959 resultados para Storage on ice


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Quality changes during storage were investigated for several commercially important East African freshwater fish. Lates, Bagrus, Protopterus, Tilapia esculenta and T. nilotica were examined during storage in ice and at ambient temperature (250•C). After 24 hours at ambient temperature Lates and Bagrus were completely spoilt but Protopterus was still edible. In iced storage most fish were acceptable for at least 20 days. Organoleptic examination showed that T. nilotica was acceptable after 22 days storage in ice and that gutting was only marginally beneficial. Changes in physical appearance, which could form the basis of a fish inspection system, were recorded during storage. Possible chemical quality control indices were also investigated. It was found that total volatile bases and hypoxanthine are unlikely to be useful quality indices for the species studied with the possible exception of Lates. The bacterial counts of the flesh and skin of T. esculenta and T. niloticus were found to be low (a maximum of 10 organisms per sq cm of skin or per g of flesh) after 22 days storage in ice.


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There is interest in determining levels of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) contamination in milk. The optimal sample preparation for raw cows' milk to ensure accurate enumeration of viable MAP by the peptide-mediated magnetic separation (PMS)-phage assay was determined. Results indicated that milk samples should be refrigerated at 4 C after collection and MAP testing should commence within 24 h, or samples can be frozen at 70 C for up to one month without loss of MAP viability. Use of Bronopol is not advised as MAP viability is affected. The vast majority (>95%) of MAP in raw milk sedimented to the pellet upon centrifugation at 2500 g for 15 min, so this milk fraction should be tested. De-clumping of MAP cells was most effectively achieved by ultrasonication of the resuspended milk pellet on ice in a sonicator bath at 37 kHz for 4 min in ‘Pulse’ mode.


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Polystichum drepanum (Sw) C. Presl is a threatened fern endemic to a few forest areas in the north-west of Madeira Island. The aims of this work were to establish suitable culture conditions for in vitro germination of spores, and to evaluate short-term storage conditions for P drepanum spores. The highest frequency of germination was obtained in Murishage and Skoog (MS) liquid medium, without agitation. However, gametophytes maintained in MS liquid medium did not grow and, after 4 weeks, became anoxic and died. Thus, after germination in liquid medium, gametophytes were transferred to an MS double-phase culture system for further growth. The effects of storage period, temperature, and relative humidity during storage on in vitro spore germination were studied. Spore viability was assessed after 2, 4 and 6 months, and high viability (> 94%) was observed in all the assays. However, germination capability decreased with increased storage periods. The number of sporophytes obtained also decreased with prolonged storage periods. The results indicate that spores of R drepanum stored for 4 months at 21 degrees C maintain high viability and high germination frequency. ne sporophytes obtained were acclimatised in a mixture of peat and vermiculite [2:1 (v/v)] under high relative humidity (90-95%). Seventy-five sporophytes were successfully acclimatised to ex vitro conditions and showed active growth in the glasshouse.


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The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative contribution of skate blade properties to on-ice skating speed. Thirty-two male ice hockey players (mean age = 19±2.65 yrs.) representing the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA; Midget AAA and Junior), Canadian Inter University Sport (CIS: Varsity), Ontario hockey league (OHL) and East Coast Hockey League (ECHL), and the playing positions of forwards (n=18) and defense (n=14) were recruited to participate. Skate related equipment worn by the players for the purpose of the research was documented and revealed that 80% of the players wore Bauer skates, Tuuk blade holders and LS2 skate blades. Subjects completed a battery of eight on-ice skating drills used to measure and compare two aspects of skating speed; acceleration [T1(s)] and total time to complete each drill [TT(s)] while skating on three skate blade conditions. The drills represented skills used in the game of hockey, both in isolation (e.g., forward skating, backward skating, stops and starts, and cornering) and in sequence to simulate the combination of skills used in a shift of game play. The three blade conditions consisted of (i) baseline, represented by the blades worn by the player throughout their current season of play; (ii) experimental blades (EB), represented by brand name experimental blades with manufacturers radius of contour and a standardized radius of hollow; and (iii) customized experimental blades (CEB), represented by the same brand name experimental blades sharpened to the players’ preference as identified in the baseline condition. No significant differences were found in acceleration time [T1(s)] or total time to complete [TT(s)] the isolated drills across blade conditions; however significant differences were revealed in both T1(s) and TT(s) measured during the execution of the sequenced drill across blade conditions. A iii Bonferroni post hoc test revealed that players skated significantly faster when skating on the CEB condition compared to the baseline condition (p≤.05). A questionnaire assessing subjects perceived comfort, confidence and effort expended while skating on the experimental blades revealed that players were significantly more comfortable when skating on the CEB versus the EB condition (p≤.05). Outcomes of the study provide evidence to suggest that the experimental skate blades customized with the players preferred blade sharpening characteristics results in faster skating speed in a combination drill representing skills performed in gameplay.


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Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, il s'agit d'examiner le rôle du genre, de la sexualité et de la traduction dans les rapports entre deux mouvements nationalistes. D'abord, nous examinerons les représentations de la famille véchiulées dans l'autobiographie du membre du Front de libération du Québec Pierre Vallières (1938-1998), Les Nègres blancs d'Amérique. Ensuite, nous nous pencherons sur l'analyse du genre et de la sexualité contenue dans Soul on Ice, un recueil de textes écrits par le nationaliste noir Eldridge Cleaver (1933-1998). Dans les deux cas, la question de la violence révolutionnaire tiendra lieu de fil conducteur. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, nous relirons la traduction anglaise de Vallières, White Niggers of America, signée par Joan Pinkham. Cette relecture nous fournira l'occasion à la fois de comprendre et de critiquer, à partir de la perspective établie par la pensée de Cleaver au sujet de la masculinité noire dans une société régie par la suprématie blanche, comment Vallières essaie de bâtir des réseaux de solidarité internationaux et interraciaux entre les hommes. Dans notre conclusion, nous réunirons ces trois textes par le biais du sujet de l'internationalisme, en nous servant de la théorie queer, de la traductologie et des données biographiques pour résumer les résultats de nos recherches.


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Cette thèse comporte trois essais en économie des ressources naturelles. Le Chapitre 2 analyse les effets du stockage d’une ressource naturelle sur le bien-être et sur le stock de celle-ci, dans le contexte de la rizipisciculture. La rizipisciculture consiste à élever des poissons dans une rizière en même temps que la culture du riz. Je développe un modèle d’équilibre général, qui contient trois composantes principales : une ressource renouvelable à accès libre, deux secteurs de production et le stockage du bien produit à partir de la ressource. Les consommateurs stockent la ressource lorsqu’ils spéculent que le prix de cette ressource sera plus élevé dans le futur. Le stockage a un effet ambigu sur le bien-être, négatif sur le stock de ressource au moment où le stockage a lieu et positive sur le stock de ressource dans le futur. Le Chapitre 3 étudie les effects de la migration de travailleurs qualifiés dans un modèle de commerce international lorsqu’il y a présence de pollution. Je développe un modèle de commerce à deux secteurs dans lequel j’introduis les questions de pollution et de migration dans l’objectif de montrer que le commerce interrégional peut affecter le niveau de pollution dans un pays composé de régions qui ont des structures industrielles différentes. La mobilité des travailleurs amplifie les effets du commerce sur le capital environnemental. Le capital environnemental de la région qui a la technologie la moins (plus) polluante est positivement (négativement) affecté par le commerce. De plus, je montre que le commerce interrégional est toujours bénéfique pour la région avec la technologie la moins polluante, ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas pour la région qui a la technologie la plus polluante. Finalement, le Chapitre 4 est coécrit avec Yves Richelle. Dans ce chapitre, nous étudions l’allocation efficace de l’eau d’un lac entre différents utilisateurs. Nous considérons dans le modèle deux types d’irréversibilités : l’irréversibilité d’un investissement qui crée un dommage à l’écosystème et l’irréversibilité dans l’allocation des droits d’usage de l’eau qui provient de la loi sur l’eau (irréversibilité légale). Nous déterminons d’abord la valeur de l’eau pour chacun des utilisateurs. Par la suite, nous caractérisons l’allocation optimale de l’eau entre les utilisateurs. Nous montrons que l’irréversibilité légale entraîne qu’il est parfois optimal de réduire la quantité d’eau allouée à la firme, même s’il n’y a pas de rivalité d’usage. De plus, nous montrons qu’il n’est pas toujours optimal de prévenir le dommage créé par un investissement. Dans l’ensemble, nous prouvons que les irréversibilités entraînent que l’égalité de la valeur entre les utilisateurs ne tient plus à l’allocation optimale. Nous montrons que lorsqu’il n’y a pas de rivalité d’usage, l’eau non utilisée ne doit pas être considérée comme une ressource sans limite qui doit être utilisée de n’importe quelle façon.


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Marine and terrestrial sediments of the Valanginian age display a distinct positive δ13C excursion, which has recently been interpreted as the expression of an oceanic anoxic episode (OAE) of global importance. Here we evaluate the extent of anaerobic conditions in marine bottom waters and explore the mechanisms involved in changing carbon storage on a global scale during this time interval. We asses redox-sensitive trace-element distributions (RSTE; uranium, vanadium, cobalt, arsenic and molybdenum) and the quality and quantity of preserved organic matter (OM) in representative sections along a shelf-basin transect in the western Tethys, in the Polish Basin and on Shatsky Rise. OM-rich layers corresponding in time to the δ13C shift are generally rare in the Tethyan sections and if present, the layers are not thicker than several centimetres and total organic carbon (TOC) contents do not surpass 1.68 wt..%. Palynological observations and geochemical properties of the preserved OM suggest a mixed marine and terrestrial origin and deposition in an oxic environment. In the Polish Basin, OM-rich layers show evidence for an important continental component. RSTE exhibit no major enrichments during the δ13C excursion in all studied Tethyan sections. RSTE enrichments are, however, observed in the pre-δ13C excursion OM-rich “Barrande” levels of the Vocontian Trough. In addition, all Tethyan sections record higher Mn contents during the δ13C shift, indicating rather well-oxygenated bottom waters in the western Tethys and the presence of anoxic basins elsewhere, such as the restricted basins of the North Atlantic and Weddell Sea. We propose that the Valanginian δ13C shift is the consequence of a combination of increased OM storage in marginal seas and on continents (as a sink of 12C-enriched organic carbon), coupled with the demise of shallow-water carbonate platforms (diminishing the storage capacity of 13C-enriched carbonate carbon). As such the Valanginian provides a more faithful natural analogue to present-day environmental change than most other Mesozoic OAEs, which are characterized by the development of ocean-wide dysaerobic to anaerobic conditions.


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A dataset of manufacturers' measurements of acrylamide levels in 40,455 samples of fresh sliced potato crisps from 20 European countries for years 2002 to 2011 was compiled. This dataset is by far the largest ever compiled relating to acrylamide levels in potato crisps. Analysis of variance was applied to the data and showed a clear, significant downward trend for mean levels of acrylamide, from 763 +/- 91.1 ng g(-1) (parts per billion) in 2002 to 358 +/- 2.5 ng g(-1) in 2011; this was a decrease of 53% +/- 13.5%. The yearly 95th quantile values were also subject to a clear downward trend. The effect of seasonality arising from the influence of potato storage on acrylamide levels was evident, with acrylamide in the first 6 months of the year being significantly higher than in the second 6 months. The proportion of samples containing acrylamide at a level above the indicative value of 1000ngg(-1) for potato crisps introduced by the European Commission in 2011 fell from 23.8% in 2002 to 3.2% in 2011. Nevertheless, even in 2011, a small proportion of samples still contained high levels of acrylamide, with 0.2% exceeding 2000ngg(-1).


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Observations have been obtained within an intense (precipitation rates > 50 mm h−1 ) narrow cold-frontal rainband (NCFR) embedded within a broader region of stratiform precipitation. In situ data were obtained from an aircraft which flew near a steerable dual-polarisation Doppler radar. The observations were obtained to characterise the microphysical properties of cold frontal clouds, with an emphasis on ice and precipitation formation and development. Primary ice nucleation near cloud top (−55◦ C) appeared to be enhanced by convective features. However, ice multiplication led to the largest ice particle number concentrations being observed at relatively high temperatures (> −10◦ C). The multiplication process (most likely rime splintering) occurs when stratiform precipitation interacts with supercooled water generated in the NCFR. Graupel was notably absent in the data obtained. Ice multiplication processes are known to have a strong impact in glaciating isolated convective clouds, but have rarely been studied within larger organised convective systems such as NCFRs. Secondary ice particles will impact on precipitation formation and cloud dynamics due to their relatively small size and high number density. Further modelling studies are required to quantify the effects of rime splintering on precipitation and dynamics in frontal rainbands. Available parametrizations used to diagnose the particle size distributions do not account for the influence of ice multiplication. This deficiency in parametrizations is likely to be important in some cases for modelling the evolution of cloud systems and the precipitation formation. Ice multiplication has significant impact on artefact removal from in situ particle imaging probes.


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This study sought to evaluate the influence of thermocycling and water storage on the microtensile bond strength of composite resin bonded to erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG)-irradiated and bur-prepared enamel. Eighty bovine incisors were selected and sectioned. Specimens were ground to produce a flat enamel surface. Samples were randomly assigned according to cavity preparation device: (I) Er:YAG laser and (II) high-speed turbine, and were subsequently restored with composite resin. They were subdivided according to the duration of water storage (WS)/number of thermocycles (TCs): 24 h WS/no TCs; 7 days WS/500 TCs; 1 month WS/2,000 TCs; 6 months WS/12,000 TCs. The teeth were sectioned into 1.0 mm(2)-thick slabs and subjected to tensile stress in a universal testing machine. Data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey`s test at a 0.05 significance level. The different periods of water storage and thermocycling did not influence the microtensile bond strength (A mu TBS) values in the Er:YAG laser-prepared groups. In bur-prepared enamel, the group submitted to 12,000 TCs/6 months` WS (IID) showed a significant decrease in bond strength values when compared to the group stored in water for 24 h and not submitted to thermocycling (IIA), but values were statistically similar to those obtained in all Er:YAG laser groups and in the bur- prepared groups degraded with 500 TCs/1 week WS (IIB) or 2,000 TCs/1 month WS (IIC). It may be concluded that adhesion of an etch-and-rinse adhesive to Er:YAG laser-irradiated enamel was not affected by the methods used to simulate degradation of the adhesive interface and was similar to adhesion in the bur-prepared groups in all periods of water storage and thermocycling.


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The intake of adequate quantities of food, including those rich in vitamins, is necessary for a healthy life. The lack of vitamin A has been characterized as a public health problem in developing countries, however, a high intake of vitamin A can result in toxic and teratogenics effects. High concentrations of vitamin A have been observed in the livers of animals. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of retinol in chicken livers and verify the effect of frozen storage on these levels. 64 livers from two chicken strains, Cobb and Ross, were used, came from four different farms. We examined 32 livers from each strain, 8 samples from each farm. Liver sample were homogenized individually, then 4 aliquots were taken from each sample. One of aliquots was analyzed immediately after slaughter (T0), the others were analyzed after 30, 60 and 90 days of storage at -18oC (T30, T60 and T90, respectively). Retinol dosage in the liver was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The levels of retinol varied significantly according to the strain. The mean retinol value in the fresh samples was 6678.0 ± 1337.7 and 8324.1 ± 1158.5 µg/100g in the Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. Values of 4258 ± 918.7 ± 1391.7 and 4650.5 ± 1391.7 μg/100g were found after 90 days of storage for Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. The liver freezing caused a significant reduction in their levels of retinol, causing a loss of up to 44% with respect to fresh livers. The reduction in retinol levels occurred from 30 days of storage. Even with the losses from the frozen, the ingestion of a typical portion of 100 g of liver, regardless the chicken strain analyzed, surpass all recommendations of consumption and the maximum tolerable intake of vitamin A (3000 μg/day) for adults


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Neste trabalho, a técnica de PCR (polymerase chain reaction) foi utilizada para a sexagem de 92 embriões bovinos fertilizados in vitro. Os embriões originaram-se de fertilização in vitro de oócitos aspirados de ovários de fêmeas bovinas, provenientes de abatedouros comerciais. Os oócitos foram maturados, fertilizados e cultivados até o estádio de blastocisto. Os embriões foram lavados em solução de PBS, transferidos para tubos de polipropileno contendo água ultrapura, e imediatamente congelados a -196ºC. Os embriões foram descongelados sobre isopor contendo gelo picado e tratados com proteinase K. Para a reação de PCR, utilizaram-se alíquotas de 34 µl de cada tudo, onde foram acrescidos dois pares de primers, seqüência BC1.2 e seqüência satélite 1.715, desoxinucleotídeos, MgCl2, tampão PCR 10X, TaqDNA polimerase e água, em um volume final de 50 µl. As amostras foram amplificadas e a eletroforese realizada em gel de poliacrilamida a 8%. Os géis foram corados com solução de brometo de etídio e analisados em transiluminador de luz ultravioleta. Um índice de 93,47% de amplificação foi atingido, com 41 embriões (47,67%) machos e 45 (52,32%) embriões fêmeas. O uso de gel de poliacrilamida a 8% foi eficaz na separação de fragmentos de DNA muito próximos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do tempo e ambiente de armazenamento na emergência de plântulas de doviális (Dovyalis caffra), espécie frutífera arbustiva de sementes recalcitrantes. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 5, correspondendo às condições ambientais de armazenamento: câmara seca (18±2ºC e 60% de UR), em condição ambiente (sem controle) e em câmara fria (10±2ºC e 70% de UR); e aos períodos de armazenamento 0; 7; 14; 21 e 28 dias. Esses efeitos foram avaliados para o cálculo da percentagem de emergência (%E) e índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE). Os ambientes de armazenamento não exerceram efeito estatístico significativo nas variáveis estudadas, diferentemente dos períodos de armazenamento, onde as mais altas %E e IVE foram observadas ao 14º dia de armazenamento. A partir do 14º dia de armazenamento, ocorreu uma redução na %E e IVE.