430 resultados para Voluntariado - Volunteering
El presente proyecto está centrado en tres crisis vitales del desarrollo humano: la identidad, la generatividad y la integridad del yo (Erikson, 1961). Se indagará la relación existente entre estos momentos del desarrollo psicosocial con las vicisitudes y crisis sociales y polÃticas que atraviesan el desarrollo personal. El sentido de lo polÃtico, la participación comunitaria y social se pondrán en tensión con la historia de acontecimientos que le sucedieron a las personas a lo largo de su vida y se plasman en las narrativas vitales.La tarea de actualizar las identificaciones tempranas, fundirse en un proyecto personal, de pareja, social y laboral implica la consolidación de la identidad y prepara a las personas para la etapa más fructÃfera de la adultez: la intimidad y la generatividad. Esta tarea implica involucrarse en la guÃa de otras generaciones más jóvenes a la vez que se sostiene el cuidado personal y el propio desarrollo y expansión del self.Sin embargo, existen dificultades en el desarrollo adulto que, sin conformarse en patologÃas, obturan la expresión de estos componentes egosintónicos y se manifiestan otros componentes egodistónicos o debilidades del yo. Asimismo, crisis sociales y eventos históricos significativos atraviesan la vida de las personas marcando sus metas de desarrollo y transformando el sentido de sà mismos y el significado de ser en el mundo con otros. Las expresiones personales y familiares de la generatividad tienen diferentes manifestaciones que se expresan en el campo social, comunitario y polÃtico y en el ejercicio de distintos roles sociales (voluntariado, participación polÃtica, inclusión en organizaciones comunitario, liderazgo de instituciones sociales, gremiales, partidarias o religiosas). En cualquier caso interesa conocer y determinar qué factores del desarrollo temprano y adulto establecen diferentes niveles de compromiso, interés e involucramiento. Los objetivos se centran en determinar los componentes de la generatividad y sus expresiones agénticas y comunitarias. Se utilizará un abordaje combinado de metodologÃa cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se desarrollará una escala de generatividad aportando las evidencias de confiabilidad y validez requeridos en el desarrollo psicométrico. Posteriormente se administrará una entrevista pautada semidirigida, que permita valorar cualitativamente las diferencias centrales en las historias de vida entre sujetos con diferentes niveles de generatividad y grupos u organizaciones especÃficamente vinculadas al cuidado de los otros (derechos humanos, organizaciones comunitarias y ONG's vinculados al desarrollo infantil y cuidado de la vejez). De esta forma se valorará el impacto de crisis vitales y familiares, tanto como adversidades sociales y polÃticas (violencia, represión) en la generatividad, la madurez en adultez y la participación social y comunitaria.Se espera, asÃ, identificar los aspectos egosintónicos comunes que son esenciales para desarrollar y consolidar fortalezas, secuencias de sentido, de redención y plenitud vital y compromiso polÃtico y comunitario a pesar de las adversidades en poblaciones diversas. La contrastación de las narrativas vitales permitirá elucidar qué potencialidades y recursos psicológico se ponen en juego, no sólo para la recuperación tras la adversidad (factores resilientes), sino para el desarrollo de una madurez comprometida con causas sociales y humanitarias que de forma reparatoria, restauran una porción de la realidad en la que se sufrió la injusticia y la crueldad, no ya para sà mismos sino para el resto de la sociedad.
Le don de sang représente un acte solidaire. Il est le plus souvent bénévole et, selon les pays et les circonstances, non rémunéré. Les éléments de la réflexion éthique sont, entre autres, l'augmentation des besoins, les critères d'exclusion de plus en plus nombreux, l'exigence sécuritaire et les modifications des structures de nos sociétés. Compte tenu de cela, les acteurs de la chaîne transfusionnelle doivent s'interroger sur certains paramètres : la valeur du don, le sens du bénévolat, l'opportunité de rémunérer l'acte de livrer une partie de soi, non plus comme un don et comme une expression d'altruisme et de solidarité, mais comme une prestation commerciale définie par des règles économiques. Blood donation is an act of solidarity. Most often, this act is done on a volunteer basis and, depending on countries and circumstances, is not remunerated. The increase in need, the always-greater number of deferral criteria, the safety issues and the changes in the structures of our societies are among the many subjects for ethical debates. Taking these into account, the actors of the transfusion must analyze certain parameters: the value of a donation, the meaning of volunteering, the appropriateness of remunerating the act of giving a part of one's self, no longer as a donation or an expression of altruism and solidarity, but as a commercial act regimented by economic laws.
IPH response to Health and Social Care Board and Public Health Agency Community Development Strategy
The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a new Community Development Strategy for public consultation. The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live. The HSCB and PHA seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy including; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources. Key points from the IPH summary include IPH welcome the Community Development Strategy as an approach to enhance health and wellbeing and tackle health inequalities in Northern Ireland. IPH recommend the current three strategy documents (Full and summary versions and the Performance Management Framework) are merged into one document for greater clarity. Reference to the Performance Management Framework is required in the main body of the text is to ensure good practice is implemented. IPH welcome the focus on tackling health inequalities using community development approaches however the contribution of community development approaches needs to be highlighted. HIA is a tool to support community engagement and provides a mechanism for HSCB and PHA to support the implementation of this strategy.
Treball Final Carrera sobre la gestió d'un projecte web, de gestió de continguts multimèdia, de creació i coordinació d'un equip de voluntaris per a la divulgació en lÃnia i el foment dels viatges culturals als llocs Patrimoni de la Humanitat realitzats per una entitat intercultural catalana, Amics de la UNESCO de Barcelona.
La División Española de Voluntarios, nom oficial de la División Azul, ni va ser tan de voluntaris, ni va ser tan "azul", i això es va anar fent més evident a mesura que avançava la campanya. No va ser, tal com va vendre la propaganda oficial, un cos voluntari format per falangistes impulsats pel seu idealisme; un grup homogeni i ideològicament bel·ligerant. Va ser una unitat força heterogènia marcada fonamentalment pels militars i formada en gran part per altres col·lectius diferents del voluntariat falangista fidel al règim, sense excloure personal forçat i fins i tot opositors al franquisme.
Treball que és fruit d'una investigació qualitativa sobre uns joves que, per motius diversos, es fan voluntaris de les agrupacions de defensa forestal de la comarca d'Osona i dediquen part del seu temps a protegir la natura de l'amenaça del foc i posen en joc la seva integritat fÃsica. És l'estudi del compromÃs d'uns joves amb el territori.
Issued jointly by the Health and Social Care Board and Public Health AgencyThe Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency have today launched, for public consultation, a new Community Development Strategy.The consultation period will run for 12 weeks from Friday 10 June until Friday 2 September 2011.The Board and Agency want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live.Residents from deprived areas in Northern Ireland experience;lower life expectancy;higher rates of emergency admission to hospital;higher rates of lung cancer;higher rates of suicide; andhigher rates of smoking and alcohol related deaths.The kinds of health and social care issues which can be improved by community development approaches include depression; isolation; falls amongst elderly people; child protection; teenage pregnancy; childhood asthma; postnatal depression; drug and alcohol abuse; and ultimately also long term conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.The Board and Agency seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy such as; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources.John Compton, Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Board said: "Community development is an important way to improving health and wellbeing - driving a message that 'prevention is better than cure' between different groups and communities, and helping to ensure the most effective use of the health and social care budget."Now more than ever we need to work in partnership with families and communities to achieve better health and wellbeing for those living in Northern Ireland.No one organisation can meet this challenge on its own and strong partnerships are needed. "Chief Executive of the Public Health Agency, Eddie Rooney added: "Every health and social care organisation should incorporate a community development approach into their programmes, and this strategy assists them to do so."The Board and Agency have jointly held pre-consultation workshops over the past few months across Northern Ireland on their Community Development Strategy and have engaged widely with the community and voluntary sectors. We are now keen to receive feedback from individuals, families and the wider community as your views are very important to us - they will help shape the future of community development across the province," he said.The draft Community Development Strategy, as well as information on how you can respond, can be found in the attachments below.
More and more communities are setting up food co-ops so they can get good food atan affordable price and have more control over where their food comes from. Co-operation is all about two or more people joining forces and working together to achieve something they probably couldn't do on their own. In the case of food co-ops a group of people join forces in order to be able to buy foodsthey may otherwise find it hard to get hold of at aprice they can afford.By volunteering their time and pooling their buying power they cangetproducedirect from local farmers or wholesalers. This toolkit was produced as part of the Big Lottery fundedMaking Local Food Work programmeto help morecommunitiesset up their own food co-ops and buying groups.The Food Co-ops project has now ended but the toolkit and other resources will all remain on-line.To find moreabout food co-opsyou can visit our main website www.foodcoops.org
Proyecto orientado a identificar aspectos mejorables desde el punto de vista formativo en la labor desarrollada por el voluntariado dedicado a la emergencia extra-hospitalaria.
RESUMO No presente estudo, propõe-se um modelo estrutural que identifique os motivos para escolher determinada Organização Não Governamental (ONG) para prestar trabalho voluntário. O espaço empÃrico é a Pastoral da Criança - organismo de ação social da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) - instituição de base comunitária que tem seu trabalho baseado na solidariedade e na partilha do saber. No referencial teórico apresenta-se o contexto no qual está o voluntariado, em nÃveis mundial e nacional. Em seguida, discutem-se os diversos conceitos de voluntariado e apresentam-se os modelos teóricos de motivação voluntária. Os estudos de Mostyn (1983) e Cavalcante, Souza, Nascimento e Cunha (2011a, 2011b, 2012) são as principais referências teóricas e empÃricas para a construção do modelo testado. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário fechado com 21 indicadores, em duas visitas a cidades da Diocese de Pesqueira (Pernambuco/PE). Foram aplicados 720 questionários. A amostra foi dividida em duas partes. Na primeira foi feita a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e na segunda a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, por meio da Modelagem das Equações Estruturais. O exame dos resultados alcançados pelo modelo dos motivos de entrada permite concluir pela validade e pela confiabilidade do instrumento. Assim, as razões para a entrada de voluntários na Pastoral da Criança podem ser explicadas por um conjunto de interações entre estes cinco construtos: AltruÃsmo, Afetivo, Amigável, Ajustado e Ajuizado.
Trata-se de uma reflexão temática que objetiva apresentar o trabalho voluntário como uma alternativa para a promoção da saúde dos idosos brasileiros. Partindo da definição do trabalho voluntário, o artigo contextualiza tal atividade no cenário brasileiro, expondo-o, também, como um instrumento para o alcance de um envelhecimento ativo e saudável. Apresenta estudos internacionais com idosos que realizam voluntariado, os quais encontraram relação entre o trabalho voluntário e satisfação pela vida, menos sintomas depressivos e avaliação positiva da vida, quando comparados com idosos que não o realizam. Concluiu-se, reforçando a importância dos profissionais de saúde a estimularem e a facilitarem o acesso dos idosos à realização do trabalho voluntário, considerando esta atitude um desafio criativo e inovador para a promoção da saúde dos idosos.
The proposed research aims to address the work-related MSD management issue through an interdisciplinary intervention involving clinical and occupational health competencies (rheumatology, occupational medicine, ergonomics). Workers enduring MSD (especially back-pain) and absent from work are selected from volunteering companies (construction, hospitals, public transport, delivery networks). The workers are randomly placed into two groups : the control group benefits from an usual MSD management strategy and the intervention group benefits from a case-management strategy including workhardening treatment (work oriented reeducation) and ergonomic intervention in the workplace. The comparison of health and work-related variables prior and after intervention in the two groups will be used to assess the intervention efficiency and its economic benefits. We expect to produce new strategies for the management of MSD and workplace rehabilitation as well as guidelines for both authorities and companies.
La seguridad ciudadana es una prioridad de los paÃses de América Latina y el Caribe y una dimensión fundamental de la seguridad humana. No se trata únicamente de reducir de los altos niveles de violencia, sino de tener estrategias para mejorar el desarrollo humano y las oportunidades de las personas. En este trabajo, se analiza la violencia juvenil y la inseguridad desde una perspectiva multicausal, y cómo el voluntariado (con sus fortalezas y debilidades), puede contribuir a la prevención social de la violencia. Con especial énfasis en las vÃctimas y victimarios jóvenes
Proyecto orientado a identificar aspectos mejorables desde el punto de vista formativo en la labor desarrollada por el voluntariado dedicado a la emergencia extra-hospitalaria.
Objectifs En EHPAD, selon les recommandations de la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des troubles psychocomportementaux associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer ou aux syndromes apparentés, implique une réorganisation, une formation spécifique du personnel et du temps. Se pose ici la question du rôle des bénévoles dans cette prise en charge. Matériels et méthodes Enquête descriptive à partir de questionnaires distribués aux différents intervenants (bénévoles, professionnels de santé et aidants familiaux) d'une unité protégée de l'EHPAD de la clinique du Diaconat (Colmar, France) et spécifiquement élaborés pour évaluer leur vécu de l'expérience de bénévolat dans la prise en charge des résidents souffrant d'une maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'un syndrome apparenté. Résultats Sur les 101 questionnaires qui ont été remplis, 85,7 % des aidants, 60 % des bénévoles et 42,1 % des professionnels constataient des bénéfices pour eux-mêmes. Les professionnels et les aidants avaient confiance dans l'intervention des bénévoles. Cependant, les bénévoles semblaient manquer de compétence pour le soutien des aidants et dans les techniques de communication avec les résidents. Les points essentiels pour permettre un fonctionnement harmonieux entre les différents intervenants étaient de bien définir préalablement le rôle de bénévoles et d'en informer les autres intervenants, de former les bénévoles à ce rôle et de favoriser la communication entre les bénévoles et les professionnels. Conclusion Cette enquête montre que les bénévoles ont une place aux côtés des équipes soignantes pour participer à la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des personnes atteintes de maladie d'Alzheimer ou syndromes apparentés. Ils ont une position singulière et jouent un rôle complémentaire de celui des soignants et des aidants. Objectives According to the recommendation of the French High Authority of Health (HAS), the non-pharmaceutical management of psycho-behavioural disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders in a nursing home, involves reorganization an specific training for staff members and time. This raises the question of the role of volunteering in this approach. Materials and methods A descriptive survey using questionnaires distributed to various stakeholders (volunteers, healthcare professionals and caregivers) of a protected unit of the nursing home of the Diaconat clinic (Colmar, France) and specifically designed to assess their experience of the volunteering in supporting residents suffering from Alzheimer's diseases or related disorders. Results Of the 101 questionnaires that were filled in, 85.7% of caregivers, 60% of volunteers and 42.1% of professionals recorded benefits for themselves. Professionals and informal carers had confidence in the intervention of volunteers. However, volunteers seemed to lack skills to support informal caregivers and specific knowledge about the technique of communicating with residents. The key points to favor harmonious collaborations between the different stakeholders were: to properly define the role of volunteers and to inform other stakeholders about this role previously, and to specifically educate themselves in this task and to promote communication between volunteers and all other professionals. Conclusion This study shows that volunteers have a place alongside medical teams to participate in the non-pharmaceutical treatment for people with Alzheimer's disease or related syndromes. They have a unique position and play a complementary role to that of carers and informal caregivers.