895 resultados para UNEXPECTED DEATH


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Abstract Long term contact with pathogens induces an adaptive immune response, which is mainly mediated by T and B cells. Antigen-induced activation of T and B cells is an important event, since it facilitates the transition of harmless, low proliferative lymphocytes into powerful and fast expanding cells, which can, if deregulated, be extremely harmful and dangerous for the human body. One of the most important events during lymphocyte activation is the induction of NF-xB activity, a transcription factor that controls not only cytokine secretion, but also lymphocyte proliferation and survival. Recent discoveries identified the CBM complex as the central regulator of NF-xB activity in lymphocytes. The CBM complex consists of the three proteins Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1, in which Carma1 serves as recruitment platform of the complex and Bcl10 as an adaptor to recruit Malt1 to this platform. But exactly how Malt1 activates NF-x6 is still poorly understood. We discovered that Malt1 is a protease, which cleaves its interaction partner Bcl10 upon T and B cell stimulation. We mapped the Bcl10 cleavage site by single point mutations as well as by a proteomics approach, and used this knowledge to design a fluorogenic Malt1 reporter peptide. With this tool were we able to the first time demonstrate proteolytic activity of Malt1 in vitro, using recombinant Malt1, and in stimulated T cells. Based on similarities to a metacaspase, we designed a Malt1inhibitor, which allowed unto investigate the role of Malt1 activity in T cells. Malt1-inhibited T cells showed a clear defect in NF-xB activity, resulting in impaired IL-2 cytokine secretion levels. We also found a new unexpected role for Bcl10; the blockade of Bcl10 cleavage resulted in a strongly impaired capability of stimulated T cells to adhere to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. Because of the central position of the C8M complex, it is not surprising that different lymphomas show abnormal expressions of Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1. We investigated the role of Malt1 proteolytic activity in the most aggressive subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphomas called ABC, which was described to depend on the expression of Carmal, and frequently carries oncogenic Carmal mutations. We found constitutive high Malt1 activity in all tested ABC cell lines visualized by detection of cleavage products of Malt1 substrates. With the use of the Malt1-inhibitor, we could demonstrate that Malt-inhibition in those cells had two effects. First, the tumor cell proliferation was decreased, most likely because of lower autocrine stimulation by cytokines. Second, we could sensitize the ABC cells towards cell death, which is most likely caused by reduced expression of prosurvival NF-xB target gens. Taken together, we identified Malt1 as a protease in T and B cells, demonstrated its importance for NF-xB signaling and its deregulation in a subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. This could allow the development of a new generation of immunomodulatory and anti-cancer drugs. Résumé Un contact prolongé avec des pathogènes provoque une réponse immunitaire adaptative qui dépend principalement des cellules T et 8. L'activation des lymphocytes T et B, suite à la reconnaissance d'un antigène, est un événement important puisqu'il facilite la transition pour ces cellules d'un état de prolifération limitée et inoffensive à une prolifération soutenue et rapide. Lorsque ce mécanisme est déréglé ìl peut devenir extrêmement nuisible et dangereux pour le corps humain. Un des événement les plus importants lors de l'activation des lymphocytes est l'induction du facteur de transcription NFxB, qui organise la sécrétion de cytokines ainsi que la prolifération et la survie des lymphocytes. Le complexe CBM, composé des trois protéines Carmai, Bc110 et Malt1, a été récemment identifié comme un régulateur central de l'activité de NF-x8 dans les lymphocytes. Carma1 sert de plateforme de recrutement pour ce complexe alors que Bc110 permet d'amener Malt1 dans cette plateforme. Cependant, le rôle exact de Malt1 dans l'activation de NF-tcB reste encore mal compris. Nous avons découvert que Malt1 est une protéase qui clive son partenaire d'interaction BcI10 après stimulation des cellules T et B. Nous avons identifié le site de clivage de BcI10 par une série de mutations ponctuelles ainsi que par une approche protéomique, ce qui nous a permis de fabriquer un peptide reporteur fluorogénique pour mesurer l'activité de Malt1. Grâce à cet outil, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 in vitro à l'aide de protéines Malt1 recombinantes ainsi que dans des cellules T stimulées. La ressemblance de Malt1 avec une métacaspase nous a permis de synthétiser un inhibiteur de Malt1 et d'étudier ainsi le rôle de l'activité de Malt1 dans les cellules T. L'inhibition de Malt1 dans les cellules T a révélé un net défaut de l'activité de NF-x8, ayant pour effet une sécrétion réduite de la cytokine IL-2. Nous avons également découvert un rôle inattendu pour Bcl10: en effet, bloquer le clivage de Bcl10 diminue fortement la capacité d'adhésion des cellules T stimulées à la protéine fïbronectine, un composant de la matrice extracellulaire. En raison de la position centrale du complexe CBM, il n'est pas étonnant que le niveau d'expression de Carmai, Bcl10 et Malt1 soit anormal dans plusieurs types de lymphomes. Nous avons examiné le rôle de l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 dans le sous-type le plus agressif des lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules, appelé sous-type ABC. Ce sous-type de lymphomes dépend de l'expression de Carmai et présente souvent des mutations oncogéniques de Carma1. Nous avons démontré que l'activité de Malt1 était constitutivement élevée dans toutes les lignées cellulaires de type ABC testées, en mettant en évidence la présence de produits de clivage de différents substrats de Malt1. Enfin, l'utilisation de l'inhibiteur de Malt1 nous a permis de démontrer que l'inhibition de Malt1 avait deux effets. Premièrement, une diminution de la prolifération des cellules tumorales, probablement dûe à leur stimulation autocrine par des cytokines fortement réduite. Deuxièmement, une sensibilisation des cellules de type ABC à ia mort cellulaire, vraisemblablement causée par l'expression diminuée de gènes de survie dépendants de NF-tcB. En résumé, nous avons identifié Malt1 comme une protéase dans les cellules T et B, nous avons mis en évidence son importance pour l'activation de NF-xB ainsi que les conséquences du dérèglement de l'activité de Malt1 dans un sous-type de lymphome B diffus à larges cellules. Notre étude ouvre ainsi la voie au développement d'une nouvelle génération de médicaments immunomodulateurs et anti-cancéreux.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The dissemination of palliative care for patients presenting complex chronic diseases at various stages has become an important matter of public health. A death census in Swiss long-term care facilities (LTC) was set up with the aim of monitoring the frequency of selected indicators of palliative care. METHODS: The survey covered 150 LTC facilities (105 nursing homes and 45 home health services), each of which was asked to complete a questionnaire for every non-accidental death over a period of six months. The frequency of 4 selected indicators of palliative care (resort to a specialized palliative care service, the administration of opiates, use of any pain measurement scale or other symptom measurement scale) was monitored in respect of the stages of care and analysed based on gender, age, medical condition and place of residence. RESULTS: Overall, 1200 deaths were reported, 29.1% of which were related to cancer. The frequencies of each indicator varied according to the type of LTC, mostly regarding the administration of opiate. It appeared that the access to palliative care remained associated with cancer, terminal care and partly with age, whereas gender and the presence of mental disorders had no effect on the indicators. In addition, the use of drugs was much more frequent than the other indicators. CONCLUSION: The profile of patients with access to palliative care must become more diversified. Among other recommendations, equal access to opiates in nursing homes and in home health services, palliative care at an earlier stage and the systematic use of symptom management scales when resorting to opiates have to become of prime concern.


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BACKGROUND: Nitrosative stress takes place in endothelial cells (EC) during corneal acute graft rejection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential role of peroxynitrite on corneal EC death. METHODS: The effect of peroxynitrite was evaluated in vivo. Fifty, 250, and 500 microM in 1.5 microL of the natural or denatured peroxynitrite in 50 microM NaOH, 50 microM NaOH alone, or balanced salt solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rat eyes (n=3/group). Corneal toxic signs after injection were assessed by slit-lamp, in vivo confocal imaging, pachymetry, and EC count. The effect of peroxynitrite was also evaluated on nitrotyrosine and leucocyte elastase inhibitor/LDNase II immunohistochemistry. Human corneas were incubated with peroxynitrite and the effect on EC viability was evaluated. A specific inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (iNOS) was administered systemically in rats undergoing allogeneic corneal graft rejection and the effect on EC was evaluated by EC count. RESULTS: Rat eyes receiving as little as 50 microM peroxynitrite showed a specific dose-dependent toxicity on EC. We observed an intense nitrotyrosine staining of human and rat EC exposed to peroxynitrite associated with leucocyte elastase inhibitor nuclear translocation, a noncaspase dependent apoptosis reaction. Specific inhibition of iNOS generation prevented EC death and enhanced EC survival of the grafted corneas. However, inhibition of iNOS did not have a significant influence on the incidence of graft rejection. CONCLUSION: Nitrosative stress during acute corneal graft rejection in rat eyes induces a noncaspase dependent apoptotic death in EC. Inhibition of nitric oxide production during the corneal graft rejection has protective effects on the corneal EC survival.


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Our experience with the Sapien trans-apical aortic valve (Edwards Lifesciences Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) has been straightforward without per-procedural mortality except in 1/16 consecutive cases who developed non-apical haemorrhage early after valve implantation. We describe the case of an 84-year-old female carrying a very high operative risk (logistic EuroScore of 44%), who underwent a trans-apical stent-valve implantation for severe and symptomatic aortic valve stenosis (23 mm). Due to massive blood loss, an emergency sternotomy and cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass resuscitation were necessary to treat (without success) an unusual and unexpected subaortic left ventricular free-wall rupture that occurred few minutes after the stent-valve positioning and implantation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first described case of a left ventricular free-wall rupture occurring after an otherwise non-complicated standard catheter-based aortic valve replacement.


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BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) among the young is a rare and devastating event, but its exact incidence in many countries remains unknown. An autopsy is recommended in every case because some of the cardiac pathologies may have a genetic origin, which can have an impact on the living family members. The aims of this retrospective study completed in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland were to determine both the incidence of SCD and the autopsy rate for individuals from 5 to 39 years of age. METHODS: The study was conducted from 2000 to 2007 on the basis of official statistics and analysis of the International Classification of Diseases codes for potential SCDs and other deaths that might have been due to cardiac disease. RESULTS: During the 8 year study period there was an average of 292'546 persons aged 5-39 and there were a total of 1122 deaths, certified as potential SCDs in 3.6% of cases. The calculated incidence is 1.71/100'000 person-years (2.73 for men and 0.69 for women). If all possible cases of SCD (unexplained deaths, drowning, traffic accidents, etc.) are included, the incidence increases to 13.67/100'000 person-years. However, the quality of the officially available data was insufficient to provide an accurate incidence of SCD as well as autopsy rates. The presumed autopsy rate of sudden deaths classified as diseases of the circulatory system is 47.5%. For deaths of unknown cause (11.1% of the deaths), the autopsy was conducted in 13.7% of the cases according to codified data. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of presumed SCD in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, is comparable to the data published in the literature for other geographic regions but may be underestimated as it does not take into account other potential SCDs, as unexplained deaths. Increasing the autopsy rate of SCD in the young, better management of information obtained from autopsies as well developing of structured registry could improve the reliability of the statistical data, optimize the diagnostic procedures, and the preventive measures for the family members.


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The increase of cancer specificity and efficacy of anti-tumoral agents are prime strategies to overcome the deleterious side effects associated with anti-cancer treatments. We described earlier a cell-permeable protease-resistant peptide derived from the p120 RasGAP protein, called TAT-RasGAP317-326, as being an efficient tumor-specific sensitizer to apoptosis induced by genotoxins in vitro and in vivo. Bcl-2 family members regulate the intrinsic apoptotic response and as such could be targeted by TAT-RasGAP317-326. Our results indicate that the RasGAP-derived peptide increases cisplatin-induced Bax activation. We found no evidence, using in particular knock-out cells, of an involvement of other Bcl-2 family proteins in the tumor-specific sensitization activity of TAT-RasGAP317-326. The absence of Bax and Bak in mouse embryonic fibroblasts rendered them resistant to cisplatin-induced apoptosis and consequently to the sensitizing action of the RasGAP-derived peptide. Surprisingly, in the HCT116 colon carcinoma cell line, the absence of Bax and Bak did not prevent cisplatin-induced apoptosis and the ability of TAT-RasGAP317-326 to augment this response. Our study also revealed that p53, while required for an efficient genotoxin-induced apoptotic response, is dispensable for the ability of the RasGAP-derived peptide to improve the capacity of genotoxins to decrease long-term survival of cancer cells. Hence, even though genotoxin-induced Bax activity can be increased by TAT-RasGAP317-326, the sensitizing activity of the RasGAP-derived peptide can operate in the absence of a functional mitochondrial intrinsic death pathway.


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Recently, we were faced with a request from a student photographer who wanted to take pictures of bodies donated to our institute and used for dissection courses for medical students or for scientific purposes. Students are expressly forbidden to take pictures in the dissection hall; however, we allowed this student photographer to do her diploma work in our institute. The reason why she was proposing such a topic was that her brother died young and her parents donated his body to science. To overcome this loss of a loved one, she wanted to know what happens to the donated bodies. She followed the procedure of embalming and different dissections that took place during the summer semester and she took pictures throughout. The outcome of this work was a very nice photographic document, called 'dissection', a book with many pictures but no figure legends. The image document shows the different steps in the preparation and preservation of bodies and the work of an anatomist in the dissection hall. As we impose rules on our students, we had also to give directives in the use of the photographs taken, especially for a photographer who will use the most prominent pictures for exhibitions, i.e. that the pictures do not show names or are used for publication on the internet, or show identification numbers of cadavers, or give indication ofn the institution and are relatively anonymous. This story tells how one can deal with death and at the same time advance one's personal career. The author represents the Swiss Anatomical Society SGAHE and is supported by the Swiss Academy of Science, ScNat.


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Neuroblastoma represents the most common and deadly solid tumour of childhood, which disparate biological and clinical behaviour can be explained by differential regulation of apoptosis. To understand mechanisms underlying death resistance in neuroblastoma cells, we developed small hairpin of RNA produced by lentiviral vectors as tools to selectively interfere with FLIP(L), a major negative regulator of death receptor-induced apoptosis. Such tools revealed highly efficient in interfering with FLIP(L) expression and function as they almost completely repressed endogenous and/or exogenously overexpressed FLIP(L) protein and fully reversed FLIP(L)-mediated TRAIL resistance. Moreover, interference with endogenous FLIP(L) and FLIP(S) significantly restored FasL sensitivity in SH-EP neuroblastoma cell line. These results reveal the ability of lentivirus-mediated shRNAs to specifically and persistently interfere with FLIP expression and support involvement of FLIP in the regulation of death receptor-mediated apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells. Combining such tools with other therapeutic modalities may improve treatment of resistant tumours such as neuroblastoma.


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We present here an atypical finding during an elective repeat cesarean section. Despite urine flow through an indwelling bladder catheter, bladder remains distended during the whole procedure. Unexpected anatomical variations and malformations can make routine surgery challenging. Urinary tract anomalies should be suspected in cases of unexpected difficult bladder catheterization.


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Apoptosis is a highly controlled process, whose triggering is associated with the activation of caspases. Apoptosis can be induced via a subgroup of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, which recruit and activate pro-caspase-8 and -10. Regulation of apoptosis is achieved by several inhibitors, including c-FLICE-inhibitory protein, which prevents apoptosis by inhibiting the pro-apoptotic activation of upstream caspases. Here we show that the human intracellular serine protease inhibitor (serpin), protease inhibitor 9 (PI9), inhibits TNF-, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand- and Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis in certain TNF-sensitive cell lines. The reactive center P1 residue of PI9 was required for this inhibition since PI9 harboring a Glu --> Ala mutation in its reactive center failed to impair death receptor-induced cell death. This suggests a classical serpin-protease interaction. Indeed, PI9 inhibited apoptotic death by directly interacting with the intermediate active forms of caspase-8 and -10. This indicates that PI9 can regulate pro-apoptotic apical caspases.


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In several studies reporting cell death (CD) in lower eukaryotes and in the human protozoan parasite Leishmania, proteolytic activity was revealed using pan-caspase substrates or inhibitors such as carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-[O-methyl]-fluoromethylketone (Z-VAD-FMK). However, most of the lower eukaryotes do not encode caspase(s) but MCA, which differs from caspase(s) in its substrate specificity and cannot be accountable for the recognition of Z-VAD-FMK. In the present study, we were interested in identifying which enzyme was capturing the Z-VAD substrate. We show that heat shock (HS) induces Leishmania CD and leads to the intracellular binding of Z-VAD-FMK. We excluded binding and inhibition of Z-VAD-FMK to Leishmania major metacaspase (LmjMCA), and identified cysteine proteinase C (LmjCPC), a cathepsin B-like (CPC) enzyme, as the Z-VAD-FMK binding enzyme. We confirmed the specific interaction of Z-VAD-FMK with CPC by showing that Z-VAD binding is absent in a Leishmania mexicana strain in which the cpc gene was deleted. We also show that parasites exposed to various stress conditions release CPC into a soluble fraction. Finally, we confirmed the role of CPC in Leishmania CD by showing that, when exposed to the oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), cpc knockout parasites survived better than wild-type parasites (WT). In conclusion, this study identified CPC as the substrate of Z-VAD-FMK in Leishmania and as a potential additional executioner protease in the CD cascade of Leishmania and possibly in other lower eukaryotes.


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Anti-self/tumor T cell function can be improved by increasing TCR-peptide MHC (pMHC) affinity within physiological limits, but paradoxically further increases (K(d) < 1 μM) lead to drastic functional declines. Using human CD8(+) T cells engineered with TCRs of incremental affinity for the tumor antigen HLA-A2/NY-ESO-1, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying this high-affinity-associated loss of function. As compared with cells expressing TCR affinities generating optimal function (K(d) = 5 to 1 μM), those with supraphysiological affinity (K(d) = 1 μM to 15 nM) showed impaired gene expression, signaling, and surface expression of activatory/costimulatory receptors. Preferential expression of the inhibitory receptor programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) was limited to T cells with the highest TCR affinity, correlating with full functional recovery upon PD-1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) blockade. In contrast, upregulation of the Src homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase 1 (SHP-1/PTPN6) was broad, with gradually enhanced expression in CD8(+) T cells with increasing TCR affinities. Consequently, pharmacological inhibition of SHP-1 with sodium stibogluconate augmented the function of all engineered T cells, and this correlated with the TCR affinity-dependent levels of SHP-1. These data highlight an unexpected and global role of SHP-1 in regulating CD8(+) T cell activation and responsiveness and support the development of therapies inhibiting protein tyrosine phosphatases to enhance T cell-mediated immunity.


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The ACCOMPLISH trial consists of a randomized morbidity-mortality study involving 11506 hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk, randomly allocated to a fixed dose combination containing an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (B, benazepril) and either a calcium antagonist (A, amlodipine) or a diuretic (HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide). The target blood pressure (< 140/90 mmHg) was achieved after a 6 month titration period in 75.4% of patients receiving B+A, versus 72.4% in those on B + HCTZ. Over a mean follow-up of 3 years, the B + A drug regimen was found to reduce significantly more effectively the relative risk cardiovascular mortality (-20%), fatal and non fatal myocardial infarction (-22%) and coronary revascularization (-14%), appearing therefore particularly effective to prevent complications due to myocardial ischemia.


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Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense can be induced to undergo apoptosis after stimulation with Con A. As cell death in these parasites is associated with de novo gene expression we have applied a differential display technique, Randomly Amplified Differential Expressed Sequence-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RADES-PCR) to the study of gene expression during Con A induced cell death in these organisms. Twenty-two differentially displayed products have been cloned and sequenced. These represent the first endogenous genes to be identified as implicated in cellular death in trypanosomatids (the most primitive eukaryote in which apoptosis has been described). Evidence for an ancestral death machinery, `proto-apoptosis' in single celled organisms is discussed.