972 resultados para Water retention


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The study of the hydro-physical behavior in soils using toposequences is of great importance for better understanding the soil, water and vegetation relationships. This study aims to assess the hydro-physical and morphological characterization of soil from a toposequence in Galia, state of São Paulo, Brazil). The plot covers an area of 10.24 ha (320 × 320 m), located in a semi-deciduous seasonal forest. Based on ultra-detailed soil and topographic maps of the area, a representative transect from the soil in the plot was chosen. Five profiles were opened for the morphological description of the soil horizons, and hydro-physical and micromorphological analyses were performed to characterize the soil. Arenic Haplustult, Arenic Haplustalf and Aquertic Haplustalf were the soil types observed in the plot. The superficial horizons had lower density and greater hydraulic conductivity, porosity and water retention in lower tensions than the deeper horizons. In the sub-superficial horizons, greater water retention at higher tensions and lower hydraulic conductivity were observed, due to structure type and greater clay content. The differences observed in the water retention curves between the sandy E and the clay B horizons were mainly due to the size distribution, shape and type of soil pores.


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Programa de Doctorado Ecología y Gestión de los Recursos Vivos Marinos


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This thesis involves the evaluation of Soil Water Retention Curve using a new device purchased by BIGEA : HYPROP . Having studied and analyzed the characteristics that distinguish the partially saturated soils, I analyzed the silty - sandy soil samples taken in Granaglione ( BO ) with the HYPROP equipment. Subsequently the SWRC was realized using the HYPROP - FIT software. The obtained data were compared with those found in literature and they reflect the outcomes we expected . This confirms the valid HYPROP instrumentation .


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The refeeding syndrome is a potentially lethal complication of refeeding in patients who are severely malnourished from whatever cause. Too rapid refeeding, particularly with carbohydrate may precipitate a number of metabolic and pathophysiological complications, which may adversely affect the cardiac, respiratory, haematological, hepatic and neuromuscular systems leading to clinical complications and even death. We aimed to review the development of the refeeding syndrome in a variety of situations and, from this and the literature, devise guidelines to prevent and treat the condition. We report seven cases illustrating different aspects of the refeeding syndrome and the measures used to treat it. The specific complications encountered, their physiological mechanisms, identification of patients at risk, and prevention and treatment are discussed. Each case developed one or more of the features of the refeeding syndrome including deficiencies and low plasma levels of potassium, phosphate, magnesium and thiamine combined with salt and water retention. These responded to specific interventions. In most cases, these abnormalities could have been anticipated and prevented. The main features of the refeeding syndrome are described with a protocol to anticipate, prevent and treat the condition in adults.


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Adrenal aldosterone production, the major regulator of salt and water retention, is discussed with respect to hypertensive diseases. Physiological aldosterone production is tightly regulated, either stimulated or inhibited, in the adrenal zona glomerulosa by both circulating factors and/or by locally derived endothelial factors. Arterial hypertension caused by volume overload is the leading clinical symptom indicating increased mineralocorticoid hormones. Excessive aldosterone production is seen in adenomatous disease of the adrenals. The balance between stimulatory/proliferative and antagonistic signaling is disturbed by expression of altered receptor subtypes in the adenomas. Increased aldosterone production without a detectable adenoma is the most frequent form of primary aldosteronism. Both increased sensitivity to agonistic signals and activating polymorphisms within the aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) have been associated with excessive aldosterone production. 17alpha-Hydroxylase deficiency and glucocorticoidremediable aldosteronism can also cause excessive mineralocorticoid synthesis. In contrast, the severe form of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, is characterized by a compromised volume expansion in the presence of inappropriately low aldosterone levels. Initial evidence suggests that compromised CYP11B2 is causative, and that administration of NaCl lowered blood pressure in pregnant patients with low aldosterone availability due to a loss of function.


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Patients with neurosurgical disorders often present with hyponatraemia. Two mechanisms account for hyponatraemia in these patients: the Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) and Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome (CSWS). The two entities differ in their volume status. In SIADH, volume is expanded due to ADH-mediated renal water retention, but in CSWS, volume is diminished as a consequence of renal salt wasting, most likely attributable to an increased secretion of Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and Artrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP). Since it is clinically difficult to distinguish between these two entities, fluid management has to be performed carefully. Salt and fluid replacement appears to be indicated in CSWS, whereas fluid restriction might be the primary approach in patients with SIADH.


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Ascites and hyponatremia are frequent complications of advanced liver cirrhosis. Over 50 % of cirrhotic patients develop ascites and about one third gets hyponatremic. The development of ascites is due to an increased sodium retention in the kidneys, leading to expansion of extracellular volume and accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. Hyponatremia is related to an impairment in the renal capacity to eliminate solute-free water that causes water retention that is disproportionate to the sodium retention, thus causing a reduction in serum sodium concentration. The exact pathogenesis of sodium retention is not clear, yet. The main pathogenic factor responsible for hyponatremia is a nonosmotic hypersecretion of vasopressin from the neurohypophysis. There is evidence suggesting that hyponatremia predisposes to hepatic encephalopathy. Impairment in glomerular filtration rate in hepatorenal syndrome is due to renal vasoconstriction. Treatment of ascites consists of potassium sparing diuretics, loop diuretics, and/or paracentesis. The current standard of care of hyponatremia based on fluid restriction is unsatisfactory. Currently, a new family of drugs, known as vaptans, which act by specifically antagonizing the effects of vasopressin on the V2 receptors located in the kidney, is evaluated for their role in the management of hyponatremia. Because data on long-term administration are still incomplete, they cannot be used routinely, yet. Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for hepatorenal syndrome. As bridge to transplantation long-term administration of intravenous albumin and vasoconstrictors can be used.


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Renal dysfunction represents a frequent comorbidity in patients with in chronic heart failure and is not only a strong predictor of mortality, but also causally linked to the development and progression of CHF. Mechanisms involved in the cross-talk between the kidney and the heart include the up-regulated sympathetic nerve system, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, vasopressin release and decreased activity of arterial baroreceptors and natriuretic peptides resulting in abnormal salt and water retention. The main therapeutic goals for patients with the so-called cardiorenal syndrome is the normalization of volume status while avoiding overdiuresis and renal dysfunction as well as the implementation of an evidence-based pharmacologic treatment to improve patient outcome. If these two goals are not achieved with conventional therapy, renal replacement therapy should be discussed in an interdisciplinary approach. All current renal replacement techniques have proved to be useful in controlling hypervolemia and ameliorating functional cardiac parameters and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Nevertheless, the influence of renal replacement therapy on long-term survival of affected patients has not been addressed in large controlled studies.


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1 Natural soil profiles may be interpreted as an arrangement of parts which are characterized by properties like hydraulic conductivity and water retention function. These parts form a complicated structure. Characterizing the soil structure is fundamental in subsurface hydrology because it has a crucial influence on flow and transport and defines the patterns of many ecological processes. We applied an image analysis method for recognition and classification of visual soil attributes in order to model flow and transport through a man-made soil profile. Modeled and measured saturation-dependent effective parameters were compared. We found that characterizing and describing conductivity patterns in soils with sharp conductivity contrasts is feasible. Differently, solving flow and transport on the basis of these conductivity maps is difficult and, in general, requires special care for representation of small-scale processes.


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In several regions of the world, climate change is expected to have severe impacts on agricultural systems. Changes in land management are one way to adapt to future climatic conditions, including land-use changes and local adjustments of agricultural practices. In previous studies, options for adaptation have mostly been explored by testing alternative scenarios. Systematic explorations of land management possibilities using optimization approaches were so far mainly restricted to studies of land and resource management under constant climatic conditions. In this study, we bridge this gap and exploit the benefits of multi-objective regional optimization for identifying optimum land management adaptations to climate change. We design a multi-objective optimization routine that integrates a generic crop model and considers two climate scenarios for 2050 in a meso-scale catchment on the Swiss Central Plateau with already limited water resources. The results indicate that adaptation will be necessary in the study area to cope with a decrease in productivity by 0–10 %, an increase in soil loss by 25–35 %, and an increase in N-leaching by 30–45 %. Adaptation options identified here exhibit conflicts between productivity and environmental goals, but compromises are possible. Necessary management changes include (i) adjustments of crop shares, i.e. increasing the proportion of early harvested winter cereals at the expense of irrigated spring crops, (ii) widespread use of reduced tillage, (iii) allocation of irrigated areas to soils with low water-retention capacity at lower elevations, and (iv) conversion of some pre-alpine grasslands to croplands.


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Debido al interés de empresas siderúrgicas de Mendoza (Argentina) de contar con adecuada provisión de madera para sus plantas industriales, en el Instituto Forestal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNCuyo) se produjeron plantas de Eucalyptus. sp. provenientes de semillas australianas y locales. Dichas plantas fueron llevadas a campo para evaluar su comportamiento en condiciones de cultivo bajo riego. El ensayo se realizó en Nueva California (Dpto. de San Martín, Mendoza), a 653 msnm, en suelos arenosos, profundos, sueltos, permeables y con poca capacidad de retención de agua. Se regó por aspersión con una lámina de 70 mm cada 10 días en verano y cada 20 en invierno. Las especies y procedencias ensayadas fueron: E. camaldulensis procedencias 15022, 15028, 15195, 15799 y local; E. badjensis procedencia 17127; E. intertexta procedencias 15095 y 15886; E. grandis procedencia 12081; E. fastigata procedencia 17126; E. johnstonii procedencia 15352; E. astringens procedencia 12842; E. amygdalina procedencia 12831; E. andrewsii ssp andrewsii procedencia 13037; E. regnans procedencia 12034; E. tereticornis procedencias 13301, 13304, 13309 y local; E. benthami procedencia 17347; E. sargentii procedencia 12406; E. viminalis procedencia 12884; E. globulus ssp. bicostata; E. sideroxylon de procedencia local; E. dalrympleana procedencias 13348 y 15273: E. cinerea procedencia 25 de Mayo (Buenos Aires) y E. leucoxylon de procedencia local. Se evaluó el comportamiento al primer año, expresado por el número de fallas producidas en cada 100 plantas. Las especies más promisorias fueron: E. camaldulensis procedencia 15022, E. camaldulensis procedencia 15799, E. camaldulensis procedencia 15195, E. tereticornis procedencia 13309 y E. camaldulensis de procedencia local, con menos del 30 % de fallas. Además, anualmente se tomaron los datos dasométricos de diámetro altura pecho (DAP) y altura total de cada una de las plantas. Al cuarto año, las especies más destacadas fueron: E. camaldulensis procedencias 15022, 15195 y local, todas ellas con diámetros entre 9 y 12 cm y alturas entre 7 y 9 m.


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La inundación repentina en áreas urbanas por sobrecarga de las redes de drenaje es un problema recurrente con impactos negativos de importancia creciente. Las cubiertas vegetadas ("naturadas") retienen parte de la lámina de agua precipitada, reduciendo el escurrimiento superficial y generando hidrogramas de escorrentía directa con caudales pico menores y más retardados. Dichas propiedades hacen que esta tecnología pueda contribuir a reducir la sobrecarga de cauces urbanos. En esta comunicación se presentan los primeros resultados (parciales) de la determinación de la eficiencia de retención hídrica (en forma indirecta a partir de la cantidad de agua percolada), en parcelas de ensayo que simulen "cubiertas naturadas", con dos profundidades de sustrato y con dos situaciones respecto a la cobertura (con y sin vegetación). Los mismos muestran una tendencia positiva de las "cubiertas naturadas" en la contribución a la reducción del escurrimiento, siendo mayor la retención en las parcelas vegetadas y sustrato de mayor espesor.


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La inundación en áreas urbanas por sobrecarga de las redes de drenaje es un problema recurrente de importancia creciente. Las cubiertas vegetadas (naturadas) retienen parte de la lámina de agua precipitada, reduciendo el escurrimiento superficial y generando hidrogramas de escorrentía directa con caudales pico menores y más retardados. Estas propiedades hacen que esta tecnología pueda contribuir a reducir la sobrecarga de cauces urbanos. Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de casi dos años de estudio permitieron estimar una capacidad de retención de las cubiertas ensayadas (en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires), que ha sido variable en función de la precipitación, del grado de cobertura y profundidad del sustrato. Es así que el porcentaje retenido ha sido alto (73% a 100%) con precipitaciones menores o iguales a los 20 mm, alrededor del 60% con lluvias de 35 a 40 mm, y con precipitaciones cercanas a 100 mm los porcentajes de retención se redujeron notablemente, alcanzando valores cercanos al 30%. Estos resultados posicionan las cubiertas vegetadas, para las condiciones y sitio del ensayo, como una alternativa dentro del manejo hídrico integrado en cuencas urbanas.


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La información fácilmente obtenible para los suelos agrícolas son textura, contenido de materia orgánica y densidad aparente. Otras variables como la conductividad hidráulica saturada y la cantidad de agua almacenada en relación con el potencial agua del suelo son, en muchas ocasiones, difíciles de medir en el campo. Las funciones de transferencia edafológica (FTE) transforman datos asequibles en aquellos que necesitamos. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar la aplicabilidad de FTE disponibles en la literatura a suelos de la zona de La Plata (Argentina) y desarrollar nuevas FTE para estos suelos. Se utilizaron datos obtenidos experimentalmente de retención hídrica, textura y materia orgánica. Las FTE seleccionadas para evaluar su eficacia estimativa en estos suelos fueron dos: una paramétrica (FTE de Saxton et al., 1986) y la otra de estimación puntual (FTE de Rawls et al., 1982). Para la FTE de Saxton et al. (7), en dos de las cuatro tensiones analizadas se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los valores medidos y los estimados. La FTE de Rawls et al. (6) para todas las tensiones estimó valores significativamente diferentes a los medidos. Se generó una FTE a partir de los datos generados de estimación puntual de retención hídrica a las tensiones estudiadas. La misma fue efectiva para las tensiones de 33, 100 y 1500 kPa.


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In irrigated areas where cover crop establishment can be assured, consequent soil or nutrient conservation could increase sustainability of cropping systems. Replacing bare fallow with cover crops may increase sustainability by enhancing soil aggregate stability, water retention capacity or controlling nitrate leaching. Nevertheless, adoption of cover crops increase evapotranspiration and reduce water percolation beyond the root systems; therefore, it could lead to salt accumulation in the upper soil layers. This study was conducted during four years to determine the effect of replacing bare fallow by a cover crop on soil salt accumulation and salt leaching in an irrigated maize production system.