985 resultados para Spider mites
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and growth. In this study, our goal was to investigate if spider density caused spatial variations in the strength of this spider-plant mutualism. We found a positive significant relationship between spider density and delta N-15 values for bromeliad leaves in different forest fragments. Open grassland Bromeliads were associated with spiders and had higher delta N-15 values compared to forest bromeliads. Although forest bromeliads had no association with spiders their total N concentrations were higher. These results suggest that bromeliad nutrition is likely more litter-based in forests and more spider-based in open grasslands. This study is one of the few to show nutrient provisioning and conditionality in a spider-plant system. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
This work was developed in three remnants of Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. We aimed to assess edge effects in the spider community in a well conserved fragment and to study the variation of spider diversity among fragments of different sizes. The spider families with the highest richness were Theridiidae (38 sp), Araneidae (31 sp) and Salticidae (25 sp). The control area showed the highest diversity (D=0.98) and exclusive species (58.9%). We concluded that spider richness is higher in the large and best preserved fragment. In addition, we found that species richness and abundance increased towards the interior.
In Brazil, soybean Glycine max (L.) Merril crops are subjected to incidence of several pests, which are mainly insect species. However, the occurrences of other pest species are growing. In this context, outbreaks of phytophagous mites are becoming more frequent. Nevertheless, records of mites in such crop are available only for Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul states. Thus, this work gathers all information published about the diversity of mites found in soybean in Brazil, and also new records of mite species made on samplings taken from the central Cerrado area. In the whole, occurrence of 44 species of plant mites in soybean has been recorded in Brazil. Data from prior studies and the results of this work present the tetranychid Mononychellus planki (McGregor) as the mite species most frequently occurring in the Brazilian soybean crops. A large portion of Phytoseiidae species has occurred in crops from Rio Grande do Sul state. In addition, spontaneous soybean has hosted almost half of the phytoseiid species sampled in Cerrado region. High diversity of Tarsonemidae has been found in the cultivated soybean. More studies about soybean mites are needed to clarify the damage potential of phytophagous mites and the biological role of predatory mites in this crop.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Seasonality of pathogenic fungi in mites of rubber tree plantations adjacent to fragments of Cerrado
Fungos são os patógenos mais freqüentemente observados em populações de ácaros, auxiliando o controle destes em diferentes culturas. Vinte e cinco amostras de folhas foram coletadas de cultivos de seringueiras vizinhas a dois fragmentos de vegetação de Cerrado. em cada seringal, 25 plantas foram selecionadas para coletas e sete folhas ao redor da copa foram coletadas até a altura de sete a oito metros do solo. Aproximadamente 250 indivíduos de Calacarus heveae Feres, Phyllocoptruta seringueirae Feres e Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, coletados aleatoriamente, foram montados. Hirsutella thompsonii Fisher foi observado nas três espécies de ácaros e T. heveae foi a espécie mais infectada. Os maiores níveis de infecção ocorreram de novembro a fevereiro (estação chuvosa). Na estação seca, os níveis de infecção ficaram abaixo dos 5%. H. thompsonii tem potencial para ser usado como micoacaricida na estação chuvosa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Observations of the developmental biology of Loxosceles gaucho Gertsch, 1967, the brown spider of southeastern Brazil are scarce. The present study reports the method of individualized rearing of 18 populations of L. gaucho, kept in laboratory under varied diet conditions, and characterizes their nympho-imaginal period as well as factors related to their reproduction. Females built the first egg sac about 20 days after copulation and nymphs hatched 40 days after the laying date. Average offspring was 61.3 spiderlings and females usually built three to four successive egg sacs in a period of five to seven months. First nymphs initiated their predatory activity between the 5th and 8th days after hatching and the majority reached adulthood within six moults (range of five to eight) in approximately 15 to 17 months (male) and 15.5 to 18 months (female). The average sex ratio equaled 1.0:1.7 (male:female). The wide individual variability of this species intermoult intervals is herewith expressed by the intermoult rate, which was fairly uniform for both intra and interpopulations and gives a relevant aspect for a general idea of the life cycles of spiders.
Estudou-se o efeito das pulverizações de azocyclotin por turboatomizadores Jacto Arbus 2000/Export e Arbus 2000/850, sob diferentes condições operacionais, no controle do ácaro purpúreo, Panonychus citri (McGregor), e da leprose, Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes); e de Arbus 2000/Export contra o ácaro da falsa ferrugem, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead). Foram instalados três experimentos em pomares de citros (var. Valência) no período de 1994/95. O acaricida azocyclotin na dose 25 g i.a. / 100 litros d'água foi eficiente por 52 dias no controle de B. phoenicis e por 28 dias contra P. oleivora. Variações nas condições operacionais dos turboatomizadores não influenciaram no controle dos ácaros pragas. O produto azocyclotin pulverizado a 75% da dosagem comercial com 35 bicos do tipo JA-2 (Jacto), a 3,6 km/h e na pressão de 2070 kPa proporcionaram níveis de controle equivalentes aos obtidos com 100% da dosagem comercialmente recomendada desse acaricida, até 16 dias, quando aplicado com o turboatomizador Jacto Arbus 2000/Export no controle de P. citri.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Eighteen predatory mite species of the family Phytoseiidae are reported from three sites of the Cerrado ecosystem in the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, on seven plant species of the family Myrtaceae. This paper provides a list of those species and compares relevant morphological characteristics of the specimens collected with those of the original descriptions and/or redescriptions of the corresponding species. A key is provided to help in the separation of the species mentioned in the paper. Some of the species collected have been reported as common predators on dominant crops in the region where the work was done. Their occurrence on Myrtaceae plants found naturally in the Cerrado ecosystem indicates that those plants could represent important reservoirs of those predators.
This is the first report of the interaction between the two entomophagous agents Mantispa minuta Fabricius (Mantispidae) and Parawixia bistriata Rengger, an orb-weaver spider (Araneidae). From egg sacs kept in the laboratory we observed the emergence of adult neuropterans followed by the emergence of a high number of spiderlings. This association illustrates the interactions among the invertebrate predators coexisting in Eucalyptus plantations managed without chemical treatment, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Envenomation by arachnids of the genus Loxosceles leads to local dermonecrosis and serious systemic toxicity mainly induced by sphingomyelinases D (SMase D). These enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin resulting in the formation of ceramide-phosphate and choline as well as the cleavage of lysophosphatidyl choline generating the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid. We have, previously, cloned and expressed two functional SMase D isoforms, named P1 and P2, from Loxosceles intertnedia venom and comparative protein sequence analysis revealed that they are highly homologous to SMase I from Loxosceles laeta which folds to form an (alpha/beta)(8) barrel. In order to further characterize these proteins, pH dependence kinetic experiments and chemical modification of the two active SMases D isoforms were performed. We show here that the amino acids involved in catalysis and in the metal ion binding sites are strictly conserved in the SMase D isoforms from L. intermedia. However, the kinetic studies indicate that SMase P1 hydrolyzes sphingomyelin less efficiently than P2, which can be attributed to a substitution at position 203 (Pro-Leu) and local amino acid substitutions in the hydrophobic channel that could probably play a role in the substrate recognition and binding. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.