771 resultados para Youth -- Government policy -- Citizen participation
La Comunitat Europea desitja implementar una aplicació per a gestionar les votacions ciutadanes a través d'Internet. Aquesta, dins de la partida pressupostària destinada a fomentar la participació ciutadana dins de l'àmbit polític Europeu, ha decidit obrir un concurs públic per rebre propostes sobre el disseny d'una base de dades (BD) que els hi serveixi de magatzem d'informació per a la futura aplicació.
The report presents evidence on a range of factors affecting disparity between mental and physical health, and includes case studies and examples of good practice to illustrate some of the key issues and solutions. It should be seen as the first stage of an on-going process over the next 5"10 years that will deliver parity for mental health and make whole-person care a reality. It builds on the Implementation Framework for the Mental Health Strategy in providing further analysis of why parity does not currently exist, and the actions required to bring it about. A parity approach should enable NHS and local authority health and social care services to provide a holistic, whole person response to each individual, whatever their needs, and should ensure that all publicly funded services, including those provided by private organisations, give people's mental health equal status to their physical health needs. Central to this approach is the fact that there is a strong relationship between mental health and physical health, and that this influence works in both directions. Poor mental health is associated with a greater risk of physical health problems, and poor physical health is associated with a greater risk of mental health problems. Mental health affects physical health and vice versa. The report makes a series of key recommendations for the UK government, policy-makers and health professionals. Recommendations include: The government and the NHS Commissioning Board should work together to give people equivalent levels of access to treatment for mental health problems as for physical health problems, agreed standards for waiting times, and agreed standards for emergency/crisis mental healthcare. Action to promote good mental health and to address mental health problems needs to start at the earliest stage of a person's life and continue throughout the life course. Preventing premature mortality " there must be a major focus on improving the physical health of people with mental health problems. Public health programmes must include a focus on the mental health dimension of issues commonly considered as physical health concerns, such as smoking, obesity and substance misuse. Commissioners need to regard liaison doctors (who work across physical and mental healthcare) as an absolute necessity rather than an optional luxury. NHS and social care commissioners should commission liaison psychiatry and liaison physician services to drive a whole-person, integrated approach to healthcare in acute, secure, primary care and community settings, for all ages. Mental health services and mental health research must receive funding that reflects the prevalence of mental health problems and their cost to society. Mental illness is responsible for the largest proportion of the disease burden in the UK (22.8%), larger than that of cardiovascular disease (16.2%) or cancer (15.9%). However, only 11% of the NHS budget was spent on NHS services to treat mental health problems for all ages during 2010/11. Culture, attitudes and stigma " zero-tolerance policies in relation to discriminatory attitudes or behaviours should be introduced in all health settings to help combat the stigma that is still attached to mental illness within medicine. Political and managerial leadership is required at all levels. There should be a mechanism at national level for driving a parity approach to relevant policy areas across government; all local councils should have a lead councillor for mental health; all providers of specialist mental health services should have a board-level lead for physical health and all providers of physical healthcare services should have a board-level lead for mental health. The General Medical Council (GMC) and Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) should consider how medical and nursing study and training could give greater emphasis to mental health. Mental and physical health should be integrated within undergraduate medical education.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
A new report by the Healthcare Commission and Audit Commission assesses the impact government policy has had on: narrowing health inequalities; improving sexual and mental health; and reducing smoking, alcohol misuse and obesity.
The purpose of this White Paper is to set out Government policy on all issues relating to early childhood education. An essential starting point is to define what we mean by early childhood education. The Department of Education and Science�s mission is to support the development of a high quality education system which will enable individuals to develop to their full potential as persons and to participate fully as citizens in Ireland�s social and economic development. For many years, it was considered that education began when children went to school and ended when students left the formal education system at the end of first, second or third level. There is growing recognition of the importance of lifelong learning and the idea that children learn from the earliest moment and continue to learn throughout their lives. Education is concerned with all the phases of life, including the very early childhood phase.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
L’objectiu principal del treball és analitzar les polítiques i plans turístics irlandesos nacionals, regionals i locals, i determinar com aquestos influeixen en el turisme urbà a Dublín. L’objectiu secundari és investigar el concepte de turisme urbà i examinar les tendències turístiques actuals i la seva repercussió en la formulació de polítiques
Es pot parlar de desafecció de la societat catalana envers els infants i els joves? Com es manifesta aquesta desafecció en l’àmbit de la cultura institucional? A partir d’una aproximació als serveis educatius de vint equipaments culturals de la ciutat de Barcelona, aquest treball proposa un seguit de dades, indicadors i observacions per assajar una resposta a aquestes qüestions
El treball que es presenta a continuació és una descripció del procés que ha seguit el Projecte Educatiu de Ciutat de Girona per elaborar-ne el propi disseny. Es defineix el PEC com a eina participativa de planificació municipal per a la concreció de les línies prioritàries de l’educació d’un territori i com a tal ha comptat d’un procés marcat principalment per la implicació ciutadana. Aquest procés ha tingut una durada de 17 mesos però en el present treball es desenvolupen, específicament, els últims mesos on hi ha hagut una participació més directe i vinculant
El present treball duu a terme una aproximació a diferents Plans de Desenvolupament Comunitari (PDC) per mitjà de tres experiències concretes. La finalitat es centra en conèixer quines són les característiques, elements i principis bàsics per a la creació d’un marc de referència previ que permeti elaborar una proposta concreta de PDC en el marc del municipi de Banyoles. La proposta de PDC es planteja en termes generals i se’n concreta la seva fase prèvia, d’anàlisi de la realitat, des d’una vessant tècnica
En este artículo se presenta una investigación que evalúa un programa de ocio y participación social (“Implica-Acción”) dirigido a personas mayores de Granollers. Dicho programa se implementó durante 7 años (2001-2008) siendo evaluado su impacto a los dos años siguientes de su finalización. Utiliza como base de su actuación la metodología de la Animación Sociocultural desde la que se promueve un modelo de Desarrollo Comunitario basado en los principios de participación, corresponsabilidad y construcción de ciudadanía. El objetivo ha sido verificar cómo la aplicación de dicha metodología en un contexto determinado puede promover procesos de participación ciudadana y actividades de ocio desde la perspectiva de la democracia cultural, incrementando a su vez la iniciativa social en barrios, territorios y/o espacios comunitarios