956 resultados para Type I error probability


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Alternative splicing leads to the expression of multiple isoforms of the subunits (IFNAR1 and IFNAR2) of the type I IFN receptor. Here we describe two transcripts representing extracellular forms of ovine IFNAR1 and show that soluble extracellular forms of both IFNAR2 and IFNAR1, prepared in recombinant form in Escherichia coli, have antiviral (AV) activity in the absence of IFN. Exposure of Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells to the extracellular domain (R2E) of IFNAR2 at concentrations as low as 10 nM afforded complete protection against vesicular stomatitis virus and led to the rapid activation of the transcription factors ISGF3 and GAF. Although R2E can bind IFN (Kd ≈70 nM), activity was observed irrespective of whether or not ligand was present. R2E was inactive on mouse L929 cells but active on L929 cells expressing a membraneanchored, ovine/human chimeric IFNAR2 with an ovine extracellular domain. The data suggest that AV activity is conferred by the ability of soluble R2E to associate with the transfected IFNAR2 subunit rather than resident murine IFNAR1. Soluble extracellular forms of IFNAR1 have lower AV activity than R2E on Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells but are less species-specific and protect wild-type L929 cells as efficiently as the transfected cell line, presumably by interacting with one of the murine receptor subunits.


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Maintenance of female reproductive competence depends on the actions of several hormones and signaling factors. Recent reports suggest roles for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) in early stages of folliculogenesis. A role for the type I BMP receptor BmprIB as a regulator of ovulation rates in sheep has been described recently, but little is known about the roles of BMP signaling pathways in other aspects of reproductive function. We report here that BMPRIB is essential for multiple aspects of female fertility. Mice deficient in BmprIB exhibit irregular estrous cycles and an impaired pseudopregnancy response. BmprIB mutants produce oocytes that can be fertilized in vitro, but defects in cumulus expansion prevent fertilization in vivo. This defect is associated with decreased levels of aromatase production in granulosa cells. Unexpectedly, levels of mRNA for cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme required for cumulus expansion, are increased. BmprIB mutants also exhibit a failure in endometrial gland formation. The expression of BmprIB in uterine linings suggests that these defects are a direct consequence of loss of BMP signaling in this tissue. In summary, these studies demonstrate the importance of BMP signaling pathways for estrus cyclicity, estradiol biosynthesis, and cumulus cell expansion in vivo and reveal sites of action for BMP signaling pathways in reproductive tissues.


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The covalent joining of topoisomerases to DNA is normally a transient step in the reaction cycle of these important enzymes. However, under a variety of circumstances, the covalent complex is converted to a long-lived or dead-end product that can result in chromosome breakage and cell death. We have discovered and partially purified an enzyme that specifically cleaves the chemical bond that joins the active site tyrosine of topoisomerases to the 3' end of DNA. The reaction products made by the purified enzyme on a variety of model substrates indicate that the enzyme cleanly hydrolyzes the tyrosine-DNA phosphodiester linkage, thereby liberating a DNA terminated with a 3' phosphate. The wide distribution of this phosphodiesterase in eukaryotes and its specificity for tyrosine linked to the 3' end but not the 5' end of DNA suggest that it plays a role in the repair of DNA trapped in complexes involving eukaryotic topoisomerase I.


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Prostate carcinoma is the second leading cause of death from malignancy in men in the United States. Prostate cancer cells express type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) and prostate cancer selectively metastazises to bone, which is an environment rich in insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), thereby supporting a paracrine action for cancer cell proliferation. We asked whether the IGF-IR is coupled to tumorigenicity and invasion of prostate cancer. When rat prostate adenocarcinoma cells (PA-III) were stably transfected with an antisense IGF-IR expression construct containing the ZnSO4-inducible metallothionein-1 transcriptional promoter, the transfectants expressed high levels of IGF-IR antisense RNA after induction with ZnSO4, which resulted in dramatically reduced levels of endogenous IGF-IR mRNA. A significant reduction in expression both of tissue-type plasminogen activator and of urokinase-type plasminogen activator occurred in PA-III cells accompanying inhibition of IGF-IR. Subcutaneous injection of either nontransfected PA-III or PA-III cells transfected with vector minus the IGF-IR insert into nude mice resulted in large tumors after 4 weeks. However, mice injected with IGF-IR antisense-transfected PA-III cells either developed tumors 90% smaller than controls or remained tumor-free after 60 days of observation. When control-transfected PA-III cells were inoculated over the abraded calvaria of nude mice, large tumors formed with invasion of tumor cells into the brain parenchyma. In contrast, IGF-IR antisense transfectants formed significantly smaller tumors with no infiltration into brain. These results indicate an important role for the IGF/IGF-IR pathway in metastasis and provide a basis for targeting IGF-IR as a potential treatment for prostate cancer.


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Two families of peptides that specifically bind the extracellular domain of the human type I interleukin I (IL-1) receptor were identified from recombinant peptide display libraries. Peptides from one of these families blocked binding of IL-lalpha to the type I IL-1 receptor with IC50 values of 45-140 microM. Affinity-selective screening of variants of these peptides produced ligands of much higher affinity (IC50 approximately 2 nM). These peptides block IL-1-driven responses in human and monkey cells; they do not bind the human type II IL-1 receptor or the murine type I IL-1 receptor. This is the first example (that we know of) of a high affinity peptide that binds to a cytokine receptor and acts as a cytokine antagonist.


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Two human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) molecular clones, K30p and K34p were derived from HTLV-I-infected rabbit cell lines. K30p and K34p differ by 18 bp with changes in the long terminal repeats (LTRs) as well as in the gag, pol, and rex but not tax or env gene products. Cells transfected with clone K30p were infectious in vitro and injection of the K30p transfectants or naked K30p DNA into rabbits leads to chronic infection. In contrast, K34p did not mediate infection in vitro or in vivo, although the cell line from which it was derived is fully infectious and K34p transfectants produce intact virus particles. To localize differences involved in the ability of the clones to cause infection, six chimeric HTLV-I clones were constructed by shuffling corresponding fragments containing the substitutions in the LTRs, the gag/pol region and the rex region between K30p and K34p. Cells transfected with any of the six chimeras produced virus, but higher levels of virus were produced by cells transfected with those constructs containing the K30p rex region. Virus production was transient except in cells transfected with K30p or with a chimera consisting of the entire protein coding region of K30p flanked by K34p LTRs; only the transfectants showing persistent virus production mediated in vitro infection. In vivo infection in rabbits following intramuscular DNA injection was mediated by K30p as well as by a chimera of K30p containing the K34p rex gene. Comparisons revealed that virus production was greater and appeared earlier in rabbits injected with K30p. These data suggest that several defects in the K34p clone preclude infectivity and furthermore, provide systems to explore functions of HTLV-I genes.


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Two distinct molecular types (I and II) of renal proximal tubular brush border Na+/Pi cotransporters have been identified by expression cloning on the basis of their capacity to induce Na+-dependent Pi influx in tracer experiments. Whereas the type II transporters (e.g., NaPi-2 and NaPi-3) resemble well known characteristics of brush border Na+/Pi cotransport, little is known about the properties of the type I transporter (NaPi-1). In contrast to type II, type I transporters produced electrogenic transport only at high extracellular Pi concentrations (> or =3 mM). On the other hand, expression of NaPi-1 induced a Cl- conductance in Xenopus laevis oocytes, which was inhibited by Cl- channel blockers [5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB) > niflumic acid >> 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid]. Further, the Cl- conductance was inhibited by the organic anions phenol red, benzylpenicillin (penicillin G), and probenecid. These organic anions induced outwardly directed currents in the absence of Cl-. In tracer studies, we observed uptake of benzylpenicillin with a Km of 0.22 mM; benzylpenicillin uptake was inhibited by NPPB and niflumic acid. These findings suggest that the type I Na+/Pi cotransporter functions also as a novel type of anion channel permeable not only for Cl- but also for organic anions. Such an apical anion channel could serve an important role in the transport of Cl- and the excretion of anionic xenobiotics.


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We reported previously that the human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type I (HTLV-I)-associated adult T-cell leukemia line HuT-102 produces a cytokine designated interleukin (IL) T that requires interleukin (IL) 2 receptor beta-subunit expression for its action. Using anti-cytokine antibodies, we demonstrated that IL-T is identical to the simultaneously described IL-15. When compared to activated monocytes, IL-15 mRNA expression was 6- to 10-fold greater in HuT-102 cells. The predominant IL-15 message from HuT-102 is a chimeric mRNA joining a segment of the R region of the long terminal repeat of HTLV-I and the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of IL-15. Normally, by alternative splicing, this 118-nucleotide R element represents the most 5' region of several HTLV-I transcripts including tax, rex, and env. The introduction of the R element eliminated over 200 nucleotides of the IL-15 5'-UTR, including 8 of 10 upstream AUGs that are present in normal IL-15 messages. On analysis of the 5'-UTR of normal IL-15, we demonstrated that the presence of these 10 upstream AUGs interferes with IL-15 mRNA translation. Thus, IL-15 synthesis by the adult T-cell leukemia line HuT- 102 involves an increase in IL-15 mRNA transcription and translation secondary to the production of an HTLV-I R element fusion message that lacks many upstream AUGs.


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Quinolinate (Quin), a metabolite in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan degradation and a neurotoxin that appears to act through the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor system, was localized in cultured human peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages (PBMOs) by using a recently developed immunocytochemical method. Quin immunoreactivity (Quin-IR) was increased in gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-stimulated monocytes/macrophages (MOs). In addition, the precursors, tryptophan and kynurenine, significantly increased Quin-IR. Infection of MOs by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) in vitro substantially increased both the number of Quin-IR cells and the intensity of Quin-IR. At the peak of the Quin-IR response, about 40% of the cells were Quin-IR positive. In contrast, only about 2-5% of the cells were positive for HTLV-I, as detected by both immunofluorescence for the HTLV-I antigens and PCR techniques for the HTLV-I Tax gene. These results suggest that HTLV-I-induced Quin production in MOs occurs by an indirect mechanism, perhaps via cytokines produced by the infection but not directly by the virus infection per se. The significance of these findings to the neuropathology of HTLV-I infection is discussed.


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A recently described reverse gyrase from the hyperthermophilic methanogen Methanopyrus kandleri is the only known example of a heterodimeric type I topoisomerase. The enzyme is made up of a 42-kDa subunit which covalently interacts with DNA (RgyA) and a 138-kDa subunit which binds ATP (RgyB). We have now cloned and sequenced the genes for both subunits of this enzyme. Surprisingly, the universally conserved type I topoisomerase domain [Lima, C. D., Wang, J. C. & Mondragon, A. (1994) Nature (London) 367, 138-146] which has been found as a contiguous polypeptide in the prokaryotes and eukaryotes is shared between the protomers. The subdomain with the active-site tyrosine is entirely within RgyA, whereas the subdomain implicated in noncovalent binding of the cleaved DNA strand is contained entirely in RgyB. The appearance of this unique structure in a highly conserved enzyme family supports the hypothesis that the methanogens branched from other prokaryotes and eukaryotes very early in evolution.


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The WAF1/CIP1 protein has been identified as a downstream mediator of the tumor suppressor p53 in regulating cell cycle progression through a G1-phase check-point. Recent work has implicated the functional status of p53 as a critical determinant in the apoptotic response of certain cell lines to DNA damaging agents. By using human T-cell leukemia virus type I-transformed lymphoid cell lines that differ in their level and function of wild-type p53, we investigated the induction of WAF1/CIP1 and apoptosis after exposure to Adriamycin, a genotoxic agent. We found that regardless of the p53 status in these cell lines, WAF1/CIP1 RNA was rapidly induced in response to Adriamycin treatment. An elevated level of WAF1/CIP1 protein was observed as well. Additionally, we demonstrated that apoptosis was induced in all cell lines analyzed despite some having functionally inactive p53 protein. Our data suggest that a p53-independent pathway may play a role in the apoptotic response observed in some cell lines after exposure to DNA damaging agents.


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Interferon tau (IFN tau), originally identified as a pregnancy recognition hormone, is a type I interferon that is related to the various IFN alpha species (IFN alpha s). Ovine IFN tau has antiviral activity similar to that of human IFN alpha A on the Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cell line and is equally effective in inhibiting cell proliferation. In this study, IFN tau was found to differ from IFN alpha A in that is was > 30-fold less toxic to MDBK cells at high concentrations. Excess IFN tau did not block the cytotoxicity of IFN alpha A on MDBK cells, suggesting that these two type I IFNs recognize the type I IFN receptor differently on these cells. In direct binding studies, 125I-IFN tau had a Kd of 3.90 x 10(-10) M for receptor on MDBK cells, whereas that of 125I-IFN alpha A was 4.45 x 10(-11) M. Consistent with the higher binding affinity, IFN alpha A was severalfold more effective than IFN tau in competitive binding against 125I-IFN tau to receptor on MDBK cells. Paradoxically, the two IFNs had similar specific antiviral activities on MDBK cells. However, maximal IFN antiviral activity required only fractional occupancy of receptors, whereas toxicity was associated with maximal receptor occupancy. Hence, IFN alpha A, with the higher binding affinity, was more toxic than IFN tau. The IFNs were similar in inducing the specific phosphorylation of the type I receptor-associated tyrosine kinase Tyk2, and the transcription factors Stat1 alpha and Stat2, suggesting that phosphorylation of these signal transduction proteins is not involved in the cellular toxicity associated with type I IFNs. Experiments using synthetic peptides suggest that differences in the interaction at the N terminal of IFN tau and IFN alpha with the type I receptor complex contribute significantly to differences in high-affinity equilibrium binding of these molecules. It is postulated that such a differential recognition of the receptor is responsible for the similar antiviral but different cytotoxic effects of these IFNs. Moreover, these data imply that receptors are "spare'' with respect to certain biological properties, and we speculate that IFNs may induce a concentration-dependent selective association of receptor subunits.


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Usher syndrome is a group of diseases with autosomal recessive inheritance, congenital hearing loss, and the development of retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive retinal degeneration characterized by night blindness and visual field loss over several decades. The causes of Usher syndrome are unknown and no animal models have been available for study. Four human gene sites have been reported, suggesting at least four separate forms of Usher syndrome. We report a mouse model of type I Usher syndrome, rd5, whose linkage on mouse chromosome 7 to Hbb and tub has homology to human Usher I reported on human chromosome 11p15. The electroretinogram in homozygous rd5/rd5 mouse is never normal with reduced amplitudes that extinguish by 6 months. Auditory-evoked response testing demonstrates increased hearing thresholds more than control at 3 weeks of about 30 decibels (dB) that worsen to about 45 dB by 6 months.