977 resultados para Translational psychobiotics


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We demonstrate that the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) gene VI product can transactivate the expression of a reporter gene in bakers' yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene VI coding sequence was placed under the control of the galactose-inducible promoter GAL1, which is presented in the yeast shuttle vector pYES2, to create plasmid JS169. We also created a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter plasmid, JS161, by inserting the CAT reporter gene in-frame into CaMV gene II and subsequently cloning the entire CaMV genome into the yeast vector pRS314. When JS161 was transformed into yeast and subsequently assayed for CAT activity, only a very low level of CAT activity was detected in cellular extracts. To investigate whether the CaMV gene VI product would mediate an increase in CAT activity, we cotransformed yeast with JS169 and JS161. Upon induction with galactose, we found that CAT activity in yeast transformed with JS161 and JS169 was about 19 times higher than the level in the transformants that contained only JS161. CAT activity was dependent on the presence of the gene VI protein, because essentially no CAT activity was detected in yeast cells grown in the presence of glucose, which represses expression from the GAL1 promoter. RNase protection assays showed that the gene VI product had no effect on transcription from the 35S RNA promoter, demonstrating that regulation was occurring at the translation level. This yeast system will prove useful for understanding how the gene VI product of CaMV mediates the translation of genes present on a eukaryotic polycistronic mRNA.


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Incubating rat aortic smooth muscle cells with either platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF) or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) increased the phosphorylation of PHAS-I, an inhibitor of the mRNA cap binding protein, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E. Phosphorylation of PHAS-I promoted dissociation of the PHAS-I-eIF-4E complex, an effect that could partly explain the stimulation of protein synthesis by the two growth factors. Increasing cAMP with forskolin decreased PHAS-I phosphorylation and markedly increased the amount of eIF-4E bound to PHAS-I, effects consistent with an action of cAMP to inhibit protein synthesis. Both PDGF and IGF-I activated p70S6K, but only PDGF increased mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Forskolin decreased by 50% the effect of PDGF on increasing p70S6K, and forskolin abolished the effect of IGF-I on the kinase. The effects of PDGF and IGF-I on increasing PHAS-I phosphorylation, on dissociating the PHAS-I-eIF-4E complex, and on increasing p70S6K were abolished by rapamycin. The results indicate that IGF-I and PDGF increase PHAS-I phosphorylation in smooth muscle cells by the same rapamycin-sensitive pathway that leads to activation of p70S6K.


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The base following stop codons in mammalian genes is strongly biased, suggesting that it might be important for the termination event. This proposal has been tested experimentally both in vivo by using the human type I iodothyronine deiodinase mRNA and the recoding event at the internal UGA codon and in vitro by measuring the ability of each of the 12 possible 4-base stop signals to direct the eukaryotic polypeptide release factor to release a model peptide, formylmethionine, from the ribosome. The internal UGA in the deiodinase mRNA is used as a codon for incorporation of selenocysteine into the protein. Changing the base following this UGA codon affected the ratio of termination to selenocysteine incorporation in vivo at this codon: 1:3 (C or U) and 3:1 (A or G). These UGAN sequences have the same order of efficiency of termination as was found with the in vitro termination assay (4th base: A approximately G >> C approximately U). The efficiency of in vitro termination varied in the same manner over a 70-fold range for the UAAN series and over an 8-fold range for the UGAN and UAGN series. There is a correlation between the strength of the signals and how frequently they occur at natural termination sites. Together these data suggest that the base following the stop codon influences translational termination efficiency as part of a larger termination signal in the expression of mammalian genes.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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In humans, a polymorphic gene encodes the drug-metabolizing enzyme NATI (arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1), which is widely expressed throughout the body. While the protein-coding region of NATI is contained within a single exon, examination of the human EST (expressed sequence tag) database at the NCBI revealed the presence of nine separate exons, eight of which were located in the 5'non-coding region of NATI. Differential splicing produced at least eight unique mRNA isoforms that could be grouped according to the location of the first exon, which suggested that NATI expression occurs from three alternative promoters. Using RT (reverse transcriptase)-PCR, we identified one major transcript in various epithelial cells derived from different tissues. In contrast, multiple transcripts were observed in blood-derived cell lines (CEM, THP-1 and Jurkat), with a novel variant, not identified in the EST database, found in CEM cells only. The major splice variant increased gene expression 9-11-fold in a luciferase reporter assay, while the other isoforrns were similar or slightly greater than the control. We examined the upstream region of the most active splice variant in a promoter-reporter assay, and isolated a 257 bp sequence that produced maximal promoter activity. This sequence lacked a TATA box, but contained a consensus Sp1 site and a CAAT box, as well as several other putative transcription-factor-binding sites. Cell-specific expression of the different NATI transcripts may contribute to the variation in NATI activity in vivo.


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Gene expression studies from hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) populations purified to variable degrees have defined a set of sternness genes. Unexpectedly, results also hinted toward a HSC chromatin poised in a wide-open state. With the aim of providing a robust tool for further studies into the molecular biology of HSCs, the studies herein describe the construction and comparative molecular analysis of A-phage cDNA libraries from highly purified HSCs that retained their long-term repopulating activities (long-term HSCs [LT-HSCs]) and from short-term repopulating HSCs that were largely depleted of these activities. Microarray analysis of the libraries confirmed the previous results but also revealed an unforeseen preferential expression of translation- and metabolism-associated genes in the LT-HSCs. Therefore, these data indicate that HSCs are quiescent only in regard of proliferative activities but are in a state of readiness to provide the metabolic and translational activities required after induction of proliferation and exit from the HSC pool.


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The Australian elapid snakes are amongst the most venomous snakes in the world, but much less is known about the overall venom composition in comparison to Asian and American snakes. We have used a combined approach of cDNA cloning and 2-DE with MS to identify nerve growth factor (NGF) in venoms of the Australian elapid snakes and demonstrate its neurite outgrowth activity While a single 730 nucleotide ORF, coding for a 243 amino acid precursor protein was detected in all snakes, use of 2-DE identified NGF proteins with considerable variation in molecular size within and between the different snakes. The variation in size can be explained at least in part by Winked glycosylation. it is possible that these modifications alter the stability, is necessary to activity and other characteristics of the snake NGFs. Further characterisation delineate the function of the individual NGF isoforms.


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In coliphage MS2 RNA a long-distance interaction (LDI) between an internal segment of the upstream coat gene and the start region of the replicase gene prevents initiation of replicase synthesis in the absence of coat gene translation. Elongating ribosomes break up the repressor LDI and thus activate the hidden initiation site. Expression studies on partial MS2 cDNA clones identified base pairing between 1427-1433 and 1738-1744, the so-called Min Jou (MJ) interaction, as the molecular basis for the long-range coupling mechanism. Here, we examine the biological significance of this interaction for the control of replicase gene translation. The LDI was disrupted by mutations in the 3'-side and the evolutionary adaptation was monitored upon phage passaging. Two categories of pseudorevertants emerged. The first type had restored the MJ interaction but not necessarily the native sequence. The pseudorevertants of the second type acquired a compensatory substitution some 80 nt downstream of the MJ interaction that stabilizes an adjacent LDI. In one examined case we confirmed that the second site mutations had restored coat-replicase translational coupling. Our results show the importance of translational control for fitness of the phage. They also reveal that the structure that buries the replicase start extends to structure elements bordering the MJ interaction.


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