893 resultados para User centred design


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This thesis aimed at addressing some of the issues that, at the state of the art, avoid the P300-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems to move from research laboratories to end users’ home. An innovative asynchronous classifier has been defined and validated. It relies on the introduction of a set of thresholds in the classifier, and such thresholds have been assessed considering the distributions of score values relating to target, non-target stimuli and epochs of voluntary no-control. With the asynchronous classifier, a P300-based BCI system can adapt its speed to the current state of the user and can automatically suspend the control when the user diverts his attention from the stimulation interface. Since EEG signals are non-stationary and show inherent variability, in order to make long-term use of BCI possible, it is important to track changes in ongoing EEG activity and to adapt BCI model parameters accordingly. To this aim, the asynchronous classifier has been subsequently improved by introducing a self-calibration algorithm for the continuous and unsupervised recalibration of the subjective control parameters. Finally an index for the online monitoring of the EEG quality has been defined and validated in order to detect potential problems and system failures. This thesis ends with the description of a translational work involving end users (people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-ALS). Focusing on the concepts of the user centered design approach, the phases relating to the design, the development and the validation of an innovative assistive device have been described. The proposed assistive technology (AT) has been specifically designed to meet the needs of people with ALS during the different phases of the disease (i.e. the degree of motor abilities impairment). Indeed, the AT can be accessed with several input devices either conventional (mouse, touchscreen) or alterative (switches, headtracker) up to a P300-based BCI.


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This dissertation investigates the curricular implementation of usability instruction in technical communication. Though there are a plethora of publications and studies on usability in technical communication, little discussion focuses on usability instruction in the classroom or its implementation in the curriculum. Thus, this exploratory qualitative research seeks to contribute to a better understanding about technical communication students' and instructors' knowledge of and experiences with usability practices in the classroom, the challenges that impacted their usability efforts, and their recommendations on how their efforts could be improved. The study results demonstrate the need for more productive discussion on this issue and for developing more effective strategies for implementing usability in the classroom.


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The central question for this paper is how to improve the production process by closing the gap between industrial designers and software engineers of television(TV)-based User Interfaces (UI) in an industrial environment. Software engineers are highly interested whether one UI design can be converted into several fully functional UIs for TV products with different screen properties. The aim of the software engineers is to apply automatic layout and scaling in order to speed up and improve the production process. However, the question is whether a UI design lends itself for such automatic layout and scaling. This is investigated by analysing a prototype UI design done by industrial designers. In a first requirements study, industrial designers had created meta-annotations on top of their UI design in order to disclose their design rationale for discussions with software engineers. In a second study, five (out of ten) industrial designers assessed the potential of four different meta-annotation approaches. The question was which annotation method industrial designers would prefer and whether it could satisfy the technical requirements of the software engineering process. One main result is that the industrial designers preferred the method they were already familiar with, which therefore seems to be the most effective one although the main objective of automatic layout and scaling could still not be achieved.


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How do developers and designers of a new technology make sense of intended users? The critical groundwork for user-centred technology development begins not by involving actual users' exposure to the technological artefact but much earlier, with designers' and developers' vision of future users. Thus, anticipating intended users is critical to technology uptake. We conceptualise the anticipation of intended users as a form of prospective sensemaking in technology development. Employing a narrative analytical approach and drawing on four key communities in the development of Grid computing, we reconstruct how each community anticipated the intended Grid user. Based on our findings, we conceptualise user anticipation in Terms of two key dimensions, namely the intended possibility to inscribe user needs into the technological artefact as well as the intended scope of the application domain. In turn, these dimensions allow us to develop an initial typology of intended user concepts that in turn might provide a key building block towards a generic typology of intended users.


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Ciao is a logic-based, multi-paradigm programming system. One of its most distinguishing features is that it supports a large number of semantic and syntactic language features which can be selectively activated or deactivated for each program module. As a result, a module can be written in, for example, ISO-Prolog plus constraints and higher order, while another can be a puré logic module with a different control rule such as iterative deepening and/or tabling, and perhaps using constructive negation. A powerful and modular extensión mechanism allows user-level design and implementation of such features and sub-languages. Another distinguishing feature of Ciao is its powerful assertion language, which allows expressing many kinds of program properties (ranging from, e.g., moded types to resource consumption), as well as tests and documentation. The compiler is capable of statically ñnding violations of these properties or verifying that programs comply with them, and issuing certiñcates of this compliance. The compiler also performs many types of optimizations, including automatic parallelization. It offers very competitive performance, while retaining the flexibility and interactive development of a dynamic language. We will present a hands-on overview of the system, through small examples which emphasize the novel aspects and the motivations which lie behind Ciao's design and implementation.


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The future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessible from all over the web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user?service interaction is still an open issue. This paper states one vision with regard to next-generation front-end Web 2.0 technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the future Internet. In this paper, we illustrate how front-ends that wrap traditional services and resources can be tailored to the needs of end users, converting end users into prosumers (creators and consumers of service-based applications). To do this, we propose an architecture that end users without programming skills can use to create front-ends, consult catalogues of resources tailored to their needs, easily integrate and coordinate front-ends and create composite applications to orchestrate services in their back-end. The paper includes a case study illustrating that current user-centred web development tools are at a very early stage of evolution. We provide statistical data on how the proposed architecture improves these tools. This paper is based on research conducted by the Service Front End (SFE) Open Alliance initiative.


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This paper presents a methodology for adapting an advanced communication system for deaf people in a new domain. This methodology is a user-centered design approach consisting of four main steps: requirement analysis, parallel corpus generation, technology adaptation to the new domain, and finally, system evaluation. In this paper, the new considered domain has been the dialogues in a hotel reception. With this methodology, it was possible to develop the system in a few months, obtaining very good performance: good speech recognition and translation rates (around 90%) with small processing times.


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Las personas con discapacidad a menudo se encuentran con problemas de acceso a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), debido a diseños y desarrollos que no tienen en cuenta sus diferencias funcionales, y en consecuencia se encuentran en riesgo de exclusión social. Cada vez es más común encontrar productos de apoyo que permitan utilizar diferentes tecnologías (ordenadores, Internet, dispositivos móviles), pero muchos de ellos no se encuentran integrados debido a que funcionan esencialmente modificando la plataforma donde están instalados, siendo soluciones de acceso de segunda generación. Más allá del desarrollo de los productos de apoyo, que sin duda ha evolucionado positivamente en los últimos años, cabe resaltar que existe una falta de herramientas y de aproximación holística que ayuden a los desarrolladores y diseñadores hacer las TIC accesibles. Esta tesis doctoral pretende validar la hipótesis de que una metodología holística de desarrollo de aplicaciones y productos de apoyo TIC, llamada Marco Abierto Accesible, facilita el desarrollo y la integración de modo nativo de la accesibilidad en las aplicaciones y productos apoyo, independientemente de la tecnología utilizada, dando lugar a soluciones de acceso de tercera generación que permitan mejorar la utilización de dichas aplicaciones por parte de personas con discapacidad. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto AEGIS (del inglés, open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards), que fue parcialmente financiado por la Comisión Europea (CE) bajo el VII Programa Marco y tuvo una duración de cuatro años. La metodología para el diseño, desarrollo y validación seguida en esta tesis es una adaptación de dos metodologías de diseño existentes (el Diseño Centrado en el Usuario y el Diseño Orientado a Metas), la implementación del Marco Abierto Accesible y el uso de diferentes técnicas de validación. Además se ha desarrollado un marco metodológico de entrenamiento para minimizar el efecto que tiene la curva de aprendizaje cuando los usuarios prueban por primera vez las soluciones desarrolladas. En esta tesis se presenta el Marco Abierto Accesible aplicado a las TIC en las tres áreas en las que se desarrolla este trabajo: ordenadores, Internet y dispositivos móviles, partiendo de las necesidades y problemas que tienen los usuarios con discapacidad en el uso de las TIC. Diferentes instanciaciones del Marco Abierto Accesible se definen en las tres áreas TIC mencionadas anteriormente y se describen varios ejemplos de sus implementaciones particulares. Los resultados de las evaluaciones de las implementaciones particulares con usuarios finales y expertos, una vez discutidos y contrastados con las hipótesis, sirven para probar la validez del Marco Abierto Accesible para la integración nativa de productos de apoyo en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Finalmente, se presentan las líneas de investigación y trabajo futuro en el área de la accesibilidad en las TIC. ABSTRACT People with disabilities often encounter problems of access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT), due to design and developments that do not take into account their functional differences and therefore put them at risk of social exclusion. It is increasingly common to find assistive products that allow to use different technologies (computers, Internet, mobile devices), but many of them are not well integrated because they work essentially modifying the platform where they are installed, beeing the second-generation access solutions. Beyond the assistive product development, which has certainly evolved positively in recent years, it is notable that there is a lack of tools and holistic approach to help developers and designers make accessible ICT. This doctoral thesis aims to validate the hypothesis that a holistic approach to application development and assistive ICT products, called Open Accessibility Framework, facilitates the development and integration of native accessible applications and assistive products, regardless of the technology used, resulting in third-generation access solutions that improve the use of such applications by people with disabilities. This work was developed under the AEGIS project (open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards), which was partially funded by the European Commission (EC) under the Seventh Framework Programme and lasted four years. The methodology for the design, development and validation followed in this thesis is an adaptation of two existing design methodologies (User Centered Design and Goal Oriented Design), the implementation of the Open Accessibility Framework and the usage of different validation techniques. A training methodological framework ha also been developed to minimize the effect of the learning curve when users first try the solutions developed. This thesis presents the Open Accessibility Framework applied to ICT in three areas in which this work is developed: computers, Internet and mobile devices, based on the needs and problems of the disabled users in the use of ICT. Different instantiations of the Open Accessibility Framework are defined in the three aforementioned ICT areas and various examples of its particular implementations are described. The results of the evaluations of the particular implementations which have been carried with end users and experts, once discussed and contrasted with the hypotheses, have been used to test the validity of the Open Accessibility Framework for the native integration of assistive products in Information and Communications Technology. Finally, the future research lines and future work in the area of ICT accessibility are presented.


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The consideration of personalization politics in the context of any web application modelling method obliges to the revision of its different modelling activities, which must be adapted to take into account the information regarding the user (usually gathered in a user model) to define aspects such as navigation or presentation. Additionally, they must provide a set of techniques to populate such user model. Finally, and because of the rapid pace at which personalization politics usually change, the modelling process should provide support not only for static personalization rules (known at design time) but also for the definition or change of these rules once the application has been deployed. This article presents, in the context of the Object Oriented Hypermedia Method (OO-H), a personalization framework that fulfils these requirements, and is organized around four main concepts: (1) a set of design activities that capture the personalization requirements known at design time, (2) a mechanism for the specification of personalization rules, defined by means of an XML template, that decouples the definition of the personalization model from the remaining models, (3) an execution architecture that supports the change at execution time of these rules and (4) an extensible repository that includes a set of register mechanisms for the user activity in the system. The possibility of extension of this repository facilitates its adaptation to the particular characteristics of any particular application.


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Decision support systems (DSS) support business or organizational decision-making activities, which require the access to information that is internally stored in databases or data warehouses, and externally in the Web accessed by Information Retrieval (IR) or Question Answering (QA) systems. Graphical interfaces to query these sources of information ease to constrain dynamically query formulation based on user selections, but they present a lack of flexibility in query formulation, since the expressivity power is reduced to the user interface design. Natural language interfaces (NLI) are expected as the optimal solution. However, especially for non-expert users, a real natural communication is the most difficult to realize effectively. In this paper, we propose an NLI that improves the interaction between the user and the DSS by means of referencing previous questions or their answers (i.e. anaphora such as the pronoun reference in “What traits are affected by them?”), or by eliding parts of the question (i.e. ellipsis such as “And to glume colour?” after the question “Tell me the QTLs related to awn colour in wheat”). Moreover, in order to overcome one of the main problems of NLIs about the difficulty to adapt an NLI to a new domain, our proposal is based on ontologies that are obtained semi-automatically from a framework that allows the integration of internal and external, structured and unstructured information. Therefore, our proposal can interface with databases, data warehouses, QA and IR systems. Because of the high NL ambiguity of the resolution process, our proposal is presented as an authoring tool that helps the user to query efficiently in natural language. Finally, our proposal is tested on a DSS case scenario about Biotechnology and Agriculture, whose knowledge base is the CEREALAB database as internal structured data, and the Web (e.g. PubMed) as external unstructured information.


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While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.


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The development of appropriate lab-based evaluation techniques for mobile technologies requires continued research attention. In particular, experimental design needs to account for the environmental context in which such technologies will ultimately be used. This requires, in part, that relevant environmental distractions be incorporated into evaluations. This chapter reflects on different techniques that were used in three separate lab-based mobile evaluation experiments to present visual distractions to participants and to measure the participants’ cognizance of the distractions during the course of mobile evaluations of technology. The different techniques met the different needs of the three studies with respect to the fidelity of the data captured, the impact of acknowledging distractions on the evaluation task, and the typical context of use for the technology being evaluated. The results of the studies showed that the introduction of visual distractions did have an impact on the experimental task and indicate that future work is required in this area.


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The development of appropriate lab-based evaluation techniques for mobile technologies requires continued research attention. In particular, experimental design needs to account for the environmental context in which such technologies will ultimately be used. This requires, in part, that relevant environmental distractions be incorporated into evaluations. This chapter reflects on different techniques that were used in three separate lab-based mobile evaluation experiments to present visual distractions to participants and to measure the participants’ cognizance of the distractions during the course of mobile evaluations of technology. The different techniques met the different needs of the three studies with respect to the fidelity of the data captured, the impact of acknowledging distractions on the evaluation task, and the typical context of use for the technology being evaluated. The results of the studies showed that the introduction of visual distractions did have an impact on the experimental task and indicate that future work is required in this area.