965 resultados para Sphincter rupture
Despite decades of experimental and theoretical investigation on thin films, considerable uncertainty exists in the prediction of their critical rupture thickness. According to the spontaneous rupture mechanism, common thin films become unstable when capillary waves. at the interfaces begin to grow. In a horizontal film with symmetry at the midplane. unstable waves from adjacent interfaces grow towards the center of the film. As the film drains and becomes thinner, unstable waves osculate and cause the film to rupture, Uncertainty sterns from a number of sources including the theories used to predict film drainage and corrugation growth dynamics. In the early studies, (lie linear stability of small amplitude waves was investigated in the Context of the quasi-static approximation in which the dynamics of wave growth and film thinning are separated. The zeroth order wave growth equation of Vrij predicts faster wave growth rates than the first order equation derived by Sharma and Ruckenstein. It has been demonstrated in an accompanying paper that film drainage rates and times measured by numerous investigations are bounded by the predictions of the Reynolds equation and the more recent theory of Manev, Tsekov, and Radoev. Solutions to combinations of these equations yield simple scaling laws which should bound the critical rupture thickness of foam and emulsion films, In this paper, critical thickness measurements reported in the literature are compared to predictions from the bounding scaling equations and it is shown that the retarded Hamaker constants derived from approximate Lifshitz theory underestimate the critical thickness of foam and emulsion films, The non-retarded Hamaker constant more adequately bounds the critical thickness measurements over the entire range of film radii reported in the literature. This result reinforces observations made by other independent researchers that interfacial interactions in flexible liquid films are not adequately represented by the retarded Hamaker constant obtained from Lifshitz theory and that the interactions become significant at much greater separations than previously thought. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An appreciation of the physical mechanisms which cause observed seismicity complexity is fundamental to the understanding of the temporal behaviour of faults and single slip events. Numerical simulation of fault slip can provide insights into fault processes by allowing exploration of parameter spaces which influence microscopic and macroscopic physics of processes which may lead towards an answer to those questions. Particle-based models such as the Lattice Solid Model have been used previously for the simulation of stick-slip dynamics of faults, although mainly in two dimensions. Recent increases in the power of computers and the ability to use the power of parallel computer systems have made it possible to extend particle-based fault simulations to three dimensions. In this paper a particle-based numerical model of a rough planar fault embedded between two elastic blocks in three dimensions is presented. A very simple friction law without any rate dependency and no spatial heterogeneity in the intrinsic coefficient of friction is used in the model. To simulate earthquake dynamics the model is sheared in a direction parallel to the fault plane with a constant velocity at the driving edges. Spontaneous slip occurs on the fault when the shear stress is large enough to overcome the frictional forces on the fault. Slip events with a wide range of event sizes are observed. Investigation of the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of slip during each event shows a high degree of variability between the events. In some of the larger events highly complex slip patterns are observed.
This paper is a part of a larger research that pursues a global understanding of impoliteness in face-to-face electoral debates. That research distinguishes three essential axes, three complementary analytical perspectives: functional strategies of impoliteness, linguistic-discursive mechanisms to implement them and social impacts of impolite acts. In this frame, the present work develops an in-depth analysis of a special category of mechanisms, namely the rupture of politeness conventions, a subgroup within postliteral implicit mechanisms. This subgroup acquires its identity by the fact of carrying out a linguistic action that is conventionally associated with a polite attitude, but doing it in a rhetorically insincere way: the consequence is that apparent politeness becomes impoliteness. Relevant aspects in the characterization of ruptures are isolated and, on this basis, it is developed a detailed analysis of three specific kinds of mechanisms in which ruptures take shape: using ironic statements, developing different forms of overpoliteness and adopting a falsely collaborative attitude toward the interlocutor. The analysis of that group of mechanisms takes into account, simultaneously, the other two axes of the main research, strategies and social impacts.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of the liver and it is often asymptomatic. Spontaneous rupture of liver hemangiomas is a rare but potentially lethal complication. Emergent hepatic resection has been the treatment of choice but carries high operative morbidity and mortality. Recently, preoperative transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) has been used successfully for the management of bleeding ruptured liver tumors and non-operative treatment of symptomatic giant liver hemangiomas. We report a case of spontaneous rupture of a giant hepatic hemangioma that presented with thoracic and abdominal pain and shock due to hemoperitoneum. Once proper diagnosis was made the patient was successfully managed by TAE, followed by conservative hepatic resection.
Splenic rupture is a common complaint encountered in emergency surgery. Trauma is the most common cause of splenic rupture, while non-traumatic or occult splenic rupture (OSR) is a rare condition. The differential diagnosis weighs on treatment that ranges between close monitoring, splenorrhaphy, splenic conservation and splenectomy. We report a case of an 63-year-old man presenting with acute atraumatic left upper quadrant pain. Preliminary diagnosis was subsequently determined to be a hematoma secondary to OSR. More accurate detailed history revealed a previous trauma, which occurred more than one year before and mimicked an OSR. Delayed and occult splenic rupture are as different diagnosis as different treatment. Even in emergency surgery, the key for a target therapeutic strategy should consider an accurate diagnostic time.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an increasingly common form of cancer. Although its spontaneous rupture is rare in Western countries, it constitutes a surgical emergency and is associated with high mortality. There is a lack of consensus as to the best approach and what parameters to use in choosing it. The three main approaches are conservative, endovascular and resection - the treatment of choice for acute abdominal bleeding. We report a case of hemoperitoneum following the spontaneous rupture of an unrecognized HCV-related HCC in a patient with no history of liver disease. The patient was successfully treated by emergency surgery, with resection of two segments of the left liver.
Intriguée par la statistique couramment rapportée dans le domaine de l'intervention en toxicomanie à l'effet qu'une seule femme sur dix quitte un conjoint alcoolique alors que neuf hommes sur dix quittent une conjointe aux prises avec le même problème, nous nous sommes demandé quels facteurs entraient en ligne de compte quand cette petite proportion de femmes posait ce geste. Nous avons, dans ce sens, entrepris la présente étude qualitative, laquelle nous a permis d'explorer, de décrire puis de comparer l'expérience de femmes en regard de leur vie et de leur rupture temporaire ou définitive avec un partenaire qu'elles considèrent alcoolique. Bien que la documentation regorge d'hypothèses au sujet de la relation et de l'évolution du couple où le mari est alcoolique, peu d'écrits portent sur les facteurs associés au maintien de cette union et aucun n'aborde les facteurs associés à la rupture de celle-ci. Les écrits que nous avons consultés nous ayant, de plus, amenée à constater que les épouses d'alcooliques ont rarement été interrogées sur leur expérience, il nous est apparu tout à fait indiqué d'interpeller quelques-unes de ces femmes directement concernées par la question qui nous intéresse, d'écouter et de recueillir leur version à propos de leur réalité. Nous avons ainsi rencontré trois femmes qui ont accepté de nous raconter, dans le cadre d'entrevues semi-dirigées, leur histoire en regard de leur vie liée à un conjoint qu'elles considèrent alcoolique. Ces trois informatrices ont vécu au moins quinze ans avec leur conjoint et l'ont quitté à une ou à quelques reprises pour des périodes plus ou moins prolongées: la première (Édith), pour quelques heures à quelques reprises: la seconde (Hélène), quelques fois pour peu de temps puis définitivement; la troisième (Solange) a divorcé puis repris la vie commune deux mois plus tard. Leur expérience respective ajoutée à celle de deux autres femmes rapportée dans la littérature populaire québécoise nous a permis d'atteindre notre objectif de recherche, à savoir identifier des facteurs associés à la décision de quitter un conjoint alcoolique et d'autres associés au maintien de cette décision. Au terme de cette étude, l'alcoolisme nous apparaît être un facteur relativement secondaire dans la décision de quitter un partenaire aux prises avec ce problème. Il semble plutôt que l'insatisfaction conjugale et la baisse ou la perte d'espoir d'une amélioration de sa situation développée au fil des ans de même que le désir de provoquer un changement soient des facteurs déterminants dans la décision de quitter son conjoint alcoolique. D'autre part, l'acquisition d'une plus grande autonomie à divers niveaux, l'incapacité à entrevoir l'avenir auprès de son conjoint sans la présence des enfants, un réseau social de support étendu et diversifié et le développement d'une autre relation amoureuse satisfaisante semblent être des facteurs susceptibles de favoriser le maintien de ce choix. Il ressort de notre étude que la décision de quitter un partenaire alcoolique serait le fruit d'un long processus et résulterait de l'impact simultané de plusieurs facteurs d'ordres divers. Il nous semble, en outre, que la compréhension que nous avons développée de la situation des femmes que nous avons rencontrées pourrait se transposer à celle d'autres femmes vivant une relation conjugale dysfonctionnelle. Nous pensons, entre autres, aux femmes violentées par leur conjoint. Violence conjugale et alcoolisme ne sont-ils pas d'ailleurs des phénomènes souvent entrecroisés (MacLeod, 1987; Forest, 1986)? Finalement, de la présente recherche ont émergé certaines questions qui mériteraient, à notre avis, d'être examinées de près.