952 resultados para Sources of Metals


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Background: This study examined three social factors (i.e., autonomy support, structure, and involvement) and their relationship with the motivational processes proposed by Vallerand ( 1 997). This study explored sources of support for exercise participation. -~ ' Methods: Participants (N = 425) completed self-reported instruments which assessed variables outlined within Vallerand's ( 1 997) HMIEM. Results: Structural equation modeling analyses predicting the cognitive/affective and exercise behaviour accounted for 23 percent of variance in positive affect, 10 percent of variance in negative affect, 38 percent of variance in physical self-concept, and 4 percent of variance in exercise behaviour. Exploratory analyses revealed that friends, romantic partners, and educators to be consistent sources for providing autonomy support, structure, and involvement, f !,< r - r* Summary: This study is among the first to examine perceived sources oi autonomy support, structure, and involvement from friends in the exercise context and suggest such perceptions may contribute to motivating exercise behaviour in post-secondary students.


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Orosensory perception strongly influences liking and consumption of foods and beverages. This thesis examines the influence of biological sources of individual variation on the perception of prototypical orosensory stimuli, food liking, self-reported alcohol liking and consumption, and indices of health. Two orosensory indices were examined: propylthiouracil (PROP) responsiveness, a genetically-mediated index of individual variation associated with enhanced responsiveness to orosensory stimuli often expressed as PROP taster status (PTS); and thermal taster status (TTS), a recently reported index of orosensory responsiveness. Taster status in PTS and/or TTS confers greater responsiveness to most orosensory stimuli. Gender, age, ethnicity, and fungiform papillae (FP) density were not associated with orosensory responsiveness to tastants, an astringent, and a flavour. Unlike PROP responsiveness, FP density was not associated with TTS. Both PROP responsiveness and TTS were associated with increased responsiveness to orosensory stimuli, including temperature and astringency. For PROP, this association did not hold when stimuli were presented at cold or warm temperatures, which are ecologically valid since most foods and beverages are not consumed at ambient temperature. Thermal tasters (TTs), who perceive 'phantom' taste sensations with lingual thermal stimulation, were more responsive to stimuli at both temperatures than thermal non-tasters (TnTs). While PTS, TIS, and gender affected self-reported liking and consumption of some alcoholic beverages, gender associated with the greatest number of beverage types and consumption parameters, with males generally liking and consuming alcoholic beverages more than females. Age and gender were the best predictors of alcoholic beverageAiking and consumption. As expected, .. liking of bitter and fatty foods and cream was inversely related to PROP responsiveness. TTS did not associate with body mass index or waist circumference, and contrary to previous studies, neither did PROP responsiveness. Taken together, TnTs' greater liking of cooked fruits and vegetables and high alcohol, and astringent alcoholic beverages than TTs suggests differences between TTS groups may be driven by perceived temperature and texture. Neither an interaction between PTS and TTS nor a TTS effect on PROP responsiveness was observed, suggesting these two indices of individual variation exert their influences on orosensory perception independently.


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Uncertainties as to future supply costs of nonrenewable natural resources, such as oil and gas, raise the issue of the choice of supply sources. In a perfectly deterministic world, an efficient use of multiple sources of supply requires that any given market exhausts the supply it can draw from a low cost source before moving on to a higher cost one; supply sources should be exploited in strict sequence of increasing marginal cost, with a high cost source being left untouched as long as a less costly source is available. We find that this may not be the efficient thing to do in a stochastic world. We show that there exist conditions under which it can be efficient to use a risky supply source in order to conserve a cheaper non risky source. The benefit of doing this comes from the fact that it leaves open the possibility of using it instead of the risky source in the event the latter’s future cost conditions suddenly deteriorate. There are also conditions under which it will be efficient to use a more costly non risky source while a less costly risky source is still available. The reason is that this conserves the less costly risky source in order to use it in the event of a possible future drop in its cost.


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Humic substances are complex polymeric structures.No other polymers with such a wide range of properties are so widely distributed in nature.But still their moleculer structures are unknown. A structural knowledge is essential in determining their reactivity with metals.In the present work structural elucidation of humic acids from three different mangrove ecosystems of Cochin area is done with the available data from functional group analysis and various spectroscopic methods.13C NMR spectra of the solid samples with CPMAS,IR and SEM are very promising in revealing the complex structures of these polymeric substances.Sorptional studies on the sediment and humic acid of mangrove ecosystem reveals that the major portion of the organic matter is not extractable with Sodium hydroxide and humic acid only a small portion of the total organic matter. Humic acid is a good complexing agent and scavenger. Due to the nonextractable nature of the organic matter present with the sediment left after alkali extraction it is a better scavenger.


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In India, directed research on penaeid prawn nutrition was taken up only recently when the aquaculture of prawns gained momentum. One of the important penaeid prawns sought for culture and has great potential is Penagus indiggs, H.Milne Edwards. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute working on different aspects of culture of this species over the past one and half decades, has developed a hatchery technology for mass production of its seed and has suggested several improvements on its farming in the grow-out systems. One of the areas of active research in this direction has been on the nutrition of the species with a view to develop suitable feed not only for hatchery production of seed, but also in the field culture. As part of this investigation, the present study, on the evaluation of different protein and carbohydrate sources and mineral requirements for the juvenile E, indicus was taken up and the results obtained are embodied in the thesis


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El presente proyecto está basado en los siguientes centros de interés: I. La energía y el cuerpo humano. II.Fuentes de energía. III.Incidencia de las aplicaciones técnicas de la energía en el medio ambiente. Como objetivo principal está la elaboración del currículo adaptado a las nuevas realidades de la enseñanza, incluyendo las innovaciones metodológicas, tecnológicas y didácticas más avanzadas. Se pretende, con este proyecto, que no se circunscriba estrictamente al área de lenguas extranjeras, sino que se vincule a otros proyectos de centro. Se eligió el tema 'Sources of life' por el interés que suscitan temas tan actuales como los medioambientales y que están recogidos en los diseños curriculares de las distintas áreas de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). Aplicado a tres institutos de bachillerato de Gran Canaria, no especifica el número de alumnos a los que afectó la experiencia, cuyo nivel es 1 de BUP. A través de reuniones periódicas, se elaboró el material necesario para la confección del currículo. Este material se aplicaba en el aula a través de 'project worker' y centros de interés para desarrollar los contenidos del mismo. No constan resultados.


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We design a financial network model that explicitly incorporates linkages across institutions through a direct contagion channel, as well as an indirect common exposure channel. In particular, common exposure is setup so as to link the financial to the real sector. The model is calibrated to balance sheet data on the colombian financial sector. Results indicate that commercial banks are the most systemically important financial institutions in the system. Whereas government owned institutions are the most vulnerable institutions in the system.


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We formulate and solve a model of factor saving technological improvement considering three factors of production: labor, capital and energy. The productive activities have three main characteristics: first, in order to use capital goods firms need energy; second, there are two sources of energy: non-exhaustible and exhaustible; third, capital goods can be of different qualities and the quality of these goods can be changed along two dimensions -reducing the need of energy or changing the source of energy used in the production process. The economy goes through three stages of development after industrialization. In the first, firms make use of exhaustible energy and the e¢ ciency in the use of energy is constant. In the second stage, as the price of energy grows the e¢ ciency in its use is increased. In the third stage, the price of exhaustible sources is so high that firms have incentives to use non-exhaustible sources of energy. During this stage the price of energy is constant. In this set up, the end of the oil age has level effects on consumption and output but it does not cause the collapse of the economic system.


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Se formula y resuelve un modelo de cambio tecnológico ahorrador de factores de producción que considera tres factores: capital, trabajo y energía. El modelo cuenta con características específicas con respecto a la interacción n entre la energía (la cual, de acuerdo a su fuente puede ser renovable y no renovable) y el capital. Una vez esta economía se ha definido, se supone que evoluciona en tres etapas luego de su industrialización, durante las cuales el carácter renovable o no renovable de la energía influye su precio relativo, eficiencia y afecta también el nivel agregado de consumo y producción de la economía, sin que esta evolución lleve al colapso del sistema económico.


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Explica que son los metales, sus propiedades, las aleaciones, y las reacciones que se producen con otros materiales, lo que los científicos llaman reactividad. Está adaptado a alumnos de once a catorce años, que cursan la etapa 3 (Key Stage 3)del curriculo nacional inglés.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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En la presente tesis se han realizado estudios de eliminación de metales pesados y arsénico de aguas contaminadas mediante procesos de adsorción sobre materiales de bajo coste. Dichos materiales son, en todos los casos, subproductos de industrias agroalimentarias o metalúrgicas.La tesis consta de diferentes capítulos enmarcados en tres secciones: (i) Eliminación de cromo hexavalente y trivalente (ii) Eliminación de cationes divalentes de metales pesados en presencia de complejantes y en mezclas multimetálicas y (iii) Eliminación de arsénico utilizando un subproducto de la industria de cromados metálicos como adsorbente. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que ciertos residuos industriales pueden ser utilizados como adsorbentes en la detoxificación de efluentes contaminados con metales pesados. La tecnología propuesta representa una alternativa sostenible y de bajo coste frente a los tratamientos actuales más costosos y dependientes, en muchas ocasiones, de productos derivados del petróleo.