1000 resultados para Transtornos do Sono


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O tema deste estudo insere-se na área de Administração em Saúde, especificamente, Administração em Saúde Mental. A pesquisa destaca a importância e a relevância desse tema a partir de estudos científicos, em nível nacional e internacional. Delimitou-se a pesquisa para a microrregião de Ituiutaba/MG, que é composta por nove cidades (Cachoeira Dourada, Campina Verde, Canápolis, Centralina, Capinópolis, Gurinhatã, Ipiaçu, Santa Vitória e Ituiutaba), por apresentar características “quase experimentais”, o que a torna propícia e relevante. Diante disso, a pergunta de pesquisa é quais os principais fatores que, para a gestão do sistema público de atenção à saúde da Microrregião de Ituiutaba, podem ser associados às (re)internações de pacientes com transtornos mentais? A resposta pode levar a uma contribuição empírica, pois a identificação dos determinantes das (re)internações de transtornos mentais servirá de subsídio às ações e às políticas de saúde mental da microrregião e das cidades envolvidas e a uma contribuição teórica, visto que essa cria e valida uma ferramenta, a partir da coleta de dados primários, que leve em consideração as categorias e indicadores derivados de uma proposta de atenção psicossocial. Após a aprovação do projeto de pesquisa no Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, iniciou-se as visitas aos municípios para entendimento das realidades locais; estabeleceu-se a definição da amostra; executou-se a coleta e análise de dados para posterior validação do instrumento de coleta de dados; apresentou-se a proposta de um modelo; e as diretrizes de análises de dados, segundo esse modelo. Para atender ao primeiro objetivo específico, que é elaborar e validar um instrumento de coleta de dados com constructos e indicadores associados às internações de pacientes com transtornos mentais, desenvolveu-se um modelo composto por cinco constructos e oito indicadores. Para atender ao segundo objetivo específico, que é avaliar a associação dos constructos e indicadores com as (re)internações de pacientes com transtornos mentais, testaram-se as doze hipóteses propostas, dentre as quais, cinco foram rejeitadas, e sete, aceitas. E, para atender ao terceiro e último objetivo específico, que é apontar elementos que possam contribuir para as políticas públicas em Saúde Mental para a Microrregião de Ituiutaba/MG, a presente tese propôs ações específicas do ponto de vista da gestão a partir do “olhar” do Gestor da Microrregião e do “olhar” do Gestor Municipal. Além do modelo proposto, o trabalho aponta para algumas opções e decisões políticas que podem contribuir para a diminuição das internações naquela microrregião. Dentro das possibilidades e prioridades, os gestores públicos devem: focar em ações relacionadas à diminuição do uso de álcool e drogas pelos pacientes; desenvolver ações que promovam o fortalecimento da responsabilidade do cuidador sobre o paciente; ampliar o atendimento e acompanhamento dos pacientes por psiquiatras; e promover a distribuição, acesso e uso de medicamentos pelos pacientes. Por fim, o trabalho apresenta suas limitações e indica algumas propostas de continuidade.


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O paradigma do P50 é uma técnica eletrofisiológica útil na investigação da neurobiologia básica subjacente aos defeitos de processamento sensorial que caracterizam algumas doenças mentais, mais tradicionalmente associados à esquizofrenia. Nessa tese replica-se e amplia-se o estudo do filtro sensorial P50 em algumas condições neurológicas e psiquiátricas. Foram replicados os achados de perda de supressão na esquizofrenia, na doença de Parkinson e no transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (avaliando pioneiramente vítimas de violência urbana). O filtro sensorial P50 em populações com transtorno de pânico, com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e na doença de Machado-Joseph, uma ataxia cerebelar, foi avaliado pela primeira vez. Em todas estas patologias documentou-se uma perda da supressão do P50. Também se investigou os efeitos da modulação do filtro sensorial por cafeína (a substância psicoativa mais consumida no mundo todo, um antagonista não-seletivo dos receptores de adenosina do tipo A1 e A2A), administrada por via oral a 24 voluntários saudáveis em diferentes doses (100, 200 e 400 mg e placebo). As doses de 200mg e 400 mg reduziram a supressão do P50. O efeito da cafeína foi independente do gênero e do uso habitual de cafeína. Usuários (n=15) mostraram valores basais diferentes quando comparados aos não usuários (n=9), com amplitudes S2 menores. Os resultados obtidos com a teofilina, num estudo prévio, e com a cafeína foram reanalizados, mostrando uma perda transitória de supressão do P50 mais pronunciada à direita, sugerindo uma alteração no padrão de lateralização do filtro sensorial P50 mediada pelo uso de metil-xantinas. Estes achados reforçam a participação da adenosina na modulação do filtro sensorial P50 e indicam que a ingestão de cafeína deva ser controlada neste tipo de estudo. Dessa forma, demonstra-se que uma supressão do P50 alterada é um achado pouco específico. Uma vez que a supressão do P50 pode ser alterada por uma situação habitual como o uso de bebidas que contém cafeína, é possível que a perda da supressão não seja necessáriariamente ruim, mesmo que ela esteja potencialmente associada a uma vulnerabilidade maior para doenças neuropsiquiátricas.


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Ilustração componente do jogo “Escola Mágica (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/escola-magica.html)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).


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Innumerable studies have focused been reported on the sleep spindles (SS), Sharp Vertex Waves (SVW) and REM, NREM Sleep as indicators interpreting EEG patterns in children. However, Frequency and Amplitud Gradient (FAG) is rarely cited sleep parameter in children,that occurs during NREM Sleep. It was first described by Slater and Torres, in 1979, but has not been routinely evaluated in EEG reports. The aim of this study was to assess the absence of SS, SVW and FAG, as an indication of neurological compromise in children. The sample consisted of 1014 EEGs of children referred to the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), from January 1997 to March 2003, with ages ranging from 3 months to 12 years old, obtained in spontaneous sleep or induced by choral hydrate. The study was transversal and analytical, in which, visual analysis of EEG traces was perfumed individually and independently by two electroencephalographers without prior knowledge of the EEG study or neurological findings. After EEG selection, the investigators analyzed the medical reports in order to define and correlate neurological pattern was classified according to the presence or absence of neurological compromise, as Normal Neurological Pattern (NNP), and Altered Neurological Pattern (ANP) respectively. From the visual analysis of the EEG(s), it was possible to characterize 6 parameters: 1- FAG present (64,1%); 2- FAG absent (35,9%); 3 - normal SS (87,9%); 4 - altered SS s (12,1%); 5 - normal SVW s (95,7%); 6 - altered SVW s (4,3%). The prevalence of well-formed FAG is found in the 3 months to 5 years age group in the children with NNF. FAG was totally absent from the age of 10 years. When comparing the three sleep graphielements, it was observed that SVW and SS were predominant in children with NNF. However, FAG absent was more prevalent in the ANF than in altered SS an SVW. The statistical analysis showed that there is a strong association of FAG absent, with isolated alteration, in ANF patients, in that the prevalence ratio was 6,60. The association becomes stronger when FAG absent + altered SS(s) is considered (RP= 6,68). Chi-square test, corrected by Yates technique, showed a highly significant relation for FAG ρ= 0,00000001, for error X of 5%, or else the 95% confidence interval (ρ<0,05). Thus, the FAG absent were more expressive in ANF patient than altered SS(s) and SVW(s). The association becomes stronger in order to establish a prognostic relation, when the FAG is combined with the SS. The results os this study allow us to affirm that the FAG, when absent at ages ranging from 3 months to 5 years , is an indication of neurological compromise. FAG is an age-dependent EEG parameter and incorporated systematically, in the interpretation criteria of the EEG of children s sleep, not only in the maturational point of view, but also neurological disturbances with encephalic compromise


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Although several studies, have shown differences in cognitive performance between men and women, it not yet known whether these differences occur in tasks involving free association of words (WA). Studies across the sleep-wake cycle (SWC) suggest that rapid eye movement sleep (REM) favors semantic flexibility, in comparison with pre-sleep waking (Pre-WK), slow-wave sleep (SWS) and post-sleep waking (Post-WK). The present work has two aims: (1) to evaluate the semantic distances of word pairs produced by AP, comparing men and women, (2) to evaluate semantic distance in word pairs produced by free association across the SWC in young adults of both sexes. To achieve aim (1), we applied a task of WA in 68 adult volunteers during waking (52 women and 16 men). The WA task consisted of writing the first word that came to mind after viewing another word offered as a stimulus (root Word). To achieve aim (2), we performed polysomnography to identify specific stages of the SWC. The experimental subjects were then awakened (if they were asleep) and were immediately given a WA task. The task was administered to 2 groups of 10 subjects each (G1 and G2). G1 subjects were stimulated with the same set of root words after waking from various states of SWC, while G2 subjects received sets of different root words at each state of the SWC. In the absence of a Portuguese corpus suitable for the measurement of semantic distances, the words collected in our experiments were translated to English, and semantically quantified within a systematic and representative corpus of that language (Wordnet). This procedure removed the polysemies typical of Portuguese, but preserved the semantic macrostructure common to both languages. During waking, we found that semantic distances are significantly lower in WA produced by women, in comparison with the distances observed in men. Through the SWC, there were no statistically significant differences in G1. In G2 women, we detected a significant increase of semantic distances upon being awakened from SWS. In contrast, G2 men showed a significant increase in semantic distances upon being awakened from REM. The results of the first experiment are consistent with the notion that women have a more concrete reasoning than men. The results of the second experiment indicate that men awakened from REM present more flexibility in word association than when being awakened from other states. In contrast, women showed more flexible word association after being awakened from SWS, in compared with other states. The results indicate that the cognitive flexibility attributed to different states of the SWC shows gender dependency


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O estudo tem como objetivo principal comparar o limiar e a tolerância à dor em mulheres com fibromialgia e mulheres sem sintomas de dor, correlacionando com capacidade funcional, qualidade do sono e força de preensão manual. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de corte transversal realizado na Universidade Potiguar e na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, envolvendo uma equipe multidisciplinar com fisioterapeutas, médicos e educadores físicos. Setenta e duas mulheres foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo com fibromialgia (GF, n = 40) e grupo controle (GC, n = 32) sem sintomas de dor, pareadas por idade e índice de massa corporal. Questionários foram usados para medir capacidade funcional (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire FIQ) e qualidade do sono (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - PSQI). Limiar e tolerância à dor foram medidas por um algômetro de pressão e para determinar força foi usado um dinamômetro de preensão manual. Na análise estatística o teste T de Student foi usado para comparar grupos e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foi usado no GF para correlacionar limiar e tolerância à dor com as demais medidas. O GF mostrou piores resultados nas medianas comparado ao GC: limiar de dor 2 kg/cm2 versus 5,5 kg/cm2 (p <0,001), tolerância à dor 2,8 kg/cm2 versus 7,2 kg/cm2 (p <0,001) e força de preensão manual 14,5 kgf versus 25,2 kgf (p <0,001). Adicionalmente os dois questionários apresentaram resultados piores também no GF em relação ao GC, respectivamente: FIQ 65 versus 14,3 (p <0,001) e PSQI 13 versus 5 (p <0,001). No GF foi observada correlação negativa tanto entre o limiar de dor quanto a tolerância à dor com os escores do FIQ e do PSQI. No GF foram observadas correlações positivas tanto entre o limiar de dor (p <0,01) quanto a tolerância à dor (p <0,01) com força de preensão manual. É possível concluir que limiar de dor e tolerância à dor estão correlacionados com capacidade funcional, qualidade do sono e força de preensão manual em mulheres com fibromialgia


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This study aims to analyze and compare the opinion of professionals, managers and users about the mental health care in the Family Health Strategy (FHS). It is characterized as an Operations Research or Health System Research with a cross-sectional design and a descriptive quantitative nature. The study was developed from the application of the Opinion Measurement Scale allied to techniques of observation and structured interview in the city of Parnamirim / RN. The sample consists of 409 subjects, 209 professionals of the Family Health Strategy, 30 of the Oral Health Strategy, 19 of the Family Health Support Center, 24 directors of Basic Health Units, plus 68 users with mental disorders and 59 caregivers, respecting the ethical parameters of Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council, trial registration number: CAAE 0003.0.051.000-11. Quantitative data were submitted to the Epi-info 3.5.2 for analysis. The network of mental health in Parnamirim involves the flow between the FHS, Psychosocial Care Centers, clinics and hospitals, having as main barriers the fragility of the referral and counter-referral system, of the municipal health conferences, of the FHS teams by the limitations in material and human resources as well as the population´s lack of acknowledge about the organization of the mental health network, issues that affect the integral attention. Even though the FHS professionals recognize the importance of their actions, they question their role in mental health care, experiencing difficulties in accessing psychiatric services (76.5%). Although most agree that the mentally ill is best treated in the family than in hospital (65.2%), the community health workers were the predominant category in the partial or total disagreement of this statement (40.8%), who is the professional in greater contact with the family. Nevertheless the caregivers miss the support of the FHS as the main focus of attention is on revenue control. The views of professionals, mental patients and caregivers converged in several statements, showing the main weaknesses to be focused by the mental health network of the city, as the perceptions that: (a) physical strength is needed to take care of mental patients for its tendency to aggression, requiring it to stay in the sanatorium for representing danger to society, (b) only a psychiatrist can help the person with emotional problems, (c) the user of alcohol and drugs does not necessarily develop mental illness, (d) the access barriers and doubts about the quality of psychiatric services, (e) caring of a mental health patient does not bring suffering to professionals. Therefore, the commitment to consensus building, monitoring and evaluation of the network are important mechanisms for an effective management system, reflecting in the importance of strengthening the health conferences and approximating different institutions. The results reinforce the importance of strengthening primary care through programs of continuing education focusing on the actions and functions of professionals in accordance with its competences and duties what contribute to the organization and response of mental health care, favoring user´s care and the promotion of family health


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Several research lines show that sleep favors memory consolidation and learning. It has been proposed that the cognitive role of sleep is derived from a global scaling of synaptic weights, able to homeostatically restore the ability to learn new things, erasing memories overnight. This phenomenon is typical of slow-wave sleep (SWS) and characterized by non-Hebbian mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms independent of synchronous neuronal activity. Another view holds that sleep also triggers the specific enhancement of synaptic connections, carrying out the embossing of certain mnemonic traces within a lattice of synaptic weights rescaled each night. Such an embossing is understood as the combination of Hebbian and non-Hebbian mechanisms, capable of increasing and decreasing respectively the synaptic weights in complementary circuits, leading to selective memory improvement and a restructuring of synaptic configuration (SC) that can be crucial for the generation of new behaviors ( insights ). The empirical findings indicate that initiation of Hebbian plasticity during sleep occurs in the transition of the SWS to the stage of rapid eye movement (REM), possibly due to the significant differences between the firing rates regimes of the stages and the up-regulation of factors involved in longterm synaptic plasticity. In this study the theories of homeostasis and embossing were compared using an artificial neural network (ANN) fed with action potentials recorded in the hippocampus of rats during the sleep-wake cycle. In the simulation in which the ANN did not apply the long-term plasticity mechanisms during sleep (SWS-transition REM), the synaptic weights distribution was re-scaled inexorably, for its mean value proportional to the input firing rate, erasing the synaptic weights pattern that had been established initially. In contrast, when the long-term plasticity is modeled during the transition SWSREM, an increase of synaptic weights were observed in the range of initial/low values, redistributing effectively the weights in a way to reinforce a subset of synapses over time. The results suggest that a positive regulation coming from the long-term plasticity can completely change the role of sleep: its absence leads to forgetting; its presence leads to a positive mnemonic change


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Complex network analysis is a powerful tool into research of complex systems like brain networks. This work aims to describe the topological changes in neural functional connectivity networks of neocortex and hippocampus during slow-wave sleep (SWS) in animals submited to a novel experience exposure. Slow-wave sleep is an important sleep stage where occurs reverberations of electrical activities patterns of wakeness, playing a fundamental role in memory consolidation. Although its importance there s a lack of studies that characterize the topological dynamical of functional connectivity networks during that sleep stage. There s no studies that describe the topological modifications that novel exposure leads to this networks. We have observed that several topological properties have been modified after novel exposure and this modification remains for a long time. Major part of this changes in topological properties by novel exposure are related to fault tolerance


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It is known that sleep plays an important role in the process of motor learning. Recent studies have shown that the presence of sleep between training a motor task and retention test promotes a learning task so than the presence of only awake between training and testing. These findings also have been reported in stroke patients, however, there are few studies that investigate the results of this relationship on the functionality itself in this population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between functionality and sleep in patients in the chronic stage of stroke. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The sample was composed of 30 stroke individuals in chronic phase, between 6 and 60 months after injury and aged between 55 and 75 years. The volunteers were initially evaluated for clinical data of disease and personal history, severity of stroke, through the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, and mental status, the Mini-Mental State Examination. Sleep assessment tools were Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Questionnaire of Horne and Ostberg, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Berlin questionnaire and actigraphy, which measures were: real time of sleep, waking after sleep onset, percentage of waking after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep fragmentation index, mean activity score. Other actigraphy measures were intraday variability, stability interdiária, a 5-hour period with minimum level of activity (L5) and 10-hour period with maximum activity (M10), obtained to evaluate the activity-rest rhythm. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were the instruments used to evaluate the functional status of participants. The Spearman correlation coefficient and comparison tests (Student's t and Mann-Whitney) were used to analyze the relationship of sleep assessment tools and rest-activity rhythm to measures of functional assessment. The SPSS 16.0 was used for analysis, adopting a significance level of 5%. The main results observed were a negative correlation between sleepiness and balance and a negative correlation between the level of activity (M10) and sleep fragmentation. No measurement of sleep or rhythm was associated with functional independence measure. These findings suggest that there may be an association between sleepiness and xii balance in patients in the chronic stage of stroke, and that obtaining a higher level of activity may be associated with a better sleep pattern and rhythm more stable and less fragmented. Future studies should evaluate the cause-effect relationship between these parameters