968 resultados para Vibrational Fine-structure
This thesis reports on the experimental realization of nanofiber-based spectroscopy of organic molecules. The light guided by subwavelength diameter optical nanfibers exhibits a pronounced evanescent field surrounding the fiber which yields high excitation and emission collection efficiencies for molecules on or near the fiber surface.rnThe optical nanofibers used for the experiments presented in this thesis are realized as thernsub-wavelength diameter waist of a tapered optical fiber (TOF). The efficient transfer of thernlight from the nanofiber waist to the unprocessed part of the TOF depends critically on therngeometric shape of the TOF transitions which represent a nonuniformity of the TOF. Thisrnnonuniformity can cause losses due to coupling of the fundamental guided mode to otherrnmodes which are not guided by the taper over its whole length. In order to quantify the lossrnfrom the fundamental mode due to tapering, I have solved the coupled local mode equationsrnin the approximation of weak guidance for the three layer system consisting of fiber core andrncladding as well as the surrounding vacuum or air, assuming the taper shape of the TOFsrnused for the experiments presented in this thesis. Moreover, I have empirically studied therninfluence of the TOF geometry on its transmission spectra and, based on the results, I haverndesigned a nanofiber-waist TOF with broadband transmission for experiments with organicrnmolecules.rnAs an experimental demonstration of the high sensitivity of nanofiber-based surface spectroscopy, I have performed various absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements on the model system 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA). The measured homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening of the spectra due to the interaction of the dielectric surface of the nanofiber with the surface-adsorbed molecules agrees well with the values theoretically expected and typical for molecules on surfaces. Furthermore, the self-absorption effects due to reasorption of the emitted fluorescence light by circumjacent surface-adsorbed molecules distributed along the fiber waist have been analyzed and quantified. With time-resolved measurements, the reorganization of PTCDA molecules to crystalline films and excimers can be observed and shown to be strongly catalyzed by the presence of water on the nanofiber surface. Moreover, the formation of charge-transfer complexes due to the interaction with localized surface defects has been studied. The collection efficiency of the molecular emission by the guided fiber mode has been determined by interlaced measurements of absorption and fluorescence spectra to be about 10% in one direction of the fiber.rnThe high emission collection efficiency makes optical nanofibers a well-suited tool for experiments with dye molecules embedded in small organic crystals. As a first experimental realization of this approach, terrylene-doped para-terphenyl crystals attached to the nanofiber-waist of a TOF have been studied at cryogenic temperatures via fluorescence and fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. The statistical fine structure of the fluorescence excitation spectrum for a specific sample has been observed and used to give an estimate of down to 9 molecules with center frequencies within one homogeneous width of the laser wavelength on average for large detunings from resonance. The homogeneous linewidth of the transition could be estimated to be about 190MHz at 4.5K.
In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten hat sich die Synthese und Charakterisierung nanoskopischer Objekte zu einem wichtigen Forschungszweig entwickelt. Insbesondere die Größenabhängigkeit optischer Eigenschaften in Halbleiternanokristallen eröffnet ein weites Feld an Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Das Verständnis der größenabhängigen elektronischen Struktur derartiger Nanokristalle ist ein interessantes Feld der Grundlagenforschung, da sie den Übergang vom Atom zum makroskopischen Material repräsentieren. Die Einzigartigkeit eines jeden Nanokristalls aufgrund von Inhomogenitäten in Größe, Form und Oberflächenbeschaffenheit erfordert die Untersuchung der elektronischen Struktur mittels der Spektroskopie einzelner Nanokristalle.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Photolumineszenz-Anregungsspektroskopie einzelner CdSe/ZnS-Nanokristalle bei kryogenen Temperaturen etabliert und für Partikel verschiedener Größen eingesetzt. Hierzu wurde zunächst ein konfokales Mikroskop aufgebaut, das die Spektroskopie einzelner Emitter in einem Temperaturbereich von 1.4 K bis Raumtemperatur ermöglicht. Die zur Anregungsspektroskopie angewendete Methode erlaubte die Untersuchung des vollen Spektralbereichs des 1S3/2-1Se-Exzitons, der sogenannten exzitonischen Feinstruktur. Obwohl es sich bei dem niederenergetischsten Übergang um einen verbotenen Übergang handelt, konnte dieser regelmäßig detektiert werden. Die Energieseparationen der beiden niederenergetischsten Übergänge wurden in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen des etablierten EMA-Modells gefunden. Für die weiteren Übergänge zeigten die Experimente, dass deren Energiedifferenz zum niederenergetischsten Übergang vom EMA-Modell unterschätzt wird. Abschließend wurde die Polarisationsabhängigkeit der Übergänge in verschiedene Zustände der exzitonischen Feinstruktur untersucht, wobei theoretische Vorhersagen der relativen Orientierung der Übergangsdipole der beiden niederenergetischsten Zustände bestätigt werden konnten.rn
In questo lavoro è presentato l'utilizzo della spettroscopia di assorbimento di raggi X applicata all'indagine inerente il numero e la natura degli atomi vicini di un centro metallico a due diversi stati di ossidazione [Cu(I) e Cu(II)] all'interno di complessi fosfinici e/o azotati. Gli spettri sono stati registrati nella loro completezza, comprendendo sia la soglia sia lo spettro esteso di assorbimento, e le transizioni elettroniche 1s→3d e 1s→4p sono state oggetto d'esame per avere indicazioni circa l'intorno locale del fotoassorbitore (l'atomo centrale). La tecnica più utilizzata, tuttavia, è stata l'analisi EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) che ha permesso di determinare l’effettiva coordinazione di Cu(I) e (II) nel caso dei complessi studiati. Il metodo consiste nella costruzione di un segnale teorico più simile possibile a quello ottenuto sperimentalmente, e l’approccio per raggiungere questo obiettivo consiste nel seguire una procedura di fitting eseguita computazionalmente (tramite il pacchetto software GNXAS), per la quale è necessario un modello strutturale già esistente o creato ex novo da una molecola di partenza molto simile. Sarà presentato lo studio degli esperimenti ottenuti su campioni sia solidi che in soluzione: in questo modo è stato possibile effettuare un confronto tra le due forme dello stesso composto nonché si è potuto osservare i cambiamenti riguardanti l’interazione metallo-solvente a diverse concentrazioni. Come sarà mostrato in seguito, l’analisi sui solidi è risultata più affidabile rispetto a quella riferita alle soluzioni; infatti il basso rapporto segnale/rumore caratterizzante le misure di queste ultime ha limitato le informazioni ottenibili dai relativi spettri di assorbimento di raggi X.
Mating plugs occluding the female gonopore after mating are a widespread phenomenon. In scorpions, two main types of mating plugs are found: sclerotized mating plugs being parts of the spermatophore that break off during mating, and gel-like mating plugs being gelatinous fluids that harden in the female genital tract. In this study, the gel-like mating plug of Euscorpius italicus was investigated with respect to its composition, fine structure, and changes over time. Sperm forms the major component of the mating plug, a phenomenon previously unknown in arachnids. Three parts of the mating plug can be distinguished. The part facing the outside of the female (outer part) contains sperm packages containing inactive spermatozoa. In this state, sperm is transferred. In the median part, the sperm packages get uncoiled to single spermatozoa. In the inner part, free sperm is embedded in a large amount of secretions. Fresh mating plugs are soft gelatinous, later they harden from outside toward inside. This process is completed after 3-5 days. Sperm from artificially triggered spermatophores could be activated by immersion in insect Ringer's solution indicating that the fluid condition in the females' genital tract or females' secretions causes sperm activation. Because of the male origin of the mating plug, it has likely evolved under sperm competition or sexual conflict. As females refused to remate irrespective of the presence or absence of a mating plug, females may have changed their mating behavior in the course of evolution from polyandry to monandry.
The human epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is highly expressed in a variety of clinical tumour entities. Although an antibody against EpCAM has successfully been used as an adjuvant therapy in colon cancer, this therapy has never gained wide-spread use. We have therefore investigated the possibilities and limitations for EpCAM as possible molecular imaging target using a panel of preclinical cancer models. Twelve human cancer cell lines representing six tumour entities were tested for their EpCAM expression by qPCR, flow cytometry analysis and immunocytochemistry. In addition, EpCAM expression was analyzed in vivo in xenograft models for tumours derived from these cells. Except for melanoma, all cell lines expressed EpCAM mRNA and protein when grown in vitro. Although they exhibited different mRNA levels, all cell lines showed similar EpCAM protein levels upon detection with monoclonal antibodies. When grown in vivo, the EpCAM expression was unaffected compared to in vitro except for the pancreatic carcinoma cell line 5072 which lost its EpCAM expression in vivo. Intravenously applied radio-labelled anti EpCAM MOC31 antibody was enriched in HT29 primary tumour xenografts indicating that EpCAM binding sites are accessible in vivo. However, bound antibody could only be immunohistochemically detected in the vicinity of perfused blood vessels. Investigation of the fine structure of the HT29 tumour blood vessels showed that they were immature and prone for higher fluid flux into the interstitial space. Consistent with this hypothesis, a higher interstitial fluid pressure of about 12 mbar was measured in the HT29 primary tumour via "wick-in-needle" technique which could explain the limited diffusion of the antibody into the tumour observed by immunohistochemistry.
Current concepts of synaptic fine-structure are derived from electron microscopic studies of tissue fixed by chemical fixation using aldehydes. However, chemical fixation with glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde and subsequent dehydration in ethanol result in uncontrolled tissue shrinkage. While electron microscopy allows for the unequivocal identification of synaptic contacts, it cannot be used for real-time analysis of structural changes at synapses. For the latter purpose advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques are to be applied which, however, do not allow for the identification of synaptic contacts. Here, two approaches are described that may overcome, at least in part, some of these drawbacks in the study of synapses. By focusing on a characteristic, easily identifiable synapse, the mossy fiber synapse in the hippocampus, we first describe high-pressure freezing of fresh tissue as a method that may be applied to study subtle changes in synaptic ultrastructure associated with functional synaptic plasticity. Next, we propose to label presynaptic mossy fiber terminals and postsynaptic complex spines on CA3 pyramidal neurons by different fluorescent dyes to allow for the real-time monitoring of these synapses in living tissue over extended periods of time. We expect these approaches to lead to new insights into the structure and function of central synapses.
Electron microscopy (EM) allows for the simultaneous visualization of all tissue components at high resolution. However, the extent to which conventional aldehyde fixation and ethanol dehydration of the tissue alter the fine structure of cells and organelles, thereby preventing detection of subtle structural changes induced by an experiment, has remained an issue. Attempts have been made to rapidly freeze tissue to preserve native ultrastructure. Shock-freezing of living tissue under high pressure (high-pressure freezing, HPF) followed by cryosubstitution of the tissue water avoids aldehyde fixation and dehydration in ethanol; the tissue water is immobilized in ∼50 ms, and a close-to-native fine structure of cells, organelles and molecules is preserved. Here we describe a protocol for HPF that is useful to monitor ultrastructural changes associated with functional changes at synapses in the brain but can be applied to many other tissues as well. The procedure requires a high-pressure freezer and takes a minimum of 7 d but can be paused at several points.
Atmospheric soluble organic aerosol material can become solid or semi-solid. Due to increasing viscosity and decreasing diffusivity, this can impact important processes such as gas uptake and reactivity within aerosols containing such substances. This work explores the dependence of shikimic acid ozonolysis on humidity and thereby viscosity. Shikimic acid, a proxy for oxygenated reactive organic material, reacts with O3 in a Criegee-type reaction. We used an environmental microreactor embedded in a scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) to probe this oxidation process. This technique facilitates in situ measurements with single micron-sized particles and allows to obtain near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra with high spatial resolution. Thus, the chemical evolution of the interior of the particles can be followed under reaction conditions. The experiments show that the overall degradation rate of shikimic acid is depending on the relative humidity in a way that is controlled by the decreasing diffusivity of ozone with decreasing humidity. This decreasing diffusivity is most likely linked to the increasing viscosity of the shikimic acid–water mixture. The degradation rate was also depending on particle size, most congruent with a reacto-diffusion limited kinetic case where the reaction progresses only in a shallow layer within the bulk. No gradient in the shikimic acid concentration was observed within the bulk material at any humidity indicating that the diffusivity of shikimic acid is still high enough to allow its equilibration throughout the particles on the timescale of hours at higher humidity and that the thickness of the oxidized layer under dry conditions, where the particles are solid, is beyond the resolution of STXM.
Water-containing biological material cannot withstand the vacuum of the transmission electron microscope. The classical solution to this problem has been to dehydrate chemically fixed biological samples and then embed them in resin. During such treatment, the bacterial nucleoid is especially prone to aggregation, which affects its global shape and fine structure. Initial attempts to deal with aggregation by optimizing chemical fixation yielded contradictory results. Two decades ago, the situation improved with the introduction of freeze-substitution. This method is based on dehydration of unfixed cryo-immobilized samples at low temperature, which substantially reduces aggregation. As a result, the global shape of the nucleoid can be fairly well defined. Overall, in actively growing bacteria, the nucleoids are dispersed and "coralline" but become more confined when growth ceases. However, it is usually impossible to determine the molecular arrangement of DNA in the nucleoids of freeze-substituted bacteria because crystallization and the subsequent removal of water during substitution result in unavoidable distortions at the ultrastructural level. Recently, cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections has enabled the fully hydrated bacterial nucleoid to be studied close to the native state. Such studies have revealed aspects of bacterial nucleoid organization that are not preserved by freeze-substitution, including locally parallel or twisted bundles of DNA filaments, which are more frequently observed once bacterial growth has stopped, whereas in actively growing bacteria, the DNA is seen to be in a mostly disordered pattern.
Fossil Mn nodules of Cretaceous age from western Timor exhibit chemical, structural and radioisotope compositions consistent with their being of deep-sea origin. These nodules show characteristics similar to nodules now found at depths of 3,500-5,000 m in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Slight differences in the fine structure and chemistry of these nodules and modern deep-sea nodules are attributed to diagenetic alteration after uplift of enclosing sediments.
Osmium (Os) isotope analyses of bulk sediments from the South Atlantic, Equatorial Pacific, and the Italian Apennines yield a well-dated and coherent pattern of 187Os/188Os variation from the late Eocene to the early Oligocene. The resulting composite record demonstrates the global character of two prominent features of the low-resolution LL44-GPC3 Os isotope record (Pegram and Turekian, 1999, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00308-7). These are: (1) a pronounced minimum in 187Os/188Os (0.22-0.27) in the late Eocene, between 34 and 34.5 Ma, and (2) a subsequent rapid increase in 187Os/188Os, to approximately 0.6 by 32 Ma. An ultramafic weathering event and an increased influx of extraterrestrial particles to the Earth are discussed as alternative explanations for the late Eocene 187Os/188Os minimum. Comparison of the 187Os/188Os to benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records demonstrates that the nearly three-fold increase in 187Os/188Os from the late Eocene minimum coincides with the growth and decay of the first large ice sheet of the Oligocene (Oi1 (Miller et al., 1991, doi:10.1029/90JB02015)). The fine structure of the Os isotope record indicates that enhanced release of radiogenic Os, unrelated to the recovery from late Eocene minimum, lagged the initiation of the Oi1 event by roughly 0.5 Myr. This record, in conjunction with weathering studies in modern glacial soils (Blum, in: W.F. Ruddiman (Ed.), Tectonic Uplift and Climate Change, Plenum Press, New York, 1997, pp. 259-288; Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Blum, 1998, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00227-0), suggests that exposure of freshly eroded material during deglaciation following Oi1 enhanced chemical weathering rates, and may have contributed to ice sheet stabilization by drawing down atmospheric carbon dioxide. The improved temporal resolution and age control of the refined Eocene-Oligocene Os isotope record also makes it possible to illustrate the late Eocene Os isotope excursion as a tool for global correlation of marine sediments.
The studies described here base mainly on sedimentary material collected during the "Indian Ocean Expedition" of the German research vessel "Meteor" in the region of the Indian-Pakistan continental margin in February and March 1965. Moreover,samples from the mouth of the Indus-River were available, which were collected by the Pakistan fishing vessel "Machhera" in March 1965. Altogether, the following quantities of sedimentary material were collected: 59.73 m piston cores. 54.52 m gravity cores. 33 box grab samples. 68 bottom grab samples Component analyses of the coarse fraction were made of these samples and the sedimentary fabric was examined. Moreover, the CaCO3 and Corg contents were discussed. From these investigations the following history of sedimentation can be derived: Recent sedimentation on the shelf is mainly characterized by hydrodynamic processes and terrigenous supply of material. In the shallow water wave action and currents running parallel to the coast, imply a repeated reworking which induces a sorting of the grains and layering of the sediments as well as a lack of bioturbation. The sedimentation rate is very high here. From the coast-line down to appr. 50 m the sediment becomes progressively finer, the conditions of deposition become less turbulent. On the outer shelf the sediment is again considerably coarser. It contains many relicts of planktonic organisms and it shows traces of burrowing. Indications for redeposition are nearly missing, a considerable part of the fine fraction of the sediments is, however, whirled up and carried away. In wide areas of the outer shelf this stirring has gained such a degree that recent deposits are nearly completely missing. Here, coarse relict sands rich in ooids are exposed, which were formed in very shallow stirred water during the time when the sea reached its lowest level, i.e. at the turn of the Pleistocene to the Holocene. Below the relict sand white, very fine-grained aragonite mud was found at one location (core 228). This aragonite mud was obviously deposited in very calm water of some greater depth, possibly behind a reef barrier. Biochemic carbonate precipitation played an important part in the formation of relict sands and aragonite muds. In postglacial times the relict sands were exposed for long periods to violent wave action and to areal erosion. In the present days they are gradually covered by recent sediments proceeding from the sides. On the continental margin beyond the shelf edge the distribution of the sediments is to a considerable extent determined by the morphology of the sea bottom. The material originating from the continent and/or the shelf, is less transported by action of the water than by the force of gravity. Within the range of the uppermost part of the continental slope recent sedimentation reaches its maximum. Here the fine material is deposited which has been whirled up in the zone of the relict sands. A laminated fine-grained sediment is formed here due to the very high sedimentation rate as well as to the extremely low O2-content in the bottom water, which prevents life on the bottom of the sea and impedes thus also bioturbation. The lamination probaly reflects annual variation in deposition and can be attributed to the rhythm of the monsoon with its effects on the water and the weather conditions. In the lower part of the upper continental slope sediments are to be found which show in varying intensity, intercalations of fine material (silt) from the shelf, in large sections of the core. These fine intercalations of allochthonous material are closely related to the autochthonous normal sediment, so that a great number of small individual depositional processes can be inferred. In general the intercalations are missing in the uppermost part of the cores; in the lower part they can be met in different quantities, and they reach their maximum frequency in the upper part of the lower core section. The depositions described here were designated as turbid layer sediments, since they get their material from turbid layers, which transport components to the continental slope which have been whirled up from the shelf. Turbidites are missing in this zone. Since the whole upper continental slope shows a low oxygen-content of the bottom water the structure of the turbid layer sediments is more or less preserved. The lenticular-phacoidal fine structure does, however, not reflect annual rhythms, but sporadic individual events, as e.g. tsunamis. At the lower part of the continental slope and on the continental rise the majority of turbidites was deposited, which, during glacial times and particularly at the beginning of the post-glacial period, transported material from the zone of relict sands. The Laccadive Ridge represented a natural obstacle for the transport of suspended sediments into the deep sea. Core SIC-181 from the Arabian Basin shows some intercalations of turbidites; their material, however, does not originate from the Indian Shelf, but from the Laccadive Ridge. Within the range of the Indus Cone it is surprising that distinct turbidites are nearly completely missing; on the other hand, turbid layer sediments are to be found. The bottom of the sea is showing still a slight slope here, so that the turbidites funneled through the Canyon of the Swatch probably rush down to greater water depths. Due to the particularly large supply of suspended material by theIndus River the turbid layer sediments show farther extension than in other regions. In general the terrigenous components are concentrated on the Indus Cone. It is within the range of the lower continental slope that the only discovery of a sliding mass (core 186) has been located. It can be assumed that this was set in motion during the Holocene. During the period of time discussed here the following development of kind and intensity of the deposition of allochthonous material can be observed on the Indian-Pakistan continental margin: At the time of the lowest sea level the shelf was only very narrow, and the zone in which bottom currents were able to stir up material by oscillating motion, was considerably confined. The rivers flowed into the sea near to the edge of the shelf. For this reason the percentage of terrigenous material, quartz and mica is higher in the lower part of many cores (e.g. cores 210 and 219) than in the upper part. The transition from glacial to postglacial times caused a series of environmental changes. Among them the rise of the sea level (in the area of investigation appr. 150 m) had the most important influence on the sedimentation process. In connection with this event many river valleys became canyons, which sucked sedimentary material away from the shelf and transported it in form of turbidites into the deep sea. During the rise of the sea level a situation can be expected with a maximum area of the comparatively plane shelf being exposed to wave action. During this time the process of stirring up of sediments and formation of turbid layers will reach a maximum. Accordingly, the formation of turbidites and turbid layer sediments are most frequent at the same time. This happened in general in the older polstglacial period. The present day high water level results in a reduced supply of sediments into the canyons. The stirring up of sediments from the shelf by wave action is restricted to the finest material. The missing of shelf material in the uppermost core sections can thus be explained. The laminated muds reflect these calm sedimentation conditions as well. In the southwestern part of the area of investigation fine volcanic glass was blown in during the Pleistocene, probably from the southeast. It has thus become possible to correlate the cores 181, 182, 202. Eolian dust from the Indian subcontinent represents probably an important component of the deep sea sediments. The chemism of the bottom as well as of the pore water has a considerable influence on the development of the sediments. Of particular importance in this connection is a layer with a minimum content of oxygen in the sea water (200-1500 m), which today touches the upper part of the continental slope. Above and beyond this oxygen minimum layer somewhat higher O2-values are to be observed at the sea bottom. During the Pleistocene the oxygen minimum layer has obviously been locatedin greater depth as is indicated by the facies of laminated mud occuring in the lower part of core 219. The type of bioturbation is mainly determined by the chemism. Moreover, the chemism is responsible for a considerable selective dissolution, either complete or partial, of the sedimentary components. Within the range of the oxygen minimum layer an alkaline milieu is developed at the bottom. This causes a complete or partial dissolution of the siliceous organisms. Here, bioturbation is in general completely missing; sometimes small pyrite-filled burrowing racks are found. In the areas rich in O2 high pH-values result in a partial dissolution of the calcareous shells. Large, non-pyritized burrowing tracks characterize the type of bioturbation in this environment. A study of the "lebensspuren" in the cores supports the assumption that, particularly within the region of the Laccadive Basin, the oxygen content in the bottom sediments was lower than during the Holocene. This may be attributed to a high sedimentation rate and to a lower O2-content of the bottom water. The composition of the allochthonous sedimentary components, detritus and/or volcanic glass may locally change the chemism to a considerable extent for a certain time; under such special circumstances the type of bioturbation and the state of preservation of the components may be different from those of the normal sediment.
Fine structure of vertical distributions of phosphorus and silicon in near-bottom layers and interstitial waters is studied in different regions of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland, Bornholm area, Gotland trench). Data obtained are used to calculate fluxes of mineral forms of phosphorus and silicon in exchange processes between sediments and the near-bottom water layer. Depending on sediment types, values of nutrient fluxes vary from 9.8 to 632.6 µg-at/m**2/day for phosphorus and from 232.4 to 1881.1 µg-at/m**2/day for silicon. Fluxes calculated for different regions are compared.