365 resultados para Typologies


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Los accesorios metálicos de indumentaria constituyen uno de las fuentes materiales principales para aproximarse a la realidad social, cultural y económica de la población del Mediterráneo tardoantiguo. En el caso de los hallazgos de los siglos V y VI procedentes de la Península Ibérica y del suroeste de Francia, numerosos problemas de documentación han impedido extraer y desarrollar todo su potencial, tanto en lo referente al encuadre tipológico y cronológico de estos objetos como en la consiguiente fase interpretativa. Se hacía necesario acometer un nuevo estudio monográfico que actualizara el panorama de la investigación. El trabajo cataloga, data y clasifica tipológicamente más de cuatro millares de fíbulas y accesorios de cinturón recuperados en casi medio millar de yacimientos localizados en los actuales Portugal, España, Andorra y Francia. El resultado permite aproximarse a las áreas de producción y modalidades de circulación y utilización de cada uno de los tipos individualizados. Una veintena de indumentarias distintas, definidas por combinaciones de distintos tipos de accesorios en contextos funerarios, ha sido identificada. Parte de éstas constituye la base principal de un sistema cronológico organizado en seis fases distintas que cubren una cronología situada aproximadamente entre las últimas décadas del siglo IV y las últimas décadas del siglo VI. La investigación acomete asimismo el análisis de la implantación de los accesorios y de las indumentarias relacionadas con ellos en el paisaje tardoantiguo de Hispania y la Galia. El resultado permite reconstruir secuencias regionales de evolución indumentaria y establecer relaciones entre diversas tipologías de contextos funerarios y habitativos y los tipos de indumentaria previamente definidos. Los resultados permiten renovar la mirada sobre este tipo de objetos y el lugar que ocuparon en la vida cotidiana de muchos de los habitantes del regnum visigodo temprano.


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La tesi di ricerca si propone di esaminare due tipologie della canzone sociale nel XIX secolo, ed in particolare attorno al 1848. Lo studio del canto nei contesti presi in esame (l’Italia e la Francia) viene analizzato attraverso due piste di ricerca parallele tra loro. Da una parte si è utilizzato il concetto di sociabilité per conoscere i luoghi di produzione e di diffusione del canto (l’importanza della strada, dell’osteria, delle goguette parigine, degli chansonniers des rues e dei cantastorie) e le circostanze di utilizzazione della canzone (la canzone in quanto forma d’espressione orale ma anche come scrittura murale, foglio volante e volantino). Dall’altra l’analisi si è focalizzata sui contenuti dei testi musicali per mette in luce le differenti tematiche, le immagini linguistiche e le figure retoriche cantate dall’artigiano-operaio per far emergere le differenze dell’idea di nazione tra i due contesti presi in esame. L’attenzione posta alla comparazione condurrà all’evidenziazione di punti di contatto tra le due nazioni. Il canto, infatti, costituisce un terreno privilegiato per comprendere l’immagine dell’“altro”: quale immagine possedevano i lavoratori francesi dell’Italia risorgimentale? E gli artigiani italiani come percepivano la nazione francese? Il canto viene analizzato non solamente come un “testo” ma anche come una “pratica sociale”. Queste operazioni permetteranno di sondare più in profondità la funzione sociale svolta dalla canzone all’interno della cultura popolare e la sua importanza in quanto forma d’espressione e vettore di politicizzazione. La duplice utilizzazione del canto, in quanto “testo” e “pratica”, consente di inserire la ricerca all’interno di un filone storiografico che dalla storia sociale si muove a quella culturale. La canzone sociale rappresenta un fertile terreno di ricerca, non solamente all’interno di un singolo territorio nazionale, ma possiede un prezioso valore euristico in funzione comparativa.


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Les recherches relatives à l'utilisation des TICE se concentrent fréquemment soit sur la dimension cognitive, sur la dimension linguistique ou sur la dimension culturelle. Le plus souvent, les recherches empiriques se proposent d'évaluer les effets directs des TICE sur les performances langagières des apprenants. En outre, les recherches, surtout en psychologie cognitive, sont le plus souvent effectuées en laboratoire. C'est pourquoi le travail présenté dans cette thèse se propose d'inscrire l'utilisation des TICE dans une perspective écologique, et de proposer une approche intégrée pour l'analyse des pratiques effectives aussi bien en didactique des langues qu'en didactique de la traduction. En ce qui concerne les aspects cognitifs, nous recourons à un concept apprécié des praticiens, celui de stratégies d'apprentissage. Les quatre premiers chapitres de la présente thèse sont consacrés à l'élaboration du cadre théorique dans lequel nous inscrivons notre recherche. Nous aborderons en premier lieu les aspects disciplinaires, et notamment l’interdisciplinarité de nos deux champs de référence. Ensuite nous traiterons les stratégies d'apprentissage et les stratégies de traduction. Dans un troisième mouvement, nous nous efforcerons de définir les deux compétences visées par notre recherche : la production écrite et la traduction. Dans un quatrième temps, nous nous intéresserons aux modifications introduites par les TICE dans les pratiques d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de ces deux compétences. Le cinquième chapitre a pour objet la présentation, l'analyse des données recueillies auprès de groupes d'enseignants et d'étudiants de la section de français de la SSLMIT. Il s’agira dans un premier temps, de présenter notre corpus. Ensuite nous procéderons à l’analyse des données. Enfin, nous présenterons, après une synthèse globale, des pistes didactiques et scientifiques à même de prolonger notre travail.


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La mia tesi approfondisce le dinamiche della cinefilia su Facebook: quali relazioni s'instaurano tra lo spettatore cinefilo, e dunque il suo particolare sguardo, e la moltitudine di frammenti di cinema dispersi nella rete; come si sono modificati i rapporti, gli atteggiamenti, i processi di negoziazione, le abitudini e soprattutto i discorsi dei cinefili al cospetto di tracce di cinema sui social network e in particolare su Facebook. Inoltreprovo a dimostrare che la cinefilia è un'esperienza costitutivamente autobiografica, cui il web permette il perpetuare potenzialmente infinito della (auto)narrazione di sé.


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The present work is a collection of three essays devoted at understanding the determinants and implications of the adoption of environmental innovations EI by firms, by adopting different but strictly related schumpeterian perspectives. Each of the essays is an empirical analysis that investigates one original research question, formulated to properly fill the gaps that emerged in previous literature, as the broad introduction of this thesis outlines. The first Chapter is devoted at understanding the determinants of EI by focusing on the role that knowledge sources external to the boundaries of the firm, such as those coming from business suppliers or customers or even research organizations, play in spurring their adoption. The second Chapter answers the question on what induces climate change technologies, adopting regional and sectoral lens, and explores the relation among green knowledge generation, inducement in climate change and environmental performances. Chapter 3 analyzes the economic implications of the adoption of EI for firms, and proposes to disentangle EI by different typologies of innovations, such as externality reducing innovations and energy and resource efficient innovations. Each Chapter exploits different dataset and heterogeneous econometric models, that allow a better extension of the results and to overcome the limits that the choice of one dataset with respect to its alternatives engenders. The first and third Chapter are based on an empirical investigation on microdata, i.e. firm level data extracted from innovation surveys. The second Chapter is based on the analysis of patent data in green technologies that have been extracted by the PATSTAT and REGPAT database. A general conclusive Chapter will follow the three essays and will outline how each Chapter filled the research gaps that emerged, how its results can be interpreted, which policy implications can be derived and which are the possible future lines of research in the field.


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Plant communities on weathered rock and outcrops are characterized by high values in species richness (Dengler 2006) and often persist on small and fragmented surfaces. Yet very few studies have examined the relationships between heterogeneity and plant diversity at small scales, in particular in poor-nutrient and low productive environment (Shmida and Wilson 1985, Lundholm 2003). In order to assess these relationships both in space and time in relationship, two different approaches were employed in the present study, in two gypsum outcrops of Northern Apennine. Diachronic and synchronic samplings from April 2012 to March 2013 were performed. A 50x50 cm plot was used in both samplings such as the sampling unit base. The diachronic survey aims to investigate seasonal patterning of plant diversity by the use of images analysis techniques integrated with field data and considering also seasonal climatic trend, the substrate quality and its variation in time. The purpose of the further, synchronic sampling was to describe plant diversity pattern as a function of the environmental heterogeneity meaning in substrate typologies, soil depth and topographic features. Results showed that responses of diversity pattern depend both on the resources availability, environmental heterogeneity and the manner in which the different taxonomic group access to them during the year. Species richness and Shannon diversity were positively affected by increasing in substrate heterogeneity. Furthermore a good turnover in seasonal species occurrence was detected. This vegetation may be described by the coexistence of three groups of species which created a gradient from early colonization stages, characterized by greater slope and predominance of bare rock, gradually to situation of more developed soil.


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This thesis contributes to the current debate in literature about local economic development by considering two different topics: quality of institutions, and the role of clusters in innovation and productivity growth. The research is built upon three papers. The first paper deals with the analysis of the effect of administrative continuity on administrative efficiency. The analysis underlines the importance of different typologies of social capital. Findings reveal a positive impact on administrative efficiency (AE) by administrative continuity (AC) when it is coupled by bridging and linking social capital. On the contrary, bonding social capital influences negatively the effect by AC on AE. The second paper investigates the spatial interaction in levels of quality of government (QoG) among European regions. Notwithstanding the largely recognised role by institutions in the design of regional policies, no study has been conducted about the mechanisms of interaction and diffusion of QoG at regional level. This research wants to overcome this knowledge gap in literature. Findings reveal a heterogeneity in spatial interaction among groups of regions, i.e. ‘leader regions’ (Northern regions) and ‘lagging regions’ (Southern regions), when considering different mechanisms of interaction (learning / imitating competition and pure competition). Moreover, the effect of wealth on the levels of QoG is nonlinear. Finally, the third paper analyses the relation among specialization and productivity within the agricultural sector. In literature, the study of clusters dynamics has long neglected agriculture. The analysis describes the changes in sectorial specialization for eight main crop groups in Italian regions (NUTS 3), assessing the existence of spatial autocorrelations by using an exploratory data analysis. Furthermore, the effect of specialization on productivity is analysed within the main crop groups using a spatial panel data model. Findings reveal a marked tendency to specialization in the Italian agriculture, and a heterogeneous effect by specialization on productivity.


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This study wants to analyze the effectiveness of different reinforcement typologies for masonry columns, in particular Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) and FRCM. The behavior of 10 solid – brick columns that are externally wrapped by FRP sheets and 2 unreinforced columns are presented in this study. The specimens are subjected to axial load until failure occurs. Three different confinement schemes were experimentally analyzed in order to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the proposed strengthening techniques: 1) Grid carbon FRP (CFRP_G); 2) Grid glass FRP (GFRP_G); 3) Uniaxial carbon FRP (CFRP_U). Two different configurations of the reinforcing system were investigated: FRP sheets are applied as external reinforcement along the perimeter of the masonry columns in the form of continuous and discontinuous wrap, respectively. The results, compared with those for un-reinforced columns, indicate an increases in ultimate load, stiffness and ductility.


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Every year, thousand of surgical treatments are performed in order to fix up or completely substitute, where possible, organs or tissues affected by degenerative diseases. Patients with these kind of illnesses stay long times waiting for a donor that could replace, in a short time, the damaged organ or the tissue. The lack of biological alternates, related to conventional surgical treatments as autografts, allografts, e xenografts, led the researchers belonging to different areas to collaborate to find out innovative solutions. This research brought to a new discipline able to merge molecular biology, biomaterial, engineering, biomechanics and, recently, design and architecture knowledges. This discipline is named Tissue Engineering (TE) and it represents a step forward towards the substitutive or regenerative medicine. One of the major challenge of the TE is to design and develop, using a biomimetic approach, an artificial 3D anatomy scaffold, suitable for cells adhesion that are able to proliferate and differentiate themselves as consequence of the biological and biophysical stimulus offered by the specific tissue to be replaced. Nowadays, powerful instruments allow to perform analysis day by day more accurateand defined on patients that need more precise diagnosis and treatments.Starting from patient specific information provided by TC (Computed Tomography) microCT and MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), an image-based approach can be performed in order to reconstruct the site to be replaced. With the aid of the recent Additive Manufacturing techniques that allow to print tridimensional objects with sub millimetric precision, it is now possible to practice an almost complete control of the parametrical characteristics of the scaffold: this is the way to achieve a correct cellular regeneration. In this work, we focalize the attention on a branch of TE known as Bone TE, whose the bone is main subject. Bone TE combines osteoconductive and morphological aspects of the scaffold, whose main properties are pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity. The realization of the ideal values of these parameters represents the main goal of this work: here we'll a create simple and interactive biomimetic design process based on 3D CAD modeling and generative algorithmsthat provide a way to control the main properties and to create a structure morphologically similar to the cancellous bone. Two different typologies of scaffold will be compared: the first is based on Triply Periodic MinimalSurface (T.P.M.S.) whose basic crystalline geometries are nowadays used for Bone TE scaffolding; the second is based on using Voronoi's diagrams and they are more often used in the design of decorations and jewellery for their capacity to decompose and tasselate a volumetric space using an heterogeneous spatial distribution (often frequent in nature). In this work, we will show how to manipulate the main properties (pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity) of the design TE oriented scaffolding using the implementation of generative algorithms: "bringing back the nature to the nature".


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‘Intangible and tangible heritage – a topology of culture in contexts of faith’ presents a conceptual framework which could enable heritage professionals to approach cul-tural heritage in a more holistic understanding. My work emphasizes opportunities for a re-combination – in conceptual and practical terms – of two recently divided heritage typologies: the so-called ‘intangible’ and ‘tangible’ heritage. In arguing that the above division cannot be maintained when observing the dynamic construction and re-affirmation processes of heritage and identity, and further, that this division is a risk to the preservation of the heritage of humankind, I will emphasize that it is important to halt and redirect the progressing divergence of the two fields. This is particularly necessary in the context of UNESCO, which is the driving force behind this conceptual separation. rnTo achieve a conceptual recombination I propose to approach heritage by means of topologies instead of typologies. In topological analysis the researcher’s focus shifts from heritage expressions towards ideas or concepts of heritage, which are defined as logos localised in place, topos, and are proposed to be analysed by means of semiotic phenomenology. Finally, I describe the findings of a topological analysis conducted for a particular heritage concept: the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.


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This thesis proposes a novel technology in the field of swarm robotics that allows a swarm of robots to sense a virtual environment through virtual sensors. Virtual sensing is a desirable and helpful technology in swarm robotics research activity, because it allows the researchers to efficiently and quickly perform experiments otherwise more expensive and time consuming, or even impossible. In particular, we envision two useful applications for virtual sensing technology. On the one hand, it is possible to prototype and foresee the effects of a new sensor on a robot swarm, before producing it. On the other hand, thanks to this technology it is possible to study the behaviour of robots operating in environments that are not easily reproducible inside a lab for safety reasons or just because physically infeasible. The use of virtual sensing technology for sensor prototyping aims to foresee the behaviour of the swarm enhanced with new or more powerful sensors, without producing the hardware. Sensor prototyping can be used to tune a new sensor or perform performance comparison tests between alternative types of sensors. This kind of prototyping experiments can be performed through the presented tool, that allows to rapidly develop and test software virtual sensors of different typologies and quality, emulating the behaviour of several hardware real sensors. By investigating on which sensors is better to invest, a researcher can minimize the sensors’ production cost while achieving a given swarm performance. Through augmented reality, it is possible to test the performance of the swarm in a desired virtual environment that cannot be set into the lab for physical, logistic or economical reasons. The virtual environment is sensed by the robots through properly designed virtual sensors. Virtual sensing technology allows a researcher to quickly carry out real robots experiment in challenging scenarios without all the required hardware and environment.


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Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+) is heavily promoted in Laos. REDD+ is often perceived as an opportunity to jointly address climate change and poverty and, therefore, could come timely for Laos to combine its prominent national target of poverty eradication with global climate mitigation efforts. Countrywide planning of the right approaches to REDD+ combined with poverty alleviation requires knowledge of the spatial combination of poverty and carbon stocks at the national level. This study combined spatial information on carbon stored in vegetation and on poverty and created carbon-poverty typologies for the whole country at the village level. We found that 11% of the villages of Laos have high to very high average village-level carbon stock densities and a predominantly poor population. These villages cover 20% of the territory and are characterized by low population density. Shifting cultivation areas in the northwestern parts of the country have a higher carbon mitigation potential than areas in the central and eastern highlands due to a more favorable climate. Finally, we found that in Laos the majority (58%) of poor people live in areas with low carbon stock densities without major potential to store carbon. Accordingly, REDD+ cannot be considered a core instrument for poverty alleviation. The carbon-poverty typologies presented here provide answers to basic questions related to planning and managing of REDD+. They could serve as a starting point for the design of systems to monitor both socioeconomic and environmental development at the national level.


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The research project on "Seniors in Society. Strategies to Retain Individual Autonomy" (2002 - 2004) is supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. It's importance is empha-sized by the relevance of social and economic aspects of demographic ageing of the popula-tion and that of fundamental changes associated with the transformation of Czech society. The objectives of the research are (1) to find out seniors' material and social resources sup-porting their relative autonomy in everyday life, (2) to record their personal expectations from state, community, or formal and informal support and aid institutions, respectively, and (3) to uncover their engagement in social interaction and individual experiencing of the integration into social groups. The data acquired become the base for (4) identifying the typologies corre-sponding to the levels of seniors' social integration (i.e. groups of relatives, friends, neighbours, special-interest and professional groups). By applying qualitative methods, we explore (5) strategies of everyday life and coping with life cycle events and crisis within par-ticular types. Special attention is paid to the family background of the seniors, including rela-tives in the vertical line. Specifically, we focus on (6) conditions under which family is capa-ble and willing to help or actually is helping it's oldest members, as well as on their interpre-tation within (7) identified types of the relatives supportive systems.


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This paper explores the similarities and differences between Denmark and Australia in adopting welfare reform activation measures in the field of employment services. In Australia and Denmark the discourse of welfare reform centres the 'activation' of citizens through 'mutual obligation' type requirements. Through various forms of case management, unemployed individuals are encouraged to act upon themselves in creating the right set of ethical dispositions congruent with 'active citizenship'. At the same time any resistance to heightened conditionality on the part of the unemployed person is dealt with through a range of coercive and disciplinary techniques. A comparative case study between these two countries allows us to consider how similar ideas, discourse and principles are shaping policy implementation in countries that have very different welfare state trajectories and institutional arrangements for the delivery of social welfare generally and employment services specifically. And in research terms, a comparison between a Nordic welfare state and an Anglo-Saxon welfare state provides an opportunity to critically examine the utility of 'welfare regime' type analyses and the neo-liberal convergence thesis in comparative welfare research. On the basis of empirical analysis, the article concludes that a single focus on abstract typologies or political ideologies is not very helpful in getting the measure of welfare reform (or any other major policy development for that matter). At the 'street-level' of policy practice there is considerably more ambiguity, incoherence and contradiction than is suggested by linear accounts of welfare reform.


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I will attempt to problematize the typologies of nationalism when applied to the Georgian context, particularly in relationship to nationalism of President Mikheil Saakashvili. I will argue that the state-driven nationalism of post-Rose Revolution government was a hybrid form of ethno-cultural and civic which had elements of ethnic particularism towards the Orthodox Church. By reflecting on the growing assistance of Western institutions to Georgia, I will problematize the extent to which the rise of American and European involvement in the region reinforced the perceptions of the “self” and the “other” among the religious elites since the Rose Revolution. By presenting field research data (interviews) gathered in 23 eparchies and perishes with religious clerics in 7 regions of Georgia, I will argue that religious nationalism in Georgia strengthened not in response to but as an outcome of President Saakashvili’s policies towards the church, and partially as a reaction to the growing dissatisfaction with Western institutions working in Georgia and Western governments’ response to the Russo-Georgian War of 2008. By reflecting on empirical material, the paper attempts to problematize an understanding of religious nationalism as a social movement, an instance of cultural autonomy and a source of identity (Friedland 2001). In response, I suggest viewing religious nationalism in post-communist Georgia as medium of material and political interests