923 resultados para Vocal folds


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) is characterised by recurrent attacks of paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, accompanied clinically by dyspnoea attacks with inspiratory stridor lasting between minutes and hours. The aim of the study is to evaluate the self-perception of patients suffering from VCD and how they deal with aggressivity. METHODS: The Giessen Test (GT) and the Picture Frustration Test (PFT) were used on 6 patients with VCD. RESULTS: Five variables show significant differences between the patients with VCD and the values of the normative groups. VCD-patients show an idealized image of themselves, ie relaxed, open, sociable, and capable of devotion. They do not reject accusations against them by others and rarely make self-criticism. In conflicts they behave passively, thus blocking their expression of aggressivity. CONCLUSIONS: In many cases organic disposition and trigger stimuli are thought to be responsible for provoking dyspnoea attacks in VCD. However, the self-perception of patients and their way of dealing with aggressivity strongly suggests that psychosocial factors play a great role in the development of VCD. This requires not only symptom-orientated therapy but also psychological counselling.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a single preoperative dose of steroid on thyroidectomy outcomes. BACKGROUND: Nausea, pain, and voice alteration frequently occur after thyroidectomy. Because steroids effectively reduce nausea and inflammation, a preoperative administration of steroids could improve these thyroidectomy outcomes. METHODS: Seventy-two patients (men = 20, women = 52) undergoing thyroidectomy for benign disease were included in this randomized, controlled, 2 armed (group D: 8 mg dexamethasone, n = 37; group C: 0.9% NaCl, n = 35), double-blinded study (clinical trial number NCT00619086). Anesthesia, surgical procedures, antiemetics, and analgesic treatments were standardized. Nausea (0-3), pain (visual analog scale), antiemetic and analgesic requirements, and digital voice recording were documented before and 4, 8, 16, 24, 36, and 48 hours after surgery. Patients were followed-up 30 days after hospital discharge. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics were similar among the 2 treatment groups. Nausea was pronounced in the first 16 hours postoperatively (scores were <0.3 and 0.8-1.0 for group D and C, respectively (P = 0.005)), and was significantly lower in group D compared with group C during the observation period (P = 0.001). Pain diminished within 48 hours after surgery (visual analog scale 20 and 35 in group D and C, respectively (P = 0.009)). Antiemetic and analgesic requirements were also significantly diminished. Changes in voice mean frequency were less prominent in the dexamethasone group compared with the placebo group (P = 0.015). No steroid-related complications occurred. CONCLUSION: A preoperative single dose of steroid significantly reduced nausea, vomiting, and pain, and improved postoperative voice function within the first 48 hours (most pronounced within 16 hours) after thyroid resection; this strategy should be routinely applied in thyroidectomies.


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We discuss non-geometric supersymmetric heterotic string models in D=4, in the framework of the free fermionic construction. We perform a systematic scan of models with four a priori left-right asymmetric Z2 projections and shifts. We analyze some 220 models, identifying 18 inequivalent classes and addressing variants generated by discrete torsions. They do not contain geometrical or trivial neutral moduli, apart from the dilaton. However, we show the existence of flat directions in the form of exactly marginal deformations and identify patterns of symmetry breaking where product gauge groups, realized at level one, are broken to their diagonal at higher level. We also describe an “inverse Gepner map” from Heterotic to Type II models that could be used, in certain non geometric settings, to define “effective” topological invariants.


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Michel Friedländer


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The increasing catalogue of high-quality ice-penetrating radar data provides a unique insight in the internal layering architecture of the Greenland ice sheet. The stratigraphy, an indicator of past deformation, highlights irregularities in ice flow and reveals large perturbations without obvious links to bedrock shape. In this work, to establish a new conceptual model for the formation process, we analysed the radar data at the onset of the Petermann Glacier, North Greenland, and created a three-dimensional model of several distinct stratigraphic layers. We demonstrate that the dominant structures are cylindrical folds sub-parallel to the ice flow. By numerical modelling, we show that these folds can be formed by lateral compression of mechanically anisotropic ice, while a general viscosity contrast between layers would not lead to folding for the same boundary conditions. We conclude that the folds primarily form by converging flow as the mechanically anisotropic ice is channelled towards the glacier.


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Automatic systems based on speech signal analysis for the early dete ction of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have achieved fairly high performance rates in recent years. However, a satisfactory explanation of these results has not been available. This presentation aims at explaining via an examination of the long-term spectra of OSA patients and normal control speakers these systems’ ability to discover OSA speakers on the base of all-purpose cepstral coefficients. An in terpretation of the long- term spectra in terms of the underlying tract settings suggests that the speech of OSA patients is characterized by a pharyngeal narrowing that may be captured by acoustic cues of the spectral contour of windowed speech frames. A novel interpretation of long-term spectra in terms of the first principal component of the temporal sequence of short-term amplitude-spectra is also discussed.


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Neurological Diseases (ND) are affecting larger segments of aging population every year. Treatment is dependent on expensive accurate and frequent monitoring. It is well known that ND leave correlates in speech and phonation. The present work shows a method to detect alterations in vocal fold tension during phonation. These may appear either as hypertension or as cyclical tremor. Estimations of tremor may be produced by auto-regressive modeling of the vocal fold tension series in sustained phonation. The correlates obtained are a set of cyclicality coefficients, the frequency and the root mean square amplitude of the tremor. Statistical distributions of these correlates obtained from a set of male and female subjects are presented. Results from five study cases of female voice are also given.


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A case study of vocal fold paralysis treatment is described with the help of the voice quality analysis application BioMet®Phon. The case corresponds to a description of a 40 - year old female patient who was diagnosed of vocal fold paralysis following a cardio - pulmonar intervention which required intubation for 8 days and posterior tracheotomy for 15 days. The patient presented breathy and asthenic phon ation, and dysphagia. Six main examinations were conducted during a full year period that the treatment lasted consisting in periodic reviews including video - endostroboscopy, voice analysis and breathing function monitoring. The phoniatrician treatment inc luded 20 sessions of vocal rehabilitation, followed by an intracordal infiltration with Radiesse 8 months after the rehabilitation treatment started followed by 6 sessions of rehabilitation more. The videondoscopy and the voicing quality analysis refer a s ubstantial improvement in the vocal function with recovery in all the measures estimated (jitter, shimmer, mucosal wave contents, glottal closure, harmonic contents and biomechanical function analysis). The paper refers the procedure followed and the results obtained by comparing the longitudinal progression of the treatment, illustrating the utility of voice quality analysis tools in speech therapy.


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Gender detection is a very important objective to improve efficiency in tasks as speech or speaker recognition, among others. Traditionally gender detection has been focused on fundamental frequency (f0) and cepstral features derived from voiced segments of speech. The methodology presented here consists in obtaining uncorrelated glottal and vocal tract components which are parameterized as mel-frequency coefficients. K-fold and cross-validation using QDA and GMM classifiers showed that better detection rates are reached when glottal source and vocal tract parameters are used in a gender-balanced database of running speech from 340 speakers.


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Teaching the adequate use of the singing voice conveys a lot of knowledge in musical performance as well as in objective estimation techniques involving the use of air, muscles, room and body acoustics, and the tuning of a fine instrument as the human voice. Although subjective evaluation and training is a very delicate task to be carried out only by expert singers, biomedical engineering may help contributing with well - funded methodologies developed for the study of voice pathology. The present study is a preliminary study of exploratory character describing the performance of a student singer in a regular classroom under the point of view of vocal fold biomechanics. Estimate s of biomechanical parameters obtained from singing voice are given and their use i n the classroom is discussed.


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La realización de este proyecto está basado en el estudio realizado por Jean Schoentgen en el cual el autor caracterizó el micro temblor vocal por medio del índice y la frecuencia de modulación. En este proyecto se utilizará la herramienta Matlab para el cálculo de estos parámetros y al finalizar se analizarán los datos obtenidos. El proyecto se ha dividido en tres grandes partes. En la primera de ellas se ha explicado brevemente los conceptos básicos de la voz y conceptos importantes tales como el temblor fisiológico, el patológico y el Jitter vocal entre otros, también se han detallado conceptos matemáticos utilizados en el desarrollo del código. Esto se realizó con el fin que el lector tenga claros algunos conceptos importantes antes del desarrollo del código y así pueda entender con más facilidad el estudio realizado en este proyecto, en esta parte no se ha realizado una explicación muy extensa de cada concepto, entendiendo que el lector posee unos conocimientos básicos de ingeniería, por otra parte existen innumerables libros que explican de una manera más precisa cada uno de estos conceptos. En la segunda parte se llevó a cabo el desarrollo del código. Como se mencionó anteriormente se ha utilizado la herramienta Matlab que es muy utilizada en la mayoría de las asignaturas de la carrera obteniendo así un buen dominio de esta, además posee unos toolbox muy útiles que facilitan los cálculos matemáticos. En esta parte se ilustra paso a paso cada etapa de elaboración del código y algunas graficas de la señal de voz a medida que pasa por cada etapa del código. En la última parte se obtienen los datos de todos los cálculos de los registros de voz y se analiza cada uno de ellos a la vez que se comparan con los del estudio de Jean Schoentgen y se analizan las posibles diferencias. ABSTRACT. The Project is based on the search made by Jean Schoentgen, whose research the micro tremor vocal can be established by frequency modulation and modulation index. This project has been carried out in Matlab to calculate the aforementioned parameters and finally, the results were contrasted with the results from Jean Shoetngen’s research. This project consists of three parts: The first of all, to be able to understand this project to future readers .It was explained different basic concepts about the voice such as physiologic tremor, pathological tremor and Jitter. Furthermore, mathematical concepts were explained in detail, due to these were used in the software development. Then, it was focused on software development such as the elaboration of code and different voice signals that were processed. This part was made with Matlab, which is mathematical software with high-level language for numerical computation, visualization, collaborate across disciplines including signal and image processing and application development. At finally, the acquired calculations were contrasted with the results from Jean Schoentgen’s research.


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A juvenile male zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, kept singly with its father develops a fairly complete imitation of the father’s song. The imitation is less complete when other male siblings are present, possibly because as imitation commences, model abundance increases. Here we examine the consequences of allowing more or less access to a song model. Young males heard a brief song playback when they pecked at a key, but different males were allowed to hear different numbers of playbacks per day. Using an automated procedure that scored the similarity between model and pupil songs, we discovered that 40 playbacks of the song motif per day, lasting a total of 30 sec, resulted in a fairly complete imitation. More exposure led to less complete imitation. Vocal imitation often may reflect the interaction of diverse influences. Among these, we should now include the possible inhibitory effect of model overabundance, which may foster individual identity and explain the vocal diversity found in zebra finches and other songbirds.