911 resultados para Variable stars.


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In humans, NK receptors are expressed by natural killer cells and some T cells, the latter of which are preferentially alphabetaTCR+ CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). In this study we analyzed the expression of nine NK receptors (p58.1, p58.2, p70, p140, ILT2, NKRP1A, ZIN176, CD94 and CD94/NKG2A) in PBL from both healthy donors and melanoma patients. The percentages of NK receptor-positive T cells (NKT cells) varied strongly, and this variation was more important between individual patients than between individual healthy donors. In all the individuals, the NKT cells were preferentially CD28-, and a significant correlation was found between the percentage of CD28- T cells and the percentage of NK receptor+ T cells. Based on these data and the known activated phenotype of CD28- T cells, we propose that the CD28- CD8+ T cell pool represents or contains the currently active CTL population, and that the frequent expression of NK receptors reflects regulatory mechanisms modulating the extent of CTL effector function. Preliminary results indicate that some tumor antigen-specific T cells may indeed be CD28- and express NK receptors in vivo.


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L’objecte del present treball és la realització d’una aplicació que permeti portar a terme el control estadístic multivariable en línia d’una planta SBR.Aquesta eina ha de permetre realitzar un anàlisi estadístic multivariable complet del lot en procés, de l’últim lot finalitzat i de la resta de lots processats a la planta.L’aplicació s’ha de realitzar en l’entorn LabVIEW. L’elecció d’aquest programa vecondicionada per l’actualització del mòdul de monitorització de la planta que s’estàdesenvolupant en aquest mateix entorn


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Introduction: In children with cystic fibrosis (CF), low immunoglobulin (IgG) levels have been reported to be associated with significantly less severe lung disease. However, decreased IgG can be a sign for common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) and affect clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical and serological data of patients having low IgG levels in routine blood tests at annual assessment, particularly their antibody response to polysaccharide antigens. Method: Retrospective chart review of demographic data of CF patients followed at the pediatric CF clinic throughout 2009. Clinical parameters (genotype, pancreas sufficiency, FEV1), presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) and number of exacerbations per year were correlated with immunoglobulin and vaccination antibodies levels (antibodies to pneumococcal serotypes 14, 19, 23, 1, 5 and 7F measured by enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay). Results: 4 out of 60 patients (6.7%) had lower IgG-levels for age. Ages ranged from 1 year 8 months to 11 years, 2 boys, 2 girls. Three patients were delF508 homozygotes, one heterozygote composite delF508/G542X. All were pancreatic insufficient. FEV1 ranged from 74 to 108%. One patient never had colonization by PA, 2 had intermittent PA colonization and one was chronically infected. After conjugated vaccination all patients had protective antibodies against serotypes 14, 19, 23F. For serotypes not included in the vaccine, only one patient had protective titers for 1 out of 3 serotypes. None of the patients had received unconjugated pneumococcal vaccine. There was no significant clinical difference in FEV1, PA colonization or number of exacerbations according to IgG and vaccination antibody levels. Conclusion: Cystic Fibrosis patients with low immunoglobulin levels have normal antibody response to protein antigens. However, despite recurrent infections, there seems to be delayed or deficient antibody response to polysaccharide antigens. Prospective studies are needed to evaluate the development of polysaccharide antibody responses in CF-patients to monitor for CVID. With early detection of CF by newborn screening program, long term follow up could be started early in childhood.


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The functional interaction of BAFF and APRIL with TNF receptor superfamily members BAFFR, TACI and BCMA is crucial for development and maintenance of humoral immunity in mice and humans. Using a candidate gene approach, we identified homozygous and heterozygous mutations in TNFRSF13B, encoding TACI, in 13 individuals with common variable immunodeficiency. Homozygosity with respect to mutations causing the amino acid substitutions S144X and C104R abrogated APRIL binding and resulted in loss of TACI function, as evidenced by impaired proliferative response to IgM-APRIL costimulation and defective class switch recombination induced by IL-10 and APRIL or BAFF. Family members heterozygous with respect to the C104R mutation and individuals with sporadic common variable immunodeficiency who were heterozygous with respect to the amino acid substitutions A181E, S194X and R202H had humoral immunodeficiency. Although signs of autoimmunity and lymphoproliferation are evident, the human phenotype differs from that of the Tnfrsf13b-/- mouse model.


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Variation in queen number alters the genetic structure of social insect colonies, which in turn affects patterns of kin-selected conflict and cooperation. Theory suggests that shifts from single- to multiple-queen colonies are often associated with other changes in the breeding system, such as higher queen turnover, more local mating, and restricted dispersal. These changes may restrict gene flow between the two types of colonies and it has been suggested that this might ultimately lead to sympatric speciation. We performed a detailed microsatellite analysis of a large population of the ant Formica selysi, which revealed extensive variation in social structure, with 71 colonies headed by a single queen and 41 by multiple queens. This polymorphism in social structure appeared stable over time, since little change in the number of queens per colony was detected over a five-year period. Apart from queen number, single- and multiple-queen colonies had very similar breeding systems. Queen turnover was absent or very low in both types of colonies. Single- and multiple-queen colonies exhibited very small but significant levels of inbreeding, which indicates a slight deviation from random mating at a local scale and suggests that a small proportion of queens mate with related males. For both types of colonies, there was very little genetic structuring above the level of the nest, with no sign of isolation by distance. These similarities in the breeding systems were associated with a complete lack of genetic differentiation between single- and multiple-queen colonies, which provides no support for the hypothesis that change in queen number leads to restricted gene flow between social forms. Overall, this study suggests that the higher rates of queen turnover, local mating, and population structuring that are often associated with multiple-queen colonies do not appear when single- and multiple-queen colonies still coexist within the same population, but build up over time in populations consisting mostly of multiple-queen colonies.


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We present measurements of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in MORB glasses from Macquarie Island (SW. Pacific Ocean) coupled with determination of bulk H2O content by two independent techniques: total dehydration and FTIR. The incompatible trace elements in these glasses vary by a factor of 12 to 17, with K2O varying from 0.1 to 1.7 wt.%; these ranges reflect a variable degree of closed-system mantle melting, estimated from 1 to 15%. Water concentrations determined by the two techniques match well, yielding a range from 0.25 to 1.49 wt.% which correlates positively with all of the measured incompatible trace elements, suggesting that water is un-degassed, and behaves conservatively during mantle melting. Also, the agreement between the FTIR-determined and extracted water contents gives us confidence that the measured isotopic values of hydrogen reflect that of the mantle. Comparison of the range of water content with that of other incompatible trace elements allows estimation of the water partition coefficient in lherzolite, 0.0208 (ranging from 0.017 to 0.023), and the water content in the source, 386 ppm (ranging from 370 to 440 ppm). We observe a fairly narrow range in delta D and delta O-18 values of -75.5 +/- 4.5 parts per thousand and 5.50 +/- 0 .05 parts per thousand respectively, that can be explained by partial melting of normal lherzolitic mantle. The measured delta D and delta O-18 values of Macquarie Island glasses that range from nepheline- to hypersthene-normative, and from MORB to EMORB in composition, are identical to those in average global MORB. The observed lack of variation of delta D and delta O-18 with 1 to 15% degree of mantle melting is consistent with a bulk melting model of delta D and delta O-18 fractionation, in which water is rapidly scavenged into the first partial melt. The narrow ranges of delta D and delta O-18 in normal mantle are mostly due to the buffering effect of clino- and orthopyroxenes in the residual assemblage; additionally, fast ``wet'' diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes through the melting regions may further smooth isotopic differences. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hitsattujen rakenteiden väsymiskestävyyttä pystytään parantamaan jälkikäsittelymenetelmillä, joistayksi, ultraäänikäsittely muokkaa hitsin geometriaa ja aiheuttaa puristusjäännösjännitystilan. Tässä tutkimuksessa verrataan kokeellisesti kuormaa kantamattoman hitsatun ja ui -käsitellyn rivan väsymislujuutta toisiinsa. Tutkimusohjelmaan kuuluu kahta teräslajia ja sekä vakio - että vaihtuva - amplitudista kuormitusta. Ultraäänikäsittelyllä saavutetaan väsymiskestoiän parantuminen vakio - ja vaihtuva - amplitudisella kuormituksella. Perusaineen lujuudella ei ole merkittää vaikutusta väsymislujuuteen kun liitos on hitsatussa tilassa. Tällöin väsymiskestävyyden määrää hitsin rajaviivan jännityskeskittymä. Ultraäänikäsitellyn hitsatunliitoksen väsymiskestävyys on suurempi korkeamman lujuuden omaavilla teräksillä. Tästä syystä korkealujuuksisten terästen käyttö ultraäänikäsiteltynä väsyttävästi kuormitetuissa kevytrakenteissa on perusteltua.


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Design aspects of the Transversally Laminated Anisotropic (TLA) Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SynRM) are studied and the machine performance analysis compared to the Induction Motor (IM) is done. The SynRM rotor structure is designed and manufactured for a30 kW, four-pole, three-phase squirrel cage induction motor stator. Both the IMand SynRM were supplied by a sensorless Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) variablespeed drive. Attention is also paid to the estimation of the power range where the SynRM may compete successfully with a same size induction motor. A technicalloss reduction comparison between the IM and SynRM in variable speed drives is done. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to analyse the number, location and width of flux barriers used in a multiple segment rotor. It is sought for a high saliency ratio and a high torque of the motor. It is given a comparison between different FEM calculations to analyse SynRM performance. The possibility to take into account the effect of iron losses with FEM is studied. Comparison between the calculated and measured values shows that the design methods are reliable. A new application of the IEEE 112 measurement method is developed and used especially for determination of stray load losses in laboratory measurements. The study shows that, with some special measures, the efficiency of the TLA SynRM is equivalent to that of a high efficiency IM. The power factor of the SynRM at rated load is smaller than that of the IM. However, at lower partial load this difference decreases and this, probably, brings that the SynRM gets a better power factor in comparison with the IM. The big rotor inductance ratio of the SynRM allows a good estimating of the rotor position. This appears to be very advantageous for the designing of the rotor position sensor-less motor drive. In using the FEM designed multi-layer transversally laminated rotor with damper windings it is possible to design a directly network driven motor without degrading the motorefficiency or power factor compared to the performance of the IM.


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Bien que présenté comme un modèle de stabilité, le fédéralisme est constamment remis en question. Le but de l'article est de présenter quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques lues à travers les effectifs de la fonction publique en Suisse. Pour ce faire, nous distinguerons quatre types d'employeurs : Confédération, cantons, communes et corporations de droit public, lesquels représentent 10,5 % du total des actifs en Suisse. Nous analyserons la densité administrative, la variation des emplois et le degré de décentralisation selon la culture, le territoire et la religion. Il ressort que la fonction publique intermédiaire, c'est-à-dire les cantons, joue le premier rôle avec ses 140'000 emplois en équivalents plein temps (EPT) sur un total de 328'000, en hausse de 10,3 % par rapport à 2001. Les communes comptent 38 % des agents publics (+3,6 % par rapport à 2001), loin devant la Confédération, 11 % du total (en perte de vitesse : -1,2 %) et les corporations de droit public, 9 % du total (+14,5 %). Le taux d'administration est plus élevé dans la partie francophone que dans la partie germanophone, ainsi que dans les centres économiques et les zones frontières. Les écarts entre les cantons peuvent varier du simple au triple. En fait, deux modèles politico-administratifs transparaissent : le premier « cantonaliste » et davantage étatiste dans la partie latine, l'autre « communaliste » et décentralisé, dominant dans la partie germanophone. Le quotient de décentralisation administrative montre de grandes différences entre l'est et l'ouest, qui s'estompent toutefois avec la modernisation des institutions et le repositionnement de la Suisse face à l'Europe.


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La publicación en 1992 de Nubosidad variable supuso la reanudación de la actividad novelesca de Carmen Martín Gaite, después de catorce arios dedicados al ensayo y a la historia. En esta obra, el «credo» literario de la novelista no ha variado sustancialmente en relación a otras como Ritmo lento, Retahilas o El cuarto de atrás, pero se ha visto enriquecido con una técnica que acota y fija de forma maestra todo el mundo de significaciones que se proyecta, y que podemos conceptualizar como el flirteo de la autora con la introspección, el recuerdo, y los antojos frente al tiempo pasado de una memoria vulnerable y resbaladiza. La perspectiva narrativa se revela, en este sentido, como el apoyo básico del andamiaje material de la obra.


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In 2008 the regional government of Catalonia (Spain) reduced the maximum speed limit on several stretches of congested urban motorway in the Barcelona metropolitan area to 80 km/h, while in 2009 it introduced a variable speed system on other stretches of its metropolitan motorways. We use the differences-in-differences method, which enables a policy impact to be measured under specific conditions, to assess the impact of these policies on emissions of NOx and PM10. Empirical estimation indicate that reducing the speed limit to 80 km h-1 causes a 1.7 to 3.2% increase in NOx and 5.3 to 5.9% in PM10. By contrast, the variable speed policy reduced NOx and PM10 pollution by 7.7 to 17.1% and 14.5 to 17.3%. As such, a variable speed policy appears to be a more effective environmental policy than reducing the speed limit to a maximum of 80 km/h.