331 resultados para Wonder.


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The excess of salts in the soil can directly affect the development and yield of the plants, therefore, studies on water relationships of crops in such conditions are necessary to prevent or solve the problem. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at Universidade Estadual Paulista, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Botucatu, Brazil. The statistical design used was randomized blocks with four replications, consisting of five levels of soil salinity (1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 dS m-1), two cultivars of sugar beet (Early Wonder and Itapuã) and two types of management of fertigation, totaling in all 80 plots. Measurements of water content of the leaves, diffuse resistance to water vapor, transpiration, leaf area and the water consumption of crop were determined. There was a decrease according to increasing salinity for the analysed physiological parameters in the Early Wonder variety while for the Itapuã variety a gradual increase was observed up to a salinity of 6 dS m-1. The water consumption by plants showed a reduction with increase of soil salinity for the two varieties.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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With the increase in world population and scarcity of natural resources, efficient use of fertilizers becomes necessary for intensive agriculture. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, UNESP in Botucatu-SP. The treatments were derived from the combination of the soil salinity (E.C: 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0 and 12.0 dS m-1), Fertigation management (M1 =traditional and M2 = with control of the ionic concentration of the soil solution) and beet cultivars (C1= Early Wonder and C2 = Itapuã) in a 5x2x2 factorial design with four replications in a randomized block design. Throughout the cultivation, the following variables were evaluated: height, stem diameter, length and diameter of plant roots. The height of the plant presented differently according to the Fertigation management and sensitive to levels of electrical conductivity in the soil. The diameter of the roots showed reductions of 3.55 and 2.48 mm for C1 and C2, respectively, every unit increase in electrical conductivity (EC) to M1. Based on the functional relationship of the best adjustment between the diameter of the roots and electrical conductivity in M2 gave an estimated maximum diameter of 90.78 mm to 94.67 mm for C1 and C2.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article presents pedagogical reflections on the relationship between media and physical education, a scenario in which digital technologies facilitate and expand access to media. Then there is the need to approach physical education to the media, given its importance in symbolic representation and behavior of students within the movement body culture. The primary intentions of the media are not necessarily compatible with the purposes of school. This apparent contradiction leads us to wonder, in dialogue with the area of media education, which would be the potential of media as a strategy for pedagogical action.


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Knowledge of the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plant provides important information that can assist in the fertilization of crops program. To study the salt effect caused by high amounts of fertilizers applied by fertigation, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu, SP. The experiment lasted 90 days (01/11/11 to 29/01/12) constituting five levels of electrical conductivity (1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, and 12.0 dS m-1), fertigation two management (M1: traditional management, M2: management by controlling the ionic concentration of the soil solution) and two varieties of beets (Early Wonder and Itapuã) blocks with 4 repeats forming a 5x2x2 factorial. From the dry weight of shoots and roots was determined the levels of micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn mg kg-1), and by multiplying the dry matter accumulation was determined in these plant . The accumulation of micronutrients in different parts of the plant followed the order: Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu for the different management fertigation studied. The Cu, Fe, Mn element present responses to increased soil salinity leading to greater absorption.


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This paper addresses the democratic school management within the school organizations. For this, initially made brief remarks on labor relations, the development of administrative and organizational theories. Later, we reflect on how the se labor relations are organized in the educational environment and what education theoretical contributions to the development of school management in Brazil. Therefore, we discuss the Brazilian educational policies that postulate and legitimate democratic school management. Studies of everyday guided the theoretical basis of this work, we wonder what school subject dealing with the discourse of democratic and participative management. Forward the hypothesis that participatory management should be a prominent space in schools, the aim of this study was to investigate the school management of a municipal school of Youth and Adult Education, which brings in your organization pedagogical foundation and educational principles espoused by Paul Freire. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to investigate and describe how is the organization's management of school youth and adults; b) understand the role of managers; c) check how teachers and administrators understand the process of managing this school. From a methodological point of view the daily life of the studies led this work to procedures and qualitative analysis of ethnographic referring to practices that have occurred in adult education school along with the theoretical foundation. Participated in this research members of the school management group and four teachers of Youth and Adult Education rooms. The results obtained showed that dialogue and democracy go together, that the school is an organization with different world views, which need to be primarily present in the identity of the schools. It was also possible to find different democratic practices in the management and organization of the Educational Center that make school subjects become...


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Table of Contents: Tufted Puffin Released A rehabilitated puffin gingerly tests freedom at Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge. FOCUS: Stories of Hope From cemeteries to woodpeckers, to newspaper columns and support at the ballot box, refuges represent stories of hope as they pursue their mission. Bats in the Barn Scientists and volunteers wrap a barn in plastic and count the bats inside. Sense of Wonder Award Jim Burkhart shares the joy and mysteries of the natural world with visitors to Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, GA.


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Nowadays, the Blackland Prairies of north Texas are the kind of landscape most people think of as great for subdivisions and strip malls: generally flat, easily bulldozed, and not too far from Dallas-Fort Worth. Prairie Time: A Blackland Portrait traces a similar utilitarian vision of the prairie in 19th-century pioneer descriptions as well: good for plowing, grazing, and-once the buffalo and Native Americans are exterminated-not too far from outposts of commerce. The book serves as an environmental jeremiad for a place too easily seen as useful and thus too often ignored for preservation. Matt White gives readers a context in which to begin to value the Blackland Prairie by combining a heartfelt story with a thorough sense of its ecological wonder, our post-settlement history and its environmental impact on the land, and some remarkable stories of current preservationists working to find and save remnant gems of unplowed prairie.


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This inquiry reveals the crucial guidance of teachers toward surveying the capacity and needs of students, the formation of ideas, acting upon ideas, fostering connections, seeing potential, making judgments, and arranging conditions. Each aesthetic trace causes me to wonder how teachers learn to create experiences that foster student participation in the world aesthetically. The following considerations surface: • Given the emphasis in schools on outcomes and results, how do we encourage teachers to focus on acts of mind instead of end products in their work with students? • Given the orientations toward technical rationality, to fixed sequence, how do we help teachers experience fluid, purposeful learning adventures with students in which the imagi¬nation is given room to play? • Given the tendency to conceive of planning in teaching as the deciding of everything in advance, how do we help teachers and students become attuned to making good judgments derived from within learning experiences? • How do we help teachers build dialogical multivoiced conversations instead of monolithic curriculum? • What do we do to recover the pleasure dwelling in subject matter? How do we get teachers and students to engage thoughtfully in meaningful learning as opposed to covering curriculum7 • A capacity to attend sensitively, to perceive the complexity of relationships coming together in any teaching/learning experience seems critical. How do we help teachers and students attend to the unity of a learning experience and the play of meanings that arises from such undergoing and doing? The traces, patterns, and texture evidenced locate tremendous hope and wondrous possibilities alive within aesthetic teaching/learning encounters. It is such aliveness I encountered in the grade 4 art classroom that opened this account and continues to compel my attention. Possibilities for teaching, learning, and teacher education emerge. I am convinced they are most worthy of continued pursuit.


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Supporting children's curiosity was considered important at my family child care home. How could we best achieve this? As my assistant caregiver Deb and 1 attended professional development workshops, we began to wonder if the project approach (Helm & Katz 2001) would be an effective means of supporting inquiry and collaborative learning. Before we would commit ourselves, we wanted to learn more. We had many questions. Just what is the project approach? What does it look like? How will it support children's learning? What do we need to be successful with it? The literature suggested many examples of successful projects at child care centers and preschools (Breig-Allen et al. 1998; Harkem: 1999; Beneke 2000; Glassman & Whaley 2000). Our challenge was how to adapt the project approach to our home child care situations.


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This paper addresses the democratic school management within the school organizations. For this, initially made brief remarks on labor relations, the development of administrative and organizational theories. Later, we reflect on how the se labor relations are organized in the educational environment and what education theoretical contributions to the development of school management in Brazil. Therefore, we discuss the Brazilian educational policies that postulate and legitimate democratic school management. Studies of everyday guided the theoretical basis of this work, we wonder what school subject dealing with the discourse of democratic and participative management. Forward the hypothesis that participatory management should be a prominent space in schools, the aim of this study was to investigate the school management of a municipal school of Youth and Adult Education, which brings in your organization pedagogical foundation and educational principles espoused by Paul Freire. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to investigate and describe how is the organization's management of school youth and adults; b) understand the role of managers; c) check how teachers and administrators understand the process of managing this school. From a methodological point of view the daily life of the studies led this work to procedures and qualitative analysis of ethnographic referring to practices that have occurred in adult education school along with the theoretical foundation. Participated in this research members of the school management group and four teachers of Youth and Adult Education rooms. The results obtained showed that dialogue and democracy go together, that the school is an organization with different world views, which need to be primarily present in the identity of the schools. It was also possible to find different democratic practices in the management and organization of the Educational Center that make school subjects become...


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[EN] Plant Tissue Culture, also called “micropropagation”, is the propagation of plants from different tissues (or explants) in a shorter time than conventional propagation, making use of the ability that many plant cells have to regenerate a whole plant (totipotency).There are two alternative mechanisms by which an explant can regenerate an entire plant, namely organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. Since the last decades, the number of higher terrestrial plants species from which these techniques have been successfully applied has continually increased. However, few attempts have been carried out in marine plants. Previous seagrasses authors have focused their studies on i) vegetative propagation of rhizome fragments as explants in Ruppia maritima, Halophila engelmannii, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica; ii) culture of meristems in Heterozostera tasmanica, C. nodosa or P. oceanica; and iii) culture of germinated seeds on aseptic conditions, in Thalassia testudinum, H. ovalis, P. coriacea, P. oceanica, and H. decipiens. All these studies determine the most adequate culture medium for each species (seawater, nutrients, vitamins, carbon sources, etc...), often supplemented with different plant growth regulators and the necessary conditions for the culture maintenance, such as light and temperature. On the other hand, several studies have previously established protocols for cell or protoplast isolation in the species Zostera marina, Z. muelleri, P. oceanica, and C. nodosa, using shoots collected from natural meadows as original vegetal source, but further cell growth was never accomplished. Due to the absence of somatic embryogenesis or organogenetic studies in seagrasses we wonder: IS THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION OF TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUES POSSIBLE IN SEAGRASSES?


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)