994 resultados para Working youth
Castells argues that society is being reconstituted according to the global logic of networks. This paper discusses the ways in which a globalised network logic transforms the nature young people's transitions from school to work. Furthermore, the paper explores the ways in which this network logic restructured the manner in which youth transitions are managed via the emergence of a Vocational Education and Training (VET) agenda in Australian post compulsory secondary schooling. It also notes the implications of the emergence of the 'network society' for locality generally and for selected localities specific to the research upon which this paper is based. It suggests that schools represent nodes in a range of VET and other networks, and shows how schools and other agencies in particular localities mobilise their expertise to construct such networks. These networks are networked, funded and regulated at various levels - regionally, nationally and globally. But, they are also facilitated by personal networking opportunities and capacities. The paper also points to the ways in which the 'reflexivity chances' of young people are shaped by this network logic - a situation that generates new forms of responsibility, for schools and teachers, with regard to the management of youth transitions.
Individual differences in the variance of event-related potential (ERP) slow wave (SW) measures were examined. SW was recorded at prefrontal and parietal sites during memory and sensory trials of a delayed-response task in 391 adolescent twin pairs. Familial resemblance was identified and there was a strong suggestion of genetic influence. A common genetic factor influencing memory and sensory SW was identified at the prefrontal site (accounting for an estimated 35%-37% of the reliable variance) and at the parietal site (51%-52% of the reliable variance). Remaining reliable variance was influenced by unique environmental factors. Measurement error accounted for 24% to 30% of the total variance of each variable. The results show genetic independence for recording site, but not trial type, and suggest that the genetic factors identified relate more directly to brain structures, as defined by the cognitive functions they support, than to the cognitive networks that link them.
The genetic relationship between lower (information processing speed), intermediate (working memory), and higher levels (complex cognitive processes as indexed by IQ) of mental ability was studied in a classical twin design comprising 166 monozygotic and 190 dizygotic twin pairs. Processing speed was measured by a choice reaction time (RT) task (2-, 4-, and 8-choice), working memory by a visual-spatial delayed response task, and IQ by the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery. Multivariate analysis, adjusted for test-retest reliability, showed the presence of a genetic factor influencing all variables and a genetic factor influencing 4- and 8-choice RTs, working memory, and IQ. There were also genetic factors specific to 8-choice RT, working memory, and IQ. The results confirmed a strong relationship between choice RT and IQ (phenotypic correlations: -0.31 to -0.53 in females, -0.32 to -0.56 in males; genotypic correlations: -0.45 to -0.70) and a weaker but significant association between working memory and IQ (phenotypic: 0.26 in females, 0.13 in males; genotypic: 0.34). A significant part of the genetic variance (43%) in IQ was not related to either choice RT or delayed response performance, and may represent higher order cognitive processes.
Background: In large cohort studies of older children, self-report is the only practical way to assess physical activity. Assessing usual activity over the entire year is desirable, but children and adolescents may overestimate activities with high seasonal variability. Use of questionnaires in which individuals report each activity by season may improve accuracy. Methods: A total of 6782 girls and 5110 boys, aged 9–14 years in 1996, completed self-administered activity questionnaires in 1996 and in 1997. In 1996, participants reported the average time spent in each of 17 activities during the previous 12 months; in 1997, we also asked for the average time spent in the previous year, but within each of the four seasons. Results: Girls reported a median of 12.8 hours/week total activity in 1996 and 10.4 hours/week in 1997. For boys, the estimates were 15.5 hours/week and 13.4 hours/week, respectively. Girls and boys within 1-year age strata (e.g., comparison of 10-year olds in 1996 with 10-year olds in 1997) reported an average of 3.7 and 3.1 fewer hours per week, respectively, on the 1997 seasonal format versus the 1996 annual format questionnaire. In longitudinal analyses, the difference between the annual and the seasonal estimates was greater if participants did the activity in fewer seasons in 1997. Conclusions: In comparison to an annual format questionnaire, a seasonal format questionnaire may improve accuracy of self-report of physical activity by reducing over-reporting of activities in which pre-adolescents and adolescents engage in fewer seasons.
This paper describes the background and current status of an OMERACT facilitated effort to improve the consistency of adverse event reporting in rheumatology clinical trials, The overall goal is the development of an adverse event assessment tool that would provide a basis for use of common terminology and improve the consistency of reporting severity of side effects within rheumatology clinical trials and during postmarketing surveillance. The resulting Rheumatology Common Toxicity Criteria Index encompassed the following organ systems: allergic/immunologic, cardiac, ENT, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neuropsychiatric, ophthalmologic, pulmonary and skin/integument. Before this tool is widely accepted, its validity, consistency, and feasibility need to be assessed in clinical trials.