417 resultados para Streptozotocin (STZ)
目的:三价铬作为葡萄糖耐量因子的有效活性成分,具有改善糖尿病人的糖代谢和脂代谢的作用,因此补充三价铬是糖尿病治疗中的有效的营养措施,富铬酵母是目前向人体提供三价铬的有效途径,并且葡萄糖耐量因子可以提高靶组织对胰岛素的敏感性而不促进胰腺的胰岛素分泌,为治疗糖尿病提供了一种新方法。 方法:(1)取昆明种小鼠,分对照与实验组,适应性喂养后实验组小鼠按40mg/kg体重注射STZ,对照组注射相应体积柠檬酸缓冲液,连续注射5天,3天后测血糖值,取血糖值≥11.1mmol/L为成功模型。成模小鼠分为两组,一组灌胃富铬酵母悬液4周,另一组灌胃蒸馏水4周,测血糖值。(2)取昆明种小鼠,分对照与实验组,适应性喂养后实验组小鼠按200mg/kg体重注射STZ,对照组注射相应体积柠檬酸缓冲液,3d后测血糖,取血糖值≥11.1mmol/L为成功模型。成模小鼠分为两组,一组灌胃富铬酵母悬液4周,另一组灌胃蒸馏水4周,测血糖值。(3)取C57BL/6J断乳小鼠,随机分为正常饲料组和高脂饲料组,分别用相应饲料喂养3 周。高脂饲料组又分为高脂饲料对照组和高脂饲料实验组。第3 周末, 高脂饲料实验组腹腔内按100mg/kg体重一次性腹腔注射STZ;正常饲料组和高脂饲料对照组腹腔注射相应体积的无菌柠檬酸缓冲液。继续喂养4 周。小鼠以第7周末血糖为准,≥11.1mmol/L为成功模型。成模小鼠分为2组,1组每日灌胃富铬酵母悬液,另一组灌服相应体积的去离子水,4周后,测血糖值。 结果:对Ⅰ型糖尿病小鼠,富铬酵母治疗2周后,治疗组血糖明显低于对照组血糖(p<0.05),4周后显著低于(p<0.01);对Ⅱ型糖尿病小鼠,富铬酵母治疗2周后,治疗组血糖明显低于对照组血糖(p<0.05),3周后显著低于(p<0.01);对肥胖引起的Ⅱ型糖尿病小鼠,富铬酵母治疗2周后,治疗组血糖显 著低于对照组血糖(p<0.01),且血清胰岛素浓度之间没有明显差异。 结论:富铬酵母具有明显的降血糖作用,且不刺激胰岛素分泌
海带根是一种治疗糖尿病的民间中药,在沿海地区有很长的民间用药历史。食用海带根能够有效降低糖尿病患者的血糖,起到治疗作用。本文目的在于发现海带根中抗糖尿病的天然活性物质并分析它们在糖尿病治疗中的靶点;进一步开发一种低价且无毒副作用的化学类新药或中药新药。 α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B是II型糖尿病的两个重要靶点,海带根提取物能同时作用于这两个靶点。通过抑制这两种酶,降低血糖水平,85%乙醇粗提物对两种酶的IC50分别为1589ug/ml、IC50 1271ug/ml。乙酸乙酯相和石油醚相分别抑制α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B,IC50分别为380ug/ml和220ug/ml。因此以α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B的抑制活性为导向,用天然产物化学的方法对活性成分进行追踪分离,寻找单体活性物质进而鉴定其结构。由于乙酸乙酯相具有α-glucosidase抑制活性,用硅胶柱层析(石油醚:丙酮5:1、1:1),(二氯甲烷:甲醇60:1、20:1、5:1),凝胶柱层析Sephadex LH20(二氯甲烷:甲醇1:1),HPLC (80% 甲醇-水),对α-glucosidase抑制剂进行分离,得到组分IC50 为3.6ug/ml。用质谱仪和核磁共振确定结构。 生物活性测定结果表明α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B是两种不同的物质,分别位于乙酸乙酯相和石油醚相。光照实验和高温实验表明抑制α-glucosidase的活性成分对光照和温度敏感。光照48h或者50℃ 12h而且对α-glucosidase的抑制活性显著降低,TLC检测并用FeCl3显色初步表明抑制α-glucosidase的活性成分可能是多数酚类物质。动物实验显示在1450ug/kg剂量下,乙酸乙酯相能够显著降低糖尿病小鼠血糖,与阴性对照组差异极显著(P<0.01)。表明,海带根提取物在体内和体外均呈现出抗糖尿病活性,是一种潜在的抗糖尿病药物。
海藻是海洋生物中的一大类群,由于其特殊的生活环境,能够代谢产生大量结构独特多变和活性特殊多样的代谢产物,是化学和生物活性多样性研究的重要对象之一。我国海域辽阔,海藻资源丰富,为寻找结构新颖、生理活性独特的先导化合物,加强对海藻资源的开发利用,本论文对中国沿海的三种海洋红藻进行了化学成分和生物活性研究,同时对山东青岛海域生物量丰富的一种海洋红藻松节藻进行了动物体内抗糖尿病活性研究。 利用正相硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱以及反相HPLC和重结晶等现代分离手段,对山东青岛沿海的红藻扇形叉枝藻(Gymnogongrus flabelliformis)进行了系统的化学成分研究,从中得到单体化合物26个,通过波谱学方法(IR、MS、NMR等)鉴定了他们的结构,分别为(3R,6R,7E)-(+)-3-O-phenylacetyl- 4,7-megastigmadiene-9-one(1),(3R,7E)-(-)-3-O-phenylacetyl-5,7-megastigmadiene -9-one(2),(3S,6R,7E)-(+)-3-hydroxyl-4,7-megastigmadien-9-one(3),(3S,5R,6S,7E)- (-)-3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-7-megastigmene-9-one(4),(3S,5S,6R,7E)-(+)-3-hydroxy- 5,6-epoxy-7-megastigmene-9-one(5),Dehydrovomifoliol(6),(3R)-(-)-4-[(2R,4S)-4- acetoxy-2-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexylidene]-3-buten-2-one(7),2,3,3′-三溴-4,4′,5,5′-四羟基-1′-乙氧甲基双苯基甲烷(8),2,2′,3,3′-四溴-4,4′,5,5′-四羟基双苯基甲烷(9),3-溴-4,5-二羟基苯甲醛(10),2,3-二溴-4,5-二羟基苯甲基甲醚(11),2,3-二溴-4,5-二羟基苯甲醇(12),N, N-二甲基酪胺(13),4-羟基苯甲酸乙酯(14),4-羟基苯甲基乙醚(15),4-羟基苯乙基乙酯(16),4-羟基苯乙酸甲酯(17),4-羟基苯甲醛(18),豆甾-4-烯-3-酮(19),胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(20),胆甾醇(21),尿嘧啶(22),尿嘧啶核苷(23),腺嘌呤核苷(24),丁二酸(25),5-羟基-4-甲基-5-戊基-2,5-二氢呋喃-2-酮(26)。其中化合物1、2为新化合物,化合物3为新天然产物,所有化合物均为首次从该属海藻中分离得到。通过 MTT 法对部分单体化合物进行了肿瘤细胞毒活性筛选, 结果表明,化合物8、9、10、12对筛选的所有细胞株均有较强细胞毒活性,化合物11对人肺癌细胞株(A549)、人肝癌细胞株(Bel 7402)、人结肠癌细胞株(HCT-8)有一定细胞毒活性。通过研究单体化合物对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞TNF-分泌的影响,对其进行抗炎活性筛选,结果表明,化合物8、9、11、13、17、23、24、25对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞TNF-分泌表现出明显的抑制作用。 从采自山东荣成镆铘岛的红藻小珊瑚藻(Corallina pilulifera)的乙酸乙酯萃取物中分离得到16个单体化合物,通过波谱学方法鉴定化合物结构14个(另外2个正在鉴定中),分别为2α-乙氧酰基-2β-羟基-A-降胆甾-5-烯-4-酮(27),胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(28),胆甾醇(29),3β-羟基-胆甾-5,24(28)-二烯-7-酮(30),2α-羟基-胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(31),6α-羟基-胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(32),3β-羟基-胆甾-5-烯-7-酮(33),(E)-phytol epoxide(34),Phytenal(35),3,7,11,15- tetramethyl-hexadec-2-en-1-oll(Phytol)(36),Loloilide(37),(3S,5R,6S,7E)-(-)-3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-7- megastigmene-9-one(38),Dehydrovomifoliol(39),4-羟基苯甲醛(40)。其中,化合物 31为新天然产物,化合物27为首次从植物中分离得到,所有化合物均为首次从该种海藻中分离得到。通过 MTT 法对分离得到的单体化合物进行了肿瘤细胞毒活性筛选,化合物27和化合物32对筛选的所有肿瘤细胞株均有细胞毒活性,且化合物27对人胃癌细胞株(BGC-823)、人结肠癌细胞株(HCT-8)和人卵巢癌细胞株(A2780)具有中等强度抑制活性。化合物28、化合物31和化合物33对人肝癌细胞株(Bel 7402)、人结肠癌细胞株(HCT-8)和人卵巢癌细胞株(A2780)有一定细胞毒活性。 从采自广西北海涠洲岛的多管藻Polysiphonia sp.的乙酸乙酯萃取物中分离得到6个单体化合物,通过波谱学方法鉴定化合物结构5个(另外1个仍在鉴定),分别为胆甾醇(41),3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-hexadec-2-en-1-ol(Phytol)(42),3-吲哚甲醛(43),4-羟基苯甲醛(44),4-羟基苯甲酸(45)。 对山东青岛沿海的松节藻 (Rhodomela confervoides) 乙醇提取物进行了初步的体内抗糖尿病活性研究,采用链脲佐菌素诱导的2型糖尿病(STZ-DM)大鼠模型对其进行体内降糖实验,结果发现,松节藻乙醇提取物在糖尿病大鼠体内不仅具有显著的降血糖作用,且呈现良好的量–效关系,而且能够纠正糖尿病引发的物质代谢紊乱,增加体重,提高试验动物的成活率,因此具有良好的应用开发前景。
蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTP1B)是蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(protein tyrosine phosphatases, PTPs)家族中的一个经典的非受体型酪氨酸磷酸酶,在胰岛素信号通路中起着重要的负调控作用,是目前公认的一个新颖的糖尿病和肥胖症治疗靶点。寻找PTP1B的高活性抑制剂对糖尿病和肥胖症治疗有着重要的应用前景。 双-(2,3-二溴-4,5-二羟基苯基)-甲烷(BDDPM)是从松节藻醇提物中分离鉴定出的溴酚类化合物,体外活性筛选发现,它具有极强的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTP1B)抑制活性(IC50=2.4μmol/L)。采用高脂饮食-链脲佐菌素诱导的大鼠模型(STZ-DM)对富含BDDPM的松节藻醇提物进行动物实验,发现中、高剂量组同样表现出惊人的活性,降糖效果优于阳性对照临床药物文迪雅,并呈剂量依赖性。于是拟采用STZ-DM大鼠模型对单一组分BDDPM进行药理、药效学等体内降糖活性研究,但体内动物实验需要30g以上BDDPM,所以首先要解决药源的问题。本文尝试从天然海藻提取分离和化学合成两种途径来解决BDDPM制备的问题。 首先本文尝试从松节藻中提取分离BDDPM的制备方法。通过正相硅胶色谱、凝胶Sephadex LH-20色谱和重结晶等纯化手段分离纯化目标化合物BDDPM,并借助IR,MS和NMR等技术确定了其化学结构。最终从常温风干的50kg松节藻干样品中分离得到7.8g BDDPM。由于松节藻藻体构成复杂,给分离纯化BDDPM带来极大困难,致使分离纯化过程耗费大量时间和金钱;并且原材料松节藻的采集也易受季节和原料短缺等自然因素的影响。所以,从天然海藻中分离纯化的方法不适宜用于BDDPM的制备。 本文的重点是对BDDPM(4e)的化学合成途径进行研究。本文通过5步合成法(Friedel-Craftz酰基化反应、苯环逐级溴代、羰基还原、羟基脱保护)成功地合成了BDDPM,合成总产率为23.6%。同时本文采用上述合成路线获得了四个系列共计20个溴酚系列衍生物(4e为目标产物BDDPM,其余19个为溴酚系列衍生物),其中10个为新化合物。合成的20个化合物经1H NMR、13C NMR、MSEI和IR进行了结构鉴定。合成的20个化合物在体外活性筛选中均表现出不同程度的PTP1B抑制活性,其中合成的目标产物4e具有与天然分离纯化获得的BDDPM同等效率的PTP1B抑制作用。 另外,通过比较四个系列化合物PTP1B抑制活性间的差异,对此类溴酚化合物的构效关系作了初步分析,结果表明:1.羰基官能团的存在会明显降低此类化合物的PTP1B抑制率;2.化合物中的羟基官能团被甲氧基保护后,PTP1B抑制活性会得到一定程度的加强;3.化合物苯环上溴原子取代基数目增多时,其PTP1B抑制率也会随之增强。但是,筛选结果中也有少部分化合物的PTP1B抑制作用与上述规则相违背。因此,本文总结的初步构效关系还需要进一步的实验研究加以验证。 最后本文通过化学合成的方法,经过5步反应成功地制备出了30g BDDPM,为后续的药理、药效学研究奠定了基础。
SUMMARY: Fracture stabilization in the diabetic patient is associated with higher complication rates, particularly infection and impaired wound healing, which can lead to major tissue damage, osteomyelitis, and higher amputation rates. With an increasing prevalence of diabetes and an aging population, the risks of infection of internal fixation devices are expected to grow. Although numerous retrospective clinical studies have identified a relationship between diabetes and infection, currently there are few animal models that have been used to investigate postoperative surgical-site infections associated with internal fixator implantation and diabetes. The authors therefore refined the protocol for inducing hyperglycemia and compared the bacterial burden in controls to pharmacologically induced type 1 diabetic rats after undergoing internal fracture plate fixation and Staphylococcus aureus surgical-site inoculation. Using an initial series of streptozotocin doses, followed by optional additional doses to reach a target blood glucose range of 300 to 600 mg/dl, the authors reliably induced diabetes in 100 percent of the rats (n = 16), in which a narrow hyperglycemic range was maintained 14 days after onset of diabetes (mean ± SEM, 466 ± 16 mg/dl; coefficient of variation, 0.15). With respect to their primary endpoint, the authors quantified a significantly higher infectious burden in inoculated diabetic animals (median, 3.2 × 10 colony-forming units/mg dry tissue) compared with inoculated nondiabetic animals (7.2 × 10 colony-forming units/mg dry tissue). These data support the authors' hypothesis that uncontrolled diabetes adversely affects the immune system's ability to clear Staphylococcus aureus associated with internal hardware.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To investigate the effect of treatment with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Sulindac on the early vascular pathology of diabetic retinopathy in the dog, and it's effect on recognised biochemical indices of hyperglycaemia-related pathophysiology. METHODS: Experimental diabetes (streptozotocin/alloxan) was induced in 22 male beagle dogs and 12 of the animals were assigned at random to receive oral Sulindac (10 mg/kg daily). Age- and sex-matched control animals were maintained as non-diabetic controls. After 4 years, several morphological parameters were quantified in the retinal microvasculature of each animal group using an established stereological method. Also, the following diabetes-associated biochemical parameters were analysed: accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), red blood cell polyol levels and antioxidant status. RESULTS: Diabetes increased red blood cell sorbitol levels when compared to non-diabetic controls (p<or =0.05), however, there was no difference in sorbitol levels between the untreated and the treated diabetic animals. No significant differences were found in red blood cell myoinositol levels between the three groups of animals. Pentosidine and other AGEs were increased two- to three-fold in the diabetic animals (p<or =0.001) although treatment with Sulindac did not affect their accumulation in diabetic skin collagen or alter diabetes-induced rises in plasma malondialdehyde. Retinal capillary basement membrane volume was significantly increased in the untreated diabetic dogs compared to non-diabetic controls or Sulindac-treated diabetic animals (p<or =0.0001). CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: This study has confirmed the beneficial effect of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the early vascular pathology of diabetic retinopathy. However the treatment benefit was not dependent on inhibition of polyol pathway activity, advanced glycation, or oxidative stress.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To assess the effects of diabetes-induced activation of protein kinase C (PKC) on voltage-dependent and voltage-independent Ca2+ influx pathways in retinal microvascular smooth muscle cells. METHODS: Cytosolic Ca2+ was estimated in freshly isolated rat retinal arterioles from streptozotocin-induced diabetic and non-diabetic rats using fura-2 microfluorimetry. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx was tested by measuring rises in [Ca2+]i with KCl (100 mmol/l) and store-operated Ca2+ influx was assessed by depleting [Ca2+]i stores with Ca2+ free medium containing 5 micromol/l cyclopiazonic acid over 10 min and subsequently measuring the rate of rise in Ca2+ on adding 2 mmol/l or 10 mmol/l Ca2+ solution. RESULTS: Ca2+ entry through voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channels was unaffected by diabetes. In contrast, store-operated Ca2+ influx was attenuated. In microvessels from non-diabetic rats 20 mmol/l D-mannitol had no effect on store-operated Ca2+ influx. Diabetic rats injected daily with insulin had store-operated Ca2+ influx rates similar to non-diabetic control rats. The reduced Ca2+ entry in diabetic microvessels was reversed by 2-h exposure to 100 nmol/l staurosporine, a non-specific PKC antagonist and was mimicked in microvessels from non-diabetic rats by 10-min exposure to the PKC activator phorbol myristate acetate (100 nmol/l). The specific PKCbeta antagonist LY379196 (100 nmol/l) also reversed the poor Ca2+ influx although its action was less efficacious than staurosporine. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: These results show that store-operated Ca2+ influx is inhibited in retinal arterioles from rats having sustained increased blood glucose and that PKCbeta seems to play a role in mediating this effect.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Diabetes mellitus (DM) causes multiple dysfunctions including circulatory disorders such as cardiomyopathy, angiopathy, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Rho kinase (ROCK) and protein kinase C (PKC) regulate vascular smooth muscle (VSM) Ca(2+) sensitivity, thus enhancing VSM contraction, and up-regulation of both enzymes in DM is well known. We postulated that in DM, Ca(2+) sensitization occurs in diabetic arteries due to increased ROCK and/or PKC activity. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Rats were rendered hyperglycaemic by i.p. injection of streptozotocin. Age-matched control tissues were used for comparison. Contractile responses to phenylephrine (Phe) and different Ca(2+) concentrations were recorded, respectively, from intact and chemically permeabilized vascular rings from aorta, tail and mesenteric arteries. KEY RESULTS: Diabetic tail and mesenteric arteries demonstrated markedly enhanced sensitivity to Phe while these changes were not observed in aorta. The ROCK inhibitor HA1077, but not the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine, caused significant reduction in sensitivity to agonist in diabetic vessels. Similar changes were observed for myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity, which was again enhanced in DM in tail and mesenteric arteries, but not in aorta, and could be reduced by both the ROCK and PKC blockers. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: We conclude that in DM enhanced myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity is mainly manifested in muscular-type blood vessels and thus likely to contribute to the development of hypertension. Both PKC and, in particular, ROCK are involved in this phenomenon. This highlights their potential usefulness as drug targets in the pharmacological management of DM-associated vascular dysfunction.
We have previously shown that mice lacking the IL-12-specific receptor subunit ß2 (IL-12Rß2) develop more severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis than wild-type (WT) mice. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon is not known; nor is it known whether deficiency of IL-12Rß2 impacts other autoimmune disorders similarly. In the present study we demonstrate that IL-12Rß2-/- mice develop earlier onset and more severe disease in the streptozotocin-induced model of diabetes, indicating predisposition of IL-12Rß2-deficient mice to autoimmune diseases. T cells from IL-12Rß2-/- mice exhibited significantly higher proliferative responses upon TCR stimulation. The numbers of naturally occurring CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the thymus and spleen of IL-12Rß2-/- mice were comparable to those of WT mice. However, IL-12Rß2-/- mice exhibited a significantly reduced capacity to develop Tregs upon stimulation with TGF-ß, as shown by significantly lower numbers of CD25+CD4+ T cells that expressed Foxp3. Functionally, CD25+CD4+ Tregs derived from IL-12Rß2-/- mice were less efficient than those from WT mice in suppressing effector T cells. The role of IL-12Rß2 in the induction of Tregs was confirmed using small interfering RNA. These findings suggest that signaling via IL-12Rß2 regulates both the number and functional maturity of Treg cells, which indicates a novel mechanism underlying the regulation of autoimmune diseases by the IL-12 pathway. Copyright © 2008 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.
Aims/hypothesis: Referred to as CCN, the family of growth factors consisting of cystein-rich protein 61 (CYR61, also known as CCN1), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF, also known as CCN2), nephroblastoma overexpressed gene (NOV, also known as CCN3) and WNT1-inducible signalling pathway proteins 1, 2 and 3 (WISP1, -2 and -3; also known as CCN4, -5 and -6) affects cellular growth, differentiation, adhesion and locomotion in wound repair, fibrotic disorders, inflammation and angiogenesis. AGEs formed in the diabetic milieu affect the same processes, leading to diabetic complications including diabetic retinopathy. We hypothesised that pathological effects of AGEs in the diabetic retina are a consequence of AGE-induced alterations in CCN family expression.
Materials and methods: CCN gene expression levels were studied at the mRNA and protein level in retinas of control and diabetic rats using real-time quantitative PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry at 6 and 12 weeks of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the presence or absence of aminoguanidine, an AGE inhibitor. In addition, C57BL/6 mice were repeatedly injected with exogenously formed AGE to establish whether AGE modulate retinal CCN growth factors in vivo.
Results: After 6 weeks of diabetes, Cyr61 expression levels were increased more than threefold. At 12 weeks of diabetes, Ctgf expression levels were increased twofold. Treatment with aminoguanidine inhibited Cyr61 and Ctgf expression in diabetic rats, with reductions of 31 and 36%, respectively, compared with untreated animals. Western blotting showed a twofold increase in CTGF production, which was prevented by aminoguanidine treatment. In mice infused with exogenous AGE, Cyr61 expression increased fourfold and Ctgf expression increased twofold in the retina.
Conclusions/interpolation: CTGF and CYR61 are downstream effectors of AGE in the diabetic retina, implicating them as possible targets for future intervention strategies against the development of diabetic retinopathy.
Glucagon-like peptide-1(7-36)amide (tGLP-1) is an important insulin-releasing hormone of the enteroinsular axis which is secreted by endocrine L-cells of the small intestine following nutrient ingestion. The present study has evaluated tGLP-1 in the intestines of normal and diabetic animal models and estimated the proportion present in glycated form. Total immunoreactive tGLP-1 levels in the intestines of hyperglycaemic hydrocortisone-treated rats, streptozotocin-treated mice and ob/ob mice were similar to age-matched controls. Affinity chromatographic separation of glycated and non-glycated proteins in intestinal extracts followed by radioimmunoassay using a fully crossreacting anti-serum demonstrated the presence of glycated tGLP-1 within the intestinal extracts of all control animals (approximately 19%., of total tGLP-1 content). Chemically induced and spontaneous animal models of diabetes were found to possess significantly greater levels of glycated tGLP-1 than controls, corresponding to between 24-71% of the total content. These observations suggest that glycated tGLP-1 may be of physiological significance given that such N-terminal modification confers resistance to DPP IV inactivation and degradation, extending the very short half-life (
Aims/hypothesis: Up-regulation of the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) and its ligands in diabetes has been observed in various tissues. Here, we sought to determine levels of RAGE and one of its most important ligands, S100B, in diabetic retina, and to investigate the regulatory role of S100B and RAGE in Müller glia.
Methods: Streptozotocin-diabetes was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats. RAGE, S100B and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were detected in retinal cryosections. In parallel, the human retinal Müller cell line, MIO-M1, was maintained in normal glucose (5.5 mmol/l) or high glucose (25 mmol/l). RAGE knockdown was achieved using small interfering RNA (siRNA), while soluble RAGE was used as a competitive inhibitor of RAGE ligand binding. RAGE, S100B and cytokines were detected using quantitative RT-PCR, western blotting, cytokine protein arrays or ELISA. Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by RAGE was determined by western blotting.
Results: Compared with non-diabetic controls, RAGE and S100B were significantly elevated in the diabetic retina with apparent localisation in the Müller glia, occurring concomitantly with upregulation of GFAP. Exposure of MIO-M1 cells to high glucose induced increased production of RAGE and S100B. RAGE signalling via MAPK pathway was linked to cytokine production. Blockade of RAGE prevented cytokine responses induced by high glucose and S100B in Müller glia.
Conclusions/interpretation: Hyperglycaemia in vivo and in vitro exposure to high glucose induce upregulation of RAGE and its ligands, leading to RAGE signalling, which links to pro-inflammatory responses by retinal Müller glia. These data shed light on the potential clinical application of RAGE blockade to inhibit the progression of diabetic retinopathy.
We examined the ability of pyridoxamine (PM), an inhibitor of formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and lipoxidation end products (ALEs), to protect against diabetes-induced retinal vascular lesions. The effects of PM were compared with the antioxidants vitamin E (VE) and R-alpha-lipoic acid (LA) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Animals were given either PM (1 g/l drinking water), VE (2,000 IU/kg diet), or LA (0.05%/kg diet). After 29 weeks of diabetes, retinas were examined for pathogenic changes, alterations in extracellular matrix (ECM) gene expression, and accumulation of the immunoreactive AGE/ALE N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML). Acellular capillaries were increased more than threefold, accompanied by significant upregulation of laminin immunoreactivity in the retinal microvasculature. Diabetes also increased mRNA expression for fibronectin (2-fold), collagen IV (1.6-fold), and laminin beta chain (2.6-fold) in untreated diabetic rats compared with nondiabetic rats. PM treatment protected against capillary drop-out and limited laminin protein upregulation and ECM mRNA expression and the increase in CML in the retinal vasculature. VE and LA failed to protect against retinal capillary closure and had inconsistent effects on diabetes-related upregulation of ECM mRNAs. These results indicate that the AGE/ALE inhibitor PM protected against a range of pathological changes in the diabetic retina and may be useful for treating diabetic retinopathy.
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), formed from the nonenzymatic glycation of proteins and lipids with reducing sugars, have been implicated in many diabetic complications; however, their role in diabetic retinopathy remains largely unknown. Recent studies suggest that the cellular actions of AGEs may be mediated by AGE-specific receptors (AGE-R). We have examined the immunolocalization of AGEs and AGE-R components R1 and R2 in the retinal vasculature at 2, 4, and 8 months after STZ-induced diabetes as well as in nondiabetic rats infused with AGE bovine serum albumin for 2 weeks. Using polyclonal or monoclonal anti-AGE antibodies and polyclonal antibodies to recombinant AGE-R1 and AGE-R2, immunoreactivity (IR) was examined in the complete retinal vascular tree after isolation by trypsin digestion. After 2, 4, and 8 months of diabetes, there was a gradual increase in AGE IR in basement membrane. At 8 months, pericytes, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells of the retinal vessels showed dense intracellular AGE IR. AGE epitopes stained most intensely within pericytes and smooth muscle cells but less in basement membrane of AGE-infused rats compared with the diabetic group. Retinas from normal or bovine-serum-albumin-infused rats were largely negative for AGE IR. AGE-R1 and -R2 co-localized strongly with AGEs of vascular endothelial cells, pericytes, and smooth muscle cells of either normal, diabetic, or AGE-infused rat retinas, and this distribution did not vary with each condition. The data indicate that AGEs accumulate as a function of diabetes duration first within the basement membrane and then intracellularly, co-localizing with cellular AGE-Rs. Significant AGE deposits appear within the pericytes after long-term diabetes or acute challenge with AGE infusion conditions associated with pericyte damage. Co-localization of AGEs and AGE-Rs in retinal cells points to possible interactions of pathogenic significance.
OBJECTIVE: Gremlin (grem1) is an antagonist of the bone morphogenetic protein family that plays a key role in limb bud development and kidney formation. There is a growing appreciation that altered grem1 expression may regulate the homeostatic constraints on damage responses in diseases such as diabetic nephropathy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Here we explored whether knockout mice heterozygous for grem1 gene deletion (grem1(+/-)) exhibit protection from the progression of diabetic kidney disease in a streptozotocin-induced model of type 1 diabetes. RESULTS: A marked elevation in grem1 expression was detected in the kidneys and particularly in kidney tubules of diabetic wild-type mice compared with those of littermate controls. In contrast, diabetic grem1(+/-) mice displayed a significant attenuation in grem1 expression at 6 months of diabetes compared with that in age- and sex-matched wild-type controls. Whereas the onset and induction of diabetes were similar between grem1(+/-) and wild-type mice, several indicators of diabetes-associated kidney damage such as increased glomerular basement membrane thickening and microalbuminuria were attenuated in grem1(+/-) mice compared with those in wild-type controls. Markers of renal damage such as fibronectin and connective tissue growth factor were elevated in diabetic wild-type but not in grem1(+/-) kidneys. Levels of pSmad1/5/8 decreased in wild-type but not in grem1(+/-) diabetic kidneys, suggesting that bone morphogenetic protein signaling may be maintained in the absence of grem1. CONCLUSIONS: These data identify grem1 as a potential modifier of renal injury in the context of diabetic kidney disease.