270 resultados para Walters, Minette


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Top Row: Peggy Alford, Anne Allen, Barbara Amann, Joann Baker, Elizabeth Bando, Sara Barnes, Mary Barz, Anne Bauer, Patricia Baxter, Gwendolyn Beaudette, Nancy Bidigare, Marian Bier, Susan Blaszczyk, Jacqueline bolin, Anne Bostwick, Heather Brendel, Theresa Brisker, Rosalyn Cage, Jeanne Calhoun

Row 2: Karen Caputo, Carolyn Carpenter, Laura Lewellen, Catherine Pearson, Pamela Carr, Lisa Clark

Row 3: Sarah Cleland, Kathy Collar, Ann Connors, Marian Coppo, Martha Coppo, Debra Wirth, Kathleen Coughlin, Mayble Craig, Jennifer Crittenden, Linda Dean, Ann Dika

Row 4: Shira Doneson, Valerie Dray, Lee Duffey, Mary Dunn, Nancy Edwards, Mildred Jett, Patricia Johnson, Jan Walters, Karen Dimitroff, Debra Walton, Moira Stein, Madi Ehrenreich, Paula Elliott, Claudia Evans, Jolaync Farrell, Karen Fierke

Row 5: Debra Finch, Nadine Furlong, Susan Gamerman, Anita Gardocki, Marcia Gerpheide, Roberta Gies, Deborah Glotzhober, Marlene Golabeck, Janet Goldberg, Rene Green, Diana Greer, Susan Gross, Vivian Hall, Jill Hallead

Row 6: Sharon Hamlett, Tamara Hanson, Jane Harper, Jesusa Heilig, Steinunn Hermannsson, Susan Hicks, Karen Hillebrand, Jomatia Hoff, Michelle Howey, Holly Howieson, Sandra Hubar, Kathleen Hughes, Shirley Jvery, Laura Johnson, Susan Johnson, Shirley Jones, Judith Kellermier, Lynda Kitchen, Susan Kleinbeck

Row 7: Nanette Kotz, Kathleen Kroh, Judith Krohn, Catherine Lahti, Mary Lange, Patti Larson, Susan Leach, Rebecca Linn, Lacy Loomis, Francene Lundy, Sue Lymperis, Robyn Main, Patricia McCleary, Theresa McGowan, Elizabeth Messiter, Mary Miller, Nancy Moffatt, Catherine Munn, Karen Munson

Row 8: Virginia Newman, Laura Novak, Thomas O'Connell, Julie O'Connor, Kaathleen O'Hara, Kimberly O'Loughlin, Karen Olsen, Marcy Ouellette, Gail Park, Georgiana Parsell, Mary Patchak, Linda Pearsall, Kathleen Poage, Shelly Ponte, Thomas Parter, Marilyn Pratt, Karen Prince, Kathryn Procter, Rebecca Raymond

Row 9: Jill remter, Cheryl Ricca, Brenda Robinson, Karen Rollins, Lisa Root, Audrey Ross, Barbara Rutherford, Linda Rykwalder, Margaret Sampson, Sherril Santo, Jeanne Scheer, Kathy Schlichter, Nancy Schuman, Debra Sihtala, Michele Smit, Donna Smith, Bonnic Smrcka, Janine Speck, Elizabeth Stainsby

Row 10: Grace Steinaway, Jennifer Stinson, Sally Stone, Anne Sullivan, Barbara Tonak, Linda Towers, Cindy Tremblay, Gregory Trowbridge, Sandra Tucker, Debbie Ullrich, Lee Ann Van Houten, Pamela Waggener, Martha Walker, Michele Wenderski, Catherine West, Harriet Wilkinson, Diane Willis, Jan Winslow, Karen Wismer


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Top Row: Cathy Agree, Carol Bass, Nancy Bernadic, Barbara Bettman, Wendy Bittker, Judy Brown, Barbara Cassavoy, Nacy Cohen, Julie Coon, Mary Dawson, Susanne Dean, Barbara Diebolt, Joan Dzenowagis

Row 2: Donna Dziyba, Marla Erbin, Frederick Fiedler, Megan Forester, Lynn Babington, Keverne Popma, Barbara Cloutier, Catherine Doele, Barbara DeBenham, Alta Gaines, Susan Grant, Edward Greca, Pamela Griesbach

Row 3: Karen Haske, Janis Harris, Cherisse Hoffman, Wendy Jelinek, Judy Jenks, Barb Kakenmaster, Karen Kitchen, Kay Klass

Row 4: Kathryn Laing, Rachel Lapinski, Cheryl Marinett, Marta Monroe, Jackie Mrlik, Susan Mulkiten, Michele Olzack, Carol Osborn

Row 5: Deborah Parker, Linnae Pierskalla, Mary Prather, Terry Proctor, Karen Rech, Nancy reddaway, Nancy Reynolds, Mary Ridley

Row 6: Catherine Rhodes, Patricia Roggenbeck, Barbara Ruppal, Victoria Russum, Suzanne Sanders, Elizabeth Saviano, Diane Scarpace, Nola Schramm, Paula Schroeder, Carolyn Schroth, Barbara Scott

Row 7: Deborah Scullon, Denise Shough, Belvayuna Simpson, Joyce Smith, Barbara Stang, Elizabeth Sullivan, Molly thibault, Debbie Varney, Margaret Walters, Desiree White, Janice Winfree, Meg Williams, Nancy Zuelch


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Top row, left to right: assistant coach Matt Mann, III, Wayne Leengran, Donald E. Potter, Barrett S. Wayburn. John Bullock, James A. Ford, Robert Marans, head coach Matt Mann II

3rd Row: John L. Ries, John M. Chase; Jr., Donald P. Hill, Burwell (Bumpy) Jones, Ronald F. Gora,

2nd Row: Edward J. Furdak, H. Thomas Benner, captain F. Wallace Jeffries.

Front Row: Glenwood I. Miller, Milton R. Hurd, James H. Walters.


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Front Row: James H. Walters, Charles C. Bates.

Second Row: Edward J. Furdak, Peter A. Dow, Robert A. Knox, John N. Chase, Lawrason D. Thomas.

Third Row: John P. O'Reilly, co-captain Donald P. Hill, head coach Matt Mann, H. co-captain Thomas Benner, Robert Wardrop.

Back Row: J. Michael Delaney, Jack C. Wardrop, Donald L. Ferguson, Ronald F. Gora; Burwell O. Jones, Barrett S. Wayburn, James M. Kruthers, Glenwood I. Miller.

Missing: Donald E. Potter


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Front Row: Charles C. Bates, James H. Walters, John Narcy.

Back Row diving coach Bruce Harlan, Edward W. Cole, John W. Murphy, David Markstone, Andrew White.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Phineas Pett, beginnings of English shipbuilding.--Francis Pettit Smith, practical introducer of the screw propeller.--John Harrison, inventor of the marine chronometer.--John Lombe, introducer of the silk industry into England.--William Murdock, his life and inventions.--Frederick Koenig, inventor of the steam-printing machine.--The Walters of the 'Times', invention of the Walter press.--William Clowes, book-printing by steam.--Charles Bianconi, a lesson of self-help in Ireland.--Industry in Ireland, through Connaught and Ulster to Belfast.--Harland, E. J. Ship-building in Belfast.--Astronomers and students in humble life, a new chapter in the 'Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties'.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2016-04


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1 The herbivorous bug Heteropsylla cubana Crawford (Homoptera: Psyllidae) is a pest of the cattle fodder crop Leucaena (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). The interaction between the psyllid and three varieties of its Leucaena host plant was investigated in relation to the apparent resistance of some Leucaena varieties (Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena pallida and their hybrids) to attack. 2 Field trials demonstrated that adult psyllids distinguished among the different varieties of Leucaena over a distance, and were attracted to L. leucocephala in significantly higher numbers than to L. pallida or to the hybrid. Pesticide treatment increased the attractiveness of Leucaena plants, even of those deemed to be psyllid resistant. Numbers of psyllid eggs and nymphs, sampled in the field, reflect the arrival rates of adults at the three plant varieties. 3 Wavelength reflectance data of the three Leucaena varieties were not significantly different from one another, suggesting that psyllids cannot discriminate among the three plants using brightness or wavelength cues. There was a differential release of caryophyllene among the three varieties. Release of caryophyllene in L. leucocephala and the hybrid appeared to be influenced by environmental conditions. 4 Experiments demonstrated that caryophyllene (at least on its own) did not influence the behaviour of leucaena psyllids in relation to leucaena plants. 5 The results suggest that host plant volatiles cannot be dismissed as significant in the interaction between the leucaena psyllid and its Leucaena host plants. Further avenues for investigation are recommended and these are related to novel ways of understanding resistance in insect plant inter-relationships.