849 resultados para Theoretical perspectives
En este artículo nos proponemos ofrecer un panorama de las perspectivas teóricas utilizadas en los estudios recientes en nuestro país acerca de los procesos educativos de los movimientos sociales contemporáneos. Nos interesa identificar en cada caso 1os interrogantes y categorías centrales desde los cuales se aborda y problematiza el vínculo movimiento social-educación, entendiendo este ejercicio analítico abordado como un aporte a la elaboración de un estado del arte sobre la cuestión. Nuestra reflexión se apoya en los resultados de un relevamiento de distintas fuentes (comunicaciones en eventos científicos, libros y artículos de revistas), que requirió de una metodología específica para la codificación y análisis de los datos, inspirada en la propuesta de la investigadora brasileña Samira Kauchakje. Por ello, en la primera parte nos detenemos en los momentos y procedimientos involucrados en la elaboración de nuestro propio relevamiento, dando cuenta de los ajustes y criterios teóricos utilizados en la selección y análisis de los trabajos relevados, así como de las implicancias de todo lo anterior en la construcción del objeto de reflexión (las investigaciones sobre los procesos educativos señalados). Palabras clave: movimiento social, educación, investigación académica, metodología, relevamiento.
Este artículo propone una articulación de nociones y perspectivas teóricas que forma parte del contexto conceptual de una investigación más amplia en curso: ésta se aboca a comprender los procesos de movilización política articulados en torno al derecho a la vivienda y liderados por migrantes que habitan en villas, que se han venido desarrollando en la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante la última década. En ese marco, este artículo pretende aportar algunas claves para aproximarnos a este fenómeno: concretamente, avanzando en la conceptualización del lugar que ocupa el Estado en estos procesos.
El conocimiento y su aplicación en la economía, ha sido siempre un factor importante del desarrollo socio-económico. El conocimiento toma relevancia en la economía contemporánea al invertirse la jerarquización de los factores del desarrollo, cobrando mayor importancia los factores intangibles, como el conocimiento, el cual se convierte en el recurso fundamental para los procesos productivos. En este contexto, surgieron los estudios relacionados con la Economía Regional del Conocimiento (ERC) así como los estudios relativos al Desarrollo basado en el Conocimiento (DBC). Ambas perspectivas teóricas han establecido indicadores para explicar el fenómeno de la economía del conocimiento desde su base territorial, sea a nivel regional (ERC) o desde la ciudad (DBC). A manera exploratoria consideramos que los indicadores de los sistemas regionales de innovación pueden complementarse con los indicadores del desarrollo basado en el conocimiento, sobre todo por la dimensión meta-cultural a la que hacen referencia estos estudios.
La relación entre teoría política y literatura quizás no pueda contarse entre las más fecundas si se la compara con el vínculo que han establecido disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia y la psicología. Si bien la política ha ocupado un lugar central en la literatura es difícil sostener que la teoría política haya obtenido un sitio destacado. Una notable excepción encontramos en la novela La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa, no porque el autor se dedique a la teoría política, sino por la complicidad de la trama de la novela con ciertas perspectivas teóricas contemporáneas. En este horizonte, el artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una lectura de La guerra del fin del mundo y sugerir su relación con categorías centrales de la teoría política de inspiración posfundacional como Heterogeneidad, Antagonismo, exterior constitutivo, significante vacío, discurso y hegemonía. El trabajo que presentamos, de este modo, pretende aportar a la discusión de ciertas categorías teórico políticas que muchas veces por su grado de abstracción han suscitado dificultades pero también ofrecer claves de lectura de esta novela desde la teoría política actual
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
La relación entre teoría política y literatura quizás no pueda contarse entre las más fecundas si se la compara con el vínculo que han establecido disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia y la psicología. Si bien la política ha ocupado un lugar central en la literatura es difícil sostener que la teoría política haya obtenido un sitio destacado. Una notable excepción encontramos en la novela La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa, no porque el autor se dedique a la teoría política, sino por la complicidad de la trama de la novela con ciertas perspectivas teóricas contemporáneas. En este horizonte, el artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una lectura de La guerra del fin del mundo y sugerir su relación con categorías centrales de la teoría política de inspiración posfundacional como Heterogeneidad, Antagonismo, exterior constitutivo, significante vacío, discurso y hegemonía. El trabajo que presentamos, de este modo, pretende aportar a la discusión de ciertas categorías teórico políticas que muchas veces por su grado de abstracción han suscitado dificultades pero también ofrecer claves de lectura de esta novela desde la teoría política actual
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
La relación entre teoría política y literatura quizás no pueda contarse entre las más fecundas si se la compara con el vínculo que han establecido disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia y la psicología. Si bien la política ha ocupado un lugar central en la literatura es difícil sostener que la teoría política haya obtenido un sitio destacado. Una notable excepción encontramos en la novela La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa, no porque el autor se dedique a la teoría política, sino por la complicidad de la trama de la novela con ciertas perspectivas teóricas contemporáneas. En este horizonte, el artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una lectura de La guerra del fin del mundo y sugerir su relación con categorías centrales de la teoría política de inspiración posfundacional como Heterogeneidad, Antagonismo, exterior constitutivo, significante vacío, discurso y hegemonía. El trabajo que presentamos, de este modo, pretende aportar a la discusión de ciertas categorías teórico políticas que muchas veces por su grado de abstracción han suscitado dificultades pero también ofrecer claves de lectura de esta novela desde la teoría política actual
Decentralization process became prominent in Bhutan since early 1980s. Starting with an account of historical precedents for decentralized authority, the paper gives theoretical perspectives and factual descriptions of this process. Limiting itself to a discussion of broader social and political issues, the paper interprets decentralization as an approach towards diversity and pluralism among different communities that is shaped as a dynamics between peasants and civil servants.
The research in this thesis is related to static cost and termination analysis. Cost analysis aims at estimating the amount of resources that a given program consumes during the execution, and termination analysis aims at proving that the execution of a given program will eventually terminate. These analyses are strongly related, indeed cost analysis techniques heavily rely on techniques developed for termination analysis. Precision, scalability, and applicability are essential in static analysis in general. Precision is related to the quality of the inferred results, scalability to the size of programs that can be analyzed, and applicability to the class of programs that can be handled by the analysis (independently from precision and scalability issues). This thesis addresses these aspects in the context of cost and termination analysis, from both practical and theoretical perspectives. For cost analysis, we concentrate on the problem of solving cost relations (a form of recurrence relations) into closed-form upper and lower bounds, which is the heart of most modern cost analyzers, and also where most of the precision and applicability limitations can be found. We develop tools, and their underlying theoretical foundations, for solving cost relations that overcome the limitations of existing approaches, and demonstrate superiority in both precision and applicability. A unique feature of our techniques is the ability to smoothly handle both lower and upper bounds, by reversing the corresponding notions in the underlying theory. For termination analysis, we study the hardness of the problem of deciding termination for a speci�c form of simple loops that arise in the context of cost analysis. This study gives a better understanding of the (theoretical) limits of scalability and applicability for both termination and cost analysis.
Este estudo trata da comunicação face a face nas organizações sob diferentes abordagens teóricas. Considera a perspectiva da simultaneidade dos meios, já que as empresas utilizam diversos canais para dialogar com seus públicos de interesse. Leva em conta o fenômeno da midiatização, que reestrutura o modo como as pessoas se relacionam na sociedade contemporânea. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é sistematizar papeis potencialmente exercidos pela interação face a face e conhecer algumas circunstâncias que envolvem sua prática nas organizações. Por se tratar de uma tese teórica, a pesquisa bibliográfica se apresenta como um dos principais procedimentos metodológicos; análises de casos empíricos e um estudo de caso desenvolvido na Embrapa Pantanal constituem situações ilustrativas. Conclui-se que a comunicação face a face nas empresas ocorre de forma simultânea e combinada a outros canais de comunicação, porém, ela proporciona resultados práticos e filosóficos ainda pouco explorados. É rara a utilização estratégica de contatos presenciais como mecanismo para estabelecer relacionamentos, conhecer as reações alheias e ajustar a comunicação, aliar o discurso corporativo às práticas empresariais e avaliar o contexto onde se desenvolvem as interações, o que pode ser decisivo para a comunicação organizacional.
Despite the vast research examining the evolution of Caribbean education systems, little is chronologically tied to the postcolonial theoretical perspectives of specific island-state systems, such as the Jamaican education system and its relationship with the underground shadow education system. This dissertation study sought to address the gaps in the literature by critically positioning postcolonial theories in education to examine the macro- and micro-level impacts of extra lessons on secondary education in Jamaica. The following postcolonial theoretical (PCT) tenets in education were contextualized from a review of the literature: (a) PCT in education uses colonial discourse analysis to critically deconstruct and decolonize imperialistic and colonial representations of knowledge throughout history; (b) PCT in education uses an anti-colonial discursive framework to re-position indigenous knowledge in schools, colleges, and universities to challenge hegemonic knowledge; (c) PCT in education involves the "unlearning" of dominant, normative ideologies, the use of self-reflexivity, and deconstruction; and (d) PCT in education calls for critical pedagogical approaches that reject the banking concept of education and introduces inclusive pedagogy to facilitate "the passage from naïve to critical transitivity" (Freire, 1973, p. 32). Specifically, using a transformative mixed-methods design, grounded and informed by a postcolonial theoretical lens, I quantitatively uncovered and then qualitatively highlighted how if at all extra lessons can improve educational outcomes for students at the secondary level in Jamaica. Accordingly, the quantitative data was used to test the hypotheses that the practice of extra lessons in schools is related to student academic achievement and the practice of critical-inclusive pedagogy in extra lessons is related to academic achievement. The two-level hierarchical linear model analysis revealed that hours spent in extra lessons, average household monthly income, and critical-inclusive pedagogical tents were the best predictors for academic achievement. Alternatively, the holistic multi-case study explored how extra-lessons produces increased academic achievement. The data revealed new ways of knowledge construction and critical pedagogical approaches to galvanize systemic change in secondary education. Furthermore, the data showed that extra lessons can improve educational outcomes for students at the secondary level if the conditions for learning are met. This study sets the stage for new forms of knowledge construction and implications for policy change.
Analizamos el estado del arte de los estudios de recepción, audiencias y consumo cultural en Venezuela durante el período 2000-2011. Examinamos enfoques teóricos sobre el campo de la recepción mediática y cultural, desde las propuestas conceptuales de Aguirre, Barrios y Hernández Díaz. Se pudo constatar, en esta revisión documental, que los estudios de recepción en Venezuela abordan cuatro campos de estudio: 1) Educación para la recepción. 2) Influencia de la televisión. 3) Ciber-recepción. 4) Consumo cultural.
This volume is a result of the need to reflect upon Portugal’s position from the viewpoint of the literary assets imported and exported through translation. It brings together a number of scholars working in the field of Translation Studies directly concerned with the Portuguese cultural system in order to analyse this question from various theoretical perspectives and from case studies of translation flows and movements in Portuguese culture. By Translating Portugal Back and Forth, the articles discuss issues such as: how can one draw the borderline between a peripheral and a semi-peripheral system? Is this borderline useful or necessary? How peripheral is the Portuguese cultural system as far as translation transfers are concerned? How stable or pacific has this positioning been? Does the economic and historical perception of Portugal as peripheral entail that, from the viewpoint of translation, it would behave similarly? By addressing some of these questions, and as shown by the (second) subtitle – Essays in Honour of João Ferreira Duarte –, the volume pays homage to one of the most prominent Translation Studies scholars in Portugal, who has extensively reflected on the binary discourse on translation, its metaphors and images.