933 resultados para Vegetation mosaic
Soil islands on rocky surfaces often harbor aggregated vegetation that consists of insular plant communities. These islands are typical of the rocky outcrops and in various parts of Brazil form the so-called "campos rupestres" vegetation. Four of such sites have been selected in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil, for this comparative study on floristics and vegetation structure: three areas situated inside the "Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina" (Guiné, Fumaça and "Gerais da Fumaça") and one is at the border of the Environmental Protection Area of "Marimbus-Iraquara" ("Mãe Inácia"). All occurring vegetation islands were studied in four random plots of 10 × 10 m per site. Soil was often shallow, sandy and acidic. Vascular plant species were determined, with respective life forms and canopy coverage areas. The total number of species when all four sites were added was 135, and the number of species per island varied from 2 to 32. The areas of the 214 soil islands varied from 0.015 to 91.9 m², totaling 568 m² in the four sites. Monocotyledon families were dominant, essentially Velloziaceae, as well as Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Cyperaceae. Among the eudicotyledons, dominant families were mainly Clusiaceae, Asteraceae and Melastomataceae. The biological spectra revealed that phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes predominated among the life forms, while chamaephytes had the largest coverage area. Epilithic and desiccant chamaephytes composed the most conspicuous interspecific associations, and were probably related to early successional processes. Sites closest to one another were not the most similar in structure, indicating that other factors more relevant than distance might be involved in the abundance of species in space.
An area's innate potential to regenerate represents a crucial factor for its conservation and management. The seed rain and seed bank are important agents in the regeneration process. Seed banks are particularly important in communities where there is a high proportion of obligate seeders. Rocky outcrops are habitats where most part of the plant species depends on their seeds to reproduce and maintain viable populations. Therefore, seed banks ought to be important in this vegetation physiognomy. We test the hypotheses that the seed bank of the rocky outcrops found in the rupestrian fields of "Serra do Cipó", Brazil, is richer in species and denser than those formed on different vegetation physiognomies neighboring the outcrops. We then compared species abundance, species richness and composition in the rocky outcrops' seed banks with those of sandy and peaty bogs, forests, gallery forests, and "cerrados". Furthermore, we report on the natural regeneration potential of these soils by assessing a greenhouse study on seedling emergence. Soil samples were collected from 0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm of depth. Rocky outcrops had the poorest in species and less dense seed bank and showed segregation in species composition. Emergence was greater in the most superficial layer. However, soils on rocky outcrops showed the greatest proportion of endemic threatened species in their seed banks, demonstrating their importance for biodiversity conservation of the "Serra do Cipó" rupestrian fields.
Ferruginous "campos rupestres" are a particular type of vegetation growing on iron-rich primary soils. We investigated the influence of soil properties on plant species abundance at two sites of ferruginous "campos rupestres" and one site of quartzitic "campo rupestre", all of them in "Quadrilátero Ferrífero", in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. In each site, 30 quadrats were sampled to assess plant species composition and abundance, and soil samples were taken to perform chemical and physical analyses. The analyzed soils are strongly acidic and presented low fertility and high levels of metallic cations; a principal component analysis of soil data showed a clear segregation among sites due mainly to fertility and heavy metals content, especially Cu, Zn, and Pb. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated a strong correlation between plant species abundance and soil properties, also segregating the sites.
A floristic and structural survey of a natural grassland community was conducted on Morro do Osso, a granitic hill in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Structural data were surveyed in 39 one square meter plots placed over two major grassland areas. An accidental fire has occurred in one of the areas approximately one year prior to our survey, leading to further analysis of parameters differences between sites. The floristic list contains 282 species, whereas the structural survey has found 161 species. Families with highest accumulated importance values were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae. The diversity and evenness indexes were 4.51 nats ind-1 and 0.86, respectively. Cluster analysis denoted two groups coinciding with the areas distinguished by the fire disturbance. A similarity analysis between our data and two other data sets from nearby granitic hills resulted in 28% to 35% similarity, with equivalent species-family distribution and many common dominant species, corroborating the concept of a continuous flora along the South Brazilian granitic hills.
The present article reviews studies (some unpublished) of the vegetation of coastal sandy soils (restinga) along the coast of Pará State, northern Brazil. A total of 411 higher plant species are reported; Fabaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae and Myrtaceae are the most species-rich families. Nearly half of the restinga species (48%) are terrestrial herbs; palms, trees and shrubs account for 39% of the species, the remainder being lianas and epiphytes. Species are frequently wide-spread and occur in coastal areas of Southeastern Brazil as well as at inland sites in the Amazon region. Only two species appear to be exclusively coastal; whereas other species appear to exhibit a preference for sandy soils. Plant assemblages are commonly classified by means of "formations" associated with certain habitats but current data do not allow the description of well-defined plant associations. The species composition at different sites along the Pará coast does not show any clear regional grouping pattern. Seasonal changes in the composition of restinga vegetation are most probably linked to variation in ground water level. Restinga forest is mostly low and open; among the dominant tree species are Humiria balsamifera Aubl., Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk., Anacardium occidentale L., Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth, and Tapirira guianensis Aubl.
We examined plant population structure and interspecific associations for juveniles and adults of four woody species (Andira legalis (Vell.) Toledo, Clusia hilariana Schltdl., Protium icicariba (DC.) Marchand and Vernonia crotonoides Sch. Bip. ex Baker) in a patchy vegetation on a sandy coastal plain (restinga) in SE - Brazil. We found 101 vegetation patches in a 0.5 ha grid and these were divided into two distinct size classes, with large patches (> 20 m²) containing the majority of adult individuals of the species studied. The most abundant species, P. icicariba (465 individuals) and C. hilariana (312), had actively regenerating populations, whereas A. legalis (20) and V. crotonoides (338) showed evidence of intermittent regeneration. The regeneration niches of the four species differed as did their investment in vegetative reproduction: for instance, 81% of C. hilariana seedlings were found growing inside tank-bromeliads contrasting with only 3% of P. icicariba in this habitat. Additionally, 28% of regenerants of C. hilariana originated vegetatively, contrasting with only 6% for P. icicariba. All significant associations between species found in the study were positive. There was a positive association between adults of C. hilariana and P. icicariba, as well as between adults of C. hilariana and juveniles of both. This suggests that P. icicariba is successfully establishing under the canopy of C. hilariana and highlights the role of C. hilariana in generating vegetation cover that will be later dominated by other woody plant species, as an important process for maintenance of plant diversity in this restinga vegetation.
We investigated the reproductive biology of Protium spruceanum (Benth.) Engler in vegetation corridors of secondary Atlantic forest in Lavras, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The reproductive phenology was investigated fortnightly over a one year period. Floral biology studies involved pollen viability analysis, nectar production, stigmatic receptivity, pollen tube growth, visiting insect species and visit rates. The small, pale yellowish flowers (0.3-0.4 cm diameter) are functionally unisexual and organized in dense inflorescences (ca. 45 flowers). P. spruceanum presented annual flowering between September and November. Staminate flowers supplied a high percentage of viable pollen (90.6%) and relatively abundant nectar (x = 4.5 μL). Pistillate flowers produced only nectar to flower visitors (x = 4.0 μL). The effective pollinators were Apis mellifera and Trigona sp. (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Pollen tubes of cross-pollinated flowers were observed entering the ovaries 48 h after pollination. The fruiting season is from October to March, with a peak in November, coinciding with the rainfall peak. Ecological implications of these findings, and alternative arguments to explain the high genetic diversity at regional landscape are discussed.
There is an important pioneer vegetation formation along the Xingu River in the area where the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam is being constructed that is highly adapted to a seasonally fluctuating water levels. The aim of this study was to examine the habitat and flora of the pioneer formations in the Belo Monte area. The area was divided in three sections for study purposes (Reservoir, Low Flow, and Control) that were expected to experience different degrees of impact from the dam project. The calculations of habitat losses were based on satellite imagery classifications, and a total of 111 plots were established in the three areas for vegetation sampling. Habitat losses of the pioneer formations will total 89.7% when the project is fully functional. Forty-five of the 72 recorded species are restricted to single areas. Species richness and diversity were significantly lower in the control area. The completion of the Belo Monte reservoir will result in habitat reductions and will consequently reduce the richness and diversity of pioneer formations. Studies suggest monitoring the populations located in the reduced flow area to determine possible impacts resulting from changes in the regional hydrological cycle caused by the Xingu River dam.
The present study analyzed the influence of edaphic variables on the floristic compositions and structures of the arboreal and shrub vegetation of typical cerrado (TC) and rocky outcrop cerrado (RC) communities in the Serra Negra mountain range in Piranhas Municipality, Goiás State, Brazil. Ten 20×50m plots were established in each community, and all individuals with minimum diameters ³5cm measured at 30cm above soil level were sampled. Composite soil samples were collected at 0-20cm depths in each plot for physical and chemical analyses. The proportions of above-ground rock cover work also estimated in each RC plot. A total of 2,009 individuals (83 species, 69 genera, and 34 families) were recorded. Qualea parviflora was the only species consistently among the 10 most structurally important taxa in both communities, and was considered a generalist species. The observed and estimated species richnesses were greater in RC than in TC, although plant basal areas and heights did not differ between them. There were positive correlations between rock cover×plant density and rock cover×basal areas. TWINSPAN and PCA analysis separated the TC and RC plots, and three RC habitat specialist species (Wunderlichia mirabilis, Norantea guianensis, and Tibouchina papyrus) were identified. Soil variables were found to have greater effects on the species compositions of the TC and RC sites than the geographic distances between sampling plots. According to CCA analysis, the exclusive (or more abundant species) of each community were correlated with soil variables, and these variables therefore determined the selection of some species and influenced the differentiation of the vegetation structures of the communities studied.
We describe the floristic composition of the tree-shrub vegetation in 10 areas of rocky outcrop cerrado in Goiás State, Brazil. Ten 20×50m plots (totaling 1ha) were established and all of the individuals with diameters at 30cm above soil level (DB30) ³5cm were included in the sampling. Comparative analyses of the flora were realized using similarity indices (Sørensen and Czekanowski), classification analysis (TWINSPAN), and the Mantel test. A total of 13,041 tree-shrub individuals were sampled, distributed among 219 species, 129 genera and 55 families. Fabaceae was the most well-represented family, followed by Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae, Vochysiaceae, Malphigiaceae, and Rubiaceae. Fully 42.3% of the comparisons evaluated by the Sørensen index were >0.50, while all the values were <0.50 for the Czekanowski index, with the exception of Jaraguá and Mara Rosa areas. The TWINSPAN classification generated four divisions and, in general, only the differences in the size of the population were responsible for the groupings. The Mantel test indicated that there was no relationship between floristic similarity and the distances between the areas (r=0.32, P=0.05). It therefore appears that the areas of rocky outcrop cerrado in Goiás State are relatively floristically homogeneous and that they are principally distinguished by the differences in the sizes of the populations of their dominant species, and the presence of exclusive species in certain areas.
Bean golden mosaic is the most important viral disease of the bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Latin America. The genetics of resistance to a Brazilian strain of bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV), was studied in a 4 x 4 diallel cross without reciprocals, among the parental genotypes DOR 303, EMGOPA 201 Ouro, Carnaval, and Redlands Greenleaf C. Seedlings of the four parents, six F1 hybrids, 12 backcrosses, and F2 generations for each combination were inoculated on the eighth day after sowing by exposure to a viruliferous whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) population for 24 h, in a glasshouse, prior to transplantation to field conditions. The full set of two parents, F1, F2 and respective backcrosses for each combination was considered to be a family. Data were recorded and analyzed for foliar yellowing, plant dwarfing, and pod malformation, using a randomized block design, with two replications. Weighted generation mean analysis was performed for each of the six families. An additive gene action model was significant for the three characteristics evaluated. On the other hand, non-additive gene action had greater absolute value in most cases. Resistance to foliar yellowing conferred by genes from DRO 303 was highly heritable and was expressed equally well in the different genetic backgrounds evaluated. Such resistance may be oligogenic. Broad- and narrow-sense heritabilities were relatively high for all response traits. The three traits studied were all positively correlated, indicating that they can be simultaneously selected for enhancement. The highest correlation coefficient was obtained for dwarfing x pod malformation.
There is increasing interest in the immune response induced by plant viruses since these could be used as antigen-expressing systems in vaccination procedures. Cowpea severe mosaic virus (CPSMV), as a purified preparation (300 g of leaves, 2 weeks post-inoculation), or crude extract from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves infected with CPSMV both administered by gavage to Swiss mice induced a humoral immune response. Groups of 10 Swiss mice (2-month-old females) were immunized orally with 10 daily doses of either 50 µg viral capsid protein (boosters of 50 µg at days 21 and 35 after immunization) or 0.6 mg protein of the crude extract (boosters of 0.6 mg at days 21 and 35 after immunization). Anti-CPSMV antibodies were quantified by ELISA in pooled sera diluted at least 1:400 at days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after the 10th dose. IgG and IgA against CPSMV were produced systemically, but IgE was not detected. No synthesis of specific antibodies against the proteins of leaf extracts from V. unguiculata, infected or not with CPSMV, was detected. The use of CPSMV, a plant-infecting virus that apparently does not induce a pathogenic response in animals, induced a humoral and persistent (at least 6 months) immune response through the administration of low antigen doses by gavage. These results raise the possibility of using CPSMV either as a vector for the production of vaccines against animal pathogens or in quick and easy methods to produce specific antisera for viral diagnosis.
O Lettuce mosaic virus espécie mais importante na cultura de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) no Brasil, causando sintomas de mosaico, clareamento das nervuras, necrose, distorção foliar e redução do crescimento da planta, pode ser transmitido por sementes com uma taxa de 1% a 16%, dependendo da interação dos genótipos de alface com os isolados LMV-Most ou LMV-Common. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a detecção do LMV por PTA-ELISA, em sementes e plântulas de oito genótipos de alface: 'Vanessa Roxa', 'Baba de Verão', 'Verdinha', 'Maravilha das 4 Estações', 'Evely', 'Marcela', 687 ('Sapore' x 'Vera' ), 784 ('Sapore' x 'Vera'), utilizando anti-soro policlonal específico. O vírus não foi detectado em sementes do genótipo 'Verdinha' e, em plântulas dos genótipos 687, 'Marcela' e 'Evely', após a germinação em papel e 687, 784 e 'Marcela' com gene mo1¹, após a germinação em substrato. A avaliação individual do número de sementes infectadas foi de 100% para 'Vanessa Roxa' e 'Baba de Verão', 87,7% para 'Verdinha', 46,6% para 'Maravilha das 4 Estações' e 16,6% para 'Evely'. Nos genótipos com gene de resistência o percentual foi de 15,6%, 26,6%, 90% em 'Marcela', 687 e 784, respectivamente. A detecção do LMV por PTA-ELISA foi eficiente tanto em sementes quanto em plântulas.
STOBBS, Lorne,W ABSTRACT Biochemical and Histological Investigations of viral localisation in the hypersensitive reaction of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto to tobacco mosaic virus infection. The infection of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) results in the production of distinct necrotic lesions confining the virus to restricted areas of the leaf surface. Biochemical and histological changes in the leaf tissue as a result of infection have been described. Trace accumulations of fluorescent metabolites, detected prior to lesion expression represent metabolites produced, by the cell in response to virus infection. These substances, are considered to undergo oxidation and in diffusing into adjacent cells, react with cellular constituents causing the death of these cells. Such cellular necrosis in advance of infection effectively limits virus spread. Chromatographic studies on extracts from TMV infected Pinto bean leaf tissue suggests that a number of extra-fluorescent metabolites produced on lesion'expression represent end products of phenolic oxidation r,eactionsoccurring earlier in these cells. Inhibition of phenolic oxidation by ascorbate infiltration or elevated temperature treatment resulted in the absence of extra-fluorescent metabolites and the continued movement of virus in the absence of necrosis. Further studies with i ascorbate infiltration indicated that irreversible necrotic events were determined as early as 12 tci 18 hrs after viral inoculation. Histochemical tests indicated that callose formation was initiated at this time, and occurred in response to necrotisation. Inhibition of necrosis by either ascorbate infiltration or elevated temp8rature treatment resulted in the absence of callose deposition. Scanning electron'micrographs of infected tissue revealed severe epidermal and palisade cell damage. Histochemical tests indicated extensive callose formation in cells bordering the lesion, and suggested the role of callose iTh the blockage of intercellular connections limiting virus movement. The significance of these cellular changes is discussed. ii
Vegetation Mapping and Analysis of Eravikulam National Park of Kerala Using Remote Sensing Technique