953 resultados para age at onset


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Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a late-onset chronic autoimmune disease (AID) affecting the exocrine glands, mainly the salivary and lachrymal. Genetic studies on twins with primary SS have not been performed, and only a few case reports describing twins have been published. The prevalence of primary SS in siblings has been estimated to be 0.09% while the reported general prevalence of the disease is approximately 0.1%. The observed aggregation of AIDs in families of patients with primary SS is nevertheless supportive for a genetic component in its etiology. In the absence of chromosomal regions identified by linkage studies, research has focused on candidate gene approaches (by biological plausibility) rather than on positional approaches. Ancestral haplotype 8.1 as well as TNF, IL10 and SSA1 loci have been consistently associated with the disease although they are not specific for SS. In this review, the genetic component of SS is discussed on the basis of three known observations: (a) age at onset and sex-dependent presentation, (b) familial clustering of the disease, and (c) dissection of the genetic component. Since there is no strong evidence for a specific genetic component in SS, a large international and collaborative study would be suitable to assess the genetics of this disorder.


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Lupus nephritis (LN) is one of the most serious complications of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) since it is the major predictor of poor prognosis. The purpose of this study was to examine the clinical and immunological characteristics associated with LN development during the course of SLE in Colombians. Therefore, patients with SLE followed at five different referral centers in Medellin, Bogota, and Cali were included in this cross-sectional and multicenter study. Factors influencing LN were assessed by conditional logistic regression analysis, adjusting by gender, age at onset, duration of disease, and city of origin. The entire sample population included 467 patients, of whom 51% presented with LN. The presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies (adjusted odds ratio (AOR), 2.06; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.16–3.65), pleuritis (AOR, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.38–10.54), and hypertension (AOR, 2.63; 95% CI, 1.23–5.62) were positively associated with LN, whereas the presence of anti-La antibodies was a protective factor against LN development (AOR, 0.4; 95% CI, 0.19–0.85). A review of literature on LN in different populations is made. The identified clinical- and laboratory-associated factors would assist earlier diagnosis and guide decisions on therapeutic interventions on this critical and frequent complication of SLE.


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Introducción: La ataxia de Friedreich (FRDA) es una enfermedad autosómica recesiva debida a una mutación en el gen X25. Dicho gen está localizado en el cromosoma 9 y codifica para la proteína frataxina. La enfermedad es causada por la repetición del trinucleótido GAA. En individuos normales la secuencia GAA se encuentra repetida entre siete y veintidós veces, mientras que, en pacientes con ataxia de Friedreich GAA puede estar repetida cientos o miles de veces.Objetivos: Evaluar si existe correlación entre el tamaño de la expansión, la edad de inicio de FRDA y su severidad en la muestra seleccionada.Métodos:- Se estudiaron once pacientes con fenotipo típico de ataxia de Friedreich. El análisis molecular por PCR determinó la expansión del trinucleótido GAA. Se analizó la correlación entre la edad de inicio de FRDA y su progresión con el número de repeticiones GAA.Resultados y conclusiones:- El análisis molecular por PCR mostró ocho pacientes homocigotos para la expansión, y tres negativos. El promedio del tamaño de las expansiones en los alelos es 622±5 con un promedio correspondiente de la edad inicio de FRDA 13±8. Para el tamaño de la muestra no se observó una correlación estadística significativa entre la edad de inicio de la enfermedad y el número de repeticiones, pero sí una tendencia a correlacionarse de forma inversa (p<0.11). El diagnóstico molecular de FRDA, sumado a la comprensión de su fisiología y a la utilización de los criterios de inclusión de Harding, constituye un paso importante en el logro de un tratamiento óptimo de la enfermedad.


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La prevalencia global de la epilepsia en Colombia es del 1,13% y en pacientes mayores de 65 años puede estar cercana al 1,5%. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el de describir las características demográficasy clínicas de la población mayor de 65 años que presenta epilepsia. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en dos hospitales en Bogotá (Colombia), durante los años 2005-2008. Se revisaron las bases de datos y se seleccionaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes mayores de 65 años con epilepsia. Resultados: se revisaron 211 historias clínicas y se seleccionaron 179. La edad media fue de 75 años (65-98) y el inicio de la epilepsia fue a los 67,5 (7-93); el 64,4% inició la enfermedad después de los 65 años. El 84% de las crisis fueron clasificadas como focales. El diagnóstico más frecuente fue epilepsia focal sintomática (94,4%). 61 pacientes tuvieron como etiología una enfermedad cerebro-vascular. Los antiepilépticos de primera generación, especialmente fenitoína, fueron los más utilizados (99%), aunque 81 de 104 pacientes tratados no estaban libres de crisis. Conclusiones: la mayoría de las crisis son resultado de una epilepsia focal sintomática como consecuencia de una lesión vascular, por lo que se debe considerar el tratamiento farmacológico desde la primera crisis. Es recomendable iniciar el tratamiento con antiepilépticos de segunda generación como lamotrigina, gabapentin, levetiracetam, para minimizar efectos secundarios, y mantener el principio de inicio con dosis bajas y mantenimiento con dosis bajas. Si las condiciones económicas no lo permiten, se puede usar fenitoína o carbamacepina con precaución.


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Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los factores socio-demográficos, laborales y los factores de riesgo ergonómico, relacionados con la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de la actividad del Bicitaxismo en el barrio Toberín de la Localidad de Usaquén de la Ciudad Bogotá, para recomendar estrategias de prevención. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en 150 personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se realizó un muestreo simple y aleatorio. La identificación de los factores asociados con síntomas osteomusculares se hizo mediante la aplicación de la metodología Ergopar (Ergonomía Participativa para la prevención de trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral), en el grupo de personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se estimó la proporción de personas con trastornos músculo esqueléticos en este grupo de trabajadores y se exploró asociación mediante la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson o prueba exacta de Fisher, usando nivel de significación del 5%, con el programa SPSS 20. Resultados: Los resultados sugirieron que en el bicitaxismo hay asociación estadísticamente significativa con los factores de edad y aparición de dolor en espalda lumbar valor p (0,009), manos/muñecas valor p (0,001), piernas con un valor p (0,022), rodillas valor p (0,001), tiempo de trabajo con la aparición de dolor en codos valor p (0,013), horas de trabajo con la aparición de molestias en codos valor p (0,000), y en piernas valor p (0,002), Días de trabajo, con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,003), dolor en piernas valor p (0), y dolor en rodillas valor p (0,014), e igualmente exigencias físicas con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,002) y dolor en piernas con un valor p (0,044) Conclusión: Se evidenció asociación entre la actividad del bicitaxismo y la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de molestia/dolor en los diferentes segmentos musculares, tales como espalda lumbar, codos, manos/muñecas, piernas y rodillas


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Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el desarrollo de hipotiroidismo autoinmune (HA) en una cohorte de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), y analizar la información actual en cuanto a la prevalencia e impacto de la enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la autoinmunidad tiroidea en pacientes con LES. Métodos: Este fue un estudio realizado en dos pasos. Primero, un total de 376 pacientes con LES fueron evaluados sistemáticamente por la presencia de: 1) HA confirmado, 2) positividad para anticuerpos tiroperoxidasa/tiroglobulina (TPOAb/TgAb) sin hipotiroidismo, 3) hipotiroidismo no autoinmune, y 4) pacientes con LES sin hipotiroidismo ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb. Se construyeron modelos multivariados y árboles de regresión y clasificación para analizar los datos. Segundo, la información actual fue evaluada a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RLS). Se siguieron las guías PRISMA para la búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, SciELO y Librería Virtual en Salud. Resultados: En nuestra cohorte, la prevalencia de HA confirmado fue de 12% (Grupo 1). Sin embargo, la frecuencia de positividad para TPOAb y TgAb fue de 21% y 10%, respectivamente (Grupo 2). Los pacientes con LES sin HA, hipotiroidismo no autoinmune ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb constituyeron el 40% de la corhorte. Los pacientes con HA confirmada fueron estadísticamente significativo de mayor edad y tuvieron un inicio tardío de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo (ORA 6.93, IC 95% 1.98-28.54, p= 0.004), la presencia de Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) (ORA 23.2, IC 95% 1.89-359.53, p= 0.015) y la positividad para anticuerpos anti-péptido cíclico citrulinado (anti-CCP) (ORA 10.35, IC 95% 1.04-121.26, p= 0.047) se asociaron con la coexistencia de LES-HA, ajustado por género y duración de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo y el SS fueron confirmados como factores predictivos para LES-HA (AUC del modelo CART = 0.72). En la RSL, la prevalencia de ETA en LES varío entre 1% al 60%. Los factores asociados con esta poliautoinmunidad fueron el género femenino, edad avanzada, tabaquismo, positividad para algunos anticuerpos, SS y el compromiso articular y cutáneo. Conclusiones: La ETA es frecuente en pacientes con LES, y no afecta la severidad del LES. Los factores de riesgo identificados ayudarán a los clínicos en la búsqueda de ETA. Nuestros resultados deben estimular políticas para la suspensión del tabaquismo en pacientes con LES.


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Developmental stammering (DS, also known as idiopathic stammering or stuttering) is a disorder of speech fluency that affects approximately 0.75% to 1% of the populations of Great Britain, Australia and America,(1-4) although a recent study puts the point prevalence figure at between 1% and 3% in the UK.(5) Prevalence is generally thought to be similar amongst communities worldwide, although there have been occasional suggestions that this figure might be lower in countries where there is less pressure on verbal acuity.(6) DS may be distinguished from neurogenic stammering, which can occur subsequent to neurological damage of various aetiologies (for example, stroke, tumour, degenerative disease) and psychogenic stammering, whose onset can be related to a significant psychological event such as bereavement. While a diagnosis of neurogenic stammering might be made in early childhood and adolescence, both neurogenic and psychogenic types are typically associated with an adult onset. DS is by far the most common form of stammering and usually develops in the pre-school years. The mean age at onset is 4 2, with 75% of cases beginning before the age of 6.(1) However, occasionally, stammering onset may be seen as late as 12 or 13 years of age.


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This paper investigates how sequential bilingual (L2) Turkish-English children comprehend English reflexives and pronouns and tests whether they pattern similarly to monolingual (L1) children, L2 adults, or children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Thirty nine 6- to 9-year-old L2 children with an age of onset of 30-48 months and exposure to English of 30-72 months and 33 L1 age-matched control children completed the Advanced Syntactic Test of Pronominal Reference-Revised (van der Lely, 1997). The L2 children’s performance was compared to L2 adults from Demirci (2001) and children with SLI from van der Lely & Stollwerck (1997). The L2 children’s performance in the comprehension of reflexives was almost identical to their age-matched controls, and differed from L2 adults and children with SLI. In the comprehension of pronouns, L2 children showed an asymmetry between referential and quantificational NPs, a pattern attested in younger L1 children and children with SLI. Our study provides evidence that the development of comprehension of reflexives and pronouns in these children resembles monolingual L1 acquisition and not adult L2 acquisition or acquisition of children with SLI.


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The unparalleled collection of clinical data and biomaterials within the EHDN's REGISTRY can expedite the search for disease modifiers (genetic and environmental) of age at onset and disease progression that could be harnessed for the development of novel treatments.


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Research on child bilingualism accounts for differences in the course and the outcomes of monolingual and different types of bilingual language acquisition primarily from two perspectives: age of onset of exposure to the language(s) and the role of the input (Genesee, Paradis, & Crago, 2004; Meisel, 2009; Unsworth et al., 2014). Some findings suggest that early successive bilingual children may pattern similarly to simultaneous bilingual children, passing through different trajectories from child L2 learners due to a later age of onset in the latter group. Studies on bilingual development have also shown that input quantity in bilingual acquisition is considerably reduced, i.e., in each of their two languages, bilingual children are likely exposed to much less input than their monolingual peers (Paradis & Genesee, 1996; Unsworth, 2013b). At the same time, simultaneous bilingual children develop and attain competence in the two languages, sometimes without even an attested age delay compared to monolingual children (Paradis, Genesee & Crago, 2011). The implication is that even half of the input suffices for early language development, at least with respect to ‘core’ aspects of language, in whatever way ‘core’ is defined.My aim in this article is to consider how an additional, linguistic variable interacts with age of onset and input in bilingual development, namely, the timing in L1 development of the phenomena examined in bilingual children’s performance. Specifically, I will consider timing differences attested in the monolingual development of features and structures, distinguishing between early, late or ‘very late’ acquired phenomena. I will then argue that this three-way distinction reflects differences in the role of narrow syntax: early phenomena are core, parametric and narrowly syntactic, in contrast to late and very late phenomena, which involve syntax-external or even language-external resources too. I explore the consequences of these timing differences in monolingual development for bilingual development. I will review some findings from early (V2 in Germanic, grammatical gender in Greek), late (passives) and very late (grammatical gender in Dutch) phenomena in the bilingual literature and argue that early phenomena can differentiate between simultaneous and (early) successive bilingualism with an advantage for the former group, while the other two reveal similarly (high or low) performance across bilingual groups, differentiating them from monolinguals. The paper proposes that questions about the role of age of onset and language input in early bilingual development can only be meaningfully addressed when the properties and timing of the phenomena under investigation are taken into account.


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Several studies of different bilingual groups including L2 learners, child bilinguals, heritage speakers and L1 attriters reveal similar performance on syntax-discourse interface properties such as anaphora resolution (Sorace, 2011 and references therein). Specifically, bilinguals seem to allow more optionality in the interpretation of overt subject pronouns in null subject languages, such as Greek, Italian and Spanish while the interpretation of null subject pronouns is indistinguishable from monolingual natives. Nevertheless, there is some evidence pointing to bilingualism effects on the interpretation of null subject pronouns too in heritage speakers’ grammars (Montrul, 2004) due to some form of ‘arrested’ development in this group of bilinguals. The present study seeks to investigate similarities and differences between two Greek–Swedish bilingual groups, heritage speakers and L1 attriters, in anaphora resolution of null and overt subject pronouns in Greek using a self-paced listening with a sentence-picture matching decision task at the end of each sentence. The two groups differ in crucial ways: heritage speakers were simultaneous or early bilinguals while the L1 attriters were adult learners of the second language, Swedish. Our findings reveal differences from monolingual preferences in the interpretation of the overt pronoun for both heritage and attrited speakers while the differences attested between the two groups in the interpretation of null subject pronouns affect only response times with heritage being faster than attrited speakers. We argue that our results do not support an age of onset or differential input effects on bilingual performance in pronoun resolution.


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The hereditary spastic paraplegias are a heterogeneous group of degenerative disorders that are clinically classified as either pure with predominant lower limb spasticity, or complex where spastic paraplegia is complicated with additional neurological features, and are inherited in autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked patterns. Genetic defects have been identified in over 40 different genes, with more than 70 loci in total. Complex recessive spastic paraplegias have in the past been frequently associated with mutations in SPG11 (spatacsin), ZFYVE26/SPG15, SPG7 (paraplegin) and a handful of other rare genes, but many cases remain genetically undefined. The overlap with other neurodegenerative disorders has been implied in a small number of reports, but not in larger disease series. This deficiency has been largely due to the lack of suitable high throughput techniques to investigate the genetic basis of disease, but the recent availability of next generation sequencing can facilitate the identification of disease- causing mutations even in extremely heterogeneous disorders. We investigated a series of 97 index cases with complex spastic paraplegia referred to a tertiary referral neurology centre in London for diagnosis or management. The mean age of onset was 16 years (range 3 to 39). The SPG11 gene was first analysed, revealing homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 30/97 (30.9%) of probands, the largest SPG11 series reported to date, and by far the most common cause of complex spastic paraplegia in the UK, with severe and progressive clinical features and other neurological manifestations, linked with magnetic resonance imaging defects. Given the high frequency of SPG11 mutations, we studied the autophagic response to starvation in eight affected SPG11 cases and control fibroblast cell lines, but in our restricted study we did not observe correlations between disease status and autophagic or lysosomal markers. In the remaining cases, next generation sequencing was carried out revealing variants in a number of other known complex spastic paraplegia genes, including five in SPG7 (5/97), four in FA2H (also known as SPG35) (4/97) and two in ZFYVE26/SPG15. Variants were identified in genes usually associated with pure spastic paraplegia and also in the Parkinson’s disease-associated gene ATP13A2, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis gene TPP1 and the hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy DNMT1 gene, highlighting the genetic heterogeneity of spastic paraplegia. No plausible genetic cause was identified in 51% of probands, likely indicating the existence of as yet unidentified genes.


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Objectives - To describe the clinical and epidemiological aspects of post-polio syndrome (PPS) and identify predictors of its severity. Materials and methods - 132 patients with PPS were selected at the Neuromuscular Disease Outpatient Clinic of the Federal University of Sao Paulo. Descriptive analysis was carried out and predictors of PPS severe forms were investigated using an unconditional logistic regression. Results - The average age at onset was 39.4 years. The most common symptoms were fatigue (87.1%), muscle pain (82.4%) and joint pain (72.0%); 50.4% of the cases were severe. The following were associated with PPS severity: a < 4-year period of neurological recovery (OR 2.8), permanent damage in two limbs (OR 3.6) and residence at the time of acute polio in a city with more advanced medical assistance (OR 2.5). Conclusions - Health professionals should carefully evaluate polio survivors for PPS and be aware of the implications of muscle overuse in the neurological recovery period.


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BackgroundPalmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) discloses some differences compared to vulgar psoriasis (PV) in terms of age of onset, female predominance and low occurrence of psoriasis lesions elsewhere. Cigarette smoking has been associated to PPP in international studies; nevertheless, these studies were never performed among Brazilian.ObjectivesTo compare prevalence of smoking among PPP, PV and other dermatologic patients (NPD).MethodsCase-control study involving 25 PPP patients from a reference psoriasis centre. Two control groups were matched according to gender and age: 50 patients with PV and 50 NPD. Confounders were adjusted by conditional multiple logistic regression.ResultsAmong cases, 84.0% were female and PPP age of disease onset (41.4 years) was greater than PV (34.5 years). Prevalence of ever smoking was higher among cases (92.0%) than PV (52.0%) and NPD (30.0%). Adjusted odds ratio of PPP ever smoking compared to PV and NPD was 9.5 and 36.2, respectively. All smokers reported the onset of their habit before the development of PPP.ConclusionsThere was significant association between PPP and smoking. However, the impact of giving it up in the clinical course of the disease remains to be established.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)