1000 resultados para UDK:398
Résumé Avant même son premier écrit, le philologue Nietzsche parle de sa philosophie en termes de « platonisme inversé ». Il se présente par là aux antipodes de Platon et de la pensée initiée par ce dernier. Platon lui-même, Nietzsche le lit comme accomplissement d'une longue tradition inspirée par les Muses - en ce sens "musicale", artistique - à dire la phetsis ou vie tragique (qui sont chez lui le même). Selon elle, la vie réside dans le double mouvement d'éclosion productrice à partir des profondeurs cachées et de retour destructeur dans les ressources de celles-ci. Nietzsche y voit l'oeuvre de Dionysos : l'abyssal et surabondant dieu artiste du jeu de la vie et de la mort. Or ne pouvant souffrir cette vie dionysiaque, Platon en serait venu à en imaginer une autre, dénuée d'ombre et de destruction, où tout apparaît en son éclosion suprême : le monde métaphysique, intelligible, des idées morales qui, depuis, guide tout homme occidental qui se respecte. Dionysos est banni de la pensée, contraint de se réfugier dans les profondeurs de la mer. Quelques deux millénaires plus tard, la figure divine ré-émerge chez certains prédécesseurs de Nietzsche, puis se montre au grand jour dans La naissance de la tragédie (1871), le premier livre du philologue-philosophe. Dionysos y apparaît dans une double opposition : ambiguë face à Apollon, le représentant de la belle apparence venant voiler le sombre fond dionysiaque ; et radicale face à Socrate (le maître de Platon) qui, en Apollon outré, initie le tournant philosophico-scientifique et moral hostile à la vie tragique. Puis Dionysos redisparaît durant plus de douze ans de la surface de l'oeuvre de Nietzsche. Or s'il se retire, c'est pour se nettoyer de ses ambiguïtés initiales (liées au dualisme métaphysique) et poursuivre sa lutte contre Socrate à partir des profondeurs, le visage masqué. Lorsque, dès 1883, il fait retour pour devenir la figure centrale des derniers écrits, il se trouve alors confronté à un nouvel adversaire, plus coriace et plus dangereux encore que Socrate : le Crucifié, représentation populaire et absolutisée des idées socratiques. Inspiré, poussé, porté et tourmenté par son dieu, Nietzsche fait dès lors littéralement équipe avec Dionysos pour promouvoir la libération de la vie phusico-tragique en train d'étouffer dans les filets socratico-chrétiens. Cette libération se joue notamment dans la figure d'Ariane : dans les Dithyrambes de Dionysos (1890) - le dernier texte (poétique) de Nietzsche -, elle incarne si bien la phetsis dionysiaque qu'elle provoque in fine l'épiphanie du dieu tragique, amoureux et jubilant de s'y reconnaître comme dans un miroir.
A joint project between the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and the Institute of Radiation Physics was initiated to characterise the PSI whole body counter in detail through measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Accurate knowledge of the detector geometry is essential for reliable simulations of human body phantoms filled with known activity concentrations. Unfortunately, the technical drawings provided by the manufacturer are often not detailed enough and sometimes the specifications do not agree with the actual set-up. Therefore, the exact detector geometry and the position of the detector crystal inside the housing were determined through radiographic images. X-rays were used to analyse the structure of the detector, and (60)Co radiography was employed to measure the core of the germanium crystal. Moreover, the precise axial alignment of the detector within its housing was determined through a series of radiographic images with different incident angles. The hence obtained information enables us to optimise the Monte Carlo geometry model and to perform much more accurate and reliable simulations.
Background and Aims: The 2007 European Crohn's and Colitis Organization guidelines on anemia in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) favour intravenous (iv) over oral (po) iron supplementation due to better effectiveness and tolerance. We aimed to determine the percentage of IBD patients under iron supplementation therapy and the dynamics of prescription habits (iv versus po) over time. Methods: Helsana, a leading Swiss health insurance company provides coverage for approximately 18% of the Swiss population, corresponding to about 1.2 million enrollees. Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) were analyzed from the anonymised Helsana database. Results: In total, 629 CD (61% female) and 398 UC (57% female) patients were identified, mean observation time was 31.8 months for CD and 31.0 months for UC patients. Of the entire study population, 27.1% were prescribed iron (21.1% in males and 31.1% in females). Patients treated with IBD-specific drugs (steroids, immunomodulators, anti-TNF agents) were more frequently treated with iron compared to patients without any medication (35.0% vs. 20.9%, OR 1.91, 95%-CI 1.41-2.61). The prescription of iv iron increased from 2006/2007 (48.8% of all patients receiving any iron priscription) to 65.2% in 2008/2009 by a factor of 1.89. Conclusions: One third of the IBD population was treated with iron supplementation. A gradual shift from oral to iv iron was observed over time. This switch in prescription habits goes along with the implementation of the ECCO consensus guidelines on anemia in IBD.
BACKGROUND: Sclera is a very radioresistant tissue and scleritis after proton therapy has not been described so far. HISTORY AND SIGNS: Four female patients, aged between 31 and 74 years, were treated with proton therapy for uveal melanoma (height range: 2.2 - 3.5 mm), located in the macula, the superior equator and 2 in the ciliary body. All patients had a history of a previous or active inflammatory disease and developed scleritis after radiotherapy. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Two patients had infectious scleritis and were treated with adequate antibiotic therapy. After systemic corticotherapy, 3 patients recovered completely; the remaining patient was managed with additional immunosuppressive treatment as well as a conjunctival and scleral graft, but has not become pain free yet. CONCLUSION: Scleritis is a possible complication after proton therapy, probably on an ischemic basis, where there is a predisposing factor such as inflammatory systemic disease.
While it has often been stated that prevalence of schizophrenia is the same around the world, many publications have shown this illness is twice more frequent in urban areas. Although many hypotheses have been proposed, the mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are still unknown. Besides potential biological explanations, a certain number of hypotheses emerging from social sciences have recently enriched the debate. This article reviews the literature related to this issue and describes the development of a research projects conducted in collaboration between the Institut of Geography at the University of Neuchâtel, the Department of Psychiatry at the Lausanne University and the Swiss branch of ISPS, a society promoting the psychological treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoses.
The effect of heterogeneous environments upon the dynamics of invasion and the eradication or control of invasive species is poorly understood, although it is a major challenge for biodiversity conservation. Here, we first investigate how the probability and time for invasion are affected by spatial heterogeneity. Then, we study the effect of control program strategies (e.g. species specificity, spatial scale of action, detection and eradication efficiency) on the success and time of eradication. We find that heterogeneity increases both the invasion probability and the time to invasion. Heterogeneity also reduces the probability of eradication but does not change the time taken for successful eradication. We confirm that early detection of invasive species reduces the time until eradication, but we also demonstrate that this is true only if the local control action is sufficiently efficient. The criterion of removal efficiency is even more important for an eradication program than simply ensuring control effort when the invasive species is not abundant.
La présente thèse analyse les facteurs expliquant l'attrait académique pour la Near-Death Experience (NDE) aux Etats-Unis. À travers l'étude d'un acteur clé, Russell Noyés, la thèse démontre que l'expérience de mort imminente est devenue pertinente grâce aux psychiatres et aux psychologues qui lui ont octroyé une qualité clinique et thérapeutique. Afin de reconstruire les fondements académiques de l'intérêt pour l'étude de la mort, de l'expérience de la mort et de la mort imminente en psychiatrie dans les années 1960-70, la méthode employée est celle d'une enquête historique qui combine une approche empirique avec une génétique de récit. - The dissertation analyses the factors explaining the emergence of the Near- Death Experience (NDE) as a research topic in the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry in the United States. The study of a key actor, Russell Noyes, will demonstrate how the experience of near-death became relevant through the work of psychiatrists and psychologists who attributed a clinical and therapeutical quality to it. In order to retrace the academic foundations of the research on death, the experience of dying and near-death, during the 60s and 70s, this dissertation applies a historical method, which combines an empirical approach with a genetic of narratives.
The results of several large multicenter CMR studies were reported in 2012, thus, constantly corroborating the evidence on CMR performance. In this review, we present results of the MR-IMPACT programme and the CE-MARC study, which demonstrated the superiority of perfusion-CMR over gated SPECT for the workup of suspected CAD, the currently available data from the European CMR registry, comprising almost 30,000 patients from 57 participating centers in 15 European countries, and finally, the results of the Advisa-MRI study, which documented the safety of a MRI-compatible pacemaker system. These large trials and others set the basis for the recommendations in the new European guidelines on heart failure to use CMR as a first line method if echocardiographic quality is inadequate or the etiology of heart failure is unclear.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do cultivo da soja sobre a dinâmica da população bacteriana, em dois solos de Cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, originalmente cobertos com Paspalum notatum (em Barretos) e Brachiaria decumbens (em São Carlos). Nesses solos, a densidade da população de bactérias em geral variou de 398,1 x 10³ a 467,7 x 10³ e de 123 x 10³ a 218,8 x 10³ ufc (unidades formadoras de colônias)/g de solo seco, respectivamente. O cultivo da soja, em ambos os solos, resultou em incrementos variados nos números de ufc/g de solo seco da população de bactérias em geral, das resistentes aos antibióticos estreptomicina e cloranfenicol, e de actinomicetos. A população de actinomicetos ocorreu no solo principalmente como esporos, e as variações das relações esporos/hifas entre os solos não-rizosférico e rizosférico não foram significativas. Os resultados evidenciam que o cultivo da soja influenciou de forma diferenciada a população desses solos.
Diffusion-weighting in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) increases the sensitivity to molecular Brownian motion, providing insight in the micro-environment of the underlying tissue types and structures. At the same time, the diffusion weighting renders the scans sensitive to other motion, including bulk patient motion. Typically, several image volumes are needed to extract diffusion information, inducing also inter-volume motion susceptibility. Bulk motion is more likely during long acquisitions, as they appear in diffusion tensor, diffusion spectrum and q-ball imaging. Image registration methods are successfully used to correct for bulk motion in other MRI time series, but their performance in diffusion-weighted MRI is limited since diffusion weighting introduces strong signal and contrast changes between serial image volumes. In this work, we combine the capability of free induction decay (FID) navigators, providing information on object motion, with image registration methodology to prospectively--or optionally retrospectively--correct for motion in diffusion imaging of the human brain. Eight healthy subjects were instructed to perform small-scale voluntary head motion during clinical diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions. The implemented motion detection based on FID navigator signals is processed in real-time and provided an excellent detection performance of voluntary motion patterns even at a sub-millimetre scale (sensitivity≥92%, specificity>98%). Motion detection triggered an additional image volume acquisition with b=0 s/mm2 which was subsequently co-registered to a reference volume. In the prospective correction scenario, the calculated motion-parameters were applied to perform a real-time update of the gradient coordinate system to correct for the head movement. Quantitative analysis revealed that the motion correction implementation is capable to correct head motion in diffusion-weighted MRI to a level comparable to scans without voluntary head motion. The results indicate the potential of this method to improve image quality in diffusion-weighted MRI, a concept that can also be applied when highest diffusion weightings are performed.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de seis cultivares de soja, sob manejo orgânico, para fins de adubação verde e produção de grãos. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições por tratamento (cultivar). Na época da colheita, 81 dias após a emergência das plântulas, todas as cultivares testadas (Celeste, Surubi, Campo Grande, Mandi, Lambari e Taquari) mostraram excelente nodulação, variando de 545 a 760 mg/planta de massa nodular seca. As cultivares Celeste e Taquari, que produziram, respectivamente, 8,33 e 7,12 t ha-1 de biomassa seca da parte aérea, apresentaram outras características agronômicas vantajosas, tais como: ciclo curto, alta acumulação de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca e Mg) nos tecidos verdes e bom rendimento de sementes. Esses caracteres indicam potencial de 'Celeste' e 'Taquari' para adubação verde de verão em sistemas de agricultura orgânica. Cinco das cultivares avaliadas revelaram tendência ao acamamento, porém dentro de níveis aceitáveis. As cultivares Celeste, Surubi, Campo Grande, Mandi e Taquari suplantaram em 23%, 32%, 33%, 44% e 70%, respectivamente, a média nacional de produtividade de soja, estimada em 2.398 kg ha-1 nas últimas três safras.