443 resultados para Substratum


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The experiment was conducted to investigate the viability of the production of the edible fungus Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer in substrates in which main source of carbon was the cotton textille mill waste. Two substrates compositions were tested: C1 (cotton textille mill waste, wheat bran, plaster and limestone) and C2 (cotton textille mill waste, wheat bran, bean straw, plaster and limestone). A DIC experimental design was used, with nine repetitions for treatment and the production data and biological efficiency were analyzed being used the procedure ANOVAG of the statistical package SAEG. The cotton textille mill waste improvement, as the main ingredient of the substrate, was shown efficient for the production of the mushroom P. sajor-caju, presenting satisfactory values of productivity (0,56 and 0,5 kg/kg substratum) and biological efficiency (55,76 and 55,39%), respectively for C1 and C2. These results showed us that cotton textille mill waste, could be recommended as less onerous alternative of commercial substrate for the species Pleurotus sajor-caju.


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The work was carried out in nursery of the Agronomical Science College (ASC) UNESP-Botucatu, in period from September 21(st) to October 31(st) 2000. The propagation material (rhizophores) was obtained from plants, which were cultivated in the area of ASC. The rhizophores were selected according to their vigor and size. Healthy rhizophores were chosen between 15 and 25 g, which were treated with benomil (0,6%, 10 minutes). As a basic commercial substratum Solomix((R)) was used with mixing cattle manure and chicken manure in the following proportions: T1- pure substratum; T2 - substratum + cattle manure (1:1), T3- substratum + cattle manure (2:1); T4- substratum + chicken manure (4:1). The yacon rhizophores presented good shoots in all substrata with exception of T4. For all parameters no significant difference between the pure commercial substratum and its mixture with cattle manure were observed; however, the addition the chicken manure in the studied proportions revealed harmful effect on the survival and development of the plantlets. The results indicated, that the viability of smaller size rhizophores was higher as the size conventionally used in Brazil (60 to 80 g).


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In Brazil there was little research related to Shiitake axenic culture. The aim of this research was to understand the substratum effects in the kinetics of the Shiitake mycelium growth. It was used two Shiitake strains and two different base substrate (eucalyptus sawdust and sugar cane bagasse) varying in three proportions of the supplements. The supplements, a blend of rice and wheat brans, were added in the proportion of 0, 10 and 20% of the base substrate. The experiment was composed of six treatments. The mycelium growth kinetics in volume had no effect relation to the strains and substrate and it followed a mathematical model represented by logarithmic equation. Beta, gamma and delta parameters didn't show any correlation with the growth velocity in volume. The strain L55 was better adapted than L17.


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Aphantochilus rogersi is an ant-mimicking spider that preys exclusively on cephalotine ants. The spiders oviposit in close proximity to nests of the model ant Zacryptocerus pusillus, and emergent spiderlings tend to remain in the vicinity of natal egg sacs. Females of A. rogersi actively defend their egg sacs against approaching workers of Z. pusillus, but the latter may sometimes destroy the eggs. Feeding specialization on these ants is confirmed by more than 300 observations of young and adult A. rogersi carrying ant corpses in the held. Although A. rogersi possesses several behavioural traits which may reduce the risk of being injured by ants during subjugation, field and laboratory observations showed that social defence by Z. pusillus may cause mutilation to the spiders. Tests in captivity revealed an ontogenetic change in the prey-capture techniques employed by A. rogersi. Early-instar spiderlings can apparently only seize the ant's petiole tightly if they are able to approach the ant from the front. As the ant is paralysed, the spiderling positions itself vertically in relation to the substratum. Larger spiders, on the other hand, attack ants most frequently from behind, and seem better equipped to seize the ant's petiole firmly with their larger chelicerae. Owing to their greater strength, late-instar spiders are able to Lift the struggling ant aloft. The selection of a suitable oviposition site, the mother's ability to defend herself and the eggs from nearby ants, and the capacity to capture and subdue ants safely from emergence to maturity, are regarded as crucial traits inherent in the mimetic and feeding specialization by A. rogersi.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata:Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95 10 and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.


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Microhabitat distribution was investigated in three populations of C. coeruleus to determine the distributional patterns and their controlling factors, as well as morphometric adaptations to varying conditions on a scale of a few centimetres. Morphometric variations and their relations with physical variables (current velocity, irradiance, depth and type of substratum) revealed some particular characteristics for each population and indicate particular adaptations. However, some trends were clear: 1) larger plants (length and/or diameter) produced a higher quantity of monosporangia in the three populations; 2) plant length and diameter were positively correlated in two populations; 3) plant diameter was positively correlated with current velocity in two populations; 4) higher percent cover was associated with substrata composed of macrophytes in two populations. C. coeruleus occurred under relatively wide microhabitat conditions and had high niche width values, suggesting a tolerance to considerable variation in physical variables. These characteristics contribute to the species' wide distribution in Brazilian streams, both spatial (at distinct scales) and seasonal. (C) ADAC / Elsevier, Paris.


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This study investigated the structure and properties of a tropical stream food web in a small spatial scale, characterizing its planktonic, epiphytic and benthic compartments. The study was carried out in the Potreirinho Creek, a second-order stream located in the south-east of Brazil. Some attributes of the three subwebs and of the conglomerate food web, composed by the trophic links of the three compartments plus the fish species, were determined. Among compartments, the food webs showed considerable variation in structure. The epiphytic food web was consistently more complex than the planktonic and benthic webs. The values of number of species, number of links and maximum food chain length were significantly higher in the epiphytic compartment than in the other two. Otherwise, the connectance was significantly lower in epiphyton. The significant differences of most food web parameters were determined by the increase in the number of trophic species, represented mainly by basal and intermediate species. High species richness, detritus-based system and high degree of omnivory characterized the stream food web studied. The aquatic macrophytes probably provide a substratum more stable and structurally complex than the sediment. We suggest that the greater species richness and trophic complexity in the epiphytic subweb might be due to the higher degree of habitat complexity supported by macrophyte substrate. Despite differences observed in the structure of the three subwebs, they are highly connected by trophic interactions, mainly by fishes. The high degree of fish omnivory associated with their movements at different spatial scales suggests that these animals have a significant role in the food web dynamic of Potreirinho Creek. This interface between macrophytes and the interconnections resultant from fish foraging, diluted the compartmentalization of the Potreirinho food web.


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Using the same methodology and identical sites, we repeat a study dating from 1973 and quantify cover of hard coral species, soft corals, sponges, hard substratum and soft substratum, and density of a commercially important reef fish species, the graysby Cephalopholis cruentata, along a depth-gradient of 3-36 m oil the coral reefs of Curacao. The objective was to determine the multi-decade change in benthic coral reef cover and structural complexity, and their effect oil densities of an associated reef fish species. Total hard coral cover decreased on average from 52% in 1973 to 22% in 2003, representing a relative decline of 58%. During this time span, the cover of hard substratum increased considerably (from 11 to 58%), as did that of soft corals (from 0.1 to 2.2%), whereas the cover of sponges showed no significant change. Relative decline of hard coral cover and of reef complexity was greatest in shallow waters (near the coast), which is indicative of a combination of anthropogenic influences from shore and recent storm damage. Cover of main reef builder coral species (Agaricia spp., Siderastrea siderea, Montastrea annularis) decreased more than that of other species, and resulted in a significant decrease in reef complexity. Although density of C. cruentata was highly correlated to cover of Montastrea and Agaricia in 1973, the loss of coral cover did not show any effect on the total density of C. cruentata in 2003. However, C. cruentata showed a clear shift in density distribution from shallow water in 1973 to deep water in 2003. It call be concluded that the reefs of Curacao have degraded considerably in the last three decades, but that this has had no major effect on the population size of one commercially important coral-associated fish species.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of the combinations of substrata on germination and development of seedlings of lettuce cultivars. The experiment was carried out in a nursery, in Mato Grosso do Sul State University. There wend compared the following combinations of substrata: washed sand + earthworm humus (2: 1); manure bovine + earthworm humus (2: 1); Plantmax(R) + earthworm humus (2: 1); washed sand + Plantmax(R) (2: 1) and manure bovine + Plantmax(R) (2: 1), and three lettuce cultivars: Crespa sem cabeca, Americana Julia and Baba de Verao. The experimental design was entirely at random, in a 5x3 factorial outline, with four replications and 16 seeds perplot. There were considered for evaluation 10 central seedlings per plot. The characteristics evaluated were: germination percentage (%), index of germination speed (IVE) and dry mass of the whole seedling (g). For all the analyzed variables, the cultivars Baba de Verao and Crespa sem cabeca presented the best results. Manure + humus was the best substratum to obtain seedling with larger development (vigor), althout it did not increase IVE and germination percentage.


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A study of the geological characteristics of the Buaru Group basaltic substratum and stratigraphical unities was carried out, taking into account the groundwater exploration in S.Jose do Rio Preto area. The presence of the tectonic structures in this substratum exercised a profound influence on the sedimentation of the Bauru Group and on the variations in the hydrological properties of the sediments of the area.-English summary


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The proposal of this work was to study the effects of lecithin and soy oil on the fermentative performance of Saccharomyces uvarum I Z 1904, a yeast used in the industrial production of ethanol. High Test Molasses (HTM) was chosen as the fermentation media because it is a substratum that is poor in nutrients, and because it permits one to distinguish the action of lipids from other nutritional factors. The study of the optimization of the concentration of lipids by surface response analysis showed that the lipids favor the performance of the yeast principally when applied separately. Maximum concentrations of the two sources of lipids in the media stimulated the budding rate but did not constitute a protection against cell death. Considering the action of lipids on the cellular parameters studied, the supplementation of the media with 3.0 g/l of soy oil permitted the obtention of maximum responses of cellular viability, budding rate and viability of the buds after 6 successive cycles. In relation to the fermentative parameters, the use of 1.5 g/l of soy oil provided high yields and an equilibrium between the mass of ethanol produced (EM) and the alcoholic yield (Y p/s) , whereas the cellular viability after 6 cycles did not differ statistically from that observed with 3g/l of oil.


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Aspergillus niger on paramorphogenic form showed to be efficient adsorbent to reactive azo dye Procion Blue MX-G, where it has obtained rates of colour removal above 99% in acid pH, at 120 minutes of equilibrium time. Temperature did not exert expressive influence in the process, and the applicability of Freundlich's, isotherm suggest the occurrence of various molecules layers of adsorbed dye on the substratum surface.


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Microhabitat and plant structure of seven Batrachospermum populations (four of Batrachospermum delicatulum (= Sirodotia delicatula), one of Batrachospermum macrosporum and two of the 'Chantransia' stage), including the influence of physical variables (current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum), were investigated in four streams of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The populations of B. delicatulum and the 'Chantransia' stage occurred under very diverse microhabitat conditions, which probably contributes to their wide spatial and seasonal distribution in Brazilian streams. Results suggest branch reconfiguration as a probable mechanism of adaptation to current velocity based on the occurrence of: (i) B. macrosporum (a large mucilaginous form with presumably little ability for branch reconfiguration) under lower current velocity than B. delicatulum; (ii) only dense plants in populations with high current velocities (> 60 cm s-1), whereas 53-77% of dense plants were seen in populations exposed to lower currents (< 40 cm s-1); (iii) positive correlations of plant length with internode length in populations under low current velocities and negative correlation in a population with high velocity (132 cm s-1); and (iv) negative correlations of current velocity with plant diameter and internode length in a population under high flow. This study, involving mainly dioecious populations, revealed that B. delicatulum displayed higher fertilization rates than B. macrosporum. A complementary explanation for a dioecious species to increase fertilization success was proposed consisting of outcrossing among intermingled male and female adjacent plants within an algal spot.


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The temporal variations in C, N and P concentrations of the periphyton on the natural substratum (Echinochloa polystachya) and its relationships to the water's climatological (air temperature and precipitation), hydrodynamic (water discharge and water level), physical (temperature, transparency) and chemical variables (conductivity, total suspended solids, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, silica, total phosphorus and orthophosphate) were evaluated in a lagoon at the Paranapanema River mouth into the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo, Brazil) from August 1993 to July 1994. An amplitude variation of 2.0 m in water level was observed. Depending on to the hydrologic conditions, the lagoon presents intermediate conditions of lentic and lotic environments. The amplitude variations in C, N and P were 14.5-52.1% C DW-1, 0.5-3.2% N DW-1, and 0.03-0.4% P DW-1, respectively. The periphyton presented a decreased protein content. The environmental trophic degree appears to be decisive in chemical periphyton composition.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata: Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95% and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.