514 resultados para Valleys.
[ES] Los deslizamientos gravitatorios implicando volúmenes relativamente reducidos (millones de m3) son muy frecuentes, no así los que afectan a decenas, centenares e incluso miles de km3. Estos deslizamientos gigantes o megadeslizamientos son especialmente importantes y frecuentes en las islas oceánicas, particularmente en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo en escudo. Fueron descubiertos en las Islas Hawaii, donde alcanzan volúmenes ?prodigiosos? de miles de km3, pero es en las Canarias donde, a pesar de su menor volumen, son particularmente espectaculares y donde han sido mejor estudiados, tanto en sus etapas pre- y post-colapso en tierra, como las características y extensión de sus depósitos de avalancha en los fondos marinos. Los megadeslizamientos no sólo son procesos muy importantes en el desarrollo de las islas oceánicas y en sus riesgos naturales, sino que influyen en su variabilidad petrológica y aportan importantes recursos paisajísticos en forma de espectaculares valles y calderas
(U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses of apatite along deep-seated tunnels crossing high-relief mountain ranges offer the opportunity to investigate climate and tectonic forcing on the topographic evolution. In this study, the thermochronologic analysis of a large set of samples collected in the Simplon railway tunnel (western-central Alps; Italy and Switzerland) and along its surface trace, coupled with kinematic and structural analysis of major fault zones intersecting the tunnel, constrains the phenomena controlling the topographic and structural evolution, during the latest stage of exhumation of the Simplon Massif, and the timing in which they operated. The study area is located at the western margin of the Lepontine metamorphic dome where a complex nappe-stack pertaining to the Penninic and Ultrahelvetic domains experienced a fast exhumation from the latest Oligocene onward. The exhumation was mainly accommodated by a west-dipping low-angle detachment (the Simplon Fault Zone) which is located just 8 km to the west of the tunnel. However, along the section itself several faults related to two principal phases both with important dip-slip kinematics have been detected. Cooling rates derived from our thermocronological data vary from about 10 °C/Ma at about 10 Ma to about 35 °C/Ma in the last 5 Ma. Such increase in the cooling rate corresponds to the most important climatic change recorded in the northern hemisphere in the last 10 Ma, i.e. the shift to wetter conditions at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis and the inception of glacial cycles in the northern hemisphere. In addition, (U-Th)/He and fission-track age patterns lack of important correlation with the topography suggesting that the present-day relief morphology is the result of recent erosional dynamics. More in details, the (U-Th)/He tunnel ages show an impressive uniformity at 2 Ma, whereas cooling rates calculated at 1 Ma increase towards the two major valleys. This indicates a focusing of erosive processes in the valleys which led to the shaping of present-day topography. Structural analysis documents the presence of two phases of brittle deformation postdating the metamorphic phases in the area. The first one is directly related to the last phase of activity along the Simplon Fault Zone and is characterized by extension towards SO and vertical shortening. The young one is characterized by extension towards NO and horizontal shortening in a along the NE-SO direction. Structures related to the first phase of brittle deformation generate important variations in the older ages' dataset, until 3 Ma, suggesting that tectonics controlled rocks exhumation up to that age. Structures related to the second phase generate some variations also in the younger age dataset, highlighting the activity of faults bordering the massif and suggesting a continuous activity also after 2 Ma. However, most of (U-Th)/He tunnel ages, varying slightly around 2 Ma, document that the Simplon area has experienced primarily erosional exhumation in this time span. In conclusion, all our data suggest that in the central Italian Alps the climatic signal gradually overrode the tectonic effects after about 5 Ma, as a consequence of the climatic instability started at end of Messinian salinity crisis and improved by the onset of glaciations in the northern hemisphere.
The Northern Apennines (NA) chain is the expression of the active plate margin between Europe and Adria. Given the low convergence rates and the moderate seismic activity, ambiguities still occur in defining a seismotectonic framework and many different scenarios have been proposed for the mountain front evolution. Differently from older models that indicate the mountain front as an active thrust at the surface, a recently proposed scenario describes the latter as the frontal limb of a long-wavelength fold (> 150 km) formed by a thrust fault tipped around 17 km at depth, and considered as the active subduction boundary. East of Bologna, this frontal limb is remarkably very straight and its surface is riddled with small, but pervasive high- angle normal faults. However, west of Bologna, some recesses are visible along strike of the mountain front: these perturbations seem due to the presence of shorter wavelength (15 to 25 km along strike) structures showing both NE and NW-vergence. The Pleistocene activity of these structures was already suggested, but not quantitative reconstructions are available in literature. This research investigates the tectonic geomorphology of the NA mountain front with the specific aim to quantify active deformations and infer possible deep causes of both short- and long-wavelength structures. This study documents the presence of a network of active extensional faults, in the foothills south and east of Bologna. For these structures, the strain rate has been measured to find a constant throw-to-length relationship and the slip rates have been compared with measured rates of erosion. Fluvial geomorphology and quantitative analysis of the topography document in detail the active tectonics of two growing domal structures (Castelvetro - Vignola foothills and the Ghiardo plateau) embedded in the mountain front west of Bologna. Here, tilting and river incision rates (interpreted as that long-term uplift rates) have been measured respectively at the mountain front and in the Enza and Panaro valleys, using a well defined stratigraphy of Pleistocene to Holocene river terraces and alluvial fan deposits as growth strata, and seismic reflection profiles relationships. The geometry and uplift rates of the anticlines constrain a simple trishear fault propagation folding model that inverts for blind thrust ramp depth, dip, and slip. Topographic swath profiles and the steepness index of river longitudinal profiles that traverse the anti- clines are consistent with stratigraphy, structures, aquifer geometry, and seismic reflection profiles. Available focal mechanisms of earthquakes with magnitude between Mw 4.1 to 5.4, obtained from a dataset of the instrumental seismicity for the last 30 years, evidence a clear vertical separation at around 15 km between shallow extensional and deeper compressional hypocenters along the mountain front and adjacent foothills. In summary, the studied anticlines appear to grow at rates slower than the growing rate of the longer- wavelength structure that defines the mountain front of the NA. The domal structures show evidences of NW-verging deformation and reactivations of older (late Neogene) thrusts. The reconstructed river incision rates together with rates coming from several other rivers along a 250 km wide stretch of the NA mountain front and recently available in the literature, all indicate a general increase from Middle to Late Pleistocene. This suggests focusing of deformation along a deep structure, as confirmed by the deep compressional seismicity. The maximum rate is however not constant along the mountain front, but varies from 0.2 mm/yr in the west to more than 2.2 mm/yr in the eastern sector, suggesting a similar (eastward-increasing) trend of the apenninic subduction.
In this work the growth and the magnetic properties of the transition metals molybdenum, niobium, and iron and of the highly-magnetostrictive C15 Laves phases of the RFe2 compounds (R: Rare earth metals: here Tb, Dy, and Tb{0.3}Dy{0.7} deposited on alpha-Al2O3 (sapphire) substrates are analyzed. Next to (11-20) (a-plane) oriented sapphire substrates mainly (10-10) (m-plane) oriented substrates were used. These show a pronounced facetting after high temperature annealing in air. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements reveal a dependence of the height, width, and angle of the facets with the annealing temperature. The observed deviations of the facet angles with respect to the theoretical values of the sapphire (10-1-2) and (10-11) surfaces are explained by cross section high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) measurements. These show the plain formation of the (10-11) surface while the second, energy reduced (10-1-2) facet has a curved shape given by atomic steps of (10-1-2) layers and is formed completely solely at the facet ridges and valleys. Thin films of Mo and Nb, respectively, deposited by means of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) reveal a non-twinned, (211)-oriented epitaxial growth as well on non-faceted as on faceted sapphire m-plane, as was shown by X-Ray and TEM evaluations. In the case of faceted sapphire the two bcc crystals overgrow the facets homogeneously. Here, the bcc (111) surface is nearly parallel to the sapphire (10-11) facet and the Mo/Nb (100) surface is nearly parallel to the sapphire (10-1-2) surface. (211)-oriented Nb templates on sapphire m-plane can be used for the non-twinned, (211)-oriented growth of RFe2 films by means of MBE. Again, the quality of the RFe2 films grown on faceted sapphire is almost equal to films on the non-faceted substrate. For comparison thin RFe2 films of the established (110) and (111) orientation were prepared. Magnetic and magnetoelastic measurements performed in a self designed setup reveal a high quality of the samples. No difference between samples with undulated and flat morphology can be observed. In addition to the preparation of covering, undulating thin films on faceted sapphire m-plane nanoscopic structures of Nb and Fe were prepared by shallow incidence MBE. The formation of the nanostructures can be explained by a shadowing of the atomic beam due to the facets in addition to de-wetting effects of the metals on the heated sapphire surface. Accordingly, the nanostructures form at the facet ridges and overgrow them. The morphology of the structures can be varied by deposition conditions as was shown for Fe. The shape of the structures vary from pearl-necklet strung spherical nanodots with a diameter of a few 10 nm to oval nanodots of a few 100 nm length to continuous nanowires. Magnetization measurements reveal uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with the easy axis of magnetization parallel to the facet ridges. The shape of the hysteresis is depending on the morphology of the structures. The magnetization reversal processes of the spherical and oval nanodots were simulated by micromagnetic modelling and can be explained by the formation of magnetic vortices.
Die Entwicklung des Nordwestdeutschen Beckens und seiner rezenten Topographie ist geprägt von einer Vielzahl endogener und exogener Prozesse: Tektonik, Vulkanismus, Diapirismus, Eisvorstöße, elsterzeitlichen Rinnen und die Ablagerung von quartären Sedimenten. Mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung von Bodenbewegungspotenzialen wurde für Schleswig-Holstein der Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen (insbesondere Salzstrukturen und tektonische Störungen) auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie in Schleswig-Holstein untersucht. Dabei wurden folgende Parameter berücksichtigt: (1) Salzstrukturen; (2) Tektonischen Störungen; (3) Oberflächennahe Störungen, die mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichen; (4) Elsterzeitliche Rinnen (tiefer 100 m); (5) Historische Erdbeben; (6) In Satellitenbildszenen kartierte Lineamente (7) Korrelationskoeffizienten, die zwischen 7 stratigraphischen Horizonten des „Geotektonischen Atlas von NW-Deutschland“ berechnet wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in Schleswig-Holstein großflächig rezente Bodenbewegungs-potenziale auftreten, die auf tektonische Störungen und Salzstrukturen zurückzuführen sind und sich hauptsächlich auf den Bereich des Glückstadt Grabens beschränken. In den 5 Gebieten Sterup, Tellingstedt Nord, Oldensworth Nord, Schwarzenbek und Plön treten die höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenziale auf. Sie dokumentieren rezente Prozesse in diesen Gebieten. In den Gebieten Sterup, Schwarzenbek und Plön sind aktive, an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichende Störungen lokalisiert, deren Auftreten auch durch kartierte Luft- und Satellitenbildlineare belegt wird. Im Gebiet Plön werden die ermittelten Bodenbewegungspotenziale durch eine, sich rezent vergrößernde Senke bei Kleinneudorf bestätigt. Unterhalb der Senke führen, begünstigt durch tektonische Störungen, Lösungsprozesse in tertiären Sedimenten zu Hohlraumbildungen, die das rezente Absacken der Senke verursachen. Für Bereiche höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenzials kann ein Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie nachgewiesen werden. So beeinflussen oberflächennahe Störungen in dem Gebiet Plön die Entwicklung des Plöner Sees. Im Gebiet Schwarzenbek verursacht ein N-S orientiertes Störungsband ein Abknicken des Elbverlaufs. Weiterhin kann ein Einfluß der Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie durch eine Interaktion zwischen Eisauflast und Salzmobilität in den Gebieten Sterup und Oldensworth nachgewiesen werden. Demnach ist die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente und somit der Grenzverlauf der Flußgebietseinheiten Eider und Schlei-Trave zwischen den Salzstrukturen Sterup und Meezen beeinflusst durch eine aktive Reaktion beider Salzstrukturen auf Eisauflast. Im Bereich Oldensworth zeigen geologische Schnitte von der Basis Oberkreide bis zur rezenten Topographie, dass die Salzmauern Oldensworth und Hennstedt die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente aktiv beeinflussten. Weiterhin orientiert sich der Elbverlauf von Hamburg bis zur Mündung an den Randbereichen von Salzstrukturen, die bis in den oberflächennahen Bereich aufgestiegen sind.
In the frame of EU rural policy, always more oriented towards environmental concerns and green livelihoods, Romania stands out for the predominance of rural areas and high nature value farming. The country has to face the challenge of joining the modernization process of rural farming systems with the valorization of local assets. Tourism has emerged as one of the main drivers of change and contributors for a sustainable exploitation of local resources. Rural tourism (RT) can foster the enhancement of the territorial capital (TC), the preservation of public goods (PGs) and the promotion of a more environmental oriented livelihood. The research focuses on a case study area, two valleys from Maramureş, where environmental approaches as diversification strategies are partially explored. The work investigates the role of tourism initiatives for the promotion of green oriented practices. The first part of the work is based on a literature review and interdisciplinary analysis of secondary data to identify the key issues: from rural development policy, to the concept of TC, of PGs and RT. The Romanian development programmes and related strategies are investigated; afterwards the characteristics of the County and the role of RT as diversification and valorisation policies is considered. The second part is based on the collection of primary data through interviews to different local stakeholders (farmers owners of rural guesthouses, local administrators, networks and artisans). The main frequencies are analyzed, a cluster analysis is computed to evaluate the similarities within the most representative groups and a comparative analysis is carried out between the two Valleys. The frame of the analysis is based on a set of indicators following the dimensions of the TC, to assess the characteristics of the local stakeholders and to outline the perception about the local PGs and on the adopted strategies to manage the territory. Final considerations are elaborated and few scenarios are outlined, giving relevance to the importance of improving awareness and creating embeddedness among public-private local stakeholders and resources as a tool for a socio-economic and environmental development of the area.
Al centro della seguente ricerca c'è il Piacentino, ossia il territorio che faceva capo alla città di Placentia in età altomedievale, più precisamente tra VII e IX secolo. L'aspetto su cui è concentrata l’analisi è quello dell’insediamento, rapportando le forme insediative alle comunità rurali e alle strutture del potere. Il Piacentino costituisce un contesto particolare, sia per la vicinanza alla capitale Pavia, sia per la presenza di enti patrimoniali molto importanti, quale il monastero di Bobbio, sia per l'estensione di vallate appenniniche che ne hanno protetto l'isolamento e impedito, fino al secolo IX inoltrato, l'insediamento di una forte aristocrazia. Ciò che sembra dedursi dall’analisi della documentazione (informatizzata) di VIII, ma soprattutto di IX secolo, è che la civitas di Piacenza, sede del conte e centro della diocesi, non costituiva di fatto il punto di riferimento per gli abitanti dell’intero territorio rurale. Dal punto di vista del possesso fondiario molti insediamenti erano autonomi. Ciò vale soprattutto per i siti di alcune zone collinari e per quelli dell’Appennino, mentre il discorso è da porsi in modo più sfumato per la pianura e per la zona dei prata vel campanea Placentina, ubicati immediatamente al di fuori della civitas. Lo studio della media e grande proprietà fondiaria ha permesso di registrare la frammentarietà dei possedimenti, ossia la loro dispersione nel sistema insediativo del comitato, la loro ubicazione e l’articolato intreccio proprietario, che in alcune zone sembra avere permesso l’esistenza di comunità locali piuttosto forti. L’attento esame della documentazione e il sicuro rimando alla bibliografia di riferimento hanno portato a risultati originali e significativi.
Innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebiets Schleswig-Holstein wurden 39.712 topographische Hohlformen detektiert. Genutzt wurden dazu ESRI ArcMap 9.3 und 10.0. Der Datenaufbereitung folgten weitere Kalkulationen in MATLAB R2010b. Jedes Objekt wurde räumlich mit seinen individuellen Eigenschaften verschnitten. Dazu gehörten Fläche, Umfang, Koordinaten (Zentroide), Tiefe und maximale Tiefe der Hohlform und Formfaktoren wie Rundheit, Konvexität und Elongation. Ziel der vorgestellten Methoden war die Beantwortung von drei Fragestellungen: Sind negative Landformen dazu geeignet Landschaftseinheiten und Eisvorstöße zu unterscheiden und zu bestimmen? Existiert eine Kopplung von Depressionen an der rezenten Topographie zu geologischen Tiefenstrukturen? Können Senken unterschiedlicher Entstehung anhand ihrer Formcharakteristik unterteilt werden? Die vorgenommene Klassifikation der großen Landschaftseinheiten basiert auf der Annahme, dass sowohl Jungmoränengebiete, ihre Vorflächen als auch Altmoränengebiete durch charakteristische, abflusslose Hohlformen, wie Toteislöcher, Seen, etc. abgegrenzt werden können. Normalerweise sind solche Depressionen in der Natur eher selten, werden jedoch für ehemalige Glaziallandschaften als typisch erachtet. Ziel war es, die geologischen Haupteinheiten, Eisvorstöße und Moränengebiete der letzten Vereisungen zu differenzieren. Zur Bearbeitung wurde ein Detektionsnetz verwendet, das auf quadratischen Zellen beruht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass durch die alleinige Nutzung von Depressionen zur Klassifizierung von Landschaftseinheiten Gesamtgenauigkeiten von bis zu 71,4% erreicht werden können. Das bedeutet, dass drei von vier Detektionszellen korrekt zugeordnet werden können. Jungmoränen, Altmoränen, periglazialeVorflächen und holozäne Bereiche können mit Hilfe der Hohlformen mit großer Sicherheit voneinander unterschieden und korrekt zugeordnet werden. Dies zeigt, dass für die jeweiligen Einheiten tatsächlich bestimmte Senkenformen typisch sind. Die im ersten Schritt detektierten Senken wurden räumlich mit weiterreichenden geologischen Informationen verschnitten, um zu untersuchen, inwieweit natürliche Depressionen nur glazial entstanden sind oder ob ihre Ausprägung auch mit tiefengeologischen Strukturen in Zusammenhang steht. 25.349 (63,88%) aller Senken sind kleiner als 10.000 m² und liegen in Jungmoränengebieten und können vermutlich auf glaziale und periglaziale Einflüsse zurückgeführt werden. 2.424 Depressionen liegen innerhalb der Gebiete subglazialer Rinnen. 1.529 detektierte Hohlformen liegen innerhalb von Subsidenzgebieten, von denen 1.033 innerhalb der Marschländer im Westen verortet sind. 919 große Strukturen über 1 km Größe entlang der Nordsee sind unter anderem besonders gut mit Kompaktionsbereichen elsterzeitlicher Rinnen zu homologisieren.344 dieser Hohlformen sind zudem mit Tunneltälern im Untergrund assoziiert. Diese Parallelität von Depressionen und den teils über 100 m tiefen Tunneltälern kann auf Sedimentkompaktion zurückgeführt werden. Ein Zusammenhang mit der Zersetzung postglazialen, organischen Materials ist ebenfalls denkbar. Darüber hinaus wurden in einer Distanz von 10 km um die miozän aktiven Flanken des Glückstadt-Grabens negative Landformen detektiert, die Verbindungen zu oberflächennahen Störungsstrukturen zeigen. Dies ist ein Anzeichen für Grabenaktivität während und gegen Ende der Vereisung und während des Holozäns. Viele dieser störungsbezogenen Senken sind auch mit Tunneltälern assoziiert. Entsprechend werden drei zusammenspielende Prozesse identifiziert, die mit der Entstehung der Hohlformen in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Eine mögliche Interpretation ist, dass die östliche Flanke des Glückstadt-Grabens auf die Auflast des elsterzeitlichen Eisschilds reagierte, während sich subglazial zeitgleich Entwässerungsrinnen entlang der Schwächezonen ausbildeten. Diese wurden in den Warmzeiten größtenteils durch Torf und unverfestigte Sedimente verfüllt. Die Gletschervorstöße der späten Weichselzeit aktivierten erneut die Flanken und zusätzlich wurde das Lockermaterial exariert, wodurch große Seen, wie z. B. der Große Plöner See entstanden sind. Insgesamt konnten 29 große Depressionen größer oder gleich 5 km in Schleswig-Holstein identifiziert werden, die zumindest teilweise mit Beckensubsidenz und Aktivität der Grabenflanken verbunden sind, bzw. sogar auf diese zurückgehen.Die letzte Teilstudie befasste sich mit der Differenzierung von Senken nach deren potentieller Genese sowie der Unterscheidung natürlicher von künstlichen Hohlformen. Dazu wurde ein DEM für einen Bereich im Norden Niedersachsens verwendet, das eine Gesamtgröße von 252 km² abdeckt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass glazial entstandene Depressionen gute Rundheitswerte aufweisen und auch Elongation und Exzentrizität eher kompakte Formen anzeigen. Lineare negative Strukturen sind oft Flüsse oder Altarme. Sie können als holozäne Strukturen identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den potentiell natürlichen Senkenformen sind künstlich geschaffene Depressionen eher eckig oder ungleichmäßig und tendieren meist nicht zu kompakten Formen. Drei Hauptklassen topographischer Depressionen konnten identifiziert und voneinander abgegrenzt werden: Potentiell glaziale Senken (Toteisformen), Flüsse, Seiten- und Altarme sowie künstliche Senken. Die Methode der Senkenklassifikation nach Formparametern ist ein sinnvolles Instrument, um verschiedene Typen unterscheiden zu können und um bei geologischen Fragestellungen künstliche Senken bereits vor der Verarbeitung auszuschließen. Jedoch zeigte sich, dass die Ergebnisse im Wesentlichen von der Auflösung des entsprechenden Höhenmodells abhängen.
Damage tolerance analysis is a quite new methodology based on prescribed inspections. The load spectra used to derive results of these analysis strongly influence the final defined inspections programs that for this reason must be as much as possible representative of load acting on the considered structural component and at the same time, obtained reducing both cost and time. The principal purpose of our work is in improving the actual condition developing a complete numerical Damage Tolerance analysis, able to prescribe inspection programs on typical aircraft critical components, respecting DT regulations, starting from much more specific load spectrum then those actually used today. In particular, these more specific load spectrum to design against fatigue have been obtained through an appositively derived flight simulator developed in a Matlab/Simulink environment. This dynamic model has been designed so that it can be used to simulate typical missions performing manually (joystick inputs) or completely automatic (reference trajectory need to be provided) flights. Once these flights have been simulated, model’s outputs are used to generate load spectrum that are then processed to get information (peaks, valleys) to perform statistical and/or comparison consideration with other load spectrum. However, also much more useful information (loads amplitude) have been extracted from these generated load spectrum to perform the previously mentioned predictions (Rainflow counting method is applied for this purpose). The entire developed methodology works in a complete automatic way, so that, once some specified input parameters have been introduced and different typical flights have been simulated both, manually or automatically, it is able to relate the effects of these simulated flights with the reduction of residual strength of the considered component.
Changes in resource use over time can provide insight into technological choice and the extent of long-term stability in cultural practices. In this paper we re-evaluate the evidence for a marked demographic shift at the inception of the Early Iron Age at Troy by applying a robust macroscale analysis of changing ceramic resource use over the Late Bronze and Iron Age. We use a combination of new and legacy analytical datasets (NAA and XRF), from excavated ceramics, to evaluate the potential compositional range of local resources (based on comparisons with sediments from within a 10 km site radius). Results show a clear distinction between sediment-defined local and non-local ceramic compositional groups. Two discrete local ceramic resources have been previously identified and we confirm a third local resource for a major class of EIA handmade wares and cooking pots. This third source appears to derive from a residual resource on the Troy peninsula (rather than adjacent alluvial valleys). The presence of a group of large and heavy pithoi among the non-local groups raises questions about their regional or maritime origin. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This thesis assesses relationships between vegetation and topography and the impact of human tree-cutting on the vegetation of Union County during the early historical era (1755-1855). I use early warrant maps and forestry maps from the Pennsylvania historical archives and a warrantee map from the Union County courthouse depicting the distribution of witness trees and non-tree surveyed markers (posts and stones) in early European settlement land surveys to reconstruct the vegetation and compare vegetation by broad scale (mountains and valleys) and local scale (topographic classes with mountains and valleys) topography. I calculated marker density based on 2 km x 2 km grid cells to assess tree-cutting impacts. Valleys were mostly forests dominated by white oak (Quercus alba) with abundant hickory (Carya spp.), pine (Pinus spp.), and black oak (Quercus velutina), while pine dominated what were mostly pine-oak forests in the mountains. Within the valleys, pine was strongly associated with hilltops, eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) was abundant on north slopes, hickory was associated with south slopes, and riparian zones had high frequencies of ash (Fraxinus spp.) and hickory. In the mountains, white oak was infrequent on south slopes, chestnut (Castanea dentata) was more abundant on south slopes and ridgetops than north slopes and mountain coves, and white oak and maple (Acer spp.) were common in riparian zones. Marker density analysis suggests that trees were still common over most of the landscape by 1855. The findings suggest there were large differences in vegetation between valleys and mountains due in part to differences in elevation, and vegetation differed more by topographic classes in the valleys than in the mountains. Possible areas of tree-cutting were evenly distributed by topographic classes, suggesting Europeans settlers were clearing land and harvesting timber in most areas of Union County.
Laurentide glaciation during the early Pleistocene (~970 ka) dammed the southeast-flowing West Branch of the Susquehanna River (WBSR), scouring bedrock and creating 100-km-long glacial Lake Lesley near the Great Bend at Muncy, Pennsylvania (Ramage et al., 1998). Local drill logs and well data indicate that subsequent paleo-outwash floods and modern fluvial processes have deposited as much as 30 meters of alluvium in this area, but little is known about the valley fill architecture and the bedrock-alluvium interface. By gaining a greater understanding of the bedrock-alluvium interface the project will not only supplement existing depth to bedrock information, but also provide information pertinent to the evolution of the Muncy Valley landscape. This project determined if variations in the thickness of the valley fill were detectable using micro-gravity techniques to map the bedrock-alluvium interface. The gravity method was deemed appropriate due to scale of the study area (~30 km2), ease of operation by a single person, and the available geophysical equipment. A LaCoste and Romberg Gravitron unit was used to collect gravitational field readings at 49 locations over 5 transects across the Muncy Creek and Susquehanna River valleys (approximately 30 km2), with at least two gravity base stations per transect. Precise latitude, longitude and ground surface elevation at each location were measured using an OPUS corrected Trimble RTK-GPS unit. Base stations were chosen based on ease of access due to the necessity of repeat measurements. Gravity measurement locations were selected and marked to provide easy access and repeat measurements. The gravimeter was returned to a base station within every two hours and a looping procedure was used to determine drift and maximize confidence in the gravity measurements. A two-minute calibration reading at each station was used to minimize any tares in the data. The Gravitron digitally recorded finite impulse response filtered gravity measurements every 20 seconds at each station. A measurement period of 15 minutes was used for each base station occupation and a minimum of 5 minutes at all other locations. Longer or multiple measurements were utilized at some sites if drift or other externalities (i.e. train or truck traffic) were effecting readings. Average, median, standard deviation and 95% confidence interval were calculated for each station. Tidal, drift, latitude, free-air, Bouguer and terrain corrections were then applied. The results show that the gravitational field decreases as alluvium thickness increases across the axes of the Susquehanna River and Muncy Creek valleys. However, the location of the gravity low does not correspond with the present-day location of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River (WBSR), suggesting that the WBSR may have been constrained along Bald Eagle Mountain by a glacial lobe originating from the Muncy Creek Valley to the northeast. Using a 3-D inversion model, the topography of the bedrock-alluvium interface was determined over the extent of the study area using a density contrast of -0.8 g/cm3. Our results are consistent with the bedrock geometry of the area, and provide a low-cost, non-invasive and efficient method for exploring the subsurface and for supplementing existing well data.
The Western Escarpment of the Andes at 18.30°S (Arica area, northern Chile) is a classical example for a transient state in landscape evolution. This part of the Andes is characterized by the presence of >10,000 km2 plains that formed between the Miocene and the present, and >1500 m deeply incised valleys. Although processes in these valleys scale the rates of landscape evolution, determinations of ages of incision, and more importantly, interpretations of possible controls on valley formation have been controversial. This paper uses morphometric data and observations, stratigraphic information, and estimates of sediment yields for the time interval between ca. 7.5 Ma and present to illustrate that the formation of these valleys was driven by two probably unrelated components. The first component is a phase of base-level lowering with magnitudes of∼300–500 m in the Coastal Cordillera. This period of base-level change in the Arica area, that started at ca. 7.5 Ma according to stratigraphic data, caused the trunk streams to dissect headward into the plains. The headward erosion interpretation is based on the presence of well-defined knickzones in stream profiles and the decrease in valley widths from the coast toward these knickzones. The second component is a change in paleoclimate. This interpretation is based on (1) the increase in the size of the largest alluvial boulders (from dm to m scale) with distal sources during the last 7.5 m.y., and (2) the calculated increase in minimum fluvial incision rates of ∼0.2 mm/yr between ca. 7.5 Ma and 3 Ma to ∼0.3 mm/yr subsequently. These trends suggest an increase in effective water discharge for systems sourced in the Western Cordillera (distal source). During the same time, however, valleys with headwaters in the coastal region (local source) lack any evidence of fluvial incision. This implies that the Coastal Cordillera became hyperarid sometime after 7.5 Ma. Furthermore, between 7.5 Ma and present, the sediment yields have been consistently higher in the catchments with distal sources (∼15 m/m.y.) than in the headwaters of rivers with local sources (<7 m/m.y.). The positive correlation between sediment yields and the altitude of the headwaters (distal versus local sources) seems to reflect the effect of orographic precipitation on surface erosion. It appears that base-level change in the coastal region, in combination with an increase in the orographic effect of precipitation, has controlled the topographic evolution of the northern Chilean Andes.
In the Andean highlands, indigenous environmental knowledge is currently undergoing major changes as a result of various external and internal factors. As in other parts of the world, an overall process of erosion of local knowledge can be observed. In response to this trend, some initiatives that adopt a biocultural approach aim at actively strengthening local identities and revalorizing indigenous environmental knowledge and practices, assuming that such practices can contribute to more sustainable management of biodiversity. However, these initiatives usually lack a sound research basis, as few studies have focused on the dynamics of indigenous environmental knowledge in the Andes and on its links with biodiversity management. Against this background, the general objective of this research project was to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of indigenous environmental knowledge in the Andean highlands of Peru and Bolivia by investigating how local medicinal knowledge is socially differentiated within rural communities, how it is transformed, and which external and internal factors influence these transformation processes. The project adopted an actor-oriented perspective and emphasized the concept of knowledge dialogue by analyzing the integration of traditional and formal medicinal systems within family therapeutic strategies. It also aimed at grasping some of the links between the dynamics of medicinal knowledge and the types of land use systems and biodiversity management. Research was conducted in two case study areas of the Andes, both Quechua-speaking and situated in comparable agro-ecological production belts - Pitumarca District, Department of Cusco (Southern Peruvian Highlands) and the Tunari National Park, Department of Cochabamba (Bolivian inner-Andean valleys). In each case study area, the land use systems and strategies of 18 families from two rural communities, their environmental knowledge related to medicine and to the local therapeutic flora, and an appreciation of the dynamics of this knowledge were assessed. Data were collected through a combination of disciplinary and participatory action-research methods. It was mostly analyzed using qualitative methods, though some quantitative ethnobotanical methods were also used. In both case studies, traditional medicine still constitutes the preferred option for the families interviewed, independently of their age, education level, economic status, religion, or migration status. Surprisingly and contrary to general assertions among local NGOs and researchers, results show that there is a revival of Andean medicine within the younger generation, who have greater knowledge of medicinal plants than the previous one, value this knowledge as an important element of their way of life and relationship with “Mother Earth” (Pachamama), and, at least in the Bolivian case, prefer to consult the traditional healer rather than go to the health post. Migration to the urban centres and the Amazon lowlands, commonly thought to be an important factor of local medicinal knowledge loss, only affects people’s knowledge in the case of families who migrate over half of the year or permanently. Migration does not influence the knowledge of medicinal plants or the therapeutic strategies of families who migrate temporarily for shorter periods of time. Finally, economic status influences neither the status of people’s medicinal knowledge, nor families’ therapeutic strategies, even though the financial factor is often mentioned by practitioners and local people as the main reason for not using the formal health system. The influence of the formal health system on traditional medicinal knowledge varies in each case study area. In the Bolivian case, where it was only introduced in the 1990s and access to it is still very limited, the main impact was to give local communities access to contraceptive methods and to vaccination. In the Peruvian case, the formal system had a much greater impact on families’ health practices, due to local and national policies that, for instance, practically prohibit some traditional practices such as home birth. But in both cases, biomedicine is not considered capable of responding to cultural illnesses such as “fear” (susto), “bad air” (malviento), or “anger” (colerina). As a consequence, Andean farmers integrate the traditional medicinal system and the formal one within their multiple therapeutic strategies, reflecting an inter-ontological dialogue between different conceptions of health and illness. These findings reflect a more general trend in the Andes, where indigenous communities are currently actively revalorizing their knowledge and taking up traditional practices, thus strengthening their indigenous collective identities in a process of cultural resistance.