758 resultados para TAP
Six glass tanks, each containing dechlorinated tap water and stocked with 3-day-old Heterobranchus, larvae hybrid between, Heterobranchus longifilis (male and Clarias gariepinus (female) were administered two types of feeding trials viz: live and frozen Dapthnids. Each treatment was replicated three times. The larvae were each fed approximately 50 Dapthnids per feeding time for fifteen days. Morphometric measurements of weigh and total length were taken before and after the experiment, and water quality parameters were monitored throughout the experimental period. At the end of the experiment, fish larvae fed frozen, Dapthnids, showed higher survival rate than Heterobranchus fed live Dapthnids. Even though the statistical analysis revealed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in survival. However, the Heteroclarias fed live dapthnids performed better in terms of growth rate than Heteroclarias fed frozen dapthnids. The statistical analysis did not show significant difference (P>0.05) between the final length and weight of two treatments. Heteroclarias fed live dapthnids had higher length and weight than Heteroclarias fed frozen dapthnids. It was therefore concluded that based on this experiment there is the likelihood that frozen zooplankton (Daphnids) do not encourage growth of Heteroclarias, but improves its survival. However, it's suggested that frozen zooplankton can be used to supplement live zooplankton in situation of sacrcity
This article outlines the outcome of work that set out to provide one of the specified integral contributions to the overarching objectives of the EU- sponsored LIFE98 project described in this volume. Among others, these included a requirement to marry automatic monitoring and dynamic modelling approaches in the interests of securing better management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The particular task given to us was to devise the elements of an active management strategy for the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir. This is one of the larger reservoirs supplying the population of the London area: after purification and disinfection, its water goes directly to the distribution network and to the consumers. The quality of the water in the reservoir is of primary concern, for the greater is the content of biogenic materials, including phytoplankton, then the more prolonged is the purification and the more expensive is the treatment. Whatever good that phytoplankton may do by way of oxygenation and oxidative purification, it is eventually relegated to an impurity that has to be removed from the final product. Indeed, it has been estimated that the cost of removing algae and microorganisms from water represents about one quarter of its price at the tap. In chemically fertile waters, such as those typifying the resources of the Thames Valley, there is thus a powerful and ongoing incentive to be able to minimise plankton growth in storage reservoirs. Indeed, the Thames Water company and its predecessor undertakings, have a long and impressive history of confronting and quantifying the fundamentals of phytoplankton growth in their reservoirs and of developing strategies for operation and design to combat them. The work to be described here follows in this tradition. However, the use of the model PROTECH-D to investigate present phytoplankton growth patterns in the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir questioned the interpretation of some of the recent observations. On the other hand, it has reinforced the theories underpinning the original design of this and those Thames-Valley storage reservoirs constructed subsequently. The authors recount these experiences as an example of how simulation models can hone the theoretical base and its application to the practical problems of supplying water of good quality at economic cost, before the engineering is initiated.
Tap water is not sterile; it contains organisms which grow in water distribution systems or inside taps and their fittings. The absence of known pathogenic bacteria is assured by the absence of the indicator organisms but concerns have been raised in the past few years that drinking water fulfilling the standards laid down in the EC Directive ECC 80/778 may still cause disease. These concerns have arisen from several sources: the fact that a cause has been identified in only half of all suspected waterborne outbreaks of disease; reports have suggested that heterotrophic bacteria possessing single pathogenic mechanisms such as haemolysin may cause disease; reports of heterotrophic organisms causing water contact diseases in hospitals. These concerns led to a reappraisal of the pathogenic potential of heteretrophic bacteria, by carrying out an extensive literature search and review commissioned by the UK Water Research Company. This research identified many papers showing an association between drinking water and heterotrophic bacteria but only very few reports of suspected waterborne disease associated with the heterotrophs. The organisms demonstrating potential to cause disease were species of Aeromonas and Yersinia, but typing of organisms identified in patients and isolated from the water revealed very few similarities. The potential of Aeromonas and Yersinia to cause waterborne disease is thought to be very low and the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre database of laboratory infections due to these two genera of organisms was analysed to produce population-related incidences for each health region in England and Wales. Additionally a laboratory questionnaire revealed different levels of ascertainment of these two organisms in different laboratories of the Public Health Laboratory Service.
Este trabalho de pesquisa descreve dois estudos de caso de métodos quimiométricos empregados para a quantificação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos HPAs (naftaleno, fluoreno, fenantreno e fluoranteno) em água potável usando espectroscopia de fluorescência molecular e a classificação e caracterização de sucos de uva e seus parâmetros de qualidade através de espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo. O objetivo do primeiro estudo é a aplicação combinada de métodos quimiométricos de segunda ordem (N-PLS, U-PLS, U-PLS/RBL e PARAFAC) e espectrofluorimetria para determinação direta de HPAs em água potável, visando contribuir para o conhecimento do potencial destas metodologias como alternativa viável para a determinação tradicional por cromatografia univariada. O segundo estudo de caso destinado à classificação e determinação de parâmetros de qualidade de sucos de uva, densidade relativa e teor de sólidos solúveis totais, foi medida por espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo e métodos quimiométricos. Diversos métodos quimiométricos, tais como HCA, PLS-DA, SVM-DA e SIMCA foram investigados para a classificação amostras de sucos de uva ao mesmo tempo que métodos de calibração multivariada de primeira ordem, tais como PLS, iPLS e SVM-LS foram usadas para a predição dos parâmetros de qualidade. O princípio orientador para o desenvolvimento dos estudos aqui descritos foi a necessidade de metodologias analíticas com custo, tempo de execução e facilidade de operação melhores e menor produção de resíduos do que os métodos atualmente utilizados para a quantificação de HPAs, em água de torneira, e classificação e caracterização das amostras de suco de uva e seus parâmetros de qualidade
Ninety (90) hatchery bred fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus (mean weight: 0.96 ± 0.1g) were randomly placed in 15 plastic baths (25 litres each) at the Research laboratory and were exposed to different concentrations of oil products to determine their effects on the fish, to facilitate inferential deductions that will enhance effective aquatic environmental management. Three (3) replicate basins of 5 experimental treatments (crude oil, petrol oil, kerosene oil, engine oil and control) were used at a concentration of 1.25ml. L-1. The control experiment was devoid of oil treatment. Six (6) fingerlings were placed in each replicate basin, flooded with 20 litres of clean tap water and fed with nutrafin cichilid food, 2 times daily at 3% body weight. The results showed that the feeding behaviour and swimming performances of fish were reduced after 24 hours of the addition of the various oil pollutants. Mortality of fingerlings in the oiled basins increased as the hours of exposure increased (i.e. 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours). Recovery was not immediate in the treated basin while surviving fingerlings in the control basins grew up to post-fingerlings after 90 days (3 months). There were significant differences (P<0.01 and P<0.05) in the effect of crude oil and the petroleum products on the mortality rate of C. gariepinus when exposed to oil pollutants at 1.25ml. L-1 concentration
O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) é uma desordem neurocomportamental caracterizada por graus variados de desatenção, atividade motora excessiva e impulsividade. Sua etiologia não é completamente conhecida, porém, um grande número de evidências sugere que, além de fatores de risco genéticos, a exposição gestacional ao etanol e a altas doses de cafeína contribuem para a manifestação deste transtorno. O etanol, presente na composição de bebidas alcoólicas, e a cafeína, presente na composição de diversas bebidas (refrigerantes, chás, café, e energéticos), alimentos derivados do cacau e medicamentos estão entre as substâncias neuroativas mais consumidas no mundo. Apesar das evidências epidemiológicas do uso combinado de cafeína e etanol por gestantes, as interações entre estas substâncias têm recebido pouca atenção em estudos experimentais. Este fato é particularmente importante visto que alguns estudos apontam que cafeína é capaz de ampliar alguns aspectos importantes da ação de outras substâncias com potencial neurotóxico. Nesse estudo avaliamos os efeitos da co-exposição à cafeína e ao etanol durante o desenvolvimento na atividade locomotora em camundongos adolescentes. Para tanto, camundongos Suíços foram expostos do primeiro dia gestacional até o vigésimo primeiro dia pós-natal (PN21), a solução de cafeína 0,1g/L (Grupo CAF1, 10 ninhadas), a solução de cafeína 0,3g/L (Grupo CAF3, 10 ninhadas) ou tiveram acesso à água potável (Grupo CAF0, 10 ninhadas). Em dias alternados de PN2 a PN8, os animais de cada ninhada receberam uma injeção intraperitoneal de 0,25 l/g de etanol (grupo ETOH25), 0,5 l/g de etanol (grupo ETOH50) ou de solução salina (grupo ETOH0). Em PN30, a atividade locomotora foi avaliada por 15 minutos no teste de Campo Aberto. A análise dos níveis de etanol sérico, realizada em uma amostra independente de animais em PN8, indicou que, para as duas doses de etanol, a alcoolemia dos animais do grupo CAF3 foi significativamente maior do que as dos grupos CAF0 e CAF1, que não diferiram entre si. No teste de campo aberto, apenas os animais expostos ao etanol apresentaram aumento da atividade locomotora. Tanto o grupo ETOH25 quanto o grupo ETOH50 tiveram a atividade maior que o grupo ETOH0. A exposição à cafeína, por si só, não afetou a atividade locomotora dos animais nem potencializou os efeitos do etanol. No grupo CAF3, a atividade locomotora não foi afetada pela exposição ao etanol. Nossos dados confirmam o papel da exposição precoce ao etanol na manifestação da hiperatividade locomotora. Além disso, a exposição à cafeína durante o desenvolvimento pode exercer um papel protetor para a manifestação da hiperatividade locomotora induzida pela exposição precoce ao etanol.
Adults of Penaeus japonicus (Bate) and juveniles of P. canaliculatus (Olivier) were recorded for the first time from the coastal and estuarine regions of Goa respectively. Their presence in Goa waters suggests that both the species have a wide distribution along the west coast of India. The available data from the neighboring states suggest that both the species are distributed in deeper waters and are caught during or immediately after the southwest monsoon. Hence, it may be possible to tap these valuable resources from Goa waters if the fishing operation is extended to depths beyond those presently fished and fishing is carried out during the SW monsoon season.
A study was conducted to investigate the survival of five Pseudomonas strains resistant to antibiotics in different types of water. The selected Pseudomonas strains were designated as strain P1 (CT-29), strain P2 (CT-25), strain P3 (CT-36), strain P4 (CT-20) and strain P5 (CT-27) which were only recovered from farmed fishes. Six types of water viz., distilled water, saline water, tap water, deionized water, pond water and river water were used. Among these experimental waters, river water was found to be the most suitable for long-term survival of these strains. Deionized water did not support survival of all these Pseudomonas strains. Pond water, tap water and distilled water were moderately suitable for strain P1 and strain P4. Saline water was also found to be highly suitable for long-term survival in case of the strain P3 and moderately suitable for normal survival of strain P2 and strain P5.
Technology roadmapping workshops are essentially a social mechanism for exploring, creating, shaping and implementing ideas. The front-end of a roadmapping session is based on brainstorming in order to tap into the group's diverse knowledge. The aim of this idea stimulation activity is to capture and share as many perspectives as possible across the full scope of the area of interest. The premise to such group brainstorming is that the sharing and exchange of ideas leads to cognitive stimulation resulting in a greater overall group idea generation performance in terms of the number, variety and originality of ideas. However, it must be recognized that the ideation stage in a roadmapping workshop is a complex psychosocial phenomenon with underlying cognitive and social processes. Thus, there are downsides to group interactions and these must be addressed in order to fully benefit from the power of a roadmapping workshop. This paper will highlight and discuss the key cognitive and social inhibitors involved. These include: production blocking, evaluation apprehension, free riding/social loafing, low norm setting/matching. Facilitation actions and process adjustments to counter such negative factors will be identified so as to provide a psychosocial basis for improving the running of roadmapping workshops. © 2009 PICMET.
Water service providers (WSPs) in the UK have statutory obligations to supply drinking water to all customers that complies with increasingly stringent water quality regulations and minimum flow and pressure criteria. At the same time, the industry is required by regulators and investors to demonstrate increasing operational efficiency and to meet a wide range of performance criteria that are expected to improve year-on-year. Most WSPs have an ideal for improving the operation of their water supply systems based on increased knowledge and understanding of their assets and a shift to proactive management followed by steadily increasing degrees of system monitoring, automation and optimisation. The fundamental mission is, however, to ensure security of supply, with no interruptions and water quality of the highest standard at the tap. Unfortunately, advanced technologies required to fully understand, manage and automate water supply system operation either do not yet exist, are only partially evolved, or have not yet been reliably proven for live water distribution systems. It is this deficiency that the project NEPTUNE seeks to address by carrying out research into 3 main areas; these are: data and knowledge management; pressure management (including energy management); and the associated complex decision support systems on which to base interventions. The 3-year project started in April of 2007 and has already resulted in a number of research findings under the three main research priority areas (RPA). The paper summarises in greater detail the overall project objectives, the RPA activities and the areas of research innovation that are being undertaken in this major, UK collaborative study. Copyright 2009 ASCE.
Engineering companies face many challenges today such as increased competition, higher expectations from consumers and decreasing product lifecycle times. This means that product development times must be reduced to meet these challenges. Concurrent engineering, reuse of engineering knowledge and the use of advanced methods and tools are among the ways of reducing product development times. Concurrent engineering is crucial in making sure that the products are designed with all issues considered simultaneously. The reuse of engineering knowledge allows existing solutions to be reused. It can also help to avoid the mistakes made in previous designs. Computer-based tools are used to store information, automate tasks, distribute work, perform simulation and so forth. This research concerns the evaluation of tools that can be used to support the design process. These tools are evaluated in terms of the capture of information generated during the design process. This information is vital to allow the reuse of knowledge. Present CAD systems store only information on the final definition of the product such as geometry, materials and manufacturing processes. Product Data Management (PDM) systems can manage all this CAD information along with other product related information. The research includes the evaluation of two PDM systems, Windchill and Metaphase, using the design of a single-handed water tap as a case study. The two PDMs were then compared to PROSUS/DDM. PROSUS is the Process-Based Support System proposed by [Blessing 94] using the same case study. The Design Data Model is the product data model that includes PROSUS. The results look promising. PROSUS/DDM is able to capture most design information and structure and present it logically. The design process and product information is related and stored within the DDM structure. The PDMs can capture most design information, but information from early stages of design is stored only as unstructured documentation. Some problems were found with PROSUS/DDM. A proposal is made that may make it possible to resolve these problems, but this will require further research.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming increasingly central to many people’s lives, making it possible to be connected in any place at any time, be unceasingly and instantly informed, and benefit from greater economic and educational opportunities. With all the benefits afforded by these new-found capabilities, however, come potential drawbacks. A plethora of new PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, Bluetooth, the internet, Wi-Fi (the list goes on) expect us to know or be able to guess, what, where and when to connect, click, double-click, tap, flick, scroll, in order to realise these benefits, and to have the physical and cognitive capability to do all these things. One of the groups most affected by this increase in high-demand technology is older people. They do not understand and use technology in the same way that younger generations do, because they grew up in the simpler electro-mechanical era and embedded that particular model of the world in their minds. Any consequential difficulty in familiarising themselves with modern ICT and effectively applying it to their needs can also be exacerbated by age-related changes in vision, motor control and cognitive functioning. Such challenges lead to digital exclusion. Much has been written about this topic over the years, usually by academics from the area of inclusive product design. The issue is complex and it is fair to say that no one researcher has the whole picture. It is difficult to understand and adequately address the issue of digital exclusion among the older generation without looking across disciplines and at industry’s and government’s understanding, motivation and efforts toward resolving this important problem. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstanding the true impact that ICT has and could have on people’s lives across all generations. In this European year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and as the British government is moving forward with its Digital by Default initiative as part of a wider objective to make ICT accessible to as many people as possible by 2015, the Engineering Design Centre (EDC) at the University of Cambridge collaborated with BT to produce a book of thought pieces to address, and where appropriate redress, these important and long-standing issues. “Ageing, Adaption and Accessibility: Time for the Inclusive Revolution!” brings together opinions and insights from twenty one prominent thought leaders from government, industry and academia regarding the problems, opportunities and strategies for combating digital exclusion among senior citizens. The contributing experts were selected as individuals, rather than representatives of organisations, to provide the broadest possible range of perspectives. They are renowned in their respective fields and their opinions are formed not only from their own work, but also from the contributions of others in their area. Their views were elicited through conversations conducted by the editors of this book who then drafted the thought pieces to be edited and approved by the experts. We hope that this unique collection of thought pieces will give you a broader perspective on ageing, people’s adaption to the ever changing world of technology and insights into better ways of designing digital devices and services for the older population.
There were large losses of exotic species Elodea nuttallii during summer in eutrophic lakes of the middle and lower reaches of the Yanatze River, China. To investigate the main causes, the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was studied and compared with that of native species Ceratopkyllum demersum by using an aquaria system in the laboratory. Under 4500 lx light intensity and 12-h L/12-h D cycle, E. nuttallii cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution at 39 degrees C showed a positive growth rate during the first 15 days, and the growth rate was higher than that at 35 degrees C. But after 15 days, the growth rates became negative for those cultured both at 39 and 35 degrees C. However, the growth rate was positive for more than 20 days for those cultured at 25 degrees C. Under the same conditions, the growth rate, productivity and chlorophyll content of E. nuttallii were significantly higher than that of C. demersum. Heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was also stronger than that of C. demersum. The optimal temperature for the growth of the two plants depended on the experimental period: both plants grew at an optimal rate at higher temperature if the experimental period was short; nevertheless the plants achieved optimal growth at a lower temperature if the experiment was conducted for a longer period. At the same light intensity, the heat tolerance of C. demersum in tap water with sediment was markedly stronger than that of E. nuttallii at 39 degrees C. Average growth rate of C. demersum was 4.5 times higher than that of E. nuttallii within 25 days. The positive growth period lasted for less than 25 days for E. nuttallii and for more than 25 days for C. demersum. When they were cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution and in tap water with sediment, the growth rate of C. demersum increased from 0.4 to 79.4 mg/d.g fresh weight (FW) within 20 days. E. nuttallii increased from 8.3 to 24.4 mg/d-g FW within 20 days. Both grew better in tap water with sediment than in 1/5 Hoaglands solution. The results demonstrated that the nutritional status of the water other than the high temperature affected the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii during summer. E. nuttallii has great ecological safe risk in China.
The submersed macrophyte, Vallisneria natans L., was cultured in laboratory with NH (4) (+) -enriched tap water (1 mg L-1 NH4-N) for 2 months and the stressful effects of high ammonium (NH (4) (+) ) concentrations in the water column on this species was evaluated. The plant growth was severely inhibited by the NH (4) (+) supplement in the water column. The plant carbon and nitrogen metabolisms were disturbed by the NH (4) (+) supplement as indicated by the accumulation of free amino acids and the depletion of soluble carbohydrates in the plant tissues. The results suggested that high NH (4) (+) concentrations in the water column may hamper the restoration of submersed vegetation in eutrophic lakes.
The phytoremediation of triazophos (O, O-diethyl-O-(1-phenyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-base) sulfur phosphate, TAP) by Canna indica Linn. in a hydroponic system was studied. After 21 d of exposure, the removal kinetic constant (K) of TAP was 0.0229-0.0339 d(-1) and the removal percentage of TAP was 41-55% in the plant system and the K and removal percentage of TAP were about 0.002 d(-1) and 1%, respectively, in darkness and disinfected control. However, the K and removal percentage of TAP were 0.006 d(-1) and approximately 11%, respectively, in the treatment with eluate from the media of constructed wetland. The contribution of plant to the remediation of TAP was 74% and C. indica played the most important role in the hydroponic system. Under the stress of TAP and without inorganic phosphorus nutrient, the activity of phosphatase in the plant system increased and phytodegradation was observed. The production and release of phosphatase is seen as the key mechanism for C. indica to degrade TAP. C. indica, which showed the potential of phytoremediation of TAP, and is commonly used in constructed wetland, so the technique of phytoremediation of TAP from contaminated water can be developed with the combination of constructed wetland.