calcifications in large, medium and small calibre arteries and includes the two radiological patterns of arterial calcifi cation: linear calcification which has been associated with the calcifi cation of the media layer of the arterial wall and irregular and patchy calcification which has been associated with the calcifi cation of the intima layer of the arterial wall1. In the several studies that we have published we have demonstrated that vascular calcifications evaluated by this simple and inexpensive method allow the identification of patients with high cardiovascular risk. This simple vascular calcification score is an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality2, all -cause mortality3, cardiovascular hospitalizations2, cardiovascular disease2, peripheral artery disease2,4, valvular calcifi cations5 and arterial stiffness3.KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines published in 2009 suggest that chronic kidney disease patients in stages 3 to 5, with vascular and valvular calcifications should be considered to be at the highest cardiovascular risk6. The high mortality of chronic kidney disease patients is not completely explained by the traditional risk factors7 and KDIGO group supports, since 2006, the hypothesis of the existence of a link between bone disease and vascular disease8.This link may be explained by the alterations of the bone and mineral metabolism and their interaction with development and progression of vascular calcifications. We have also verifi ed in our studies the existence of an association between vascular calcifications and bone disease. Low bone volume diagnosed by histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies, in a group of dialysis patients, was independently associated with the simple vascular calcification score (data presented in this thesis,chapter 6) and with coronary calcifications evaluated by the Agatston score9. The original contribution of this article published in CJASN9 deserved a commentary in an Editorial written by Prof. Gérard London10 leader investigator in this area and current EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association) President. We were also the fi rst group to describe an independent and inverse association between bone mineral density evaluated in the femoral neck by DXA (dual energy X -ray absortiometry) with vascular calcifications evaluated by the simple vascular calcification score, with arterial stiffness evaluated by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and with peripheral artery disease diagnosed by clinical criteria11. We were also the first group to demonstrate a significant correlation between bone mineral density evaluated by DXA in femoral neck but not in lumbar spine, with cortical thickness evaluated by histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsy12. Our study has attributed to DXA, for the first time, a role in the diagnosis of cortical porosity in dialysis patients. The clinical utility of the differential evaluation of bone mineral density in cortical or trabecular bone needs, however, to be confi rmed in prospective studies. This original fi nding of our study was mentioned by ERBP (European Renal Best Practice) commenting the KDIGO position in relation with the reduced utility of bone mineral density evaluation in dialysis patients13. Two of the studies included in this thesis have been integrated in a group of studies selected as references by the KDIGO guidelines published in 2009 to evaluate the prevalence of vascular calcifications in CKD patients (KDIGO 2009: Supplementary Table 10, Fig. 3.6) and to corroborate the association between vascular calcifications and cardiovascular mortality (KDIGO 2009: Supplementary Table 12, Fig. 3.7)6. The inclusion of both studies as references in the KDIGO guidelines that have used the exigent GRADE system (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) in the classifi cation and selection of studies, validates the scientifi c value of our studies. The diagnosis of vascular calcifi cations has a practical interest for chronic kidney disease patients. The presence of vascular calcifications is an alert sign to the existence of a high cardiovascular risk and this information may be used to modify the treatment of these patients6. Different methods may be used to detect the presence of vascular calcifications in dialysis patients14,15. The simple vascular calcifi cation score has the advantage of being simple, inexpensive and easily evaluated by the Nephrologist without the need for a Radiologist interpretation. The reproducibility of this method has already been demonstrated by other groups in national and international studies16 -24. It was demonstrated in those studies that vascular calcifi cations evaluated by the method created by us, predict higher risk of cardiovascular events16, higher risk of lower limbs amputations17, higher pulse wave velocity18,19, corneal and conjuntival calcifi cations 20 and coronary calcifi cations21. A negative association between the simple vascular calcification score and PTH levels21, 25(OH) vitamin D levels22,23 and Fetuin A levels19,24 has also been demonstrated. All these studies performed by different groups that have used the simple vascular calcifi cation score in their methods demonstrate that this score is simple, useful and reproducible in the evaluation of chronic kidney disease patients simple, useful and reproducible in the evaluation of chronic kidney disease patients.


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The prevalence andmorbidity associated with osteoporosis and fractures in patients with spina bifida (SB) highlight the importance of osteoporosis prevention and treatment in early childhood; however, the issue has received little attention. The method for the selection of appropriate patients for drug treatment has not been clarified. Objective: To review the literature concerning fracture risks and low bone density in paediatric patients with SB. We looked for studies describing state-of-the-art treatments and for prevention of secondary osteoporosis. Methods: Articles were identified through a search in the electronic database (PUBMED) supplemented with reviews of the reference lists of selected papers. The main outcome measures were incidence of fractures and risk factors for fracture, an association between bone mineral density (BMD) and occurrence of fracture, risk factors of low BMD, and effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments on BMD and on the incidence of fractures. We considered as a secondary outcome the occurrence of fractures in relation to the mechanism of injury. Results: Results indicated that patients with SB are at increased risk for fractures and low BMD. Risk factors that may predispose patients to fractures include higher levels of neurological involvement, non-ambulatory status, physical inactivity, hypercalciuria, higher body fat levels, contractures, and a previous spontaneous fracture. Limitations were observed in the number and quality of studies concerning osteoporosis prevention and treatment in paediatric patients with SB. The safety and efficiency of drugs to treat osteoporosis in adults have not been evaluated satisfactorily in children with SB.


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We investigate the low-energy electronic transport across grain boundaries in graphene ribbons and infinite flakes. Using the recursive Green’s function method, we calculate the electronic transmission across different types of grain boundaries in graphene ribbons. We show results for the charge density distribution and the current flow along the ribbon. We study linear defects at various angles with the ribbon direction, as well as overlaps of two monolayer ribbon domains forming a bilayer region. For a class of extended defect lines with periodicity 3, an analytic approach is developed to study transport in infinite flakes. This class of extended grain boundaries is particularly interesting, since the K and K0 Dirac points are superposed.


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INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures are responsible for excessive mortality, decreasing the 5-year survival rate by about 20%. From an economic perspective, they represent a major source of expense, with direct costs in hospitalization, rehabilitation, and institutionalization. The incidence rate sharply increases after the age of 70, but it can be reduced in women aged 70-80 years by therapeutic interventions. Recent analyses suggest that the most efficient strategy is to implement such interventions in women at the age of 70 years. As several guidelines recommend bone mineral density (BMD) screening of postmenopausal women with clinical risk factors, our objective was to assess the cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies applied to elderly women aged 70 years and older. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed using decision-tree analysis and a Markov model. Two alternative strategies, one measuring BMD of all women, and one measuring BMD only of those having at least one risk factor, were compared with the reference strategy "no screening". Cost-effectiveness ratios were measured as cost per year gained without hip fracture. Most probabilities were based on data observed in EPIDOS, SEMOF and OFELY cohorts. RESULTS: In this model, which is mostly based on observed data, the strategy "screen all" was more cost effective than "screen women at risk." For one woman screened at the age of 70 and followed for 10 years, the incremental (additional) cost-effectiveness ratio of these two strategies compared with the reference was 4,235 euros and 8,290 euros, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of this model, under the assumptions described in the paper, suggest that in women aged 70-80 years, screening all women with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) would be more effective than no screening or screening only women with at least one risk factor. Cost-effectiveness studies based on decision-analysis trees maybe useful tools for helping decision makers, and further models based on different assumptions should be performed to improve the level of evidence on cost-effectiveness ratios of the usual screening strategies for osteoporosis.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for the diagnosis of osteoporosis are mainly applicable for dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements at the spine and hip levels. There is a growing demand for cheaper devices, free of ionizing radiation such as promising quantitative ultrasound (QUS). In common with many other countries, QUS measurements are increasingly used in Switzerland without adequate clinical guidelines. The T-score approach developed for DXA cannot be applied to QUS, although well-conducted prospective studies have shown that ultrasound could be a valuable predictor of fracture risk. As a consequence, an expert committee named the Swiss Quality Assurance Project (SQAP, for which the main mission is the establishment of quality assurance procedures for DXA and QUS in Switzerland) was mandated by the Swiss Association Against Osteoporosis (ASCO) in 2000 to propose operational clinical recommendations for the use of QUS in the management of osteoporosis for two QUS devices sold in Switzerland. Device-specific weighted "T-score" based on the risk of osteoporotic hip fractures as well as on the prediction of DXA osteoporosis at the hip, according to the WHO definition of osteoporosis, were calculated for the Achilles (Lunar, General Electric, Madison, Wis.) and Sahara (Hologic, Waltham, Mass.) ultrasound devices. Several studies (totaling a few thousand subjects) were used to calculate age-adjusted odd ratios (OR) and area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) for the prediction of osteoporotic fracture (taking into account a weighting score depending on the design of the study involved in the calculation). The ORs were 2.4 (1.9-3.2) and AUC 0.72 (0.66-0.77), respectively, for the Achilles, and 2.3 (1.7-3.1) and 0.75 (0.68-0.82), respectively, for the Sahara device. To translate risk estimates into thresholds for clinical application, 90% sensitivity was used to define low fracture and low osteoporosis risk, and a specificity of 80% was used to define subjects as being at high risk of fracture or having osteoporosis at the hip. From the combination of the fracture model with the hip DXA osteoporotic model, we found a T-score threshold of -1.2 and -2.5 for the stiffness (Achilles) determining, respectively, the low- and high-risk subjects. Similarly, we found a T-score at -1.0 and -2.2 for the QUI index (Sahara). Then a screening strategy combining QUS, DXA, and clinical factors for the identification of women needing treatment was proposed. The application of this approach will help to minimize the inappropriate use of QUS from which the whole field currently suffers.


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BACKGROUND: A single infusion of intravenous zoledronic acid decreases bone turnover and improves bone density at 12 months in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. We assessed the effects of annual infusions of zoledronic acid on fracture risk during a 3-year period. METHODS: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 3889 patients (mean age, 73 years) were randomly assigned to receive a single 15-minute infusion of zoledronic acid (5 mg) and 3876 were assigned to receive placebo at baseline, at 12 months, and at 24 months; the patients were followed until 36 months. Primary end points were new vertebral fracture (in patients not taking concomitant osteoporosis medications) and hip fracture (in all patients). Secondary end points included bone mineral density, bone turnover markers, and safety outcomes. RESULTS: Treatment with zoledronic acid reduced the risk of morphometric vertebral fracture by 70% during a 3-year period, as compared with placebo (3.3% in the zoledronic-acid group vs. 10.9% in the placebo group; relative risk, 0.30; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.24 to 0.38) and reduced the risk of hip fracture by 41% (1.4% in the zoledronic-acid group vs. 2.5% in the placebo group; hazard ratio, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.83). Nonvertebral fractures, clinical fractures, and clinical vertebral fractures were reduced by 25%, 33%, and 77%, respectively (P<0.001 for all comparisons). Zoledronic acid was also associated with a significant improvement in bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers. Adverse events, including change in renal function, were similar in the two study groups. However, serious atrial fibrillation occurred more frequently in the zoledronic acid group (in 50 vs. 20 patients, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A once-yearly infusion of zoledronic acid during a 3-year period significantly reduced the risk of vertebral, hip, and other fractures. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00049829.)


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Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) appears to be developing into an acceptable, low-cost and readily-accessible alternative to dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) in the detection and management of osteoporosis. Perhaps the major difficulty with their widespread use is that many different QUS devices exist that differ substantially from each other, in terms of the parameters they measure and the strength of empirical evidence supporting their use. But another problem is that virtually no data exist outside of Caucasian or Asian populations. In general, heel QUS appears to be most tested and most effective. Some, but not all heel QUS devices are effective assessing fracture risk in some, but not all populations, the evidence being strongest for Caucasian females > 55 years old, though some evidence exists for Asian females > 55 and for Caucasian and Asian males > 70. Certain devices may allow to estimate the likelihood of osteoporosis, but very limited evidence exists supporting QUS use during the initiation or monitoring of osteoporosis treatment. Likely, QUS is most effective when combined with an assessment of clinical risk factors (CRF); with DXA reserved for individuals who are not identified as either high or low risk using QUS and CRF. However, monitoring and maintenance of test and instrument accuracy, precision and reproducibility are essential if QUS devices are to be used in clinical practice; and further scientific research in non-Caucasian, non-Asian populations clearly is compulsory to validate this tool for more widespread use.


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BACKGROUND: Denosumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody to the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL) that blocks its binding to RANK, inhibiting the development and activity of osteoclasts, decreasing bone resorption, and increasing bone density. Given its unique actions, denosumab may be useful in the treatment of osteoporosis. METHODS: We enrolled 7868 women between the ages of 60 and 90 years who had a bone mineral density T score of less than -2.5 but not less than -4.0 at the lumbar spine or total hip. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either 60 mg of denosumab or placebo subcutaneously every 6 months for 36 months. The primary end point was new vertebral fracture. Secondary end points included nonvertebral and hip fractures. RESULTS: As compared with placebo, denosumab reduced the risk of new radiographic vertebral fracture, with a cumulative incidence of 2.3% in the denosumab group, versus 7.2% in the placebo group (risk ratio, 0.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.26 to 0.41; P<0.001)--a relative decrease of 68%. Denosumab reduced the risk of hip fracture, with a cumulative incidence of 0.7% in the denosumab group, versus 1.2% in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.37 to 0.97; P=0.04)--a relative decrease of 40%. Denosumab also reduced the risk of nonvertebral fracture, with a cumulative incidence of 6.5% in the denosumab group, versus 8.0% in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.67 to 0.95; P=0.01)--a relative decrease of 20%. There was no increase in the risk of cancer, infection, cardiovascular disease, delayed fracture healing, or hypocalcemia, and there were no cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw and no adverse reactions to the injection of denosumab. CONCLUSIONS: Denosumab given subcutaneously twice yearly for 36 months was associated with a reduction in the risk of vertebral, nonvertebral, and hip fractures in women with osteoporosis. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00089791.)


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Meta-analysis of prospective studies shows that quantitative ultrasound of the heel using validated devices predicts risk of different types of fracture with similar performance across different devices and in elderly men and women. These predictions are independent of the risk estimates from hip DXA measures.Introduction Clinical utilisation of heel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) depends on its power to predict clinical fractures. This is particularly important in settings that have no access to DXA-derived bone density measurements. We aimed to assess the predictive power of heel QUS for fractures using a meta-analysis approach.Methods We conducted an inverse variance random effects meta-analysis of prospective studies with heel QUS measures at baseline and fracture outcomes in their follow-up. Relative risks (RR) per standard deviation (SD) of different QUS parameters (broadband ultrasound attenuation [BUA], speed of sound [SOS], stiffness index [SI], and quantitative ultrasound index [QUI]) for various fracture outcomes (hip, vertebral, any clinical, any osteoporotic and major osteoporotic fractures) were reported based on study questions.Results Twenty-one studies including 55,164 women and 13,742 men were included in the meta-analysis with a total follow-up of 279,124 person-years. All four QUS parameters were associated with risk of different fracture. For instance, RR of hip fracture for 1 SD decrease of BUA was 1.69 (95% CI 1.43-2.00), SOS was 1.96 (95% CI 1.64-2.34), SI was 2.26 (95%CI 1.71-2.99) and QUI was 1.99 (95% CI 1.49-2.67). There was marked heterogeneity among studies on hip and any clinical fractures but no evidence of publication bias amongst them. Validated devices from different manufacturers predicted fracture risks with similar performance (meta-regression p values > 0.05 for difference of devices). QUS measures predicted fracture with a similar performance in men and women. Meta-analysis of studies with QUS measures adjusted for hip BMD showed a significant and independent association with fracture risk (RR/SD for BUA = 1.34 [95%CI 1.22-1.49]).Conclusions This study confirms that heel QUS, using validated devices, predicts risk of different fracture outcomes in elderly men and women. Further research is needed for more widespread utilisation of the heel QUS in clinical settings across the world.


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Calcium is vital to the normal functioning of multiple organ systems and its serum concentration is tightly regulated. Apart from CASR, the genes associated with serum calcium are largely unknown. We conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 39,400 individuals from 17 population-based cohorts and investigated the 14 most strongly associated loci in ≤ 21,679 additional individuals. Seven loci (six new regions) in association with serum calcium were identified and replicated. Rs1570669 near CYP24A1 (P = 9.1E-12), rs10491003 upstream of GATA3 (P = 4.8E-09) and rs7481584 in CARS (P = 1.2E-10) implicate regions involved in Mendelian calcemic disorders: Rs1550532 in DGKD (P = 8.2E-11), also associated with bone density, and rs7336933 near DGKH/KIAA0564 (P = 9.1E-10) are near genes that encode distinct isoforms of diacylglycerol kinase. Rs780094 is in GCKR. We characterized the expression of these genes in gut, kidney, and bone, and demonstrate modulation of gene expression in bone in response to dietary calcium in mice. Our results shed new light on the genetics of calcium homeostasis.


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Objective. Vibration training (VT) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects, due to its passive principle: the machine moves the subject, not the opposite. We hypothesize that untrained subjects can benefit from a greater cardiovascular and metabolic stimulation than trained athletes, resembling classical aerobic-type activity, in addition of eliciting strength gains shown in diverse studies. Methods. 3 group of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance trained athletes (END) and strength trained athletes (STR) underwent fitness (VO2max) and lower-body strength tests (isokinetic). Subjects were submitted to a session of oscillating VT, composed of 3 exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), each of 3 minutes duration, and repeated at 3 frequencies. VO2, heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Results. 27 healthy subjects (10 SED, 9 END and 8 STR), mean age 24.5 (SED), 25.0 (STR) and 29.8 (END) were included. VO2max was significantly different as expected (47.9 vs. 52.9 vs. 63.9 ml/kg/min, resp. for SED, STR and END). Isokinetic dominant leg extensors strength was higher in STR (3.32 Nm/kg vs. 2.60 and 2.74 in SED and END). During VT, peak oxygen consumption (% of VO2max) attained was 59.3 in SED, 50.8 in STR and 48.0 in END (P<0.001 between SED and other subjects). Peak heart rate (% of heart rate max) was 82.7 in SED, 80.4 in STR and 72.4 in END. In SED, dynamic exercises without extra load elicited 51.0% of VO2max and 72.1% of heart rate max, and perceived effort reached 15.1/20. Conclusions. VT is an unconventional type of exercise, which has been shown to enhance strength, bone density, balance and flexibility. Users are attracted by the relative passivity. In SED, we show that VT elicits sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness in addition to the known strength effects. VT's higher acceptance as an exercise in sedentary people, compared to jogging or cycling for example, can lead to better adherence to physical activity. Although long-term effects of VT on health are not avalaible, we believe this type of combination of aerobic and resistance-type exercise can be beneficial on multiple health parameters, especially cardiovascular health.


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At the age of 50, a woman has a lifetime risk of more than 40% to present a vertebral fracture. More than 60% of vertebral fractures remain undiagnosed. As a consequence it is of major importance to develop screening strategies to detect these fractures. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA allows one to detect vertebral fracture from T4 to L4 using DXA devices, while performing also during the same visit the bone mineral density measurement. Such an approach should improve the evaluation of fracture risk and therapeutic indication. Compared to the standard X-ray assessment, VFA highly enables to detect moderate or severe vertebral fractures below T6.