558 resultados para Spheroidal Galaxies


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Star formation properties in Giant Extragalactic H II Regions (GEHRs) are investigated using optical photometry and evolutionary population synthesis models. Photometric data in $BVR$ bands and in the emission line of H-alpha are obtained by CCD imaging at Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur. Aperture photometry is performed for 180 GEHRs in galaxies NGC 1365, 1566, 2366, 2903, 2997, 3351, 4303, 4449, 4656 and 5253. Thirty six of these GEHRs having published spectroscopic data are studied for star formation properties. The population synthesis model is constructed based on Maeder's stellar evolutionary and Kurucz stellar atmosphere models, to synthesize observational quantities of embedded clusters in GEHRs. The observed H-alpha luminosity is a measure of the number of massive stars while the contribution to BVR bands is from intermediate mass (5-15 solar mass) stars when the cluster is young and from evolving supergiants when the cluster is old (age >/= 6~Myr). Differential reddening between gas and embedded stars is essential to constrain the dereddened cluster colors within the range of youngest clusters. Obscuring dust closely associated with gas, which is distributed in filaments and clumps, as in the case of 30 Doradus, is the most likely configuration giving rise to net reduction of extinction towards stars. The fraction of the stellar photons escaping the nebula unattenuated is estimated to be 50%. GEHRs are rarely found to be simple systems containing stars from single generation. In the present sample such regions in addition to being older than 3~Myr, have their Lyman continuum luminosity reduced by as much as 60%, compared to the observed $B$ band luminosity for a normal IMF. The missing ionizing photons may be escaping the nebula, leading to the ionization of extra-H II region ionized medium. Co-existence of young (age galaxies share many of the properties shown by 30 Dor, the nearest GEHR. (SECTION: Dissertation Summaries)


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We present a study of the growth of local, nonaxisymmetric perturbations in gravitationally coupled stars and gas in a differentially rotating galactic disk. The stars and gas are treated as two isothermal fluids of different velocity dispersions, with the stellar velocity dispersion being greater than that for the gas. We examine the physical effects of inclusion of a low-velocity dispersion component (gas) on the growth of non-axisymmetric perturbations in both stars and gas, as done for the axisymmetric case by Jog & Solomon. The amplified perturbations in stars and gas constitute trailing, material, spiral features which may be identified with the local spiral features seen in all spiral galaxies. The formulation of the two-fluid equations closely follows the one-fluid treatment by Goldreich & Lynden-Bell. The local, linearized perturbation equations in the sheared frame are solved to obtain the results for a temporary growth via swing amplification. The problem is formulated in terms of five dimensionless parameters-namely, the Q-factors for stars and gas, respectively; the gas mass fraction; the shearing rate in the galactic disk; and the length scale of perturbation. By using the observed values of these parameters, we obtain the amplifications and the pitch angles for features in stars and gas for dynamically distinct cases, as applicable for different regions of spiral galaxies. A real galaxy consisting of stars and gas may display growth of nonaxisymmetric perturbations even when it is stable against axisymmetric perturbations and/or when either fluid by itself is stable against non-axisymmetric perturbations. Due to its lower velocity dispersion, the gas exhibits a higher amplification than do the stars, and the amplified gas features are slightly more tightly wound than the stellar features. When the gas contribution is high, the stellar amplification and the range of pitch angles over which it can occur are both increased, due to the gravitational coupling between the two fluids. Thus, the two-fluid scheme can explain the origin of the broad spiral arms in the underlying old stellar populations of galaxies, as observed by Schweizer and Elmegreen & Elmegreen. The arms are predicted to be broader in gas-rich galaxies, as is indeed seen for example in M33. In the linear regime studied here, the arm contrast is shown to increase with radius in the inner Galaxy, in agreement with observations of external galaxies by Schweizer. These results follow directly due to the inclusion of gas in the problem.


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We present multifrequency Very Large Array (VLA) observations of two giant quasars, 0437-244 and 1025-229, from the Molonglo Complete Sample. These sources have well-defined FR II radio structure, possible one-sided jets, no significant depolarization between 1365 and 4935 MHz and low rotation measure (\ RM \ < 20 rad m(-2)). The giant sources are defined to be those with overall projected size greater than or equal to 1 Mpc. We have compiled a sample of about 50 known giant radio sources from the literature, and have compared some of their properties with a complete sample of 3CR radio sources of smaller sizes to investigate the evolution of giant sources, and test their consistency with the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. We find an inverse correlation between the degree of core prominence and total radio luminosity, and show that the giant radio sources have similar core strengths to smaller sources of similar total luminosity. Hence their large sizes are unlikely to be caused by stronger nuclear activity. The degree of collinearity of the giant sources is also similar to that of the sample of smaller sources. The luminosity-size diagram shows that the giant sources are less luminous than our sample of smaller sized 3CR sources, consistent with evolutionary scenarios in which the giants have evolved from the smaller sources, losing energy as they expand to these large dimensions. For the smaller sources, radiative losses resulting from synchrotron radiation are more significant while for the giant sources the equipartition magnetic fields are smaller and inverse Compton lass owing to microwave background radiation is the dominant process. The radio properties of the giant radio galaxies and quasars are consistent with the unified scheme.


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We present the results of sub-mm, mm (850 mum, 450 mum and 1250 mum) and radio (1.4 and 4.8 GHz) continuum observations of a sample of 27 K-selected Extremely Red Objects, or EROs, (14 of which form a complete sample with K < 20 and I - K > 5) aimed at detecting dusty starbursts, deriving the fraction of UltraLuminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIGs) in ERO samples, and constraining their redshifts using the radio-FIR correlation. One ERO was tentatively detected at 1250 mum and two were detected at 1.4 GHz, one of which has a less secure identification as an ERO counterpart. Limits on their redshifts and their star forming properties are derived and discussed. We stacked the observations of the undetected objects at 850 mum, 1250 mum and 4.8 GHz in order to search for possible statistical emission from the ERO population as a whole, but no significant detections were derived either for the whole sample or as a function of the average NIR colours. These results strongly suggest that the dominant population of EROs with K < 20 is not comprised of ULIGs like HR 10, but is probably made of radio-quiet ellipticals and weaker starburst galaxies with L < 10(12) L . and SFR < few hundred M. yr(-1).


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The spectral index-luminosity relationship for steep-spectrum cores in galaxies and quasars has been investigated, and it is found that the sample of galaxies supports earlier suggestions of a strong correlation, while there is weak evidence for a similar relationship for the quasars. It is shown that a strong spectral index-luminosity correlation can be used to set an upper limit to the velocities of the radio-emitting material which is expelled from the nucleus in the form of collimated beams or jets having relativistic bulk velocities. The data on cores in galaxies indicate that the Lorentz factors of the radiating material are less than about 2.


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VLBI observations at 6 cm reported of several weak radio cores of normal and Seyfert galaxies, of radio sources which have jets or a head tail morphology as well as some stronger cores of flat spectrum galaxies from the NRAO-Bonn "S 4", survey. Nearly all sources were detected at an angular resolution of approximately 15 milli arc s. Some of the sources are resolved at this level.


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Future space-based gravity wave (GW) experiments such as the Big Bang Observatory (BBO), with their excellent projected, one sigma angular resolution, will measure the luminosity distance to a large number of GW sources to high precision, and the redshift of the single galaxies in the narrow solid angles towards the sources will provide the redshifts of the gravity wave sources. One sigma BBO beams contain the actual source in only 68% of the cases; the beams that do not contain the source may contain a spurious single galaxy, leading to misidentification. To increase the probability of the source falling within the beam, larger beams have to be considered, decreasing the chances of finding single galaxies in the beams. Saini et al. T.D. Saini, S.K. Sethi, and V. Sahni, Phys. Rev. D 81, 103009 (2010)] argued, largely analytically, that identifying even a small number of GW source galaxies furnishes a rough distance-redshift relation, which could be used to further resolve sources that have multiple objects in the angular beam. In this work we further develop this idea by introducing a self-calibrating iterative scheme which works in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulations to determine the luminosity distance to GW sources with progressively greater accuracy. This iterative scheme allows one to determine the equation of state of dark energy to within an accuracy of a few percent for a gravity wave experiment possessing a beam width an order of magnitude larger than BBO (and therefore having a far poorer angular resolution). This is achieved with no prior information about the nature of dark energy from other data sets such as type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmic microwave background, etc. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.87.083001


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In the present study, silver nanoparticles were rapidly synthesized by treating silver ions with Citrus limon (lemon) extract at higher temperature. The effect of process parameters like reductant concentration, mixing ratio of the reactants, concentration of silver nitrate and heating time period were studied. The formation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by surface plasmon resonance as determined by UV-visible spectra in the range of 400-500 nm. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the distinctive facets (111, 200, 220, 222 and 311 planes) of silver nanoparticles. Nanoparticles below 50 nm with spherical and spheroidal shape were observed from microscopic studies. The study offers a rapid method to synthesize silver nanoparticles within ten minutes of interaction with the bio-reductant.


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Some low-surface-brightness galaxies are known to have extremely thin stellar discs with the vertical-to-planar axes ratio 0.1 or less, often referred to as superthin galaxies. Although their existence is now known for over three decades, the physical origin of the superthin discs is still not understood. We model the vertical thickness of the stellar disc using our model of a two-component (gravitationally coupled stars and gas) disc embedded in a dark matter halo, for a bulgeless, superthin galaxy UGC 7321 which has a dense, compact halo, and is compare with a typical dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg II which has a low-density, non-compact halo. We show that while the presence of gas does constrain the stellar disc thickness and hence its axial ratio, it is the compact dark matter halo which plays the decisive role in determining the mean distribution of stars in the vertical direction in low-luminosity bulgeless galaxies like UGC 7321, and causes the stellar disc to be superthin. Thus, the compactness of the dark matter halo significantly affects the disc structure and this could be important for the early evolution of galaxies.


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) allows single-input single-output (SISO) systems to retain the diversity benefits of multiple antennas with minimum hardware costs. We propose a single receive AS method for time-varying channels, in which practical limitations imposed by next-generation wireless standards such as training, packetization and antenna switching time are taken into account. The proposed method utilizes low-complexity subspace projection techniques spanned by discrete prolate spheroidal (DPS) sequences. It only uses Doppler bandwidth knowledge, and does not need detailed correlation knowledge. Results show that the proposed AS method outperforms ideal conventional SISO systems with perfect CSI but no AS at the receiver and AS using the conventional Fourier estimation/prediction method. A closed-form expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) of phase-shift keying (MPSK) with symbol-by-symbol receive AS is derived.


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Filamentary structures are ubiquitous in astrophysics and are observed at various scales. On a cosmological scale, matter is usually distributed along filaments, and filaments are also typical features of the interstellar medium. Within a cosmic filament, matter can contract and form galaxies, whereas an interstellar gas filament can clump into a series of bead-like structures that can then turn into stars. To investigate the growth of such instabilities, we derive a local dispersion relation for an idealized self-gravitating filament and study some of its properties. Our idealized picture consists of an infinite self-gravitating and rotating cylinder with pressure and density related by a polytropic equation of state. We assume no specific density distribution, treat matter as a fluid, and use hydrodynamics to derive the linearized equations that govern the local perturbations. We obtain a dispersion relation for axisymmetric perturbations and study its properties in the (kR, kz) phase space, where kR and kz are the radial and longitudinal wavenumbers, respectively. While the boundary between the stable and unstable regimes is symmetrical in kR and kz and analogous to the Jeans criterion, the most unstable mode displays an asymmetry that could constrain the shape of the structures that form within the filament. Here the results are applied to a fiducial interstellar filament, but could be extended for other astrophysical systems, such as cosmological filaments and tidal tails.


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We propose an analytic perturbative scheme in the spirit of Lord Rayleigh's work for determining the eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions inside an arbitrary boundary where the eigenfunction satisfies either the Dirichlet boundary condition or the Neumann boundary condition. Although numerous works are available in the literature for arbitrary boundaries in two dimensions, to the best of our knowledge the formulation in three dimensions is proposed for the first time. In this novel prescription, we have expanded the arbitrary boundary in terms of spherical harmonics about an equivalent sphere and obtained perturbative closed-form solutions at each order for the problem in terms of corrections to the equivalent spherical boundary for both the boundary conditions. This formulation is in parallel with the standard time-independent Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory. The efficacy of the method is tested by comparing the perturbative values against the numerically calculated eigenvalues for spheroidal, superegg and superquadric shaped boundaries. It is shown that this perturbation works quite well even for wide departure from spherical shape and for higher excited states too. We believe this formulation would find applications in the field of quantum dots and acoustical cavities.


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In the present work, effect of pouring temperature (650 degrees C, 655 degrees C, and 660 degrees C) on semi-solid microstructure evolution of in-situ magnesium silicide (Mg2Si) reinforced aluminum (Al) alloy composite has been studied. The shear force exerted by the cooling slope during gravity driven flow of the melt facilitates the formation of near spherical primary Mg2Si and primary Al grains. Shear driven melt flow along the cooling slope and grain fragmentation have been identified as the responsible mechanisms for refinement of primary Mg2Si and Al grains with improved sphericity. Results show that, while flowing down the cooling slope, morphology of primary Mg2Si and primary Al transformed gradually from coarse dendritic to mixture of near spherical particles, rosettes, and degenerated dendrites. In terms of minimum grain size and maximum sphericity, 650 degrees C has been identified as the ideal pouring temperature for the cooling slope semi-solid processing of present Al alloy composite. Formation of spheroidal grains with homogeneous distribution of reinforcing phase (Mg2Si) improves the isotropic property of the said composite, which is desirable in most of the engineering applications.


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The density wave theory for the grand-design two-armed spiral pattern in galaxies is successful in explaining several observed features. However, the long-term persistence of this spiral structure is a serious problem since the group transport would destroy it within about a billion years as shown in a classic paper by Toomre. In this paper, we include the low-velocity dispersion component, namely gas, on an equal footing with stars in the formulation of the density wave theory, and obtain the dispersion relation for this coupled system. We show that the inclusion of gas makes the group transport slower by a factor of few, thus allowing the pattern to persist longer - for several billion years. Though still less than the Hubble time, this helps in making the spiral structure more long-lived. Further we show that addition of gas is essential to get a stable wave for the observed pattern speed for the Galaxy, which otherwise is not possible for a one-component stellar disc.