980 resultados para Sr (x) Ba (1-x) SnO3 e BaSnO3


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The effect of Sr doping in CeO2 for its use as solid electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) has been explored here. Ce1-xSrxO2-delta (x = 0.05-0.2) are successfully synthesized by citrate-complexation method. XRD, Raman, FT-IR, FE-SEM/EDX and electrochemical impedance spectra are used for structural and electrical characterizations. The formation of well crystalline cubic fluorite structured solid solution is observed for x = 0.05 based on XRD and Raman spectra. For compositions i.e., x > 0.05, however, a secondary phase of SrCeO3 is confirmed by the peak at 342 cm(-1) in Raman spectra. Although the oxygen ion conductivity was found to decrease with increase in x, based on ac-impedance studies, conductivity of Ce0.95Sr0.05O2-delta was found to be higher than of Ce0.95Gd0.1O2-delta and Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-delta. The decrease in conductivity of Ce1-xSrxO2-delta with increasing dopant concentration is ascribed to formation of impurity phase SrCeO3 as well as the formation of neutral associated pairs, Se `' Ce V-o. The activation energies are found to be 0.77, 0.83, 0.85 and 0.90 eV for x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.20, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Desde o início do século XX, a poluição do ar nos grandes centros piorou em consequência processo de industrialização e urbanização, juntamente com o rápido crescimento populacional e do transporte motorizado. Algumas espécies de plantas absorvem os poluentes atmosféricos pelas suas folhas e então, fixa-os em sua matriz, tornando-se assim um biomonitor de poluição nessa área. Assim, a análise foliar dessas espécies de vegetal pode ser usado como monitoramento ambiental. Uma das plantas que tem a habilidade de reter certos elementos químicos do ambiente e pode ser usada como biomonitor é a Nerium oleander L.. Neste estudo utilizou-se folhas de Nerium oleander L. para avaliar os níveis de poluição ambiental em uma sub-região da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro através da Fluorescência de Raios X (EDXRF). O sistema de EDXRF foi desenvolvido no próprio laboratório e consiste de um sistema portátil de XRF formado por um mini tubo raio X de baixa potência (anodo de Ag e operação em 20 kV/50 μA) e um detector de SiPIN. As amostras de Nerium oleander L. foram coletadas de plantas adultas. As amostras foram coletadas durante as quatros estações do ano (verão, outono, inverno e primavera). Todas as folhas foram coletadas a uma distância superior de 1,5 m em relação ao solo. As amostras foram acondicionadas em sacos plásticos e depois da chegada ao laboratório foram colocados sob refrigeração a 5 C. No laboratório, as amostras foram limpas com um pincel com cerdas macias para retirar a poeira. Depois disso, as amostras foram colocadas na estufa a 60 C por 48 h. Em seguida, as amostras foram pulverizadas (44 μm). Depois desse processo, alíquotas de 500 mg de massa foram prensadas a uma pressão de 2.32×108 por cerca de 15 minutos, afim de se obter pastilhas finas com diâmetro de 2,54 cm e densidade superficial de 100 mg/cm2. Foi possível detectar a concentração de 13 elementos: S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, Ba e Pb. A partir da concentração de cada elemento foram obtidos os mapas de distribuição elementar da área de estudo para cada estação. A análise da correlação de Pearson mostrou que existe uma correlação significativa entre os elementos Fe, Zn, Ba e Pb, entre os elementos Ca e Sr e entre os elementos Cl, K, Rb. A análise do PCA (Análise por Componentes Principais) mostrou que existem dois fatores principais da emissão de poluição ambiental: emissão por ressuspensão do solo (Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Rb e Sr) e emissões veiculares e industriais (Fe, Zn, Ba e Pb). O estudo da poluição ambiental através da técnica de EDXRF utilizando folhas de Nerium oleander L. como biomonitor se mostrou uma técnica de baixo custo e eficiência substancial na determinação da concentração elementar dos poluentes atmosféricos.


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O fósforo (P) é um nutriente essencial para o crescimento das plantas. Milhões de toneladas de P são aplicados aos solos anualmente. No entanto, apenas uma pequena fração do P aplicado com fertilizantes é aproveitada nas lavouras no ano de aplicação, bem como a eficácia do fertilizante fosfatado diminui com o tempo. Para melhorar a nossa compreensão dos mecanismos, a esta resposta do P no campo, este trabalho visa estudar a migração desse elemento em solos tropicais brasileiros (Latossolo vermelho e Latossolo amarelo) tratados com três tipos de fertilizantes: fosfato monoamônico (MAP), o polímero revestido de fosfato monoamônio (MAPP) e fosfato organomineral (OMP) em um experimento de placa de Petri. Fluorescência de Raios X por Reflexão Total (TXRF) foi usada para determinar o fluxo difusivo P a distâncias radiais diferentes (entre 0 e 7,5 mm, entre 7,5 e 13,5 mm, 13,5 e 25,5 mm e entre 25,5 e 43 mm) a partir do grânulo de fertilizante. As análises usando TXRF foram realizadas no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), em Campinas, São Paulo, na linha de Fluorescência de Raios X (Beamline D09B). Depois de um período de cinco semanas, a concentração total de P, Ca e Al foram obtidas e comparadas analisando o tipo de solo/textura, o pH e o respectivo extrator de P, que nesse estudo foram usados o Mehlich 1 e água régia. De forma geral, concluiu-se que 80,0 % de fósforo proveniente dos fertilizantes usados nessa proposta ficaram concentrados em distâncias menores que 10 mm do ponto de aplicação dos fertilizantes, independentemente do tipo de solo, do pH e da respectiva textura. Em relação à utilização da técnica TXRF, o sistema foi eficiente, dentre outras características, na discriminação dos picos de fósforo dos picos de enxofre, principalmente nas amostras de solo usadas a partir da extração com Mehlich 1. Destaca-se isso, pois os raios X característicos desses elementos são muitos próximos.


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The luminescence from Eu2+ ions in MF2 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) fluorides has been investigated under the pressure range of 0-8 GPa. The emission band originating from the 4f(6)5d(1) -> 4f(7) transition of Eu2+ ions in CaF2 and SrF2 shows the red-shift as increasing pressure with pressure coefficients of -17 meV/GPa for CaF2 and -18 meV/GPa for SrF2. At atmospheric pressure, the emission spectrum of BaF2:Eu2+ comprises two peaks at 2.20 and 2.75 eV from the impurity trapped exciton (ITE) and the self-trapped exciton (STE), respectively. As the pressure is increased, both emission peaks shift to higher energies, and the shifting rate is slowed by the phase transition from the cubic to orthorhombic phase at 4 GPa. Due to the phase transition at 4-5 GPa pressure, the ITE emission disappears gradually, and the STE emission is gradually replaced by the 4f(6)5d(1) -> 4f(7) transition of Eu2+. Above 5 GPa, the pressure behavior of the 4f(6)5d(1) -> 4f(7) transition of EU2+ in BaF2: EU2+ is the same as the normal emission of Eu2+ in CaF2 and SrF2 phosphors.


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本论文合成了R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x) (R = La、Nd、Sm、Eu、Gd、Dr、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb)、Y_2Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x) (x = 0.10~1.17)和Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-x)S_x (x = 0~2),并对磁性和超导电性进行了较为系统的研究。R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)的磁化率在T > Tc的很宽的温度范围内服从Curic-Weiss定律,求得的有效磁矩略大于理论值,差值与Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)中Cu~(2+)磁矩相近,说明Cu~(2+)的磁矩对体系磁性有额外贡献,这贡献随R~(3+)离子中自旋平行的电子权的增多而增大。其高温下的磁化率CT > 700K)相对Curic-Weiss定律发生较大偏离,这偏离可能的来源有三个:高温下稀土离子发生较大的能级反转效应,高温下结构相变对磁性的影响,高温下氧含量减少造成Cu~(2+)磁矩增大。R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)磁化率在T < Tc时也服从Curic-Weiss定律,R~(3+)磁矩是定域的,表明超导与磁性相互独立。互不相关,稀土磁矩与传导电子间无相互作用。用Sr取代R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)中的Ba,没能使体系产生磁有序的变化,但却使有效磁矩增大,并完全破坏了样品的超导电性。Sm~(3+)磁化率不服从Curic-Weiss定律,在Sm_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)中Sm~(3+)显示了典型Van VlccK离子的特性。Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)随氧含量减少发生超导体一半导体一绝缘体的转化,当氧含量由6.90减小至6.49时发生由正交到四方的结构相变。当(7-x) = 5.83时有较多杂质相出现,123相开始分解。样品磁化率均服从Curic-Weiss定律,并随氧含量增大磁化率-温度曲线越来越趋于平缓(直线),当(7-x) = 6.90时磁化率基本不随温度变化,这时Pauli顺磁性占主导地位,这说明氧含量增加定域磁矩减少,求得的有效磁矩Peff随氧含量增大总趋势减小。提出了电子“巡游”的观点,较好地解释了上述现象,并推测出Cu(2)的d电子是离域的,对样品磁矩没有贡献,样品Peff来源于部分Cu(1)的定域Cu~(2+)的磁矩,上述推测被EPR结果证实。正交相Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)的EPR谱显示了中心对称成准立方晶场中Cu~(2+)(d~9, S = 1/2, I = 3/2)的EPR物性。而四方相样品的EPR谱却出现了明显的各向异性,说明观察到的为Cu(1)的EPR信号,由Cu(1)~(2+)的写域磁矩产生。Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)的EPR信号束源于本体相,而非Y_2Cu_2O_5、BaCuO_2、Y_2BaCuO_5等杂质相。各样品EPR信号的自旋浓度远小于1spin/cu,并随氧含量减小而增大,当(7-x) = 6.49、6.40时自旋浓度出现陡增,这时伴随由正交到四方的转化,证明了电子“巡游”观点的正确。用硫部分取代Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_2g中的氧,当Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)Sxx = 0.11时Tc = 92.6K,比Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-x)升高2K,但由于杂质相的存在,ΔTc加宽。其他样品多为半导体和绝缘体。硫取代0,当x = 0.04,0.06,0.11和1.20时磁化率服从Curic-Weiss定律,并且x = 0.87,1.2时分别在230K、240K出现反铁磁有序。其他样品由于Cu被还原为+1价而变成抗磁性。x = 0.11 (Tc = 92.6K),EPR谱为正交场中Cu~(2+)的信号。自旋浓度与温度无关。当所有Cu均为Cu~(1+)时,测问的是-s-的EPR信号,而Cu为混合价态(+1和+2时)测问是上述两种信号的叠加。


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The aim of this work is to study the effect of Sr substitution on the redox properties and catalytic activity of La2-xSrxNiO4 (x = 0.0-1.2) for NO decomposition. Results suggest that the x = 0.6 sample shows the highest activity. The characterization (TPD, TPR, etc.) of samples indicates that the x = 0.6 sample possesses suitable abilities in both oxidation and reduction, which facilitates the proceeding of oxygen desorption and NO adsorption. At temperature below 700 degrees C, the oxygen desorption is difficult, and is the rate-determining step of NO decomposition. With the increase of reaction temperature (T > 700 degrees C), the oxygen desorption is favorable and, the active adsorption of NO on the active site (NO + V-o + Ni2+ -> NO--Ni3+) turns out to be the rate-determining step. The existence of oxygen vacancy is the prerequisite condition for NO decomposition, but its quantity does not relate much to the activity.


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The synthesis of nanocrystalline W-type hexaferrites Ba(CoxZn1-x)(2)Fe16O27 powders by sol-gel auto-combustion method has been investigated. The thermal decomposition process of dried gel was studied by thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and infrared spectra (IR). The structural and magnetic properties of resultant particles were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The results reveal that the dried gel exhibits auto-combustion behavior. After combustion, pure nanocrystalline W-type hexaferrite phase starts to appear at the calcination temperature of 800 degrees C. The crystallinity and the grain size increase at higher temperature. The saturation magnetization and coercivity clearly depend on calcination temperature and Co content X.


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Two systems of mixed oxides, La2-xSrxCuO4 +/- lambda (0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.0) and La(2-x)Tn(x)CuO(4 +/-) (lambda) (0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4), with K2NiF4 structure were prepared. The average valence of Cu ions and oxygen nonstoichiometry (lambda) were determined by means of chemical analysis. Meanwhile, the adsorption and activation of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and the mixture of NO + CO over the mixed oxide catalysts were studied by means of mass spectrometry temperature-programmed desorption (MS-TPD). The catalytic behaviors in the reactions of direct decomposition of NO and its reduction by CO were investigated, and were discussed in relation with average valence of Cu ions, A and the activation and adsorption of reactant molecules. It has been proposed that both reactions proceed by the redox mechanism, in which the oxygen vacancies and the lower-valent Cu ions play important roles in the individual step of the redox cycle. Oxygen vacancy is more significant for NO decomposition than for NO + CO reaction. For the NO + CO reaction, the stronger implication of the lower-valent Cu ions or oxygen vacancy depends on reaction temperature and the catalytic systems (Sr- or Th-substituted). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The valence of Pr and relationship between bond covalency and T-c in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7 (x = 0-1) have been studied using complex chemical bond theory. The results indicate that the depression of superconductivity in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7 can be reasonably explained by bond covalency difference for the bonds between CuO2 plane and CuO chain. T-c decreases with the decreasing of bond covalency difference and reaches zero when bond covalency difference is zero (or bond covalency in CuO2 exceeds that in CuO chain) at Pr concentration 0.55 and valence +3.30. These are in good agreement with the experiments and meanwhile suggest that the valence of Pr is + 3.30 in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7. The results also indicate that for Pr valence less than +3.15, superconductivity always exists for whatever Pr concentration, whereas for Pr with a valence of +4.0, superconductivity disappears as soon as Pr concentration exceeds 0.19. This supports with the viewpoint that higher valence Pr will contribute more electrons to CuO2 plane, filling the mobile holes responsible for conduction. For PrBa2Cu3O7 with no Ba-site Pr, our calculation suggests that it will be a superconductor if the average valence of Pr is less than +3.15. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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合成了x值不同的La2 -xSrxCuO4±λ( 0 .0≤x≤ 0 .1 )和La2 -xThxCuO4±λ( 0 .0≤x≤ 0 .4)两系列K2 NiF4型复合氧化物催化剂 ,用XRD和IR研究了催化剂的晶体结构 .利用化学分析和XPS等方法测定了该系列含Cu氧化物中Cu离子的平均价态、非化学计量氧 (λ)和催化剂的表面和体相组成 .通过控制B位Cu离子的价态和氧化物的非化学计量氧在一定范围内有规律的变化 ,考察对NO +CO反应的催化性能 ;利用MS TPD法研究了该系列氧化物对NO和CO +NO等小分子的吸附和活化性能 ,在此基础上探讨了含Cu的A2 BO4型复合氧化物对NO +CO反应中的催化作用本质 .发现在低温反应条件下 ,NO分子的活化是控制步骤 ,催化剂的活性与低价离子及其含量有关 .在较高反应温度下 ,NO的吸附为控制步骤 ,催化活性与氧空位有关


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Two groups of mixed oxides La2-xThxCuO4+/-lambda (0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4) and La2-xSrxCuO4+/-lambda (0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.0) were prepared. Their crystal structures were studied with XRD and IR spectra, etc. Meanwhile, the average valence of Cu ions and nonstoichiometric oxygen (lambda) was measured through chemical analyses. Catalysis of the abovementioned mixed oxides was investigated in phenol hydroxylation, good results were obtained for some mixed oxides, and found that the catalysis of these mixed oxides have close relation with their defect structure and composition. A radical substitution mechanism was also proposed for this catalytic reaction.


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Two mixed oxide systems La2-xSrxCuO4+/-lambda(0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.0) and La2+xThxCuO4+/-lambda(0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4) with K2NiF4 structure were prepared by varying re values; Their crystal structures were studied by means of XRD and IR spectra. The average valence of Cu ion at B site, nonstoichiometric oxygen (A) and the chemical composition in the bulk and on the surface of the catalysts were measured by means of chemical analysis and XPS. The catalytic behavior in reaction CO + NO was investigated under the regular change of average valence of Cu ion at B site and nonstoichiometric oxygen (lambda). Meanwhile, the adsorption and activation of the small molecules NO and the mixture of NO + CO over the mixed oxide catalysts were studied by means of MS-TPD. The catalytic mechanism of reaction NO + CO over these oxide catalysts were proposed; and it has been found that, at lower temperatures the activation of NO is the rate determining step and the catalytic activity is related to the lower valent metallic ion and its concentration, while at higher temperatures the adsorption of NO is the rate determining step and the catalytic activity is related to the oxygen vacancy and its concentration.


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A new solid solution series, NdSr(1-x)M(x)NiO(4) (M = Ca: 0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.0; M = Ba: 0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.6), was synthesized by solid state reaction, and the structures, magnetic and electrical properties and optical spectra of this series have been studied. All the samples crystalized in tetragonal systems, with the exception of NdCaNiO4, which crystallized in the orthohombic system. IR spectra of NdSr1-xCaxNiO4 indicated that the lengths of two Ni-O bonds decrease with increasing Ca content. The electrical conduction changed from metallic-type to semiconductive-type when x greater than or equal to 0.4 (M = Ca, Ba), and the room temperature resistivities of NdSr1-xCaxNiO4 increased with the increase of Ca content. Magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed that Ni+3 ions in all the samplies were in low-spin state over the temperature range 77-300 K.


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Three new oxides Ln(2)MCo(2)O(7) (Ln = Sm, Gd; M = Sr, Ba) have been synthesized in solid state reaction method. The powder X-ray diffraction spectra show that they are all isostructural with Sr3Ti2O7. The electrical resistivities in the temperature range 300-1100 K show that they are all semiconductors, and a transition to metals is observed at 1053, 1053, and 573 K for Sm2SrCo2O7, Gd2SrCo2O7, and Sm2BaCo2O7, respectively. The magnetic suspectivities of Gd2SrCo2O7 in the temperature range 300-673 K fit the Curie-Weiss law well. A plateau is observed in the curves of Sm(2)MCo(2)O(7) (M = Sr, Ba) which is attributed to the configuration state change of Co(III) from low spin to high spin. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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我们已经实验证明并报道了Eu-Tb之间、Ce-Yb之间的电荷转移.本文首次实验证实了Ce~(3+)离子和Eu~(3+)离子之间电荷转移现象的存在,进一步阐述了稀土价态与其电子组态共轭特征的相关性.1 实验部分1.1 试剂CaF_2,SrF_2,BaF_2,NH_4HF_2、氢氟酸、盐酸均为分析纯,EuF_3和CeF_3分别由高纯Eu_2O_3(99.95%)及CeO_2(99.99%)自制.1.2 MF_2:Eu,Ce体系的合成按化学计量比(MF_2:X%CeF_2,y%EuF_3;X=1,y=0,0.1,0.3,0.5,1;X=0,0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,y=1)准确称取原料,放人玛瑙研钵中充分研混后装入刚玉柑涡中,置于管状炉内(用氢气