947 resultados para anti-HIV drugs
The occurrence of seven pharmaceuticals and two metabolites belonging to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics therapeutic classes was studied in seawaters. A total of 101 samples covering fourteen beaches and five cities were evaluated in order to assess the spatial distribution of pharmaceuticals among north Portuguese coast. Seawaters were selected in order to embrace different bathing water quality (excellent, good and sufficient). Acetaminophen, ketoprofen and the metabolite hydroxyibuprofen were detected in all the seawater samples at maximum concentrations of 584, 89.7 and 287 ng L− 1, respectively. Carboxyibuprofen had the highest seawater concentration (1227 ng L− 1). The temporal distribution of the selected pharmaceuticals during the bathing season showed that, in general, higher concentrations were detected in August and September. The environmental risk posed by the pharmaceuticals detected in seawaters towards different trophic levels (fish, daphnids and algae) was also assessed. Only diclofenac showed hazard quotients above one for fish, representing a potential risk for aquatic organisms. These results were observed in seawaters classified as excellent bathing water. Additional data is needed in order to support the identification and prioritization of risks posed by pharmaceuticals in marine environment.
An analytical methodology for the simultaneous determination of seven pharmaceuticals and two metabolites belonging to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics therapeutic groups was developed based on off-line solid-phase extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (SPE–UHPLC–MS/MS). Extraction conditions were optimized taking into account parameters like sorbent material, sample volume and sample pH. Method detection limits (MDLs) ranging from 0.02 to 8.18 ng/L were obtained. This methodology was successfully applied to the determination of the selected pharmaceuticals in seawater samples of Atlantic Ocean in the Northern Portuguese coast. All the pharmaceuticals have been detected in the seawater samples, with pharmaceuticals like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, ketoprofen and the metabolite hydroxyibuprofen being the most frequently detected at concentrations that can reach some hundreds of ng/L.
BACKGROUND: This study was designed to investigate, for the first time, the short-term molecular evolution of the HIV-2 C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions and its association with the immune response. Clonal sequences of the env C2V3C3 region were obtained from a cohort of eighteen HIV-2 chronically infected patients followed prospectively during 2-4 years. Genetic diversity, divergence, positive selection and glycosylation in the C2V3C3 region were analysed as a function of the number of CD4+ T cells and the anti-C2V3C3 IgG and IgA antibody reactivity RESULTS: The mean intra-host nucleotide diversity was 2.1% (SD, 1.1%), increasing along the course of infection in most patients. Diversity at the amino acid level was significantly lower for the V3 region and higher for the C2 region. The average divergence rate was 0.014 substitutions/site/year, which is similar to that reported in chronic HIV-1 infection. The number and position of positively selected sites was highly variable, except for codons 267 and 270 in C2 that were under strong and persistent positive selection in most patients. N-glycosylation sites located in C2 and V3 were conserved in all patients along the course of infection. Intra-host variation of C2V3C3-specific IgG response over time was inversely associated with the variation in nucleotide and amino acid diversity of the C2V3C3 region. Variation of the C2V3C3-specific IgA response was inversely associated with variation in the number of N-glycosylation sites. CONCLUSION: The evolutionary dynamics of HIV-2 envelope during chronic aviremic infection is similar to HIV-1 implying that the virus should be actively replicating in cellular compartments. Convergent evolution of N-glycosylation in C2 and V3, and the limited diversification of V3, indicates that there are important functional constraints to the potential diversity of the HIV-2 envelope. C2V3C3-specific IgG antibodies are effective at reducing viral population size limiting the number of virus escape mutants. The C3 region seems to be a target for IgA antibodies and increasing N-linked glycosylation may prevent HIV-2 envelope recognition by these antibodies. Our results provide new insights into the biology of HIV-2 and its relation with the human host and may have important implications for vaccine design.
An increase in the number of new cases of tuberculosis (TB) combined with poor clinical outcome was identified among HIV-infected injecting drug users attending a large HIV unit in central Lisbon. A retrospective epidemiological and laboratory study was conducted to review all newly diagnosed cases of TB from 1995 to 1996 in the HIV unit. Results showed that from 1995 to 1996, 63% (109/173) of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from HIV-infected patients were resistant to one or more anti-tuberculosis drugs; 89% (95) of these were multidrug-resistant, i.e., resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin. Eighty percent of the multidrug-resistant strains (MDR) available for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) DNA fingerprinting clustered into one of two large clusters. Epidemiological data support the conclusion that the transmission of MDR-TB occurred among HIV-infected injecting drug users exposed to infectious TB cases on open wards in the HIV unit. Improved infection control measures on the HIV unit and the use of empirical therapy with six drugs once patients were suspected to have TB, reduced the incidence of MDR-TB from 42% of TB cases in 1996 to 11% in 1999.
Introdução: Os dados publicados sobre a frequência de hipersensibilidade (HS) a anti-inflamatórios não esteróides (AINEs) em doentes asmáticos são discrepantes, sendo escassos na população pediátrica. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a frequência de HS a AINEs, reportada por inquérito telefónico em doentes asmáticos com idade pediátrica. Métodos: Incluíram -se os doentes com idades entre 6 e 17 anos com clínica de asma confirmada por prova de broncodilatação positiva, realizada no período entre 1 de Agosto de 2008 e 30 de Novembro de 2010. Aplicou-se um inquérito telefónico para questionar sobre alguma reacção adversa a fármacos, nomeadamente a AINEs. Perante o reportar de reacção adversa a AINEs, detalhava-se fármaco envolvido, idade na primeira reacção, manifestações clínicas, intervalo entre a toma e o início da reacção, reprodutibilidade, evicção do fármaco implicado e tolerância de fármacos alternativos. Resultados: Foram selecionados, por prova de broncodilatação positiva, 184 doentes. Foi possível aplicar o inquérito a 111/184 (60,3%). A maioria (59,4%) era do género masculino, com 11 ± 3,1 anos. Nove doentes (8,1%) reportaram reacção de HS a AINEs, reprodutível em três. A primeira reacção ocorreu com uma idade mediana de 2 anos (P25:1,8; P75:5,75), abaixo dos 10 anos em todos os doentes. O ibuprofeno foi o fármaco implicado em todos os casos, sendo o paracetamol usado em alternativa. Todos descreveram reacções imediatas, com as seguintes manifestações: respiratória (7), cutânea (3), gastrintestinal (1). A frequência reportada de sintomas respiratórios como manifestação de reacção de HS a AINEs nesta amostra de doentes asmáticos foi de 6,3% (7/111). Quatro doentes (3,6%) estavam sob evicção de AINEs apesar de negarem qualquer reacção de HS prévia. Conclusões: A frequência reportada de HS a AINEs contraria os dados que descrevem estas reacções como infrequentes abaixo dos 10 anos de idade. O paracetamol parece ser uma alternativa segura.
BACKGROUND: The baseline susceptibility of primary HIV-2 to maraviroc (MVC) and other entry inhibitors is currently unknown. METHODS: The susceptibility of 19 HIV-2 isolates obtained from asymptomatic and AIDS patients and seven HIV-1 clinical isolates to the fusion inhibitors enfuvirtide (ENF) and T-1249, and to the coreceptor antagonists AMD3100, TAK-779 and MVC, was measured using a TZM-bl cell-based assay. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)), 90% inhibitory concentration (IC(90)) and dose-response curve slopes were determined for each drug. RESULTS: ENF and T-1249 were significantly less active on HIV-2 than on HIV-1 (211- and 2-fold, respectively). AMD3100 and TAK-779 inhibited HIV-2 and HIV-1 CXCR4 tropic (X4) and CCR5 tropic (R5) variants with similar IC(50) and IC(90) values. MVC, however, inhibited the replication of R5 HIV-2 variants with significantly higher IC(90) values (42.7 versus 9.7 nM; P<0.0001) and lower slope values (0.7 versus 1.3; P<0.0001) than HIV-1. HIV-2 R5 variants derived from AIDS patients were significantly less sensitive to MVC than variants from asymptomatic patients, this being inversely correlated with the absolute number of CD4(+) T-cells. CONCLUSIONS: T-1249 is a potent inhibitor of HIV-2 replication indicating that new fusion inhibitors might be useful to treat HIV-2 infection. Coreceptor antagonists TAK-779 and AMD3100 are also potent inhibitors of HIV-2 replication. The reduced sensitivity of R5 variants to MVC, especially in severely immunodeficient patients, indicates that the treatment of HIV-2-infected patients with MVC might require higher dosages than those used in HIV-1 patients, and should be adjusted to the disease stage.
Esta investigação objetivou estudar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos de infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B e analisar possíveis fatores de risco em 404 usuários submetidos à sorologia anti-HIV no Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. A prevalência global dos marcadores para o vírus da hepatite B foi de 14,6%, idêntica à encontrada para o anti-HBc, com valores de 1% para o HBsAg e anti-HBc IgM. Após ajuste por regressão logística, os marcadores de infecção do vírus B mostraram associação com as variáveis: idade, local de residência, uso de drogas endovenosas e positividade para o HIV. A prevalência de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana foi de 6,9%. Marcadores do vírus B foram detectados em 55,6% dos usuários de drogas endovenosas e em 42,9% dos positivos ao vírus da imunodeficiência humana, confirmando altos índices de infecção nestes grupos específicos.
Foi realizado inquérito soroepidemiológico com o objetivo de conhecer a prevalência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana, de anticorpos contra o vírus da hepatite C (anti-HCV), fatores de risco associados à transmissão parenteral e o perfil epidemiológico de puérperas atendidas em três hospitais conveniados com o Sistema Único de Saúde em Cuiabá-MT, no período de dezembro de 2001 a maio de 2002. Mil seiscentas e sete mulheres foram estudadas e entrevistadas de modo a se obter informações sócio-demográficas e epidemiológicas que poderiam estar associadas à transmissão do vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Foram pesquisados anticopos anti-HIV e anti-HCV, através do teste ELISA. A prevalência de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana foi de 0,5% (IC95%= 0,2 a 1,0). A maioria das participantes tinha apenas nível de ensino fundamental (58,4%) e mantinha relacionamento estável com parceiro fixo (73%). Não foi evidenciada associação entre a presença de anti-HIV e o nível sócio-econômico, escolaridade, fatores de risco para doenças de transmissão sanguínea ou sexual, e com a presença de comportamento sexual de risco nas entrevistadas e em seus parceiros (relacionamentos com múltiplas parceiras ou bissexualidade). Presumiu-se que a via de transmissão heterossexual foi a principal causa de infecção nas mulheres em idade fértil na região. A prevalência do anti-HCV foi de 0,4% (IC95%= 0,1; 0,8), sendo mais freqüente entre as participantes mais velhas.
Mutations or amplification of the MET proto-oncogene are involved in the pathogenesis of several tumours, which rely on the constitutive engagement of this pathway for their growth and survival. However, MET is expressed not only by cancer cells but also by tumour-associated stromal cells, although its precise role in this compartment is not well characterized. Here we show that MET is required for neutrophil chemoattraction and cytotoxicity in response to its ligand hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Met deletion in mouse neutrophils enhances tumour growth and metastasis. This phenotype correlates with reduced neutrophil infiltration to both the primary tumour and metastatic sites. Similarly, Met is necessary for neutrophil transudation during colitis, skin rash or peritonitis. Mechanistically, Met is induced by tumour-derived tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a or other inflammatory stimuli in both mouse and human neutrophils. This induction is instrumental for neutrophil transmigration across an activated endothelium and for inducible nitric oxide synthase production upon HGF stimulation. Consequently, HGF/MET-dependent nitric oxide release by neutrophils promotes cancer cell killing, which abates tumour growth and metastasis. After systemic administration of a MET kinase inhibitor, we prove that the therapeutic benefit of MET targeting in cancer cells is partly countered by the pro-tumoural effect arising from MET blockade in neutrophils. Our work identifies an unprecedented role of MET in neutrophils, suggests a potential 'Achilles' heel' of MET-targeted therapies in cancer, and supports the rationale for evaluating anti-MET drugs in certain inflammatory diseases.
Kawasaki disease: involution of giant coronary aneurysms after prolonged anti-inflammatory treatment
The patient is a 5-year-old male with Kawasaki disease, whose involution of giant aneurysms of the left coronary arteries was surprising after a prolonged period of treatment, which lasted 80 uninterrupted days and comprised anti-inflammatory drugs associated with anticoagulation agents. The distal diameters of the anterior interventricular, the diagonal, and the circumflex arteries normalized by the end of the treatment. A residual giant aneurysm localized at the beginning of the anterior interventricular artery did not cause ischemia. Continuation of the medication for a prolonged period was recommended.
In order to investigate the IgG HIV-1 antibodies rectivity to structural components of the virus, 85 sera from infected Brazilians, comprising the total spectrum of HIV infection, were analysed by Western blot assay. The sera were confirmed as being positive to HIV with enzyme linked immuno assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). Although the sera from patients reacted less intensively to the gag polypeptide of 55KDa, no distinctive antigen reaction patterns were observed between sera patients with different clinical forms. Because of the higher frequency of reactivity to the gag p24 in AIDS patients, the patterns of anti-HIV IgG responses are similar to those observed in their African counterparts.
The viability of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs passed in the feces was evaluated after treatment of patients with one of the anti-helminthic drugs (thiabendazole, levamisole, cambendazole, pyrantel pamoate, mebendazole or praziquantel). For each drug, a group of 5 children was selected and their feces collected 24 h before treatment and 24, 48 and 72 h after drug administration, except for mebendazole, with the feces being collected throughout the period of treatment. After sedimentation, the total amount of eggs from each collection was transferred to tissue culture flasks containing 10 ml H2So4 O, 1N, with the addtion of 3 drops of a miconazol solution, and incubated at 28 graus centígrados, individually, for 80 days. The flasks wee maintained open and the culture were oxigenated daily by manual agitation. On the 80th day of culture, 20-days-old albino mice were inoculated with 3,200 embryonated eggs, per os. Larvae were recovered from their lungs and hearts, on the 8th day after infection, according to Baerman's method (Morais, 1948). Thiabendazole showed 100.0% ovicidal capacity as early as 48 after treatment. Inhibition of embrionary development was observed when thiabendazole was used. This drug also had an effect on the eggs infectivity when inoculated into normal mice. No significant effect on embrionary development was observed for the other drugs tested.
The appears to be no chemical manufacture of antimalarial drugs is Brazil. Technology at laboratory process level has been developed for chloroquine, mefloquine, pyrimethamine and cycloquanil, but not perfected nor scaled-up, largely for economic reasons and market uncertainty. Development of primaquine has been contracted but it will run into the same difficulty. Manufacturing capacity for sulfadoxine was registred in the SDI by Roche. A project to produce artemisinine and its derivates is under way at UNICAMP-CPQBA but is hampered by low content in the plant. Proguanil could be produced easily, but apparently no attempt has been made to do so. Quinine is imported on a large scale mostly for softdrink production. Since malarial treatment falls largely within responsability of the Government health authorities, manufacture of drugs in Brazil will depend on an assured medium-term purchase order made to a potential local manufacturer, since competition in the world market is scarcelyviable at the present moment.
Hemorrhagic fevers caused by arenaviruses are among the most devastating emerging human diseases. Considering the number of individuals affected, the current lack of a licensed vaccine, and the limited therapeutic options, arenaviruses are arguably among the most neglected tropical pathogens and the development of efficacious anti-arenaviral drugs is of high priority. Over the past years significant efforts have been undertaken to identify novel potent inhibitors of arenavirus infection. High throughput screening of small molecule libraries employing pseudotype platforms led to the discovery of several potent and broadly active inhibitors of arenavirus cell entry that are effective against the major hemorrhagic arenaviruses. Mechanistic studies revealed that these novel entry inhibitors block arenavirus membrane fusion and provided novel insights into the unusual mechanism of this process. The success of these approaches highlights the power of small molecule screens in antiviral drug discovery and establishes arenavirus membrane fusion as a robust drug target. These broad screenings have been complemented by strategies targeting cellular factors involved in productive arenavirus infection. Approaches targeting the cellular protease implicated in maturation of the fusion-active viral envelope glycoprotein identified the proteolytic processing of the arenavirus glycoprotein precursor as a novel and promising target for anti-arenaviral strategies.