The persistent luminescence of CdSiO3:Tb3+ was investigated with photoluminescence, thermoluminescence (TL), synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption (XANES and EXAFS) and UV-VUV spectroscopies. Only the typical intraconfigurational 4f(8)-4f(8) transitions of the Tb3+ ion were observed with no traces of band emission in either the conventional UV excited or persistent luminescence spectra. The trap structure from TL with three traps from 0.65 to 0.85 eV is ideal for room-temperature persistent luminescence similar to, e.g., Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,R3+. Despite the rather low band gap energy, 5.28 eV, the persistent luminescence from Tb3+ is produced only under UV irradiation due to the inauspicious position of the F-7(6) ground level deep in the band gap of CdSiO3. This confirms the role of electrons as the charge carriers in the mechanism of Tb3+ persistent luminescence. The XANES spectra indicated the presence of only the trivalent Tb3+ species, thus excluding the direct Tb3+ -> Tb-IV oxidation during the charging process of persistent luminescence. Eventually, a unique persistent luminescence mechanism for Tb3+ in CdSiO3 was constructed based on the comprehensive experimental data.
Over the last few years, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has shown an incredible suitability for a wide range of applications for central nervous system (CNS) related diseases. In this therapeutic modality light dosimetry is extremely critical so the study of light propagation through the CNS organs is of great importance. To better understand how light intensity is delivered to the most relevant neural sites we evaluated optical transmission through slices of rat brain point by point. We experimented red (λ = 660 nm) and near infrared (λ = 808 nm) diode laser light analyzing the light penetration and distribution in the whole brain. A fresh Wistar rat (Rattus novergicus) brain was cut in sagittal slices and illuminated with a broad light beam. A high-resolution digital camera was employed to acquire data of transmitted light. Spatial profiles of the light transmitted through the sample were obtained from the images. Peaks and valleys in the profiles show sites where light was less or more attenuated. The peak intensities provide information about total attenuation and the peak widths are correlated to the scattering coefficient at that individual portion of the sample. The outcomes of this study provide remarkable information for LLLT dose-dependent studies involving CNS and highlight the importance of LLLT dosimetry in CNS organs for large range of applications in animal and human diseases.
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation techniques are becoming very common in the Medical Physicists community. MC can be used for modeling Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and for dosimetry calculations. 188Re, is a promising candidate for radiotherapeutic production and understanding the mechanisms of the radioresponse of tumor cells "in vitro" is of crucial importance as a first step before "in vivo" studies. The dosimetry of 188Re, used to target different lines of cancer cells, has been evaluated by the MC code GEANT4. The simulations estimate the average energy deposition/per event in the biological samples. The development of prototypes for medical imaging, based on LaBr3:Ce scintillation crystals coupled with a position sensitive photomultiplier, have been studied using GEANT4 simulations. Having tested, in the simulation, surface treatments different from the one applied to the crystal used in our experimental measurements, we found out that the Energy Resolution (ER) and the Spatial Resolution (SR) could be improved, in principle, by machining in a different way the lateral surfaces of the crystal. We have then studied a system able to acquire both echographic and scintigraphic images to let the medical operator obtain the complete anatomic and functional information for tumor diagnosis. The scintigraphic part of the detector is simulated by GEANT4 and first attempts to reconstruct tomographic images have been made using as method of reconstruction a back-projection standard algorithm. The proposed camera is based on slant collimators and LaBr3:Ce crystals. Within the Field of View (FOV) of the camera, it possible to distinguish point sources located in air at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. In particular conditions of uptake, tumor depth and dimension, the preliminary results show that the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) values obtained are higher than the standard detection limit.
In 2008, a national intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) dosimetry intercomparison was carried out for all 23 radiation oncology institutions in Switzerland. It was the aim to check the treatment chain focused on the planning, dose calculation, and irradiation process.
Protective patient equipment for CT examinations is not routinely provided. The aim of this study was to determine whether, and if so what, specific protective equipment is beneficial during CT scans. The absorbed organ doses and the effective doses for thorax, abdomen/pelvis and brain CT investigation with and without the use of protective patient equipment have been determined and compared. All measurements were carried out on modern multislice CT scanner using an anthropomorphic phantom and thermoluminescence dosemeters. The measurements show that protective equipment reduces the dose within the scattered beam area. The highest organ dose reduction was found in organs that protrude from the trunk like the testes or the female breasts that can largely be covered by the protective equipment. The most reduction of the effective dose was found in the male abdomen/pelvis examination (0.32 mSv), followed by the brain (0.11 mSv) and the thorax (0.06 mSv). It is concluded that the use of protective equipment can reduce the applied dose to the patient.
Today electronic portal imaging devices (EPID's) are used primarily to verify patient positioning. They have, however, also the potential as 2D-dosimeters and could be used as such for transit dosimetry or dose reconstruction. It has been proven that such devices, especially liquid filled ionization chambers, have a stable dose response relationship which can be described in terms of the physical properties of the EPID and the pulsed linac radiation. For absolute dosimetry however, an accurate method of calibration to an absolute dose is needed. In this work, we concentrate on calibration against dose in a homogeneous water phantom. Using a Monte Carlo model of the detector we calculated dose spread kernels in units of absolute dose per incident energy fluence and compared them to calculated dose spread kernels in water at different depths. The energy of the incident pencil beams varied between 0.5 and 18 MeV. At the depth of dose maximum in water for a 6 MV beam (1.5 cm) and for a 18 MV beam (3.0 cm) we observed large absolute differences between water and detector dose above an incident energy of 4 MeV but only small relative differences in the most frequent energy range of the beam energy spectra. It is shown that for a 6 MV beam the absolute reference dose measured at 1.5 cm water depth differs from the absolute detector dose by 3.8%. At depth 1.2 cm in water, however, the relative dose differences are almost constant between 2 and 6 MeV. The effects of changes in the energy spectrum of the beam on the dose responses in water and in the detector are also investigated. We show that differences larger than 2% can occur for different beam qualities of the incident photon beam behind water slabs of different thicknesses. It is therefore concluded that for high-precision dosimetry such effects have to be taken into account. Nevertheless, the precise information about the dose response of the detector provided in this Monte Carlo study forms the basis of extracting directly the basic radiometric quantities photon fluence and photon energy fluence from the detector's signal using a deconvolution algorithm. The results are therefore promising for future application in absolute transit dosimetry and absolute dose reconstruction.
Individual monitoring regulations in Switzerland are based on the ICRP60 recommendations. The annual limit of 20 mSv for the effective dose applies to the sum of external and internal radiation. External radiation is monitored monthly or quarterly with TLD, DIS or CR-39 dosemeters by 10 approved external dosimetry services and reported as H(p)(10) and H(p)(0.07). Internal monitoring is done in two steps. At the workplace, simple screening measurements are done frequently in order to recognise a possible incorporation. If a nuclide dependent activity threshold is exceeded then one of the seven approved dosimetry services for internal radiation does an incorporation measurement to assess the committed effective dose E(50). The dosimetry services report all the measured or assessed dose values to the employer and to the National Dose Registry. The employer records the annually accumulated dose values into the individual dose certificate of the occupationally exposed person, both the external dose H(p)(10) and the internal dose E(50) as well as the total effective dose E = H(p)(10)+E(50). Based on the national dose registry an annual report on the dosimetry in Switzerland is published which contains the statistics for the total effective dose, as well as separate statistics for external and internal exposure.
Tungsten isotope compositions of magmatic iron meteorites yield ages of differentiation that are within ±2 Ma of the formation of CAIs, with the exception of IVB irons that plot to systematically less radiogenic compositions yielding erroneously old ages. Secondary neutron capture due to galactic cosmic ray (GCR) irradiation is known to lower the ε182W of iron meteorites, adequate correction of which requires a measure of neutron dosage which has not been available, thus far. The W, Os and Pt isotope systematics of 12 of the 13 known IVB iron meteorites were determined by MC-ICP-MS (W, Os, Pt) and TIMS (Os). On the same dissolutions that yield precise ε182W, stable Os and Pt isotopes were determined as in situ neutron dosimeters for empirical correction of the ubiquitous cosmic-ray induced burn-out of 182W in iron meteorites. The W isotope data reveal a main cluster with ε182W of ∼−3.6, but a much larger range than observed in previous studies including irons (Weaver Mountains and Warburton Range) that show essentially no cosmogenic effect on their ε182W. The IVB data exhibits resolvable negative anomalies in ε189Os (−0.6ε) and complementary ε190Os anomalies (+0.4ε) in Tlacotepec due to neutron capture on 189Os which has approximately the same neutron capture cross section as 182W, and captures neutrons to produce 190Os. The least irradiated IVB iron, Warburton Range, has ε189Os and ε190Os identical to terrestrial values. Similarly, Pt isotopes, which are presented as ε192Pt, ε194Pt and ε196Pt range from +4.4ε to +53ε, +1.54ε to −0.32ε and +0.73ε to −0.20ε, respectively, also identify Tlacotepec and Dumont as the most GCR-damaged samples. In W–Os and W–Pt isotope space, the correlated isotope data back-project toward a 0-epsilon value of ε192Pt, ε189Os and ε190Os from which a pre-GCR irradiation ε182W of −3.42±0.09 (2σ) is derived. This pre-GCR irradiation ε182W is within uncertainty of the currently accepted CAI initial ε182W. The Pt and Os isotope correlations in the IVB irons are in good agreement with a nuclear model for spherical irons undergoing GCR spallation, although this model over-predicts the change of ε182W by ∼2×, indicating a need for better W neutron capture cross section determinations. A nucleosynthetic effect in ε184W in these irons of −0.14±0.08 is confirmed, consistent with the presence of Mo and Ru isotope anomalies in IVB irons. The lack of a non-GCR Os isotope anomaly in these irons requires more complex explanations for the production of W, Ru and Mo anomalies than nebular heterogeneity in the distribution of s-process to r-process nuclides.
Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is a minimally invasive means for identifying colorectal polyps and colorectal lesions by insufflating a patient’s bowel, applying contrast agent via rectal catheter, and performing multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) scans. The technique is recommended for colonic health screening by the American Cancer Society but not funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) partially because of potential risks from radiation exposure. To date, no in‐vivo organ dose measurements have been performed for MDCT scans; thus, the accuracy of any current dose estimates is currently unknown. In this study, two TLDs were affixed to the inner lumen of standard rectal catheters used in VC, and in-vivo rectal dose measurements were obtained within 6 VC patients. In order to calculate rectal dose, TLD-100 powder response was characterized at diagnostic doses such that appropriate correction factors could be determined for VC. A third-order polynomial regression with a goodness of fit factor of R2=0.992 was constructed from this data. Rectal dose measurements were acquired with TLDs during simulated VC within a modified anthropomorphic phantom configured to represent three sizes of patients undergoing VC. The measured rectal doses decreased in an exponential manner with increasing phantom effective diameter, with R2=0.993 for the exponential regression model and a maximum percent coefficient of variation (%CoV) of 4.33%. In-vivo measurements yielded rectal doses ranged from that decreased exponentially with increasing patient effective diameter, in a manner that was also favorably predicted by the size specific dose estimate (SSDE) model for all VC patients that were of similar age, body composition, and TLD placement. The measured rectal dose within a younger patient was favorably predicted by the anthropomorphic phantom dose regression model due to similarities in the percentages of highly attenuating material at the respective measurement locations and in the placement of the TLDs. The in-vivo TLD response did not increase in %CoV with decreasing dose, and the largest %CoV was 10.0%.
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a technique that delivers a highly conformal dose distribution to a target volume while attempting to maximally spare the surrounding normal tissues. IMRT is a common treatment modality used for treating head and neck (H&N) cancers, and the presence of many critical structures in this region requires accurate treatment delivery. The Radiological Physics Center (RPC) acts as both a remote and on-site quality assurance agency that credentials institutions participating in clinical trials. To date, about 30% of all IMRT participants have failed the RPC’s remote audit using the IMRT H&N phantom. The purpose of this project is to evaluate possible causes of H&N IMRT delivery errors observed by the RPC, specifically IMRT treatment plan complexity and the use of improper dosimetry data from machines that were thought to be matched but in reality were not. Eight H&N IMRT plans with a range of complexity defined by total MU (1460-3466), number of segments (54-225), and modulation complexity scores (MCS) (0.181-0.609) were created in Pinnacle v.8m. These plans were delivered to the RPC’s H&N phantom on a single Varian Clinac. One of the IMRT plans (1851 MU, 88 segments, and MCS=0.469) was equivalent to the median H&N plan from 130 previous RPC H&N phantom irradiations. This average IMRT plan was also delivered on four matched Varian Clinac machines and the dose distribution calculated using a different 6MV beam model. Radiochromic film and TLD within the phantom were used to analyze the dose profiles and absolute doses, respectively. The measured and calculated were compared to evaluate the dosimetric accuracy. All deliveries met the RPC acceptance criteria of ±7% absolute dose difference and 4 mm distance-to-agreement (DTA). Additionally, gamma index analysis was performed for all deliveries using a ±7%/4mm and ±5%/3mm criteria. Increasing the treatment plan complexity by varying the MU, number of segments, or varying the MCS resulted in no clear trend toward an increase in dosimetric error determined by the absolute dose difference, DTA, or gamma index. Varying the delivery machines as well as the beam model (use of a Clinac 6EX 6MV beam model vs. Clinac 21EX 6MV model), also did not show any clear trend towards an increased dosimetric error using the same criteria indicated above.