984 resultados para Structural organization


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El daño cerebral adquirido (DCA) es un problema social y sanitario grave, de magnitud creciente y de una gran complejidad diagnóstica y terapéutica. Su elevada incidencia, junto con el aumento de la supervivencia de los pacientes, una vez superada la fase aguda, lo convierten también en un problema de alta prevalencia. En concreto, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el DCA estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad en el año 2020. La neurorrehabilitación permite mejorar el déficit tanto cognitivo como funcional y aumentar la autonomía de las personas con DCA. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma donde se puedan diseñar tratamientos que sean intensivos, personalizados, monitorizados y basados en la evidencia. Ya que son estas cuatro características las que aseguran que los tratamientos son eficaces. A diferencia de la mayor parte de las disciplinas médicas, no existen asociaciones de síntomas y signos de la alteración cognitiva que faciliten la orientación terapéutica. Actualmente, los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación se diseñan en base a los resultados obtenidos en una batería de evaluación neuropsicológica que evalúa el nivel de afectación de cada una de las funciones cognitivas (memoria, atención, funciones ejecutivas, etc.). La línea de investigación en la que se enmarca este trabajo de investigación pretende diseñar y desarrollar un perfil cognitivo basado no sólo en el resultado obtenido en esa batería de test, sino también en información teórica que engloba tanto estructuras anatómicas como relaciones funcionales e información anatómica obtenida de los estudios de imagen. De esta forma, el perfil cognitivo utilizado para diseñar los tratamientos integra información personalizada y basada en la evidencia. Las técnicas de neuroimagen representan una herramienta fundamental en la identificación de lesiones para la generación de estos perfiles cognitivos. La aproximación clásica utilizada en la identificación de lesiones consiste en delinear manualmente regiones anatómicas cerebrales. Esta aproximación presenta diversos problemas relacionados con inconsistencias de criterio entre distintos clínicos, reproducibilidad y tiempo. Por tanto, la automatización de este procedimiento es fundamental para asegurar una extracción objetiva de información. La delineación automática de regiones anatómicas se realiza mediante el registro tanto contra atlas como contra otros estudios de imagen de distintos sujetos. Sin embargo, los cambios patológicos asociados al DCA están siempre asociados a anormalidades de intensidad y/o cambios en la localización de las estructuras. Este hecho provoca que los algoritmos de registro tradicionales basados en intensidad no funcionen correctamente y requieran la intervención del clínico para seleccionar ciertos puntos (que en esta tesis hemos denominado puntos singulares). Además estos algoritmos tampoco permiten que se produzcan deformaciones grandes deslocalizadas. Hecho que también puede ocurrir ante la presencia de lesiones provocadas por un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) o un traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE). Esta tesis se centra en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para la detección automática de estructuras lesionadas que integra algoritmos cuyo objetivo principal es generar resultados que puedan ser reproducibles y objetivos. Esta metodología se divide en cuatro etapas: pre-procesado, identificación de puntos singulares, registro y detección de lesiones. Los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en esta tesis son los siguientes: Pre-procesado. En esta primera etapa el objetivo es homogeneizar todos los datos de entrada con el objetivo de poder extraer conclusiones válidas de los resultados obtenidos. Esta etapa, por tanto, tiene un gran impacto en los resultados finales. Se compone de tres operaciones: eliminación del cráneo, normalización en intensidad y normalización espacial. Identificación de puntos singulares. El objetivo de esta etapa es automatizar la identificación de puntos anatómicos (puntos singulares). Esta etapa equivale a la identificación manual de puntos anatómicos por parte del clínico, permitiendo: identificar un mayor número de puntos lo que se traduce en mayor información; eliminar el factor asociado a la variabilidad inter-sujeto, por tanto, los resultados son reproducibles y objetivos; y elimina el tiempo invertido en el marcado manual de puntos. Este trabajo de investigación propone un algoritmo de identificación de puntos singulares (descriptor) basado en una solución multi-detector y que contiene información multi-paramétrica: espacial y asociada a la intensidad. Este algoritmo ha sido contrastado con otros algoritmos similares encontrados en el estado del arte. Registro. En esta etapa se pretenden poner en concordancia espacial dos estudios de imagen de sujetos/pacientes distintos. El algoritmo propuesto en este trabajo de investigación está basado en descriptores y su principal objetivo es el cálculo de un campo vectorial que permita introducir deformaciones deslocalizadas en la imagen (en distintas regiones de la imagen) y tan grandes como indique el vector de deformación asociado. El algoritmo propuesto ha sido comparado con otros algoritmos de registro utilizados en aplicaciones de neuroimagen que se utilizan con estudios de sujetos control. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores y representan un nuevo contexto para la identificación automática de estructuras. Identificación de lesiones. En esta última etapa se identifican aquellas estructuras cuyas características asociadas a la localización espacial y al área o volumen han sido modificadas con respecto a una situación de normalidad. Para ello se realiza un estudio estadístico del atlas que se vaya a utilizar y se establecen los parámetros estadísticos de normalidad asociados a la localización y al área. En función de las estructuras delineadas en el atlas, se podrán identificar más o menos estructuras anatómicas, siendo nuestra metodología independiente del atlas seleccionado. En general, esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas relativas a la identificación automática de lesiones utilizando estudios de imagen médica estructural, concretamente estudios de resonancia magnética. Basándose en estos cimientos, se han abrir nuevos campos de investigación que contribuyan a la mejora en la detección de lesiones. ABSTRACT Brain injury constitutes a serious social and health problem of increasing magnitude and of great diagnostic and therapeutic complexity. Its high incidence and survival rate, after the initial critical phases, makes it a prevalent problem that needs to be addressed. In particular, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), brain injury will be among the 10 most common causes of disability by 2020. Neurorehabilitation improves both cognitive and functional deficits and increases the autonomy of brain injury patients. The incorporation of new technologies to the neurorehabilitation tries to reach a new paradigm focused on designing intensive, personalized, monitored and evidence-based treatments. Since these four characteristics ensure the effectivity of treatments. Contrary to most medical disciplines, it is not possible to link symptoms and cognitive disorder syndromes, to assist the therapist. Currently, neurorehabilitation treatments are planned considering the results obtained from a neuropsychological assessment battery, which evaluates the functional impairment of each cognitive function (memory, attention, executive functions, etc.). The research line, on which this PhD falls under, aims to design and develop a cognitive profile based not only on the results obtained in the assessment battery, but also on theoretical information that includes both anatomical structures and functional relationships and anatomical information obtained from medical imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance. Therefore, the cognitive profile used to design these treatments integrates information personalized and evidence-based. Neuroimaging techniques represent an essential tool to identify lesions and generate this type of cognitive dysfunctional profiles. Manual delineation of brain anatomical regions is the classical approach to identify brain anatomical regions. Manual approaches present several problems related to inconsistencies across different clinicians, time and repeatability. Automated delineation is done by registering brains to one another or to a template. However, when imaging studies contain lesions, there are several intensity abnormalities and location alterations that reduce the performance of most of the registration algorithms based on intensity parameters. Thus, specialists may have to manually interact with imaging studies to select landmarks (called singular points in this PhD) or identify regions of interest. These two solutions have the same inconvenient than manual approaches, mentioned before. Moreover, these registration algorithms do not allow large and distributed deformations. This type of deformations may also appear when a stroke or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) occur. This PhD is focused on the design, development and implementation of a new methodology to automatically identify lesions in anatomical structures. This methodology integrates algorithms whose main objective is to generate objective and reproducible results. It is divided into four stages: pre-processing, singular points identification, registration and lesion detection. Pre-processing stage. In this first stage, the aim is to standardize all input data in order to be able to draw valid conclusions from the results. Therefore, this stage has a direct impact on the final results. It consists of three steps: skull-stripping, spatial and intensity normalization. Singular points identification. This stage aims to automatize the identification of anatomical points (singular points). It involves the manual identification of anatomical points by the clinician. This automatic identification allows to identify a greater number of points which results in more information; to remove the factor associated to inter-subject variability and thus, the results are reproducible and objective; and to eliminate the time spent on manual marking. This PhD proposed an algorithm to automatically identify singular points (descriptor) based on a multi-detector approach. This algorithm contains multi-parametric (spatial and intensity) information. This algorithm has been compared with other similar algorithms found on the state of the art. Registration. The goal of this stage is to put in spatial correspondence two imaging studies of different subjects/patients. The algorithm proposed in this PhD is based on descriptors. Its main objective is to compute a vector field to introduce distributed deformations (changes in different imaging regions), as large as the deformation vector indicates. The proposed algorithm has been compared with other registration algorithms used on different neuroimaging applications which are used with control subjects. The obtained results are promising and they represent a new context for the automatic identification of anatomical structures. Lesion identification. This final stage aims to identify those anatomical structures whose characteristics associated to spatial location and area or volume has been modified with respect to a normal state. A statistical study of the atlas to be used is performed to establish which are the statistical parameters associated to the normal state. The anatomical structures that may be identified depend on the selected anatomical structures identified on the atlas. The proposed methodology is independent from the selected atlas. Overall, this PhD corroborates the investigated research hypotheses regarding the automatic identification of lesions based on structural medical imaging studies (resonance magnetic studies). Based on these foundations, new research fields to improve the automatic identification of lesions in brain injury can be proposed.


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Two directed evolution experiments on p-nitrobenzyl esterase yielded one enzyme with a 100-fold increased activity in aqueous-organic solvents and another with a 17°C increase in thermostability. Structures of the wild type and its organophilic and thermophilic counterparts are presented at resolutions of 1.5 Å, 1.6 Å, and 2.0 Å, respectively. These structures identify groups of interacting mutations and demonstrate how directed evolution can traverse complex fitness landscapes. Early-generation mutations stabilize flexible loops not visible in the wild-type structure and set the stage for further beneficial mutations in later generations. The mutations exert their influence on the esterase structure over large distances, in a manner that would be difficult to predict. The loops with the largest structural changes generally are not the sites of mutations. Similarly, none of the seven amino acid substitutions in the organophile are in the active site, even though the enzyme experiences significant changes in the organization of this site. In addition to reduction of surface loop flexibility, thermostability in the evolved esterase results from altered core packing, helix stabilization, and the acquisition of surface salt bridges, in agreement with other comparative studies of mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. Crystallographic analysis of the wild type and its evolved counterparts reveals networks of mutations that collectively reorganize the active site. Interestingly, the changes that led to diversity within the α/β hydrolase enzyme family and the reorganization seen in this study result from main-chain movements.


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Structural protein 4.1 was first characterized as an important 80-kDa protein in the mature red cell membrane skeleton. It is now known to be a member of a family of protein isoforms detected at diverse intracellular sites in many nucleated mammalian cells. We recently reported that protein 4.1 isoforms are present at interphase in nuclear matrix and are rearranged during the cell cycle. Here we report that protein 4.1 epitopes are present in centrosomes of human and murine cells and are detected by using affinity-purified antibodies specific for 80-kDa red cell 4.1 and for 4.1 peptides. Immunofluorescence, by both conventional and confocal microscopy, showed that protein 4.1 epitopes localized in the pericentriolar region. Protein 4.1 epitopes remained in centrosomes after extraction of cells with detergent, salt, and DNase. Higher resolution electron microscopy of detergent-extracted cell whole mounts showed centrosomal protein 4.1 epitopes distributed along centriolar cylinders and on pericentriolar fibers, at least some of which constitute the filamentous network surrounding each centriole. Double-label electron microscopy showed that protein 4.1 epitopes were predominately localized in regions also occupied by epitopes for centrosome-specific autoimmune serum 5051 but were not found on microtubules. Our results suggest that protein 4.1 is an integral component of centrosome structure, in which it may play an important role in centrosome function during cell division and organization of cellular architecture.


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The compaction level of arrays of nucleosomes may be understood in terms of the balance between the self-repulsion of DNA (principally linker DNA) and countering factors including the ionic strength and composition of the medium, the highly basic N termini of the core histones, and linker histones. However, the structural principles that come into play during the transition from a loose chain of nucleosomes to a compact 30-nm chromatin fiber have been difficult to establish, and the arrangement of nucleosomes and linker DNA in condensed chromatin fibers has never been fully resolved. Based on images of the solution conformation of native chromatin and fully defined chromatin arrays obtained by electron cryomicroscopy, we report a linker histone-dependent architectural motif beyond the level of the nucleosome core particle that takes the form of a stem-like organization of the entering and exiting linker DNA segments. DNA completes ≈1.7 turns on the histone octamer in the presence and absence of linker histone. When linker histone is present, the two linker DNA segments become juxtaposed ≈8 nm from the nucleosome center and remain apposed for 3–5 nm before diverging. We propose that this stem motif directs the arrangement of nucleosomes and linker DNA within the chromatin fiber, establishing a unique three-dimensional zigzag folding pattern that is conserved during compaction. Such an arrangement with peripherally arranged nucleosomes and internal linker DNA segments is fully consistent with observations in intact nuclei and also allows dramatic changes in compaction level to occur without a concomitant change in topology.


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Although extensively studied biochemically, members of the Protein 4.1 superfamily have not been as well characterized genetically. Studies of coracle, a Drosophila Protein 4.1 homologue, provide an opportunity to examine the genetic functions of this gene family. coracle was originally identified as a dominant suppressor of EgfrElp, a hypermorphic form of the Drosophila Epidermal growth factor receptor gene. In this article, we present a phenotypic analysis of coracle, one of the first for a member of the Protein 4.1 superfamily. Screens for new coracle alleles confirm the null coracle phenotype of embryonic lethality and failure in dorsal closure, and they identify additional defects in the embryonic epidermis and salivary glands. Hypomorphic coracle alleles reveal functions in many imaginal tissues. Analysis of coracle mutant cells indicates that Coracle is a necessary structural component of the septate junction required for the maintenance of the transepithelial barrier but is not necessary for apical–basal polarity, epithelial integrity, or cytoskeletal integrity. In addition, coracle phenotypes suggest a specific role in cell signaling events. Finally, complementation analysis provides information regarding the functional organization of Coracle and possibly other Protein 4.1 superfamily members. These studies provide insights into a range of in vivo functions for coracle in developing embryos and adults.


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Senile plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease contain deposits of fibrils formed by 39- to 43-residue β-amyloid peptides with possible neurotoxic effects. X-ray diffraction measurements on oriented fibril bundles have indicated an extended β-sheet structure for Alzheimer's β-amyloid fibrils and other amyloid fibrils, but the supramolecular organization of the β-sheets and other structural details are not well established because of the intrinsically noncrystalline, insoluble nature of amyloid fibrils. Here we report solid-state NMR measurements, using a multiple quantum (MQ) 13C NMR technique, that probe the β-sheet organization in fibrils formed by the full-length, 40-residue β-amyloid peptide (Aβ1–40). Although an antiparallel β-sheet organization often is assumed and is invoked in recent structural models for full-length β-amyloid fibrils, the MQNMR data indicate an in-register, parallel organization. This work provides site-specific, atomic-level structural constraints on full-length β-amyloid fibrils and applies MQNMR to a significant problem in structural biology.


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The human cerebral cortex is notorious for the depth and irregularity of its convolutions and for its variability from one individual to the next. These complexities of cortical geography have been a chronic impediment to studies of functional specialization in the cortex. In this report, we discuss ways to compensate for the convolutions by using a combination of strategies whose common denominator involves explicit reconstructions of the cortical surface. Surface-based visualization involves reconstructing cortical surfaces and displaying them, along with associated experimental data, in various complementary formats (including three-dimensional native configurations, two-dimensional slices, extensively smoothed surfaces, ellipsoidal representations, and cortical flat maps). Generating these representations for the cortex of the Visible Man leads to a surface-based atlas that has important advantages over conventional stereotaxic atlases as a substrate for displaying and analyzing large amounts of experimental data. We illustrate this by showing the relationship between functionally specialized regions and topographically organized areas in human visual cortex. Surface-based warping allows data to be mapped from individual hemispheres to a surface-based atlas while respecting surface topology, improving registration of identifiable landmarks, and minimizing unwanted distortions. Surface-based warping also can aid in comparisons between species, which we illustrate by warping a macaque flat map to match the shape of a human flat map. Collectively, these approaches will allow more refined analyses of commonalities as well as individual differences in the functional organization of primate cerebral cortex.


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The three-dimensional structures of the inactive protein precursors (zymogens) of the serine, cysteine, aspartic, and metalloprotease classes of proteolytic enzymes are known. Comparisons of these structures with those of the mature, active proteases reveal that, in general, the preformed, active conformations of the residues involved in catalysis are rendered sterically inaccessible to substrates by the residues of the zymogens’ N-terminal extensions or prosegments. The prosegments interact in nonsubstrate-like fashions with the residues of the active sites in most of the cases. The gastric aspartic proteases have a well-characterized zymogen conversion pathway. Structures of human progastricsin, the inactive intermediate 2, and active human pepsin are known and have been used to define the conversion pathway. The structure of the zymogen precursor of plasmepsin II, the malarial aspartic protease, shows a new twist on the mode of inactivation used by the gastric zymogens. The prosegment of proplasmepsin disrupts the active conformation of the two catalytic aspartic acid residues by inducing a major reorientation of the two domains of the mature protease. The picornaviral 2A and 3C proteases have a chymotrypsin-like tertiary structure but with a cysteine nucleophile. These enzymes cleave themselves from the viral polyprotein in cis (intramolecular cleavage) and carry out trans cleavages of other scissile peptides important for the virus life cycle. Although the structure of the precursor viral polyprotein is unknown, it probably resembles the organization of the proenzymes of the bacterial serine proteases, subtilisin, and α-lytic protease. Cleavage of the prosegment is known to occur in cis for these precursor molecules.


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The complete nucleotide sequence, 5178 bp, of the totivirus Helminthosporium vicotoriae 190S virus (Hv190SV) double-stranded RNA, was determined. Computer-assisted sequence analysis revealed the presence of two large overlapping ORFs; the 5'-proximal large ORF (ORF1) codes for the coat protein (CP) with a predicted molecular mass of 81 kDa, and the 3'-proximal ORF (ORF2), which is in the -1 frame relative to ORF1, codes for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP). Unlike many other totiviruses, the overlap region between ORF1 and ORF2 lacks known structural information required for translational frameshifting. Using an antiserum to a C-terminal fragment of the RDRP, the product of ORF2 was identified as a minor virion-associated polypeptide of estimated molecular mass of 92 kDa. No CP-RDRP fusion protein with calculated molecular mass of 165 kDa was detected. The predicted start codon of the RDRP ORF (2605-AUG-2607) overlaps with the stop codon (2606-UGA-2608) of the CP ORF, suggesting RDRP is expressed by an internal initiation mechanism. Hv190SV is associated with a debilitating disease of its phytopathogenic fungal host. Knowledge of its genome organization and expression will be valuable for understanding its role in pathogenesis and for potential exploitation in the development of biocontrol measures.


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Microsatellites are tandem repeat sequences abundant in the genomes of higher eukaryotes and hitherto considered as "junk DNA." Analysis of a human genome representative data base (2.84 Mb) reveals a distinct juxtaposition of A-rich microsatellites and retroposons and suggests their coevolution. The analysis implies that most microsatellites were generated by a 3'-extension of retrotranscripts, similar to mRNA polyadenylylation, and that they serve in turn as "retroposition navigators," directing the retroposons via homology-driven integration into defined sites. Thus, they became instrumental in the preservation and extension of primordial genomic patterns. A role is assigned to these reiterating A-rich loci in the higher-order organization of the chromatin. The disease-associated triplet repeats are mostly found in coding regions and do not show an association with retroposons, constituting a unique set within the family of microsatellite sequences.


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The crystal structure of the Glu-105-->Gly mutant of catabolic ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTCase; carbamoyl phosphate + L-ornithine = orthophosphate + L-citrulline, EC from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been determined at 3.0-A resolution. This mutant is blocked in the active R (relaxed) state. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method, starting from a crude molecular model built from a trimer of the catalytic subunit of another transcarbamoylase, the extensively studied aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) from Escherichia coli. This model was used to generate initial low-resolution phases at 8-A resolution, which were extended to 3-A by noncrystallographic symmetry averaging. Four phase extensions were required to obtain an electron density map of very high quality from which the final model was built. The structure, including 4020 residues, has been refined to 3-A, and the current crystallographic R value is 0.216. No solvent molecules have been added to the model. The catabolic OTCase is a dodecamer composed of four trimers organized in a tetrahedral manner. Each monomer is composed of two domains. The carbamoyl phosphate binding domain shows a strong structural homology with the equivalent ATCase part. In contrast, the other domain, mainly implicated in the binding of the second substrate (ornithine for OTCase and aspartate for ATCase) is poorly conserved. The quaternary structures of these two allosteric transcarbamoylases are quite divergent: the E. coli ATCase has pseudo-32 point-group symmetry, with six catalytic and six regulatory chains; the catabolic OTCase has 23 point-group symmetry and only catalytic chains. However, both enzymes display homotropic and heterotropic cooperativity.


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This paper shows that many structural remedies in a sample of European merger cases result in market structures which would probably not be cleared by the Competition Authority (CA) if they were the result of merger (rather than remedy).This is explained by the fact that the CA’s objective through remedy is to restore premerger competition, but markets are often highly concentrated even before merger. If so, the CA must often choose between clearing an ‘uncompetitive’merger, or applying an unsatisfactory remedy. Here, the CA appears reluctant to intervene against coordinated effects, if doing so enhances a leader’s dominance.


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This study examined the mediating influence of organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) on the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and contextual performance. Respondents were Indian employees and their immediate supervisors. Results of structural equation modeling (SEM) that compared the fit of a fully mediated model to a partially mediated model revealed support for the hypothesized fully mediated model. Specifically, the SEM results showed the relationship between LMX and the contextual performance facets of interpersonal facilitation and job dedication to be indirect, through OBSE. Support for the hypothesized mediating influence of OBSE highlights the multiple motivational underpinnings of contextual performance


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This study evaluated the relative fit of both Finn's (1989) Participation-Identification and Wehlage, Rutter, Smith, Lesko and Fernandez's (1989) School Membership models of high school completion to a sample of 4,597 eighth graders taken from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, (NELS:88), utilizing structural equation modeling techniques. This study found support for the importance of educational engagement as a factor in understanding academic achievement. The Participation-Identification model was particularly well fitting when applied to the sample of high school completers, dropouts (both overall and White dropouts) and African-American students. This study also confirmed the contribution of school environmental factors (i.e., size, diversity of economic and ethnic status among students) and family resources (i.e., availability of learning resources in the home and parent educational level) to students' educational engagement. Based on these findings, school social workers will need to be more attentive to utilizing macro-level interventions (i.e., community organization, interagency coordination) to achieve the organizational restructuring needed to address future challenges. The support found for the Participation-Identification model supports a shift in school social workers' attention from reactive attempts to improve the affective-interpersonal lives of students to proactive attention to their academic lives. The model concentrates school social work practices on the central mission of schools, which is educational engagement. School social workers guided by this model would be encouraged to seek changes in school policies and organization that would facilitate educational engagement. ^