324 resultados para argumentative monologue
In this paper, we present a discussion on the class of Discourse Markers (DMs), aiming at providing some specific contributions to studies on the grammaticalization of DMs. We highlight the fact that DMs do not constitute a grammatical class, and then we formulate a few insights on the adequacy of the notion of the “grammaticalization of DMs”.
This paper focuses on how the ancient roman poet Ovid’s approach on the mythical character Medea in Metamorphoses Book VII relates to the presence of the character in the Hellenistic greek epic poem Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, once the Greek author is known to influence the Roman. Although Ovid’s narrative goes further and focuses on events subsequent to the Argonauts travel, the relationship between the two works allows to address two aspects: the inner monologue and the anxieties of Medea which, by their turn, draw a timeline of the historical influence of Euripedes’ tragedy Medea; going through Apollonius and eventually arriving at Ovid; and the description of Medea’s magical practices and powers, used in Argonautica to protect Jason, which are widely described in Metamorphoses when she rejuvenates Aeson, the hero’s father. It is intended not only to point out aspects of character related to these topics, but primarily to address the mechanisms that can identify the direct influence of Apollonius on Ovid
The conception of O tronco was influenced by Hegel´s ideas. The genesis of this novel is in Bernardo Élis’ purpose of writing a monograph on land ownership conflicts in Goiás, later transformed into a new project, the novel O tronco. The same ideological position of the author gives the argumentative direction of the novel; his ideological background determines the choice of the theme, associated with images expanded by the procedures of argumentation that permeate the literary discourse. Thus, in face of the undeniable aesthetic value of Élis´work, we analyzed O tronco, specifically the argumentation that guides the literary narrative, enhanced by the artistic treatment of violence, its theme, as the result of the struggle for power. The novel was published in 1956; the author, heir to the literary regionalism of the 30s, through an artistic and calculated combination of the story of a local government and literature, accuses, judges the exacerbated domination of a particular social group in a region in Goiás.
Bakhtin, during the development of his theories, focused matters concerned to language, also taking account of the vital importance of its role in the formation of men. Thus, he was concerned in treating language not only as a simple mean of communication among people, but also as a social and crucial activity for the development of human beings. According to that and regarding the Bakhtinian concepts of alterity and dialogism in this paper, we intend to verify some aspects related to Macabéa, the protagonist of the novel entitled A Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector, as well as her communication with the outside world, via language, trying to clarify, into that process, elucidative elements which attest her diffi culty in interacting with the world that surrounds her, besides the consequent de(constitution) of her own identity.
In this paper we discuss and present the first results gathered from the compilation of a learner corpus comprised of texts written by university students (Language, Literature and Translation Course). We made use of Corpus Linguistics and observations of researchers from the learner’s corpus field, in order to compile and analyze a corpus of argumentative and descriptive texts written in Spanish. Four hundred compositions were collected (about 120 thousand words) from August 2011 to December 2012. The methodology adopted assisted us considerably in maintaining a comprehensive working agenda, taking into consideration students’ needs and using the data collected as subsidy to improve classroom management of content. We also present the difficulties faced during the data gathering and propose procedures do avoid or minimize them.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As a hybrid genre, the narrative of Carlo Levi is an objective account and subjective elaboration that are equalized in a literary form. Written between 1943 and 1944, the book evokes with an atmosphere of memoir the period of 1935 and 1936, the writer’s exile. The film based on the narration fragmentizes the daily life of the problematic region and highlights the truth aimed by the discourses composed in times of crises, reinforced by action and expression without provincialism and also without a compensating aristocratic pose. It is possible to see some incapacity of the film by Rosi, natural to a certain degree, to translate the synthesis of literary treatment and socio-historical reflection. For this reason it is necessary to read the adaptation as an attitude about the literary matter and the result of historical experience. The memoir character relies on the artifice that makes good use of the book’s opening, the author’s short monologue, its narrative frame. The presence of paintings materializes the questions about the absurd contained in them
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of this research is to present de narrative techniques of the Stream of Consciousness in the novel Ask the dust, by American writer John Fante, as well as analyzing the technique applying it to the character/narrator Arturo Bandini. Among others, the emphasys was given to the interior monologue technique, for its large and intense use throughout the analyzed novel. This research was based specially on O Fluxo da consciência (1976), by Robert Humphrey, and Foco narrativo e fluxo da consciência (2012), de Alfredo Leme Coelho de Carvalho, both important researchers in the studied theme. This research, therefore, intends to demonstrate the geniality of the still little-known John Fante and point out the peculiarities of the so-called 'psychological fiction', that in the early 20th century united literature and psychology studies, becoming very popular in modern literature, with exponents like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce
The purpose of this research is to present de narrative techniques of the Stream of Consciousness in the novel Ask the dust, by American writer John Fante, as well as analyzing the technique applying it to the character/narrator Arturo Bandini. Among others, the emphasys was given to the interior monologue technique, for its large and intense use throughout the analyzed novel. This research was based specially on O Fluxo da consciência (1976), by Robert Humphrey, and Foco narrativo e fluxo da consciência (2012), de Alfredo Leme Coelho de Carvalho, both important researchers in the studied theme. This research, therefore, intends to demonstrate the geniality of the still little-known John Fante and point out the peculiarities of the so-called 'psychological fiction', that in the early 20th century united literature and psychology studies, becoming very popular in modern literature, with exponents like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce
Objetiva-se com este trabalho aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as parcerias intersetoriais entre Estado, mercado e sociedade civil, a partir da análise argumentativa de um caso, o projeto Geração XXI, a primeira ação afirmativa para jovens negros no Brasil. Este trabalho utiliza as teorias da argumentação, sobretudo a teoria da ação comunicativa de Habermas, para avaliar a validade dos discursos manifestados pelos diferentes parceiros e a capacidade destes de criar "situações dialógicas" que busquem possíveis soluções por vias argumentativas. O trabalho baseia-se numa pesquisa qualitativa que combinou a observação participante com entrevistas semiestruturadas. A conclusão apontará que, apesar de o projeto ter sido bem gerenciado desde o ponto de vista da racionalidade instrumental, houve falhas na construção de um significado aceitável por todos os colaboradores de conceitos-chave - ação afirmativa, gestão da diversidade e responsabilidade social, bem como nos procedimentos de comunicação institucionalizados, que afetaram negativamente os processos e resultados finais do projeto.
Human reasoning is a fascinating and complex cognitive process that can be applied in different research areas such as philosophy, psychology, laws and financial. Unfortunately, developing supporting software (to those different areas) able to cope such as complex reasoning it’s difficult and requires a suitable logic abstract formalism. In this thesis we aim to develop a program, that has the job to evaluate a theory (a set of rules) w.r.t. a Goal, and provide some results such as “The Goal is derivable from the KB5 (of the theory)”. In order to achieve this goal we need to analyse different logics and choose the one that best meets our needs. In logic, usually, we try to determine if a given conclusion is logically implied by a set of assumptions T (theory). However, when we deal with programming logic we need an efficient algorithm in order to find such implications. In this work we use a logic rather similar to human logic. Indeed, human reasoning requires an extension of the first order logic able to reach a conclusion depending on not definitely true6 premises belonging to a incomplete set of knowledge. Thus, we implemented a defeasible logic7 framework able to manipulate defeasible rules. Defeasible logic is a non-monotonic logic designed for efficient defeasible reasoning by Nute (see Chapter 2). Those kind of applications are useful in laws area especially if they offer an implementation of an argumentation framework that provides a formal modelling of game. Roughly speaking, let the theory is the set of laws, a keyclaim is the conclusion that one of the party wants to prove (and the other one wants to defeat) and adding dynamic assertion of rules, namely, facts putted forward by the parties, then, we can play an argumentative challenge between two players and decide if the conclusion is provable or not depending on the different strategies performed by the players. Implementing a game model requires one more meta-interpreter able to evaluate the defeasible logic framework; indeed, according to Göedel theorem (see on page 127), we cannot evaluate the meaning of a language using the tools provided by the language itself, but we need a meta-language able to manipulate the object language8. Thus, rather than a simple meta-interpreter, we propose a Meta-level containing different Meta-evaluators. The former has been explained above, the second one is needed to perform the game model, and the last one will be used to change game execution and tree derivation strategies.
In vorliegender Dissertation werden die von Albert Schweitzer ersonnene Weltanschauungsphilosophie sowie dessen Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben untersucht und auf ihre Kohärenz sowie auf ihre argumentative Tragfähigkeit geprüft. Es zeigt sich dabei, dass dieselben, entgegen der Meinung vieler Kritiker, keineswegs nur weltfremde Gedankenkonstrukte sind, sondern sehr wohl Orientierung hinsichtlich der ethischen Ausrichtung unserer Zeit zu geben vermögen und insbesondere die Schweitzer’sche Ehrfurchtsethik aus diesem Grunde als theoretisch vollwertiges Konzept einer philosophischen Ethik respektiert zu werden verdient. Schweitzer hat als Hintergrund all seiner Ausführungen die Vorstellung vom "Verfall der Kultur", daher sind sämtliche seiner philosophischen Überlegungen als Antwortversuche auf diesen von ihm konstatierten Kulturverfall zu verstehen. Ist der Verfall der Kultur seiner Zeit für Schweitzer bedingt durch das Fehlen einer lebens- und weltbejahenden Weltanschauung, so kann ein entsprechender Wiederaufbau der Kultur für ihn nur über den Weg der Konzeption einer aus tiefstem Denken ersonnenen lebens- und weltbejahenden Weltanschauung führen; das Kernstück dieser gesuchten neuen Weltanschauung ist für Schweitzer schließlich die Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben. Es entbehrt indes nicht einer gewissen Tragik, dass diese Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, welche Schweitzer selbst ein Herzensanliegen war und um die sein gesamtes Denken seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts kreiste, weder bei philosophisch interessierten Laien noch bei den Gelehrten dieser Zunft auf reges Interesse stieß. Mit Verweis auf die unsystematische Verfasstheit sowie den unausgereiften bzw. unvollkommenen Zustand dieses Ethikkonzepts schenkte (und schenkt) man demselben in Fachkreisen so gut wie keine Beachtung und auch im Blickpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses standen (und stehen) für gewöhnlich die greif- und sichtbaren Aktivitäten Schweitzers – so etwa sein humanitäres Engagement in Afrika oder seine Rolle als "kritisches Gewissen" seiner Zeit hinsichtlich der damals mehr oder minder akuten Bedrohung der Menschheit durch das atomare Wettrüsten der beiden Supermächte USA und UdSSR – wobei man jedoch verkennt, dass diese letztlich nur verstehbar sind vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben und nur von dort einen Sinn erhalten. Um diese überragende Bedeutung der Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben im Gesamtgefüge des Schweitzer’schen Denkens angemessen einschätzen zu können, werden die tragenden Begriffe dieser Ethikkonzeption aus den Texten Schweitzers heraus so exakt als möglich bestimmt sowie der innere Zusammenhang derselben aufgezeigt, um wiederum die diese Begriffe fundierende Architektonik freizulegen.
Le but de ce mémoire est d'identifier les caractéristiques typiques du discours touristique à travers une analyse argumentative de trois guides touristiques d'éditeurs et de langue français sur l'Italie du Sud, respectivement le guide «Routard», «Petit futé» et «Le guide bleu». Dans le premier chapitre, j'ai tracé l'histoire du développement et de la diffusion de ce genre textuel à travers les siècles. Ensuite, à travers une analyse non seulement linguistique mais qui prend en compte aussi les éléments et les stéréotypes culturels, j'ai mis en exergue les différences de style des trois guides et la manière dont ils présentent une destination peu connue au public français telle que l'Italie du Sud. En particulier, il a été possible, à travers les textes des guides, de retrouver une représentation pas toujours stéréotypée des Italiens et des Français aussi. Le dernier chapitre est consacré à une étude purement linguistique des textes touristiques, dont j'ai pris en considération des éléments récurrents comme la formule, le lexique évaluatif, la technique du balancement axiologique et la poéticité du langage. En conclusion, avec les outils fournis par l'analyse argumentative et culturelle, il a été possible de répertorier les éléments du style et du langage que l'on pourrait considérer comme typiques du discours de promotion touristique et, en même temps, d'identifier les différences entre les trois guides qui montrent comment un même genre peut se décliner de multiples façons différentes.