964 resultados para Virus de RNA


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5-Fluorouracil (5FU), an analogue of uracil, was found to inhibit the production of infectious particles of rinderpest virus (RPV) in Vero cells (African green monkey kidney cells) by 99%, at a concentration of 1 μg/ml. The levels of individual mRNA specific for five of the virus genes were also reduced drastically, while the level of mRNA for a cellular housekeeping gene—glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)—was unaltered by fluorouracil treatment of infected cells. Both virus RNA and protein synthesis showed inhibition in a dose-dependent manner. The virions which budded out of 5-fluorouracil-treated cells also contained reduced amounts of virus proteins compared with virus particles from untreated cells.


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We have generated a recombinantBombyx morinuclear polyhedrosis virus, vBmhGH, harboring the full-length human growth hormone gene (2.4-kb genomic DNA, with four introns and the signal peptide sequences) under the control of the polyhedrin promoter. BmN cells in culture infected with the recombinant virus showed the presence of RNA corresponding to the authentic growth hormone mRNA as well as its incompletly processed precusor. Electrophoretic analysis and immunoprecipitation of proteins of recombinant virus-infected BmN cells revealed the presence of the growth hormone protein. Infection of silkworm larvae with vBmhGH led to the synthesis and efficient secretion of the protein into hemolymph. The recombinant human growth hormone was biologically active in a radioreceptor competition binding assay. The secreted protein was isolated and purified to homogeneity by a single step immunoaffinity chromatography, to a specific activity of 2.4 × 104U/mg. The recombinant hGH retained the immunological and biolological properties of the native peptide. We conclude that BmNPV vectors can be used successfully for expressing chromosomal genes harboring multiple introns.


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Symmetry is a key principle in viral structures, especially the protein capsid shells. However, symmetry mismatches are very common, and often correlate with dynamic functionality of biological significance. The three-dimensional structures of two isometric viruses, bacteriophage phi8 and the archaeal virus SH1 were reconstructed using electron cryo-microscopy. Two image reconstruction methods were used: the classical icosahedral method yielded high resolution models for the symmetrical parts of the structures, and a novel asymmetric in-situ reconstruction method allowed us to resolve the symmetry mismatches at the vertices of the viruses. Evidence was found that the hexameric packaging enzyme at the vertices of phi8 does not rotate relative to the capsid. The large two-fold symmetric spikes of SH1 were found not to be responsible for infectivity. Both virus structures provided insight into the evolution of viruses. Comparison of the phi8 polymerase complex capsid with those of phi6 and other dsRNA viruses suggests that the quaternary structure in dsRNA bacteriophages differs from other dsRNA viruses. SH1 is unusual because there are two major types of capsomers building up the capsid, both of which seem to be composed mainly of single beta-barrels perpendicular to the capsid surface. This indicates that the beta-barrel may be ancestral to the double beta-barrel fold.


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For most RNA viruses RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs) encoded by the virus are responsible for the entire RNA metabolism. Thus, RdRPs are critical components in the viral life cycle. However, it is not fully understood how these important enzymes function during viral replication. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses perform the synthesis of their RNA genome within a proteinacous viral particle containing an RdRP as a minor constituent. The phi6 bacteriophage is the best-studied dsRNA virus, providing an excellent background for studies of its RNA synthesis. The purified recombinant phi6 RdRP is highly active in vitro and it possesses both RNA replication and transcription activities. The crystal structure of the phi6 polymerase, solved in complex with a number of ligands, provides a working model for detailed in vitro studies of RNA-dependent RNA polymerization. In this thesis, the primer-independent initiation of the phi6 RdRP was studied in vitro using biochemical and structural methods. A C-terminal, four-amino-acid-long loop protruding into the central cavity of the phi6 RdRP has been suggested to stabilize the incoming nucleotides of the initiation complex formation through stacking interactions. A similar structural element has been found from several other viral RdRPs. In this thesis, this so-called initiation platform loop was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to address its role in the initiation. It was found that the initiation mode of the mutants is primer-dependent, requiring either an oligonucleotide primer or a back-priming initiation mechanism for the RNA synthesis. The crystal structure of a mutant RdRP with altered initiation platform revealed a set of contacts important for primer-independent initiation. Since phi6 RdRP is structurally and functionally homologous to several viral RdRPs, among them the hepatitis C virus RdRP, these results provide further general insight to understand primer-independent initiation. In this study it is demonstrated that manganese phasing could be used as a practical tool for solving structures of large proteins with a bound manganese ion. The phi6 RdRP was used as a case study to obtain phases for crystallographic analysis. Manganese ions are naturally bound to the phi6 RdRP at the palm domain of the enzyme. In a crystallographic experiment, X-ray diffraction data from a phi6 RdRP crystal were collected at a wavelength of 1.89 Å, which is the K edge of manganese. With this data an automatically built model of the core region of the protein could be obtained. Finally, in this work terminal nucleotidyl transferase (TNTase) activity of the phi6 RdRP was documented in the isolated polymerase as well as in the viral particle. This is the first time that such an activity has been reported in a polymerase of a dsRNA virus. The phi6 RdRP used uridine triphosphates as the sole substrate in a TNTase reaction but could accept several heterologous templates. The RdRP was able to add one or a few non-templated nucleotides to the 3' end of the single- or double-stranded RNA substrate. Based on the results on particle-mediated TNTase activity and previous structural information of the polymerase, a model for termination of the RNA-dependent RNA synthesis is suggested in this thesis.


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Viruses are submicroscopic, infectious agents that are obligate intracellular parasites. They adopt various types of strategies for their parasitic replication and proliferation in infected cells. The nucleic acid genome of a virus contains information that redirects molecular machinery of the cell to the replication and production of new virions. Viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm and are unable to use the nuclear transcription machinery of the host cell have developed their own transcription and capping systems. This thesis describes replication strategies of two distantly related viruses, hepatitis E virus (HEV) and Semliki Forest virus (SFV), which belong to the alphavirus-like superfamily of positive-strand RNA viruses. We have demonstrated that HEV and SFV share a unique cap formation pathway specific for alphavirus-like superfamily. The capping enzyme first acts as a methyltransferase, catalyzing the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to GTP to yield m7GTP. It then transfers the methylated guanosine to the end of viral mRNA. Both reactions are virus-specific and differ from those described for the host cell. Therefore, these capping reactions offer attractive targets for the development of antiviral drugs. Additionally, it has been shown that replication of SFV and HEV takes place in association with cellular membranes. The origin of these membranes and the intracellular localization of the components of the replication complex were studied by modern microscopy techniques. It was demonstrated that SFV replicates in cytoplasmic membranes that are derived from endosomes and lysosomes. According to our studies, site for HEV replication seems to be the intermediate compartment which mediates the traffic between endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex. As a result of this work, a unique mechanism of cap formation for hepatitis E virus replicase has been characterized. It represents a novel target for the development of specific inhibitors against viral replication.


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Plus-stranded (plus) RNA viruses multiply within a cellular environment as tightly integrated units and rely on the genetic information carried within their genomes for multiplication and, hence, persistence. The minimal genomes of plus RNA viruses are unable to encode the molecular machineries that are required for virus multiplication. This sets requisites for the virus, which must form compatible interactions with host components during multiplication to successfully utilize primary metabolites as building blocks or metabolic energy, and to divert the protein synthesis machinery for production of viral proteins. In fact, the emerging picture of a virus-infected cell displays tight integration with the virus, from simple host and virus protein interactions through to major changes in the physiological state of the host cell. This study set out to develop a method for the identification of host components, mainly host proteins, that interact with proteins of Potato virus A (PVA; Potyvirus) during infection. This goal was approached by developing affinity-tag based methods for the purification of viral proteins complexed with associated host proteins from infected plants. Using this method, host membrane-associated viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes were obtained, and several host and viral proteins could be identified as components of these complexes. One of the host proteins identified using this strategy was a member of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family, and this protein was chosen for further analysis. To enable the analysis of viral gene expression, a second method was developed based on Agrobacterium-mediated virus genome delivery into plant cells, and detection of virally expressed Renilla luciferase (RLUC) as a quantitative measure of viral gene expression. Using this method, it was observed that down-regulation of HSP70 caused a PVA coat protein (CP)-mediated defect associated with replication. Further experimentation suggested that CP can inhibit viral gene expression and that a distinct translational activity coupled to replication, referred to as replication-associated translation (RAT), exists. Unlike translation of replication-deficient viral RNA, RAT was dependent on HSP70 and its co-chaperone CPIP. HSP70 and CPIP together regulated CP turnover by promoting its modification by ubiquitin. Based on these results, an HSP70 and CPIP-driven mechanism that functions to regulate CP during viral RNA replication and/or translation is proposed, possibly to prevent premature particle assembly caused by CP association with viral RNA.


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Molecular motors are proteins that convert chemical energy into mechanical work. The viral packaging ATPase P4 is a hexameric molecular motor that translocates RNA into preformed viral capsids. P4 belongs to the ubiquitous class of hexameric helicases. Although its structure is known, the mechanism of RNA translocation remains elusive. Here we present a detailed kinetic study of nucleotide binding, hydrolysis, and product release by P4. We propose a stochastic-sequential cooperative model to describe the coordination of ATP hydrolysis within the hexamer. In this model the apparent cooperativity is a result of hydrolysis stimulation by ATP and RNA binding to neighboring subunits rather than cooperative nucleotide binding. Simultaneous interaction of neighboring subunits with RNA makes the otherwise random hydrolysis sequential and processive. Further, we use hydrogen/deuterium exchange detected by high resolution mass spectrometry to visualize P4 conformational dynamics during the catalytic cycle. Concerted changes of exchange kinetics reveal a cooperative unit that dynamically links ATP binding sites and the central RNA binding channel. The cooperative unit is compatible with the structure-based model in which translocation is effected by conformational changes of a limited protein region. Deuterium labeling also discloses the transition state associated with RNA loading which proceeds via opening of the hexameric ring. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange is further used to delineate the interactions of the P4 hexamer with the viral procapsid. P4 associates with the procapsid via its C-terminal face. The interactions stabilize subunit interfaces within the hexamer. The conformation of the virus-bound hexamer is more stable than the hexamer in solution, which is prone to spontaneous ring openings. We propose that the stabilization within the viral capsid increases the packaging processivity and confers selectivity during RNA loading. Finally, we use single molecule techniques to characterize P4 translocation along RNA. While the P4 hexamer encloses RNA topologically within the central channel, it diffuses randomly along the RNA. In the presence of ATP, unidirectional net movement is discernible in addition to the stochastic motion. The diffusion is hindered by activation energy barriers that depend on the nucleotide binding state. The results suggest that P4 employs an electrostatic clutch instead of cycling through stable, discrete, RNA binding states during translocation. Conformational changes coupled to ATP hydrolysis modify the electrostatic potential inside the central channel, which in turn biases RNA motion in one direction. Implications of the P4 model for other hexameric molecular motors are discussed.


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Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses encode only a single protein species that contains RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) motifs. This protein is a central component in the life cycle of a dsRNA virus, carrying out both RNA transcription and replication. The architecture of viral RdRPs resembles that of a 'cupped right hand' with fingers, palm and thumb domains. Those applying de novo initiation have additional structural features, including a flexible C-terminal domain that constitutes the priming platform. Moreover, viral RdRPs must be able to interact with the incoming 3'-terminus of the template and position it so that a productive binary complex is formed. Bacteriophage phi6 of the Cystoviridae family is to date one of the best studied dsRNA viruses. The purified recombinant phi6 RdRP is highly active in vitro and possesses both RNA replication and transcription activities. The extensive biochemical observations and the atomic level crystal structure of the phi6 RdRP provides an excellent platform for in-depth studies of RNA replication in vitro. In this thesis, targeted structure-based mutagenesis, enzymatic assays and molecular mapping of phi6 RdRP and its RNA were used to elucidate the formation of productive RNA-polymerase binary complexes. The positively charged rim of the template tunnel was shown to have a significant role in the engagement of highly structured ssRNA molecules, whereas specific interactions further down in the template tunnel promote ssRNA entry to the catalytic site. This work demonstrated that by aiding the formation of a stable binary complex with optimized RNA templates, the overall polymerization activity of the phi6 RdRP can be greatly enhanced. Furthermore, proteolyzed phi6 RdRPs that possess a nick in the polypeptide chain at the hinge region, which is part of the extended loop, were better suited for catalysis at higher temperatures whilst favouring back-primed initiation. The clipped C-terminus remains associated with the main body of the polymerase and the hinge region, although structurally disordered, is involved in the control of C-terminal domain displacement. The accumulated knowhow on bacteriophage phi6 was utilized in the development of two technologies for the production of dsRNA: (i) an in vitro system that combines the T7 RNA polymerase and the phi6 RdRP to generate dsRNA molecules of practically unlimited length, and (ii) an in vivo RNA replication system based on restricted infection with phi6 polymerase complexes in bacterial cells to produce virtually unlimited amounts of dsRNA. The pools of small interfering RNAs derived from dsRNA produced by these systems were validated and shown to efficiently decrease the expression of both exogenous and endogenous targets.


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We report the first genome sequence of a Colocasia bobone disease-associated virus (CBDaV) derived from bobone-affected taro [Colocasia esculenta L. Schott] from Solomon Islands. The negative-strand RNA genome is 12,193 nt long, with six major open reading frames (ORFs) with the arrangement 3′-N-P-P3-M-G-L-5′. Typical of all rhabdoviruses, the 3′ leader and 5′ trailer sequences show complementarity to each other. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that CBDaV is a member of the genus Cytorhabdovirus, supporting previous reports of virus particles within the cytoplasm of bobone-infected taro cells. The availability of the CBDaV genome sequence now makes it possible to assess the role of this virus in bobone, and possibly alomae disease of taro and confirm that this sequence is that of Colocasia bobone disease virus (CBDV).


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a ss-RNA (4149 nt) plant sobemovirus isolated from farmer's field around Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh. The viral capsid (30 nm diameter) consists of 180 copies of protein subunits (MW 29 kDa) organized with icosahedral symmetry. In order to understand the mechanism of assembly of SeMV, a large number of deletion and substitution mutants of the coat protein (CP) were constructed. Recombinant SeMV CP (rCP) as well as the N-terminal rCP deletion mutant Delta N22 were found to assemble in E. coli into virus-like particles (VLPs). Delta N36 and Delta N65 mostly formed smaller particles consisting of 60 protein subunits. Although particlem assembly was not affected due to the substitution of aspartates (D14 and D149) that coordinate calcium ions by asparagines, the stability of the resulting capsids was drastically reduced. Deletion of residues forming a characteristic beta-annulus at the icosahedral 3-folds did not affect the assembly of VLPs. Mutation of a single tryptophan, which occurs near the icosahedral fivefold axis to glutamate or lysine, resulted in the disruption of the capsid leading to soluble dimers that resembled the quasi-dimer structure of the native virus. Replacement of positively charged residues in the amino terminal segment of CP resulted in the formation of empty shells. Based on these observations, a plausible mechanism of assembly is proposed.


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This article intends to cover two aspects of non-segmented negative sense RNA viruses. In the initial section, the strategy employed by these viruses to replicate their genomes is discussed. This would help in understanding the later section in which the use of these viruses as vaccine vectors has been discussed. For the description of the replication strategy which encompasses virus genome transcription and genome replication carried out by the same RNA dependent RNA polymerase complex, a member of the prototype rhabdovirus family - Chandipura virus has been chosen as an example to illustrate the complex nature of the two processes and their regulation. In the discussion on these viruses serving as vectors for carrying vaccine antigen genes, emphasis has been laid on describing the progress made in using the attenuated viruses as vectors and a description of the systems in which the efficiency of immune responses has been tested.


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ErbB3 binding protein Ebp1 has been shown to downregulate ErbB3 receptor-mediated signaling to inhibit cell proliferation. Rinderpest virus belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae and is characterized by the presence of a non-segmented negative-sense RNA genome. In this work, we show that rinderpest virus infection of Vero cells leads to the down-regulation of the host factor Ebp1, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Ebp1 protein has been shown to co-localize with viral inclusion bodies in infected cells, and it is packaged into virions, presumably through its interaction with the N protein or the N-RNA itself. Overexpression of Ebp1 inhibits viral transcription and multiplication in infected cells, suggesting that a mutual antagonism operates between host factor Ebp1 and the virus.


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Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV), a member of genus Tospovirus in the family Bunyaviridae, infects a large number of leguminosae and solanaceae plants in India. With a view to elucidate the function of nonstructural protein, NSs encoded by the small RNA genome (S RNA), the NSs protein of GBNV-tomato (Karnataka) [1] was over-expressed in E.coli and purified by Ni-NTA chromatography. The purified rNSs protein exhibited an RNA stimulated NTPase activity. Further, this activity was metal ion dependent and was inhibited by adenosine 5' (beta, gamma imido) triphosphate, an ATP analog. The rNSs could also hydrolyze dATP.Interestingly, in addition to the NTPase and dATPase activities, the rNSs exhibited ATP independent 5' RNA/DNA phosphatase activity that was completely inhibited by AMP. The 5' alpha phosphate could be removed from ssDNA, ssRNA, dsDNA and dsRNA thus confirming that rNSs has a novel 5' alpha phosphatase activity. K189A mutation in the Walker motif A (GxxxxGKT) resulted in complete loss of ATPase activity, but the 5'phosphatase activity was unaffected. On the other hand, D159A mutation in the Walker motif B (DExx) resulted in partial loss of both the activities. These results demonstrate for the first time that NSs is a bifunctional enzyme, which could participate in viral movement, replication or in suppression of the host defense mechanism.


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The virus inducible non-coding RNA (VINC) was detected initially in the brain of mice infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and rabies virus. VINC is also known as NEAT1 or Men epsilon RNA. It is localized in the nuclear paraspeckles of several murine as well as human cell lines and is essential for paraspeckle formation. We demonstrate that VINC interacts with the paraspeckle protein, P54nrb through three different protein interaction regions (PIRs) one of which (PIR-1) is localized near the 50 end while the other two (PIR-2, PIR-3) are localized near the 30 region of VINC. Our studies suggest that VINC may interact with P54nrb through a novel mechanism which is different from that reported for protein coding RNAs. (C) 2010 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV),a single-strand positive-sense RNA plant virus, belongs to the genus Sobemoviruses. Mechanism of replication in Sobemoviruses is poorly understood. In the present study, SeMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) was overexpressed and purified as a thioredoxin-tagged protein. The recombinant SeMV RdRp could synthesize RNA from genomic or subgenomic RNA templates, even in the absence ofthe protein primer, VPg. Analysis of the product indicated that it was double-stranded and that the mode of initiation was de novo. Mutational analysis of the 3' UTR of subgenomic RNA revealed that a stem-loop structure at the 3' end was important. Further, analysis of this stem-loop showed that the SeMV RdRp was capable of recognizing stem-loop structures of various lengths and forms. These results demonstrate that the SeMV RdRp is capable of primer-independent RNAsynthesis in vitro. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.