929 resultados para biennial yellow blossom sweet clover
Natural colonization of leaves of 'Pêra' sweet orange and related varieties by Guignardia citricarpa
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the differences in the colonization and production of structures in the leaves of 'Pêra' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) clones and related varieties by Guignardia citricarpa. The natural colonization and the production of reproductive structures in the leaves and in vitro of ten 'Pêra' sweet orange was quantified in the following clones: Bianchi, Dibbern C.V., EEL, IAC 2000, Olímpia 15161, Premunizada 1212, Premunizada 1743/82, R. Gullo 1569/244, R. Gullo 1570/246 and Vimusa; and in five related varieties: Redonda C.N, Ovale 968, Ovale San Lio 969, Lamb Summer and Corsa Tardia. The quantification of the colonization density of G. citricarpa in the leaves was obtained through isolation. Incidence and colonization density (cm²) were calculated for each clone. The production of reproductive structures was accomplished through the moistening and drying process of the leaves. The incidence (percentage of affected leaves) and the leaf surface percentage occupied by the reproductive fungus structures were quantified. The in vitro production of reproductive structures was accomplished in water-agar medium. The number of immature and total reproductive fungus structures (cm²), and the percentage of picnidia with liberation of spores were quantified. Significant differences were not observed among clones related to the colonization of the leaves. But there were differences in the induction experiments, i.e., in the leaf surface percentage occupied by the reproductive fungus structures and the in vitro production of reprodutive fungus structures.
Em razão da freqüente ocorrência de infecção mista, na natureza, o presente trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito da interação de diferentes espécies de potyvírus em meloeiro (Cucumis melo), melancia (Citrullus lanatus) e abobrinha (Cucurbita pepo). Foram usados os seguintes vírus da família Potyviridae, gênero Potyvirus: Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV); Watermelon mosaic virus, (WMV) e Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, (ZYMV). Os efeitos na sintomatologia das infecções duplas e simples de PRSV, WMV e ZYMV foram avaliados em três híbridos de meloeiro, duas variedades de melancia e abobrinha 'Caserta', em experimentos de casa de vegetação. Os três vírus, isoladamente ou em todas as duplas combinações possíveis, foram inoculados, em plantas dos híbridos de meloeiro Hy Mark, Gold Mine e Orange Flesh, variedades de melancia Crimson Sweet e Charleston Gray e abobrinha 'Caserta', usando-se dez plantas de cada híbrido ou variedade, por combinação de vírus. As inoculações foram efetuadas por meio de extratos de folhas com infecção simples dos respectivos vírus. As plantas inoculadas com cada vírus isoladamente e suas respectivas combinações foram observadas quanto ao aparecimento de sintomas durante 30 dias após as inoculações. Amostras foliares das plantas inoculadas foram, também, testadas por ELISA indireto contra os anti-soros correspondentes para cada vírus. As infecções duplas em meloeiro, melancia e abobrinha revelaram, através da avaliação sintomatológica, que existem interações sinérgicas entre PRSV, WMV e ZYMV. As infecções duplas envolvendo o ZYMV apresentaram alta severidade, exibindo sintomas não encontrados em infecções simples, apesar da severidade nas infecções isoladas do ZYMV.
Certain sweet sorghums (Sorghum bicolor) inhibit the secondary sporulation of Claviceps africana, which occurs on exuded ergot honeydew when the parasite is supplied with excess sucrose, which is then transformed to unique free oligosaccharides fructosyl - mannitol and difructosyl - mannitol with spore germination inhibiting properties. Five accessions (BRA-035726-SUGAR DRIP, BRA-035696-THEIS, BRA-036013-MN-4578, BRA-035947-MN-4418 and CMSXS-633) of sweet sorghum were selected among 50 evaluated. These five accessions failed to support secondary sporulation on the "honeydew" exuded from infected florets. There was a higher concentration (%w/v) of the free oligosaccharides on the honeydew of these accessions when compared to a hybrid male-sterile grain sorghum. Therefore, a possible strategy would be seek to incorporate a sweet character into "A" lines for hybrid seed production in order to restrict secondary disease spread.
Infection by Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (ScYLV) causes severe leaf symptoms in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) hybrids, which indicate alterations in its photosynthetic apparatus. To gain an overview of the physiological status of infected plants, we evaluated chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange assays, correlating the results with leaf metabolic surveys, i.e., photosynthetic pigments and carbohydrate contents. When compared to healthy plants, infected plants showed a reduction in potential quantum efficiency for photochemistry of photosystem (PSII) and alterations in the filling up of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool. They also showed reduction in the CO2 net exchange rates, probably as a consequence of impaired quantum yield. In addition, reductions were found in the contents of photosynthetic leaf pigments and in the ratio chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b (chla/chlb). Carbohydrate content in the leaves was increased as a secondary effect of the ScYLV infection. This article discusses the relation of virus replication and host defense responses with general alterations in the photosynthetic apparatus and in the metabolism of infected plants.
A powdery mildew disease was observed on leaves of Solanum gilo, S. melongena, S. tuberosum S. chacoense, Nicotiana rustica and N. tabacum in Brasília (Federal District), Brazil. Symptoms were mainly characterized by adaxial yellow areas in the leaves corresponding to white fungal colonies on the abaxial surface. Profuse sporulation was often observed. Light microscopy of the fungal colonies revealed the presence of conidiophores emerging through stomata with some having two or three branches. Ellipsoidal, subhyaline conidia were predominantly born singly and terminally on the conidiophore. All morphometrical characteristics agreed with those of Oidiopsis haplophylli (Syn. O. sicula). The teleomorph (Leveillula taurica) was not observed. Inoculation tests indicated that O. haplophylli isolates obtained from S. gilo, S. melongena, S. tuberosum, S. chacoense, Nicotiana rustica and N. tabacum were also pathogenic to sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). This is apparently the first report of these Solanaceae species as hosts of O. haplophylli in Brazil. This disease may become important in these crops, especially in greenhouses, and in hot and dry areas where drip irrigation is employed.
The black spot of citrus (Citrus sp.) is caused by Guignardia citricarpa with ascospore production depending on temperature, leaf wetness, and rainfall. The number of ascospores produced was monitored using a spore trap and climatic factors were recorded using an automated meteorological station of 'Natal' and 'Valencia' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) orchards in Mogi Guaçu in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from November 2000 to March 2001. The fruits were bagged to prevent infection and the bags removed from different sets of fruit for one week during each of the 18 weeks of the season in both orchards. Ascospores were produced during the entire experimental period, from spring through summer, primarily after rain events. In both orchards, ascospore production reached a peak in January and February. Ascospore production was related to leaf wetness only in the Natal orange orchard but was not related to total rainfall or temperature in either orchard. Disease was most severe on fruit exposed the 7th, 8th, and 13th weeks after beginning the experiment in both cultivars as well as after the 16th week for 'Natal'. There was a strong relationship between disease severity and total rainfall for both orchards and a weak correlation between temperature and severity in the 'Natal' block only. There was no relationship between severity and leaf wetness or ascospore numbers.
The importance of the presence of symptomatic fruits with citrus black symptoms (CBS) on the disease severity level in subsequent crop production was assessed in an orchard planted with Valência and Natal sweet orange varieties. Additionally, the period of susceptibility of the fruits of these varieties was evaluated. Fruits were covered with paper bags at the stage of 75% fallen petals and were then exposed to natural infection at weekly intervals, from October 2000 to April 2001. This process was carried out in plants where the fruits from the previous harvest had been picked as well as in plants where fruits remained until natural drop. The evaluation of disease severity used a scale that varied from 0 (absence of symptoms) to 6 (severe symptoms). It was observed that, for the Valência and Natal varieties, conidia of Phyllosticta citricarpa that had formed on the lesions of fruits from the previous harvest did not significantly increase the severity of disease on the fruits of the subsequent harvest period. In this study, the protection of the fruits until 10 weeks after petal drop did not affect the number of lesions, indicating that ascospore discharges after that date were, probably, responsible for disease severity. Fruits exposed between the 20th and 24th week after 75% of the petals had fallen were symptomatic, indicating that, at this stage, the fruits were still susceptible to the pathogen.
Com o objetivo de avaliar os danos causados pelo Barley yellow dwarf virus - PAV (BYDV-PAV), em cinco cultivares de trigo (BRS 177, BRS 179, BRS 194, BRS Camboatá e BRS Angico), foi conduzido um experimento no telado da Embrapa-Trigo (Passo Fundo RS) no ano de 2005. Os danos induzidos pelo BYDV-PAV foram determinados por meio de análise de características agronômicas (estatura das plantas e massa de matéria seca) e do rendimento (número de afilhos, espigas e grãos por planta; massa de mil grãos). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias ao teste de Tukey a 5%. Danos significativos em função da infecção viral foram observados em todas as variáveis avaliadas. A característica agronômica mais afetada foi a massa de matéria seca, que variou de 26,1% (BRS 177) a 51,4% (BRS 179). Para estatura de plantas foram observadas reduções de 12,5% (BRS 177) a 15,5% (BRS Camboatá). O rendimento total de grãos foi o mais afetado pela infecção viral, sendo que, danos significativos foram observados em todas as cultivares, cuja redução variou de 34,2% (BRS Camboatá) a 60,8% (BRS 179). No número médio de afilhos por planta, apenas as cultivares BRS Angico e BRS 179 apresentaram reduções de 20% e 26,6%, respectivamente. A redução do número médio de grãos variou de 26,1% (BRS Camboatá) a 54,3% (BRS 179). Também ocorreu diminuição no peso de mil grãos com redução que variou de 16,9% (BRS Camboatá) a 38,4% (BRS 194).
Os danos causados no desenvolvimento vegetativo e na produção de frutos da gravioleira pelo vírus da mancha-amarela da gravioleira (Soursop yellow blotch virus, SYBV), foram estudados durante os anos de 2000 a 2004 em um experimento com dois tratamentos: plantas sadias e plantas doentes, dispostos em blocos ao acaso, com oito repetições e quatro plantas por parcela. Foram avaliados, anualmente, a altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, número e peso de frutos, sendo que a produção foi monitorada a partir do segundo ano de plantio. As médias relativas à altura de planta, diâmetro do caule, número e peso de frutos das parcelas foram computadas, analisadas estatisticamente e comparadas pelo teste F. As plantas de ambos tratamentos foram originadas de mudas enxertadas, sendo as plantas doentes obtidas por meio de enxertias com propágulos de plantas infectadas com o SYBV. A doença reduziu em 65,11% e 46,72% a altura e o diâmetro do caule, respectivamente, e em 94,7 % e 99,2 % o número e o peso de frutos em relação às plantas sadias.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar, em condições de casa de vegetação e de campo, os danos causados pelo PRSV-W e ZYMV em abobrinha-de-moita (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta). As plantas em casa de vegetação foram inoculadas com os vírus individualmente e em mistura aos 12 e 22 dias após emergência (DAE) e aos 5, 15 e 25 DAE no campo. Em casa de vegetação, as infecções com PRSV-W + ZYMV, PRSV-W e ZYMV, na primeira época de inoculação, ocasionaram reduções de área foliar de 39,6%, 36,8% e 12,1%, respectivamente. As massas fresca e seca também foram significativamente afetadas na primeira época de inoculação. No campo, as plantas com infecções individuais ou mistas dos potyvírus produziram frutos não comerciais em quantidades que variaram de 14 a 861 g/planta, dependendo da idade que foram inoculadas. As plantas tratadas com tampão fosfato aos 5, 15 e 25 DAE produziram em média 573 g, 937 g e 1172 g de frutos comerciais e 282 g, 221 g e 192 g de frutos não comerciais, respectivamente. A redução na massa fresca das plantas foi diretamente relacionada com a época de inoculação, com médias de 60,7% para aquelas inoculadas aos 5 DAE e de 22,7% para aquelas inoculadas aos 15 DAE. Na terceira época de inoculação não houve diferença significativa de massa fresca entre os tratamentos.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar os padrões temporal e espacial do Tomato yellow vein streak virus (ToYVSV) em tomatais cultivados em condições de campo, no município de Sumaré, e de estufa plástica, na região de Elias Fausto, Estado de São Paulo. No ensaio de campo, plantado com a variedade Alambra, foram avaliadas 4.032 plantas, distribuídas em oito blocos. Em oito estufas plásticas, com plantios escalonados da variedade Ikram, foram avaliadas 6.016 plantas. As avaliações foram feitas com base nos sintomas característicos induzidos por esse vírus. A confirmação da identidade do vírus foi feita por meio da análise da seqüência de nucleotídeos de parte do DNA-A viral (genes AV1 e AC3). No ensaio em condições de campo, a incidência da doença evoluiu lentamente, desde um mínimo de 0,002 (proporção de plantas sintomáticas) até um máximo de 0,0497. Mesmo assim, foi possível constatar um efeito de borda, pois a incidência média de plantas doentes nos blocos situados nos bordos da área foi 2,1 vezes maior do que naqueles internos. O progresso da incidência da doença foi linear, o que indica que novas infecções foram devidas principalmente a um influxo constante de vetores virulíferos de fora para dentro da área avaliada. Nos plantios em estufas plásticas, os níveis finais de doença foram fortemente dependentes da época de plantio, com médias variando de 4,8% a 69,3%. A distribuição espacial de plantas sintomáticas nesses plantios foi fortemente agregada. Essa agregação provavelmente não se deve a infecções secundárias dentro das estufas plásticas, mas sim à concentração de plantas sintomáticas nos bordos das estufas, conseqüência da migração de vetores virulíferos a partir de áreas externas à estufa. Com base nesses resultados, sugere-se a eliminação de fontes de inóculo representadas por plantios mais velhos de tomateiro e por hospedeiras do vírus na vegetação espontânea como uma das principais medidas para o manejo da doença.
Weeds can act as important reservoirs for viruses. Solanum americanum (Black nightshade) is a common weed in Brazil and samples showing mosaic were collected from sweet pepper crops to verify the presence of viruses. One sample showed mixed infection between Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) and one sample showed simple infection by PVY. Both virus species were transmitted by plant extract and caused mosaic in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Santa Clara), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. Magda), Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabaccum TNN, and local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa, C. murale and C. amaranticolor. The coat protein sequences for CMV and PVY found in S. americanum are phylogenetically more related to isolates from tomato. We conclude that S. americanum can act as a reservoir for different viruses during and between sweet pepper crop seasons.
Clonal cleaning, followed by pre-immunization with protective complexes of Citrus tristeza virus(CTV), allowed the commercial cultivation of Pêra sweet orange, a variety that has great importance for Brazilian citriculture but is sensitive to the virus. The use of mild protective isolates in other citrus varieties, even those more tolerant to CTV, can also be of interest to prevent the spread of severe isolates. The aim of this study was to characterize, by means of SSCP (Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism) analysis of the coat protein gene, CTV isolates present in plants of the sweet orange cultivars Pêra, Hamlin and Valencia propagated from four budwood sources: 1) old lines, 2) nucellar lines, 3) shoot-tip-grafted lines, and 4) shoot-tip-grafted lines pre-immunized with the mild CTV protective isolate 'PIAC'. We also evaluated the correlation of the obtained SSCP patterns to stem pitting intensity, tree vigor and fruit yield. SSCP results showed low genetic diversity among the isolates present in different trees of the same variety and same budwood source and, in some cases, in different budwood sources and varieties. Considering tristeza symptoms, lower intensity was noted for plants of new, shoot-tip-grafted and pre-immunized shoot-tip-grafted lines, compared to old lines of the three varieties. The observed SSCP patterns and symptomatology suggested that more severe CTV complexes infect the plants of old lines of all three varieties. The protective complex stability was observed in the SSCP patterns of CTV isolates of some shoot-tip-grafted and pre-immunized clones. It was concluded that the changes detected in other electrophoretic profiles of this treatment did not cause loss of the protective capacity of CTV isolate 'PIAC' inoculated in the pre-immunization.
The use of productivity information and efficiency of water use is important for the economic analysis of production and irrigation management, and also helps the economy of water use, which is essential to plant life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biomass allocation, the water use efficiency and water content in fruits of sweet pepper cropped under the influence of irrigation blades and potassium doses. The statistic design was a completely randomized factorial scheme (5 x 2) and four replications, with five irrigation blades (80; 90; 100; 110 and 120% of crop evapotranspiration) and two levels of potassium (80 and 120 kg K2O ha-1 ), applied according to phenological phase, through a system of drip irrigation with self-compensated drippers, installed in a battery of 40 drainage lysimeters cultivated with sweet pepper (Maximos F1), at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The dry biomass production of sweet pepper was influenced by fertigation regimes; when it was set the lowest dose, estimates of the efficiency of water use and moisture in the fruit occurred with the use of irrigation depth of 97 and 95% of ETc, respectively.