495 resultados para Weg


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Rezension von: Georg Stöckli / Rita Stebler: Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Schulform. Unterricht und Entwicklung in der Grundstufe. Münster/ New York/ München/ Berlin: Waxmann 2011 (292 S.; ISBN 978-3-8309-2432-6)


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Der in letzter Zeit zelebrierte Erfolg der Sozialpädagogik ist der kritischen Reflexion aus rephilosophierter Perspektive bedürftig. Sie hat hinzuweisen auf das Erkenntnisinteresse, dem Wissenschaften, wenn sie denn Wissenschaften sein wollen, allererst nachzufolgen haben: nämlich der von staatlichen Gratifikationen absehenden Wahrheitssuche. Hier nun kann eine Rückbesinnung gerade auf den nützlich sein, der Sozialpädagogen, insoweit er sich der Rechtfertigung helfenden Handelns nicht zur Verfügung stellen läßt, von jeher unbequem war: nämlich auf Nietzsche. Dieser ist für die Sozialpädagogik aber nicht nur von Belang, weil er ihr altruistisches Selbstmißverständnis zu kritisieren erlaubt, sondern auch, weil er diese Disziplin auf eine Gegenstandskonzeption hinzuweisen hilft, die der Verkürzung des sozialpädagogischen Geschäfts auf bloße Problemlösungstechnologien entgegenwirken kann. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Renate Knobel: Der lange Weg zur akademischen Ausbildung in der sozialen Arbeit. Stationen von 1868 bis 1971. Frankfurt a. M., Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge, 1992. Besprechungen, 105 S. 2. Ute Lange-Appel: Von der allgemeinen Kulturaufgabe zur Berufskarriere im Lebenslauf. Eine bildungshistorische Untersuchung zur Professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit. (Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung. Bd. 11.) Frankfurt a.M./Bern: Lang 1993. 354 S.


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As high-throughput genetic marker screening systems are essential for a range of genetics studies and plant breeding applications, the International RosBREED SNP Consortium (IRSC) has utilized the Illumina Infinium® II system to develop a medium- to high-throughput SNP screening tool for genome-wide evaluation of allelic variation in apple (Malus×domestica) breeding germplasm. For genome-wide SNP discovery, 27 apple cultivars were chosen to represent worldwide breeding germplasm and re-sequenced at low coverage with the Illumina Genome Analyzer II. Following alignment of these sequences to the whole genome sequence of 'Golden Delicious', SNPs were identified using SoapSNP. A total of 2,113,120 SNPs were detected, corresponding to one SNP to every 288 bp of the genome. The Illumina GoldenGate® assay was then used to validate a subset of 144 SNPs with a range of characteristics, using a set of 160 apple accessions. This validation assay enabled fine-tuning of the final subset of SNPs for the Illumina Infinium® II system. The set of stringent filtering criteria developed allowed choice of a set of SNPs that not only exhibited an even distribution across the apple genome and a range of minor allele frequencies to ensure utility across germplasm, but also were located in putative exonic regions to maximize genotyping success rate. A total of 7867 apple SNPs was established for the IRSC apple 8K SNP array v1, of which 5554 were polymorphic after evaluation in segregating families and a germplasm collection. This publicly available genomics resource will provide an unprecedented resolution of SNP haplotypes, which will enable marker-locus-trait association discovery, description of the genetic architecture of quantitative traits, investigation of genetic variation (neutral and functional), and genomic selection in apple.


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Various materials pertaining to the recollections of Eugene (Egon) Katz about his life in the 1920s and 1930s in Barntrup in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.


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A teoria da sociedade de risco foi estabelecida por Ulrich Beck no ano de 1986 por meio da obra Risikogesellschaft - Auf dem Weg in eine andere Mordene. Beck propõe um novo rumo para a pesquisa sociológico segundo o qual o parâmetro clássico de estudo das ciências sociais baseado na luta entre classe deveria ser superado, pois esse modelo seria incapaz de explicar as complexas relações da sociedade moderna (pós-industrial) em que a característica principal não mais se encontra na disputa entre detentores do capital e explorado, mas, sim, em tentar reduzir ou repartir de modo mais justo os riscos sociais. Foi estabelecida a teoria da sociedade de risco a partir do incremento da tecnologia (por exemplo, energia nuclear, produção de alimentos transgênicos, etc). Com essas novas técnicas científicas praticamente impossível é conter os riscos sociais, uma vez que são neste momento difusos, ou seja, atingem um número indeterminado de pessoas. Neste ambiente de proliferação de riscos a demanda social direcionada à proteção por meio de intrumentos de controle dos riscos ganha papel de destaque. O sentimento social de insegurança baseia-se, principalmente, no fato de não ser mais o ser humano capaz de prever todos os efeitos das condutas a que está sendo diariamente exposto. Diante desse novo quadro social, o Direito, em especial, o Direito Penal não deve mostrar indiferença às necessidades de proteção. Neste contexto, questiona-se se o Direito Penal clássico, isto é, o Direito Penal produzido segundo bases Iluministas tipicamente liberal-burguesas do final século XIX conseguirá fornecer respostas úteis a um modelo social tão diferente daquele originalmente considerado. É necessário um arcabouço teórico próprio aos dias atuais, sem desconsiderar o avanço no campo dos direitos humanos. Defende-se na presente dissertação ter o Direito Penal por escopo a proteção de bens jurídicos, desde que, evidentemente, estejam lastreados no princípio da dignidade humana que serve de inspiração a todos os ordenamentos materialmente democráticos na atualidade. Não se pode negar o relevante papel assumido pelo bem jurídico-penal individual como contenção do jus puniendi estatal, no entanto, tal instrumento teórico deve ser combinado a outro: o bem jurídico-penal transindividual. Como técnica dogmática visando à gestão dos riscos por meio do Direito Penal destinado à proteção de bens jurídicos transindividuais adotar-se-á, geralmente, a utilização de tipos penais de perigo abstrato. Por fim, expõe este trabalho como pode ser empregado o bem jurídico-penal transindividual em zonas de difusão de riscos como a genética e o meio-ambiente.


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载流子传输一直是有机半导体研究中最核心的问题,通过弱外延生长方法可制备高取向、大面积连续的平面酞菁化合物薄膜,其迁移率可达到单晶水平。本论文中应用建立起来的有机半导体开尔文探针力显微镜(KPFM)表征方法,从微观水平研究了这种弱取向外延薄膜和常规的多晶有机半导体薄膜中结构和电特性的关系。 1. 建立了有机半导体的KPFM表征方法。KPFM用微探针方法同时获得样品的表面形貌和电势,本文第二章中论述了KPFM的工作原理、操作方法和成像机制,解释了相关的有机半导体表面态的问题。并且定量验证我们所建立的这种方法的可靠性。 2. 运用KPFM研究了多晶态的有机半导体CuPc和F16CuPc,直接观察到晶界势垒的存在,说明CuPc晶界处存在类施主的缺陷能级,F16CuPc晶界处存在类受主的缺陷能级,这两两种缺陷态分别俘获空穴和电子,使晶界周围的载流子耗尽而形成空间电荷区,限制了载流子的传输,我们从实验的角度证明了有机半导体中晶界限制载流子传输的理论。另外得到多晶CuPc高能量分辨的局域功函图像,越是π电子暴露的表面其功函越高。 3. 在导电的H-Si(111)衬底上制备出6P诱导弱取向生长的CuPc和F16CuPc薄膜,比较了和SiO2衬底上的弱外延生长薄膜的特征。KPFM观察到在CuPc界面处的能带弯曲和空穴累积,这大大降低了载流子传输沟道内CuPc晶界的势垒,从而其迁移率得到很大提高,这说明6P除了具有在结构上诱导使酞菁取向的作用外,还具有电子结构上的效应。另外研究了6P弱外延生长的亚单层F16CuPc薄膜,直接观察到在6P-F16CuPc界面存在强烈的电荷累积,这从微观上说明了有机异质结的电特性。


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Toward the development of an in vitro cultivation of marine sponge cells for sustainable production of bioactive metabolites, the attachment characteristics of marine sponge cells of Hymeniacidon perleve on three types of microcarriers, Hillex, Cytodex 3, and glass beads, were studied. Mixed cell population and enriched cell fractions of specific cell types by Ficoll gradient centrifugation (6%/8%/15%/20%) were also assessed. Cell attachment ratio (defined as the ratio of cells attached on microcarrier to the total number of cells in the culture) on glass beads is much higher than that on Cytodex 3 and Hillex for both mixed cell population and cell fraction at Ficoll 15-20% interface. The highest attachment ratio of 41% was obtained for the cell fraction at Ficoll 15-20% interface on glass beads, which was significantly higher than that of a mixed cell population (18%). The attachment kinetics on glass beads indicated that the attachment was completed within 1 h. Cell attachment ratio decreases with increase in cell-to-microcarrier ratio (3-30 cells/bead) and pH (7.6-9.0). The addition of serum and BSA (bovine serum albumin) reduced the cell attachment on glass beads.


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The para-sexiphenyl (p-6P) monolayer film induces weak epitaxy growth (WEG) of disk-like organic semiconductors, and their charge mobilities are increased dramatically to the level of the corresponding single crystals [Wang et al., Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 2168]. The growth behavior and morphology of p-6P monolayer film play decisive roles on WEG. Here, we investigated the growth behavior of p-6P submonolayer film as a function of the substrate temperature. Its growth exhibited two different mechanisms at high and low substrate temperature.


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We systematically investigated the weak epitaxy growth (WEG) behavior of a series of planar phthalocyanine compounds (MPc), i.e., metal-free phthalocyanine (H2PC), nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc), copper phthalocyanine (CuPc), zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc), iron phthalocyanine (FePc); cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc), grown on a p-sexiphenyl (p-6P) monolayer film by selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Two types of epitaxial relations, named as incommensurate epitaxy and commensurate epitaxy, were identified between phthalocyanine compounds and the substrate of the p-6P film.


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Weak epitaxy growth (WEG) can afford high-mobility thin films of disk-like organic semiconductor of which mobility is up to the level of the corresponding single crystals. We investigated the WEG behavior and mechanism of planar phthalocyanine in the model system of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc) grown on p-sexiphenyl (p-6P) ultrathin films (monolayers and double layers). Highly oriented H2Pc films with molecules standing up exhibited two kinds of different in-plane orientations, i.e., three sets of in-plane orientations and only one set of in-plane orientation, on p-6P monolayer and double-layer films, respectively.


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The fabrication of organic semiconductor thin films is extremely important in organic electronic devices. This tutorial review-which should particularly appeal to chemists and physicists interested in organic thin-film growth, organic electronic devices and organic semiconductor materials-summarizes the method of weak epitaxy growth (WEG) and its application in the fabrication of high quality organic semiconductor thin films.


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Weak epitaxy growth (WEG) behavior and mechanism of copper hexadecafluorophthalocyanine (F16CuPc) on p-sexiphenyl (p-6P) monolayer film were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), selected area electron diffraction (SEAD), and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). High-quality F16CuPc films with high order, large size, and molecular-level smoothness were obtained successfully by WEG method. It was identified that there exists incommensurate epitaxial relation between highly oriented F16CuPc and p-6P films. The geometrical channels of p-6P monolayer surface induce the nucleation and growth of F16CuPc molecules.