995 resultados para Stop Motion


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Calculations in a hydrodynamic model of quasicrystal dynamics show that dislocation motion in these systems is impeded by a drag far greater than that in crystals.


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Tämä tutkielma keskittyy julkisen kaupunkitilan kontrollin eri muotoihin. Ihmiset käyttävät kaupunkitilaa eri tavoin ja eri tarkoituksiin. Tilan sallitut ja kielletyt käyttömuodot ovat aina erilaisten toiveiden yhteensovittamista: yhteisen neuvottelun tulos. Tilaa myös kontrolloidaan vastaamaan erilaisia toiveita ja odotuksia. Tutkielmassa julkisen tilan kontrollin muodot on jaettu kolmeen: tilan fyysinen muokkaaminen, tilan valvonta ja asenteisiin vaikuttaminen esimerkiksi politiikkaohjelmilla. Tärkeimpänä kiinnostuksen kohteena on tilanne, jossa jokin toiminta kielletään kokonaisuudessaan. Tutkielmassa käytetään konkreettisena esimerkkinä yrityksestä kontrolloida tilaa Helsingin kaupungin Stop Töhryille -projektia: kyseessä on tapaustutkimus em. projektista. Projekti toteutettiin vuosina 1998–2008 Helsingin kaupungin rakennusviraston sekä yleisten töiden lautakunnan alaisuudessa. Projektin tavoitteena oli vähentää ja poistaa kaupunkitilassa näkyviä graffiteja. Keinoina tähän oli tekninen siivous, valvonta ja viestintä. Graffitit voidaan nähdä yhtenä keinona vallata tilaa itselle. Tutkimuksen ongelmanasettelun taustalla on pohdinta siitä, kohdistuuko julkisen tilan kontrolli jonkin tietyn toiminnon ei-toivottavuuteen vai kohdistuuko kontrolli tiettyjen toimijoiden ei-toivottavuuteen. Tavoitteena on selvittää, minkälainen tilan kontrolliin tähtäävä ohjelma Stop Töhryille -projekti oli. Tutkimuskysymykset liittyvät siihen, miksi projekti toteutettiin, mihin projektin toimenpiteet kohdistuivat ja miten nollatoleranssi määriteltiin projektissa. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu Jock Youngin määritelmälle nollatoleranssista, nollatoleranssin kritiikille sekä Henri Lefebvren, Don Mitchellin, Andrea Sharkeyn ja Rob Shieldsin kirjoituksiin oikeudesta tilaan. Aineistona käytetään yleisten töiden lautakunnan kokousten esityslista- ja pöytäkirjamateriaalia sekä haastatteluja projektissa mukana olleille tai projektiin vaikuttaneille tahoille (N=4). Analyysin menetelmänä sovelletaan diskurssianalyysiä. Aineiston perusteella voidaan todeta, että projektissa hyödynnettiin laajasti erilaisia kontrollin keinoja. Projektin toimenpiteet keskittyivät alussa enemmän toimintoon (graffitien puhdistamiseen ja ehkäisyyn), mutta viimeisinä vuosina painopiste siirtyi enemmän toimijaan (graffitintekijään). Aineiston analyysissä yhtenä olennaisena toimijaryhmänä esille nousivat nuoret ja nuoriso, jotka mainittiin useaan otteeseen graffitintekijöinä. Tutkielmassa tätä ilmiötä pohditaan Mike Presdeen nuoruuden kriminalisointi -käsitteen sekä Zygmunt Baumanin ulossulkemisen paradigman kautta. Nollatoleranssiretoriikka on löydettävissä projektista kolmella tasolla: ideologisella, toiminnallisella sekä viestinnällisellä. Nollatoleranssia perusteltiin ideologisella tasolla rikottujen ikkunoiden teesillä: pieniä sosiaalisia häiriöitä poistamalla voidaan ehkäistä suuria rikoksia. Tämä perustelu vietiin toiminnalliselle tasolle, jossa häiriökäyttäytyjiä valvottiin ja heille vaadittiin kovia rangaistuksia. Viestinnällä pyrittiin madaltamaan kansalaisten sietokykyä graffiti-ilmiöön ja edesautettiin mahdollisimman laajan kansalais- ja asukasyhteistyön syntymistä. Lisäksi projektissa luotiin aktiivisesti tiedon ja kielen politiikkaa, joissa tuotetaan käsitystä siitä että graffitit lisäävät turvattomuutta ja konstruoidaan sellainen kieli, jossa graffitit nähdään ongelmana.


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We derive the Langevin equations for a spin interacting with a heat bath, starting from a fully dynamical treatment. The obtained equations are non-Markovian with multiplicative fluctuations and concommitant dissipative terms obeying the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. In the Markovian limit our equations reduce to the phenomenological equations proposed by Kubo and Hashitsume. The perturbative treatment on our equations lead to Landau-Lifshitz equations and to other known results in the literature.


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An exact solution to the problem of time-dependent motion of a viscous fluid in an annulus with porous walls is obtained under the assumption that the rate of suction at one wall is equal to the rate of injection at the other. Finite Hankel transform is used to obtain a closed-form solution for the axial velocity. The average axial velocity profiles are depicted graphically.


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We study the Segal-Bargmann transform on a motion group R-n v K, where K is a compact subgroup of SO(n) A characterization of the Poisson integrals associated to the Laplacian on R-n x K is given We also establish a Paley-Wiener type theorem using complexified representations


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Seepage through sand bed channels in a downward direction (suction) reduces the stability of particles and initiates the sand movement. Incipient motion of sand bed channel with seepage cannot be designed by using the conventional approach. Metamodeling techniques, which employ a non-linear pattern analysis between input and output parameters and solely based on the experimental observations, can be used to model such phenomena. Traditional approach to find non-dimensional parameters has not been used in the present work. Parameters, which can influence the incipient motion with seepage, have been identified and non-dimensionalized in the present work. Non-dimensional stream power concept has been used to describe the process. By using these non-dimensional parameters; present work describes a radial basis function (RBF) metamodel for prediction of incipient motion condition affected by seepage. The coefficient of determination, R-2 of the model is 0.99. Thus, it can be said that model predicts the phenomena very well. With the help of the metamodel, design curves have been presented for designing the sand bed channel when it is affected by seepage. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In β-AgI and β-Ag3SI the ionic conductivity has been measured at frequencies from 1kHz to 2.6 GHz and from 10 MHz to 10 THz, respectively. In both phases we observe a conductivity increase of some orders of magnitude, due to localized types of motion of the silver ions. In β-AgI the increase is found at about 1 MHz and reflects cooperative back-and-forth hopping processes between adjacent tetrahedral sites. In β-Ag3SI the phenomenon occurs at microwave frequencies. Here it is caused by a non-hopping, non-periodic localized Ag+-motion within shallow potentials.


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The nonaxisymmetric unsteady motion produced by a buoyancy-induced cross-flow of an electrically conducting fluid over an infinite rotating disk in a vertical plane and in the presence of an applied magnetic field normal to the disk has been studied. Both constant wall and constant heat flux conditions have been considered. It has been found that if the angular velocity of the disk and the applied magnetic field squared vary inversely as a linear function of time (i.e. as (1??t*)?1, the governing Navier-Stokes equation and the energy equation admit a locally self-similar solution. The resulting set of ordinary differential equations has been solved using a shooting method with a generalized Newton's correction procedure for guessed boundary conditions. It is observed that in a certain region near the disk the buoyancy induced cross-flow dominates the primary von Karman flow. The shear stresses induced by the cross-flow are found to be more than these of the primary flow and they increase with magnetic parameter or the parameter ? characterizing the unsteadiness. The velocity profiles in the x- and y-directions for the primary flow at any two values of the unsteady parameter ? cross each other towards the edge of the boundary layer. The heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number but reduces with the magnetic parameter.


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Sampling based planners have been successful in path planning of robots with many degrees of freedom, but still remains ineffective when the configuration space has a narrow passage. We present a new technique based on a random walk strategy to generate samples in narrow regions quickly, thus improving efficiency of Probabilistic Roadmap Planners. The algorithm substantially reduces instances of collision checking and thereby decreases computational time. The method is powerful even for cases where the structure of the narrow passage is not known, thus giving significant improvement over other known methods.


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For an articulated manipulator with joint rotation constraints, we show that the maximum workspace is not necessarily obtained for equal link lengths but is also determined by the range and mean positions of the joint motions. We present expressions for sectional area, workspace volume, overlap volume and work area in terms of link ratios, mean positions and ranges of joint motion. We present a numerical procedure to obtain the maximum rectangular area that can be embedded in the workspace of an articulated manipulator with joint motion constraints. We demonstrate the use of analytical expressions and the numerical plots in the kinematic design of an articulated manipulator with joint rotation constraints.


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The dynamics of poly(isobutyl methacrylate) in toluene solution has been examined by C-13 spin-lattice relaxation time and NOE measurements as a function of temperature. The experiments were performed at 50.3 and 100.6 MHz. The backbone carbon relaxation data have been analyzed using the Dejean-Laupretre-Monnerie (DLM) model, which describes the dynamical processes in the backbone in terms of conformational transitions and bond librations. The relaxation data of the side chain nuclei have been analyzed by assuming different motional models, namely, unrestricted rotational diffusion, three site jumps, and restricted rotational diffusion. The different models have been compared for their ability to reproduce the experimental spin-lattice relaxation times and also to predict the behavior of NOE as a function of temperature. Conformational energy calculations have been carried out on a model compound by using the semiempirical quantum chemical method, AM1, and the results confirm the validity of the motional models used to describe the side-chain motion.


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A simple but self-consistent microscopic theory for the time dependent solvation energy of both ions and dipoles is presented which includes, for the first time, the details of the self-motion of the probe on its own solvation dynamics. The theory leads to several interesting predictions. The most important of them is that, for dipolar solvation, both the rotational and the translational motions of the dipolar solute probe can significantly accelerate the rate of solvation. In addition, the rotational self-motion of the solute can also give rise to an additional mechanism of nonexponentiality in solvation time correlation functions in otherwise slow liquids. A comparison between the present theoretical predictions and the recent experimental studies of Maroncelli et al. on solvation dynamics of aniline in l-propanol seems to indicate that the said experiments have missed the initial solvent response up to about 45 ps. After mapping the experimental results on the redefined time scale, the theoretical results can explain the experimental results for solvation of aniline in 1-propanol very well. For ionic solvation, the translational motion is significant for light solutes only. For example, for Li+ in water, translational motion speeds up the solvation by about 20%. The present theory demonstrates that in dipolar solvation the partial quenching of the self-motion due to the presence of specific solute-solvent interactions (such as H-bonding) may lead to a much slower solvation than that when the self-motion is present. This point has been discussed. In addition, we present the theoretical results for solvation of aniline in propylene carbonate, Here, the solvation is predicted to be complete within 15-20 ps.


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The interest in low bit rate video coding has increased considerably. Despite rapid progress in storage density and digital communication system performance, demand for data-transmission bandwidth and storage capacity continue to exceed the capabilities of available technologies. The growth of data-intensive digital audio, video applications and the increased use of bandwidth-limited media such as video conferencing and full motion video have not only sustained the need for efficient ways to encode analog signals, but made signal compression central to digital communication and data-storage technology. In this paper we explore techniques for compression of image sequences in a manner that optimizes the results for the human receiver. We propose a new motion estimator using two novel block match algorithms which are based on human perception. Simulations with image sequences have shown an improved bit rate while maintaining ''image quality'' when compared to conventional motion estimation techniques using the MAD block match criteria.