854 resultados para Writing and reading teaching


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Margo Glantz propone una literatura que funciona como búsqueda de sí misma. El movimiento de la prosa se afirma sobre el pliegue entre escritura y lectura. Este trabajo recorre dos de sus primeras ficciones: Doscientas ballenas azules (1979) y Síndrome de naufragios (1984), que pueden adscribirse a la corriente literaria mexicana que Glantz llamó la Literatura de la Escritura en oposición a la Literatura de la Onda. Sus imágenes subrayan la íntima relación de la escritura con la violencia: el naufragio y la caza de la ballena. Construidos con fragmentos amplían el objeto hasta transformarlo en constelación simbólica. El lenguaje se carga del erotismo que exige la reposición de la totalidad y la insistencia del cuerpo.


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Tradicionalmente, la figura de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695) ocupa un lugar central en la literatura y la crítica latinoamericanas y -de manera muy especial- mexicanas. Mujer y monja desiguales, poeta e 'inteligencia americana' inigualables, esa figura no ha tardado en construir cierto mito en torno de su obra, como cierta 'clave' que vela o desvela los caminos que conducen al corazón no sólo de su singular literatura sino de su borrascosa historia. Curiosa pero no casualmente, más de una vez la mexicana -en sus poemas así como en sus cartas- ha desalentado esas imágenes e ideas que son, también o principalmente, las de cierta concepción de la escritura y la lectura. En este sentido, el siguiente artículo se propone trazar las coordenadas de dicho problema (el mito sorjuanino y la desmitificación de sor Juana) a fin de deslindar dos aspectos (inseparables) de dicho fenómeno: el que hace a la lectura crítica e incluso a la edición y fijación de sus textos; y el que refiere a la concepción y práctica de la literatura en América Latina en uno de sus momentos inaugurales: el siglo XVII, y a través de una de sus figuras más elusivas: la sorjuanina


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Margo Glantz propone una literatura que funciona como búsqueda de sí misma. El movimiento de la prosa se afirma sobre el pliegue entre escritura y lectura. Este trabajo recorre dos de sus primeras ficciones: Doscientas ballenas azules (1979) y Síndrome de naufragios (1984), que pueden adscribirse a la corriente literaria mexicana que Glantz llamó la Literatura de la Escritura en oposición a la Literatura de la Onda. Sus imágenes subrayan la íntima relación de la escritura con la violencia: el naufragio y la caza de la ballena. Construidos con fragmentos amplían el objeto hasta transformarlo en constelación simbólica. El lenguaje se carga del erotismo que exige la reposición de la totalidad y la insistencia del cuerpo.


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Esta dissertação apresenta dados e discussões oriundos de uma experiência coletiva de pesquisa cujo objetivo maior consistiu em articular as bases curriculares da alfabetização no ensino fundamental de nove anos. A partir da transição histórica e política ocorrida pela Lei 11.274/1996, na qual o ensino fundamental passou a ter um ano a mais de duração e a receber as crianças que anteriormente eram atendidas na educação infantil, uma nova configuração se fez necessária. Demonstramos ao longo do trabalho a necessidade de: 1. Um plano que considere as transições (seja entre anos ou entre ciclos) e que sustente as continuidades; 2. Assumir, a partir do ano de ingresso no ensino fundamental, a perspectiva do regime de ciclo, definindo responsabilidades, objetivos e estratégias articuladas a partir de um trabalho em equipe; 3. Aprofundar conhecimentos que permitam considerar os aspectos mais subjetivos da relação educativa, considerando sempre a infância em seu encantamento lúdico; 4. Estabelecer uma relação dinâmica e produtiva entre oralidade e escrita, entre língua e literatura; 5. Dar maior precisão ao manejo da heterogeneidade desde a série de ingresso enfatizando o acompanhamento de singularidades e diferenças como forma de resolver o problema dos desníveis em alfabetização. A perspectiva teórica parte da articulação de várias áreas e temas do conhecimento: a história da escrita; pesquisa sobre oralidade ou cultura oral em tensão com a escrita; a psicanálise e a educação. Pretendemos, a partir das experiências e reflexões apresentadas nesse trabalho, contribuir para as políticas públicas enfatizando a grande relevância do ensino da escrita e da leitura nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Ao longo dessas experiências, constatamos que, para formar leitores e escritores de bom nível na escola pública brasileira, precisamos de um modelo de trabalho coletivo mais complexo, capaz de exercer um manejo pedagógico detalhado, e ampliamos nossa consciência de que nossas buscas metodológicas, nossas experiências e nossos esforços coletivos em torno da heterogeneidade, apesar de consistentes e relevantes, só poderão ser sustentados a partir de uma reorganização do trabalho escolar que insista em fazer da alfabetização e da leitura uma verdadeira prioridade.


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Essa pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar o significado e o alcance educativos, por um lado da virtude da prudentia e, por outro, da arte de contar mashalim. O objetivo específico é elaborar uma coletânea que ajude a resgatar a relação prudentia / narrativas na formação de professores de ensino fundamental e médio e também dotar o docente de um material que sirva para que ele mesmo elabore o seu próprio repertório nesse campo. O material aqui apresentado é uma coletânea acompanhada de reflexões filosóficas e pedagógicas, que ajudaram a compreender os valores antropológicos das situações envolvidas. Para isso, apoiamo-nos no referencial teórico clássico de Tomás de Aquino, especialmente em seus estudos sobre essa virtude (Tomás de Aquino, 2005), e em seus intérpretes contemporâneos: Josef Pieper e Jean Lauand. Além disso, foi central a minha experiência pessoal como contadora de histórias que se baseia no psicodramatista Moreno, no biólogo Maturana e em teóricos que têm desenvolvido trabalhos referentes à leitura e escrita para ampliar o diálogo com os professores.


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A number of patterning methods including conventional photo-lithography and E-beam lithography have been employed to pattern devices with critical dimensions of submicrometer levels. The methods of device fabrication by lithography and multilevel processing are usually specific to the chemical and physical properties of the etchants and materials used, and require a number of processing steps. As an alternative, focused ion beam (FIB) lithography is a unique and straightforward tool to rapidly develop nanomagnetic prototyping devices. This feature of FIB is critical to conduct the basic study necessary to advance the state-of-the-art in magnetic recording. ^ The dissertation develops a specific design of nanodevices and demonstrates FIB-fabricated stable and reproducible magnetic nanostructures with a critical dimension of about 10 nm. The project included the fabrication of a patterned single and multilayer magnetic media with areal densities beyond 10 Terabit/in 2. Each block had perpendicular or longitudinal magnetic anisotropy and a single domain structure. The purpose was to demonstrate how the ability of FIB to directly etch nanoscale patterns allowed exploring (even in the academic environment) the true physics of various types of nanostructures. ^ Another goal of this study was the investigation of FIB patterned magnetic media with a set of characterization tools: e.g. Spinstand Guzik V2002, magnetic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive system and wavelength dispersive system. ^ In the course of this work, a unique prototype of a record high density patterned magnetic media device capable of 10 terabit/in 2 was built. The read/write testing was performed by a Guzik spinstand. The readback signals were recorded and analyzed by a digital oscilloscope. A number of different configurations for writing and reading information from a magnetic medium were explored. The prototype transducers for this work were fabricated via FIB trimming of different magnetic recording heads. ^


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze how the tropes or figurative discourse in Loynaz’s novel, Jardín, becomes a means by which she involves the reader within a text that subverts socio-cultural conventions. Through textual analysis, it explains how the poet communicates her views of the world as a conflictive space where existence is the will to live, life being a human construction like a garden, and a woman’s decision –often frustrated by men– to seek self-realization.^ By tracing some critical studies focused on polarities allegedly present in Jardín, such as: poetry/prose, lyric poetry/novel, word/silence, life/death, character novel/space novel, civilization/barbarism, posmodernismo/vanguardismo, and femininity/feminism, this essay explores Loynaz’s esthetic and ideological codes to demonstrate how opposition can be seen in her novel as part of her arrangement of an artistic philosophy.^ This research refers to three main sources: the semiotician Umberto Eco’s notion of the text’s indeterminacy as an opera aperta, reception theory, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of dialogism. By applying these theories to the analysis of this novel, I seek to show Loynaz’s literary modus (tropological language) and ideological dictum , which correlate oppositions and transform them as a point of departure to reconsider civilized life. The poet is presented as an esthetic force that compels the reader to question some false values, by creating an implicit but intelligent dialogue between him/her and a lyrical text. To describe such literary procedure, I coin in this study the term dialirismo (dialyricism). ^ My essay is centered on the tropes through which Loynaz creates her dialyrical text. By focusing on metaphor, symbol, synecdoche, and metonymy, I examine Jardín as a convergence of the following conceptual aspects: intertextuality, primitivism, and feminist discourse. I argue that Loynaz’s novel is a creative response to the literary tradition, as well as a proposal to understand writingand reading– as an open, interactive process in search not only of artistic values but also of critical knowledge.^ This exploration shows how the novelist faces a so-called civilized world through the eyes of her fictional character, Bárbara, who confronts patriarchal discourse. It celebrates Loynaz’s poetic representation of this inquisitive woman, in her fenced garden, as a human being who can see, above and beyond an iron curtain, the possibility to overcome an aggressive male-centered civilization.^


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In recent decades, debates have intensified about (auto) biographical narratives as devices of socio-educational practices, aligned to the educational setting of the XXI century which have stimulated a new educational perspective woven with epistemological and methodological training throughout life. Towards that scenario, the continued training in Judicial School has occupied important space for constitutional effectiveness and, on the other hand, has grown the demands of expanding knowledge and enhancing training practices, in turn, judicial practices. The aim is to analyze the reflective Group through "Professional Training biographical Workshop" with Bailiffs such as socio-educational practices in socio Judicial School, in the city of Natal /RN. It has highlighted the questions that guided this study: 1. What paths of experiences and knowledge shared by the Law Officials, Federal Appraisers in "Professional Training biographical Workshop" as reflective Group? 2. How is organized the reflective Group as practice in socio-professional training setting? 3. What contributions narratives of themselves bring to the bailiff in reflective Group on Judicial School? The theoretical assumptions are supported in the lifelong training in methodological and epistemological dimension of (auto) biographical knowledge (JOSSO, 2008, 2010, 2012; PINEAU, 2005, 2006; DOMINICÉ, 2010; DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2006, 2008; FREIRE, 1987, 1996, 2001; PASSEGGI, 2008; 2010; 2011; 2012). In 2009, 09 (nine) civil servants in post of Federal Appraiser Justice Official, law graduates participated in this research through eight (08) "Biographical Workshops of Professional Training", consisting of biographical practices and scenarios, enabling oral and written narratives about a memory that has meaning, relationship and tessituras between files, facts and feelings that reveal the perception of self and other, as well as mobilize and weave the training process. The experiences of speaking, writing and reading were constituted of spaces that facilitating the reconstruction of the trajectory of training and career awareness-making, helping to re-signify labor relations and lead to their own professional design. From this study, the reflective properties of groups have emerged, consisting of Reflexivity, Experience, Historicity, Reversibility, dialog and formability processes, with paths to social and educational practices in which professionals identify the meaning and significance of self and of the profession that are exercising. The expectation is to continue with the spirit of research to emerge from the participants responses to training practices in Judicial School, aligned with the new knowledge of understanding the human being, not only an object of his work, but also a social subject, co-participant in the process of re-signifying life and work in a permanent way.


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O projecto de intervenção pedagógica “Detectives de Palavras: uma abordagem ao desenvolvimento da criatividade através da escrita” remete-nos para uma análise acerca da importância da criatividade no mundo actual, como capacidade pessoal e social. Partindo da ideia de que a criatividade é o produto da interacção entre o domínio, o campo e a pessoa (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988) e de que a imaginação, a originalidade e a expressão são características essenciais do processo criativo (Bellón, 1998) desenvolveu-se um projecto direccionado para crianças em idade escolar com o intuito de desenvolver o pensamento criativo assim como despertar a motivação para a escrita e para a leitura. No presente projecto, são trabalhadas com os intervenientes algumas estratégias de Escrita Criativa passando, as crianças, a incorporarem o papel de Detectives de Palavras. Cada criança possui um kit pedagógico-didáctico de construção/investigação de histórias. Este kit é constituído por uma pasta de detective que contém alguns objectos utilizados por escritores e por detectives, tais como blocos de notas, lupas, pasta arquivadora de textos, cartões de identificação, entre outros, que podem ser capazes de ajudar as crianças a desenvolverem as suas ideias. Além de ser essencial avaliar o desenrolar do projecto, ou seja, o processo, também é importante avaliar o produto, neste caso, os textos das crianças. Contudo, avaliar a criatividade é uma tarefa complexa e muito subjectiva, por isso, esta avaliação baseia-se nos quatro factores que, de acordo com Guilford (1950) e Torrance (1972), estão envolvidos no processo criativo: a flexibilidade, a originalidade, a fluência e a elaboração.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.


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With its powerful search engines and billions of published pages, the Worldwide Web has become the ultimate tool to explore the human experience. But, despite the advent of the digital revolution, e-books, at their core, have remained remarkably similar to their printed siblings. This has resulted in a clear dichotomy between two ways of reading: on one side, the multi-dimensional world of the Web; on the other, the linearity of books and e-books. My investigation of the literature indicates that the focus of attempts to merge these two modes of production, and hence of reading, has been the insertion of interactivity into fiction. As I will show in the Literature Review, a clear thrust of research since the early 1990s, and in my opinion the most significant, has concentrated on presenting the reader with choices that affect the plot. This has resulted in interactive stories in which the structure of the narrative can be altered by the reader of experimental fiction. The interest in this area of research is not surprising, as the interaction of readers with the fabric of the narrative provides a fertile ground for exploring, analysing, and discussing issues of plot consistency and continuity. I found in the literature several papers concerned with the effects of hyperlinking on literature, but none about how hyperlinked material and narrative could be integrated without compromising the narrative flow as designed by the author. It led me to think that the researchers had accepted hypertextuality and the linear organisation of fiction as being antithetical, thereby ignoring the possibility of exploiting the first while preserving the second. All the works I consulted were focussed on exploring the possibilities provided to authors (and readers) by hypertext or how hypertext literature affects literary criticism. This was true in earlier works by Landow and Harpold and remained true in later works by Bolter and Grusin. To quote another example, in his book Hypertext 3.0, Landow states: “Most who have speculated on the relation between hypertextuality and fiction concentrate [...] on the effects it will have on linear narrative”, and “hypertext opens major questions about story and plot by apparently doing away with linear organization” (Landow, 2006, pp. 220, 221). In other words, the authors have added narrative elements to Web pages, effectively placing their stories in a subordinate role. By focussing on “opening up” the plots, the researchers have missed the opportunity to maintain the integrity of their stories and use hyperlinked information to provide interactive access to backstory and factual bases. This would represent a missing link between the traditional way of reading, in which the readers have no influence on the path the author has laid out for them, and interactive narrative, in which the readers choose their way across alternatives, thereby, at least to a certain extent, creating their own path. It would be, to continue the metaphor, as if the readers could follow the main path created by the author while being able to get “sidetracked” into exploring hyperlinked material. In Hypertext 3.0, Landow refers to an “Axial structure [of hypertext] characteristic of electronic books and scholarly books with foot-and endnotes” versus a “Network structure of hypertext” (Landow, 2006, p. 70). My research aims at generalising the axial structure and extending it to fiction without losing the linearity at its core. In creative nonfiction, the introduction of places, scenes, and settings, together with characterisation, brings to life the facts without altering them; while much fiction draws on facts to provide a foundation, or narrative elements, for the work. But how can the reader distinguish between facts and representations? For example, to what extent do dialogues and perceptions present what was actually said and thought? Some authors of creative nonfiction use end-notes to provide comments and citations while minimising disruption the flow of the main text, but they are limited in scope and constrained in space. Each reader should be able to enjoy the narrative as if it were a novel but also to explore the facts at the level of detail s/he needs. For this to be possible, end-notes should provide a Web-like way of exploring in more detail what the author has already researched. My research aims to develop ways of integrating narrative prose and hyperlinked documents into a Hyperbook. Its goal is to create a new writing paradigm in which a story incorporates a gateway to detailed information. While creative nonfiction uses the techniques of fictional writing to provide reportage of actual events and fact-based fiction illuminates the affectual dimensions of what happened (e.g., Kate Grenville’s The Secret River and Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall), Hyperbooks go one step further and link narrative prose to the details of the events on which the narrative is based or, more in general, to information the reader might find of interest. My dissertation introduces and utilises Hyperbooks to engage in two parallel types of investigation Build knowledge about Italian WWII POWs held in Australia and present it as part of a novella in Hyperbook format. Develop a new piece of technology capable of extending the writing and reading process.


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The goal of this study is to define the photographic dimension as a transversal notion that accompanies texts and carries out a function that is narrative, discursive and even poetic, and as an unambiguous analytical tool that allows an understanding of the function of the photographic image in contemporary fiction. How does the photographic dimension act within a text of fiction? How does it guide it, define it, and eventually, transform it? How is the space-time element of a text influenced when the photographic dimension affects the heart of the story? How does the status of the photographic image change when it is blended with the fictional text, and how is a text reorganized in light of the photographic dimension? What interpretations are made possible by the analysis of the photographic dimension? Is it possible to narrate and read a photograph without having to see it, or to what extent does a photograph in plain view determine the writing and reading of the story? In short: What writing and reading digressions are caused by the presence of photographs within a literary text; what is their role, for example, in the activation of memory, of a dream-like state or of identity, and what symbolic dimension is introduced?...


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional


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The writing of I is a project that starts an itinerary through past, present and future experiences of each of our students based on following research activities. Reading, creation and recreation of text and other items that turn essentially around autobiographical writing and culminate with the elaboration of a free autobiography


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This research responds to a pervasive call for our educational institutions to provide students with literacy skills, and teachers with the instructional supports necessary to facilitate this skill acquisition. Questions were posed to gain information concerning the efficacy ofteaching literacy strategies to students with learning difficulties, the impact of this training on their volunteer tutors, and the influence of this experience on these tutors' ensuing instructional practice as teacher candidates in a preservice education program. Study #1 compared a nontreatment group of students with literacy difficulties who participated in the program and found that program participants were superior at reading letter patterns and at comprehending the elements of story grammar. Concurrently, the second study explored the experiences of 19 volunteer tutors and uncovered that they acquired instructional skills as they established a knowledge base in teaching reading and writing, and they affirmed personal goals to become future teachers. Study #3 tracked 6 volunteer tutors into their pre-service year and identified their constructions, and beliefs about literacy instruction. These teacher candidates discussed how they had intended to teach reading and writing strategies based on their position that effective teaching ofthese skills in the primary grades is integral to academic success. The teacher candidates emphasized the need to build rapport with students, and the need to exercise flexibility in lesson plan delivery while including activities to meet emotional and developmental requirements of students. The teacher candidates entered their pre-service education with an initial cognition set based on the limited teaching context of tutoring. This foundational ii perception represented their prior knowledge of literacy instruction, a perception that appeared untenable once they were immersed in a regular instructional setting. This disparity provoked some of the teacher candidates to denounce their teacher mentors for not consistently employing literacy strategies and individualized instruction. This critical perspective could have been a demonstration of cognitive dissonance. In the end, when the teacher candidates began to look toward the future and how they would manage the demands of an inclusive classroom, they recognized the differences in the contexts. With an appreciation for the need for balance between prior and present knowledge, the teacher candidates remained committed to implementing their tutoring strategies in future teaching positions. This document highlights the need for teacher candidates with instructional experience prior to teacher education, to engage in cognitive negotiations to assimilate newly acquired pedagogies into existing pedagogies.