854 resultados para based inspection and conditional monitoring
Bromodomains are epigenetic reader domains that have recently become popular targets. In contrast to BET bromodomains, which have proven druggable, bromodomains from other regions of the phylogenetic tree have shallower pockets. We describe successful targeting of the challenging BAZ2B bromodomain using biophysical fragment screening and structure-based optimization of high ligand-efficiency fragments into a novel series of low-micromolar inhibitors. Our results provide attractive leads for development of BAZ2B chemical probes and indicate the whole family may be tractable.
Between the years 1992 and 1995 about 3.5 million hadronic Z decays were collected by the DELPHI detector at CERN. This data has been used to measure the production and lifetime of the beauty strange baryon Ξb, in the inclusive decay channel Ξb →Ξ-ℓ- X. The Ξ- baryon was reconstructed through the decay Ξ- → Λ π-, using a constrained fit method for cascade decays. An iterative discriminant analysis was used for the Ξb selection. A search for the Ξb baryon was also performed using an alternative method of reconstructing the Ξ- baryon. A measurement of the production of the charmed strange baryon Ξc in the decay channel Ξc → Ξ-π+ using the same data is also presented. The radiation monitoring system of the Silicon Microstrip Tracker in the DØ detector is studied and used to estimate the radiation dose received by the Silicon detector during normal running conditions of the TeVatron accelerator.
In the last few years the resolution of numerical weather prediction (nwp) became higher and higher with the progresses of technology and knowledge. As a consequence, a great number of initial data became fundamental for a correct initialization of the models. The potential of radar observations has long been recognized for improving the initial conditions of high-resolution nwp models, while operational application becomes more frequent. The fact that many nwp centres have recently taken into operations convection-permitting forecast models, many of which assimilate radar data, emphasizes the need for an approach to providing quality information which is needed in order to avoid that radar errors degrade the model's initial conditions and, therefore, its forecasts. Environmental risks can can be related with various causes: meteorological, seismical, hydrological/hydraulic. Flash floods have horizontal dimension of 1-20 Km and can be inserted in mesoscale gamma subscale, this scale can be modeled only with nwp model with the highest resolution as the COSMO-2 model. One of the problems of modeling extreme convective events is related with the atmospheric initial conditions, in fact the scale dimension for the assimilation of atmospheric condition in an high resolution model is about 10 Km, a value too high for a correct representation of convection initial conditions. Assimilation of radar data with his resolution of about of Km every 5 or 10 minutes can be a solution for this problem. In this contribution a pragmatic and empirical approach to deriving a radar data quality description is proposed to be used in radar data assimilation and more specifically for the latent heat nudging (lhn) scheme. Later the the nvective capabilities of the cosmo-2 model are investigated through some case studies. Finally, this work shows some preliminary experiments of coupling of a high resolution meteorological model with an Hydrological one.
Materials that can mold the flow of elastic waves of certain energy in certain directions are called phononic materials. The present thesis deals essentially with such phononic systems, which are structured in the mesoscale (<1 µm), and with their individual components. Such systems show interesting phononic properties in the hypersonic region, i.e., at frequencies in the GHz range. It is shown that colloidal systems are excellent model systems for the realization of such phononic materials. Therefore, different structures and particle architectures are investigated by Brillouin light scattering, the inelastic scattering of light by phonons.rnThe experimental part of this work is divided into three chapters: Chapter 4 is concerned with the localized mechanical waves in the individual spherical colloidal particles, i.e., with their resonance- or eigenvibrations. The investigation of these vibrations with regard to the environment of the particles, their chemical composition, and the influence of temperature on nanoscopically structured colloids allows novel insights into the physical properties of colloids at small length scales. Furthermore, some general questions concerning light scattering on such systems, in dispute so far, are convincingly addressed.rnChapter 5 is a study of the traveling of mechanical waves in colloidal systems, consisting of ordered and disordered colloids in liquid or elastic matrix. Such systems show acoustic band gaps, which can be explained geometrically (Bragg gap) or by the interaction of the acoustic band with the eigenvibrations of the individual spheres (hybridization gap).rnWhile the latter has no analogue in photonics, the presence of strong phonon scatterers, when a large elastic mismatch between the composite components exists, can largely impact phonon propagation in analogy to strong multiple light scattering systems. The former is exemplified in silica based phononic structures that opens the door to new ways of sound propagation manipulation.rnChapter 6 describes the first measurement of the elastic moduli in newly fabricated by physical vapor deposition so-called ‘stable organic glasses’. rnIn brief, this thesis explores novel phenomena in colloid-based hypersonic phononic structures, utilizing a versatile microfabrication technique along with different colloid architectures provided by material science, and applying a non-destructive optical experimental tool to record dispersion diagrams.rn
Der Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit liegt auf der kontrollierten Benetzung von festen Oberflächen, die in vielen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel in der Mikrofluidik, für Beschichtungen und in biologischen Studien von Zellen oder Bakterien, von großer Bedeutung ist.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, wie Nanorauigkeit das Benetzungsverhalten, d.h. die Kontaktwinkel und die Pinningstärke, von hydrophoben und superhydrophoben Beschichtungen beeinflusst. Hierfür wird eine neue Methode entwickelt, um eine nanoraue Silika-Beschichtung über die Gasphase auf eine superhydrophobe Oberfläche, die aus rauen Polystyrol-Silika-Kern-Schale-Partikeln besteht, aufzubringen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Topographie und Dichte der Nanorauigkeiten bestimmt, ob sich die Superhydrophobizität verringert oder erhöht, d.h. ob sich ein Flüssigkeitstropfen im Nano-Wenzel- oder Nano-Cassie-Zustand befindet. Das verstärkte Pinning im Nano-Wenzel-Zustand beruht auf dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeitsmolekülen in die Nanoporen der Beschichtung. Im Nano-Cassie-Zustand dagegen sitzt der Tropfen auf den Nanorauigkeiten, was das Pinning vermindert. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden mit molekulardynamischen Simulationen in Bezug gesetzt, die den Einfluss der Oberflächenbeschichtungsdichte und der Länge von fluorinierten Silanen auf die Hydrophobizität einer Oberfläche untersuchen. rnEs wurden bereits verschiedenste Techniken zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben, d.h. extrem flüssigkeitsabweisenden, Oberflächen entwickelt. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung liegt darin, Funktionalitäten einzuführen, ohne die superhydrophoben Eigenschaften einer Oberfläche zu verändern. Dies ist extrem anspruchsvoll, da funktionelle Gruppen in der Regel hydrophil sind. In dieser Arbeit wird eine innovative Methode zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben Oberflächen aus Janus-Mikrosäulen mit variierenden Dimensionen und Topographien entwickelt. Die Janus-Säulen haben hydrophobe Seitenwände und hydrophile Silika-Oberseiten, die anschließend selektiv und ohne Verlust der superhydrophoben Eigenschaften der Oberfläche funktionalisiert werden können. Diese selektive Oberflächenfunktionalisierung wird mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie und durch das chemische Anbinden von fluoreszenten Molekülen an die Säulenoberseiten sichtbar gemacht. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass das Benetzungsverhalten durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeit und Festkörper in der Nähe der Benetzungslinie bestimmt wird. Diese Beobachtung widerlegt das allgemein akzeptierte Modell von Cassie und Baxter und beinhaltet, dass hydrophile Flächen, die durch mechanischen Abrieb freigelegt werden, nicht zu einem Verlust der Superhydrophobizität führen müssen, wie allgemein angenommen.rnBenetzung kann auch durch eine räumliche Beschränkung von Flüssigkeiten kontrolliert werden, z.B. in mikrofluidischen Systemen. Hier wird eine modifizierte Stöber-Synthese verwendet, um künstliche und natürliche Faser-Template mit einer Silika-Schicht zu ummanteln. Nach der thermischen Zersetzung des organischen Templat-Materials entstehen wohldefinierte Silika-Kanäle und Kanalkreuzungen mit gleichmäßigen Durchmessern im Nano- und Mikrometerbereich. Auf Grund ihrer Transparenz, mechanischen Stabilität und des großen Länge-zu-Durchmesser-Verhältnisses sind die Kanäle sehr gut geeignet, um die Füllgeschwindigkeiten von Flüssigkeiten mit variierenden Oberflächenspannungen und Viskositäten zu untersuchen. Konfokale Mikroskopie ermöglicht es hierbei, die Füllgeschwindigkeiten über eine Länge von mehreren Millimetern, sowie direkt am Kanaleingang zu messen. Das späte Füllstadium kann sehr gut mit der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung beschrieben werden. Die anfänglichen Füllgeschwindigkeiten sind jedoch niedriger als theoretisch vorhergesagt. Wohingegen die vorhergehenden Abschnitte dieser Arbeit sich mit der quasistatischen Benetzung beschäftigen, spielt hier die Dynamik der Benetzung eine wichtige Rolle. Tatsächlich lassen sich die beobachteten Abweichungen durch einen geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Fortschreitkontaktwinkel erklären und durch dynamische Benetzungstheorien modellieren. Somit löst diese Arbeit das seit langem diskutierte Problem der Abweichungen von der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung bei kleinen Füllgeschwindigkeiten.
La stima della frequenza di accadimento di eventi incidentali di tipo random da linee e apparecchiature è in generale effettuata sulla base delle informazioni presenti in banche dati specializzate. I dati presenti in tali banche contengono informazioni relative ad eventi incidentali avvenuti in varie tipologie di installazioni, che spaziano dagli impianti chimici a quelli petrolchimici. Alcune di queste banche dati risultano anche piuttosto datate, poiché fanno riferimento ad incidenti verificatisi ormai molto addietro negli anni. Ne segue che i valori relativi alle frequenze di perdita forniti dalle banche dati risultano molto conservativi. Per ovviare a tale limite e tenere in conto il progresso tecnico, la linea guida API Recommended Pratice 581, pubblicata nel 2000 e successivamente aggiornata nel 2008, ha introdotto un criterio per determinare frequenze di perdita specializzate alla realtà propria impiantistica, mediante l’ausilio di coefficienti correttivi che considerano il meccanismo di guasto del componente, il sistema di gestione della sicurezza e l’efficacia dell’attività ispettiva. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha lo scopo di mettere in evidenza l’evoluzione dell’approccio di valutazione delle frequenze di perdita da tubazione. Esso è articolato come descritto nel seguito. Il Capitolo 1 ha carattere introduttivo. Nel Capitolo 2 è affrontato lo studio delle frequenze di perdita reperibili nelle banche dati generaliste. Nel Capitolo 3 sono illustrati due approcci, uno qualitativo ed uno quantitativo, che permettono di determinare le linee che presentano priorità più alta per essere sottoposte all’attività ispettiva. Il Capitolo 4 è dedicato alla descrizione della guida API Recomended Practice 581. L’applicazione ad un caso di studio dei criteri di selezione delle linee illustrati nel Capitolo 3 e la definizione delle caratteristiche dell’attività ispettiva secondo la linea guida API Recomended Practice 581 sono illustrati nel Capitolo 5. Infine nel Capitolo 6 sono rese esplicite le considerazioni conclusive dello studio effettuato.
Morphea, granuloma annulare (GA) and lichen sclerosus et atrophicans (LSA) have also been suggested to be linked to Borrelia infection. Previous studies based on serologic data or detection of Borrelia by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reported contradictory results. Thus, we examined skin biopsies of morphea, GA and LSA by PCR to assess the prevalence of Borrelia DNA in an endemic area and to compare our results with data in the literature.
The Simulation Automation Framework for Experiments (SAFE) is a project created to raise the level of abstraction in network simulation tools and thereby address issues that undermine credibility. SAFE incorporates best practices in network simulationto automate the experimental process and to guide users in the development of sound scientific studies using the popular ns-3 network simulator. My contributions to the SAFE project: the design of two XML-based languages called NEDL (ns-3 Experiment Description Language) and NSTL (ns-3 Script Templating Language), which facilitate the description of experiments and network simulationmodels, respectively. The languages provide a foundation for the construction of better interfaces between the user and the ns-3 simulator. They also provide input to a mechanism which automates the execution of network simulation experiments. Additionally,this thesis demonstrates that one can develop tools to generate ns-3 scripts in Python or C++ automatically from NSTL model descriptions.
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) in many developed countries. The highest prevalence rates are found among young adults who have frequent partner change rates. Three published individual-based models have incorporated a detailed description of age-specific sexual behaviour in order to quantify the transmission of C. trachomatis in the population and to assess the impact of screening interventions. Owing to varying assumptions about sexual partnership formation and dissolution and the great uncertainty about critical parameters, such models show conflicting results about the impact of preventive interventions. Here, we perform a detailed evaluation of these models by comparing the partnership formation and dissolution dynamics with data from Natsal 2000, a population-based probability sample survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles in Britain. The data also allow us to describe the dispersion of C. trachomatis infections as a function of sexual behaviour, using the Gini coefficient. We suggest that the Gini coefficient is a useful measure for calibrating infectious disease models that include risk structure and highlight the need to estimate this measure for other STIs.
Early stratification of degenerative processes is a prerequisite to warrant therapeutic options in prodromal Alzheimer disease. Our aim was to investigate differences in cerebral macromolecular tissue composition between patients with AD, mild cognitive impairment, and age- and sex-matched healthy controls by using model-based magnetization transfer with a binary spin-bath magnetization transfer model and magnetization transfer ratio at 1.5 T.