925 resultados para Solar water heating systems
El objetivo del presente proyecto es realizar el pre-diseño de una instalación solar mixta fotovoltaica-térmica para satisfacer la demanda eléctrica para iluminación y para parte de las necesidades de energía térmica para agua caliente de una vivienda. El proyecto define las condiciones técnicas de la instalación a partir de la radiación solar registrada en la localización elegida. Además de incluir el estudio económico y los planos correspondientes que indican la viabilidad del mismo. Como puntos a destacar en el proyecto, se puede tomar los datos obtenidos de generación eléctrica y térmica, la viabilidad técnica y económica y el análisis de la incipiente tecnología de paneles híbridos fotovoltaicos-térmicos. La incorporación de las energías renovables es ya una realidad para las viviendas de nueva construcción, en cambio son pocas las nuevas instalaciones en edificios o viviendas ya construidas. Es importante promover este tipo de tecnologías con objetivo de reducir la dependencia actual de los combustibles fósiles y evitar así sus efectos nocivos al medio ambiente. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to carry out the draft design of a solar mixed photovoltaic-thermal installation to satisfy the electrical and thermal demand in a building, for lighting as well as for some of the energy required for water heating. The project defines the technical conditions of the system, given the solar radiation registered in the chosen location. It also includes the economic analysis and the respective plans that indicates the viability of the project. The highlights of the project are the following: electricity and thermal energy generation data, the technical and financial viability and the analysis of the new technology of the Photovoltaic-Thermal hybrid solar collectors. The inclusion of renewable energies is already a living reality for newly constructed buildings. By contrast, they are rarely implemented in old buildings. In order to be able to reduce the fossil fuels dependency, and in doing so, avoid its damaging effects on the environment, it is very important to promote the use of these cleaner technologies.
Water is fundamental to human life and the availability of freshwater is often a constraint on human welfare and economic development. Consequently, the potential effects of global changes on hydrology and water resources are considered among the most severe and vital ones. Water scarcity is one of the main problems in the rural communities of Central America, as a result of an important degradation of catchment areas and the over-exploitation of aquifers. The present Thesis is focused on two critical aspects of global changes over water resources: (1) the potential effects of climate change on water quantity and (2) the impacts of land cover and land use changes on the hydrological processes and water cycle. Costa Rica is among the few developing countries that have recently achieved a land use transition with a net increase in forest cover. Osa Region in South Pacific Costa Rica is an appealing study site to assess water supply management plans and to measure the effects of deforestation, forest transitions and climate change projections reported in the region. Rural Community Water Supply systems (ASADAS) in Osa are dealing with an increasing demand of freshwater due to the growing population and the change in the way of life in the rural livelihoods. Land cover mosaics which have resulted from the above mentioned processes are characterized by the abandonment of marginal farmland with the spread over these former grasslands of high return crops and the expansion of secondary forests due to reforestation initiatives. These land use changes have a significant impact on runoff generation in priority water-supply catchments in the humid tropics, as evidenced by the analysis of the Tinoco Experimental Catchment in the Southern Pacific area of Costa Rica. The monitoring system assesses the effects of the different land uses on the runoff responses and on the general water cycle of the basin. Runoff responses at plot scale are analyzed for secondary forests, oil palm plantations, forest plantations and grasslands. The Oil palm plantation plot presented the highest runoff coefficient (mean RC=32.6%), twice that measured under grasslands (mean RC=15.3%) and 20-fold greater than in secondary forest (mean RC=1.7%). A Thornthwaite-type water balance is proposed to assess the impact of land cover and climate change scenarios over water availability for rural communities in Osa Region. Climate change projections were obtained by the downscaling of BCM2, CNCM3 and ECHAM5 models. Precipitation and temperature were averaged and conveyed by the A1B, A2 and B1 IPCC climate scenario for 2030, 2060 and 2080. Precipitation simulations exhibit a positive increase during the dry season for the three scenarios and a decrease during the rainy season, with the highest magnitude (up to 25%) by the end of the 21st century under scenario B1. Monthly mean temperature simulations increase for the three scenarios throughout the year with a maximum increase during the dry season of 5% under A1B and A2 scenarios and 4% under B1 scenario. The Thornthwaite-type Water Balance model indicates important decreases of water surplus for the three climate scenarios during the rainy season, with a maximum decrease on May, which under A1B scenario drop up to 20%, under A2 up to 40% and under B1 scenario drop up to almost 60%. Land cover scenarios were created taking into account current land cover dynamics of the region. Land cover scenario 1 projects a deforestation situation, with forests decreasing up to 15% due to urbanization of the upper catchment areas; land cover scenario 2 projects a forest recovery situation where forested areas increase due to grassland abandonment on areas with more than 30% of slope. Deforestation scenario projects an annual water surplus decrease of 15% while the reforestation scenario projects a water surplus increase of almost 25%. This water balance analysis indicates that climate scenarios are equal contributors as land cover scenarios to future water resource estimations.
Esta investigación se plantea con la hipótesis radical de cómo habitar el desierto de forma sostenible, desde una actitud pragmática y experimental basada en el progreso. La justificación se basa en primer lugar en los 2.000 millones de personas en el mundo que viven en entornos desérticos, el 80% de ellas, en países en desarrollo, porque el 40% de la superficie terrestre está bajo amenaza de desertificación afectando al 37% de la población mundial, con 12 millones de hectáreas al año perdidas por esa causa, y por último, porque se considera el desierto como un entorno de gran atractivo y potencial. El contenido de la investigación se estructura en tres movimientos: posicionamiento, mirada y acción: Desde el posicionamiento se define en primer lugar la sostenibilidad, aportando un nuevo diagrama donde se incorpora el ámbito arquitectónico como uno de los pilares principales, y, posteriormente, se establecen los criterios de evaluación de la sostenibilidad, aportando un sistema de indicadores donde se incorporan parámetros adecuados a las circunstancias del oasis. Del mismo modo, se estudian y analizan metodologías de actuación y proyectos de desarrollo sostenible existentes que enmarcan el estado del arte, constatando la dificultad de adaptación de los mismos a las condiciones de los oasis, por lo que se elabora una metodología propia donde se modifica la dinámica estratégica, de forma que el impulso se plantea desde la acción social, a través de hipótesis de estrategias basadas en sistemas low-cost, autoconstruidas, asumibles económicamente y de implantación factible. El caso de estudio específico radica en la situación extrema de las condiciones en el oasis de M’hamid, donde se evidencia un proceso de desintegración y abandono. Esto es debido a una acumulación de circunstancias externas e internas, de múltiples factores: naturales y antrópicos que afectan al oasis, llevando al extremo las condiciones climáticas y la escasez de recursos, naturales y artificiales. Factores como el cambio climático, la sequía, los cambios en las políticas del agua, la amenaza de desertificación, los conflictos sociales, el desequilibrio ecológico, la escasez económica, la crisis energética, la obsolescencia arquitectónica, el patrimonio construido prácticamente destruido, y la malentendida nueva arquitectura. Es importante constatar la escasa documentación gráfica existente sobre la zona de actuación lo que ha conllevado un amplio trabajo de documentación, tanto cartográfica como de observación directa, aportada a la tesis como investigación de elaboración propia. La mirada analítica al caso de estudio permite conocer los recursos disponibles y las potencialidades latentes del oasis de M’hamid, que permitirán actuar para subvertir la dinámica involutiva imperante, de forma que los dibujos iniciales de apropiación contextual y análisis críticos derivan en mapas de acción diagramados conformados por un sistema de objetos y la definición de estrategias transversales, deconstruyendo el pasado y reconstruyendo el futuro, incorporando sistemas alternativos que se definen en 7 líneas estratégicas de acción formuladas desde los 3 ámbitos relacionados con el ecosistema: ecológico, socio- económico y arquitectónico. Así, la tesis defiende la acción arquitectónica como impulsora del desarrollo sostenible, apoyada en 3 elementos: - la creación de objetos “tecnoartesanos”, para el aprovechamiento de los recursos energéticos - las transformaciones arquitectónicas, para reformular el hábitat desde la eficiencia energética y el progreso - y el impulso de acciones cotidianas, que redefinan las relaciones sociales, creando entornos cooperativos y colaborativos. En el ámbito ecológico se proponen actuaciones anti desertificación mediante incubadoras de árboles; sistemas alternativos de gestión del agua, como la lluvia sólida; estrategias de potenciación de la producción agrícola; la construcción de mecanismos de obtención de energía a partir de residuos, como los paneles solares con botellas PET. En el ámbito socioeconómico se plantean nuevas formas de acción social y de reactivación económica. Por último, en el ámbito urbano-arquitectónico, se incorporan modificaciones morfológicas a la arquitectura existente y una relectura contemporánea de la tierra, como material que permite nuevas geometrías, obteniendo arena petrificada por procesos microbiológicos, y potenciando la tierra como recurso artístico. Esta tesis es un punto de partida, recoge sistemas, estrategias y experiencias, para funcionar como un estímulo o impulso dinamizador del futuro desarrollo sostenible del oasis, abriendo vías de investigación y experimentación. ABSTRACT This research puts forth the radical hypothesis of how to inhabit the desert in a sustainable way, using a pragmatic and experimental approach based on progress. The justification for this resides in the fact that there are 2,000 million people in the world living in desert environments, 80% of them in developing countries. Forty percent of the earth’s surface is under threat of desertification, affecting 37% of the world population and with 12 million hectares being lost each year. And finally, the desert is considered as an attractive environment and therefore, with great potential. The content of the research is structured in three main sections: positioning, observation and action: As a point of departure, sustainability is defined, proposing a new framework where architecture is incorporated as one of the main pillars. Then, the criteria for evaluating sustainability are established. These provide a system of indicators, which incorporate parameters based on the specific circumstances of the oasis. Methodologies and existing sustainable development projects that represent the state-of-the-art are analyzed, discussing the difficulty of adapting them to conditions of oases. A methodology that modifies strategic concepts is developed, whereby the catalyst is social action, and strategies are developed based on low-cost, self-built, and feasible implementation systems. The specific case study lies in the extreme conditions in the oasis of M'hamid, where a process of decay and neglect is evident. This deterioration is due to an accumulation of external and internal circumstances, and of natural and anthropogenic factors that affect the oasis, leading to extreme weather conditions and a shortage of both natural and artificial resources. Factors include; climate change, drought, changes in water policies, the threat of desertification, social conflicts, ecological imbalance, economic shortage, the energy crisis, architectural obsolescence, destruction of built heritage, and misunderstood new architecture. It is important to note the extremely limited graphic information about the area has led me to produce an extensive archive of maps and drawings, many developed by direct observation, that contribute to the research. The case study analysis of the oasis of M'hamid examines the resources available and the latent potential to slow the prevailing trend towards deterioration. The initial drawings of contextual appropriation and critical analysis result in maps and diagrams of action, which are formed by a system of objects and the definition of strategies. These can be thought of as understanding or “deconstructing” the past to reconstruct the future. Alternative approaches defined in seven strategies for action are based on three fields related to the ecosystem: ecological, socioeconomic and architectural. Thus, the thesis defends architectural action to promote sustainable development, based on three elements: - The creation of "techno-artisans", to make use of energy resources - Architectural changes, to reformulate habitat in terms of energy efficiency and progress - And the promotion of everyday actions, to redefine social relations, creating cooperative and collaborative environments. In the ecological field, I propose anti-desertification actions such as; tree incubators, alternative water management systems(such as solid rain),; strategies to empower the agricultural production, energy from low-cost systems made out from recycled materials(such as solar panels from PET bottles or wind turbine from bicycle wheels). In the socioeconomic sphere, I propose to implement new forms of social action and economic regeneration. Finally, within the urban and architectural field, I propose morphological changes to the existing architecture and a contemporary reinterpretation of the earth as a material that allows new geometries, creating petrified sand by microbiological processes or enhancing nature as an artistic and energy resource. This thesis is a starting point. It collects systems, strategies and experiences to serve as a stimulus or dynamic momentum for future sustainable development of the oasis, opening new avenues of research and experimentation. RÉSUMÉ Cette recherche part d'une hypothèse radicale : comment habiter le désert de façon durable, et ce à partir d'une approche pragmatique et expérimentale basée sur le progrès. Cette hypothèse se justifie en raison des 2 milliards de personnes qui dans le monde habitent des environnements désertiques, 80% d'entre eux dans des pays en voie de développement, mais aussi parce que 40% de la surface de la planète est sous menace de désertification, un phénomène affectant 37% de la population mondiale et qui cause la perte de 12 millions d'hectares par an; et enfin parce que le désert est considéré comme un environnement très attrayant et fort d’un grand potentiel. Le contenu de la recherche se divise en trois mouvements: le positionnement, le regard et l'action : Du point de vue du positionnement on définit tout d'abord la durabilité, présentant un nouveau schéma où le domaine de l'architecture devient un des principaux piliers, et, par la suite, des critères d'évaluation de la durabilité sont établis, en fournissant un système d’indicateurs qui intègre les paramètres appropriés aux circonstances de l'oasis. De même, des méthodologies et des projets de développement durable existants sont étudiés et analysés, ce qui encadre l'état de l'art, remarquant la difficulté de les adapter aux conditions des oasis. De cette difficulté découle l'élaboration d'une méthodologie qui modifie la dynamique stratégique, de sorte que l'impulsion provient de l'action sociale, à travers des hypothèses de stratégie basées sur des systèmes low-cost, auto-construits, et de mise en oeuvre économiquement viable. Le cas d'étude spécifique réside en la situation extrême des conditions de l'oasis de M’hamid, où un processus de décadence et de négligence est évident. Cela est dû à une accumulation de circonstances externes et internes, de multiples facteurs: les facteurs naturels et anthropiques qui affectent l'oasis, menant à l'extrême les conditions météorologiques et la pénurie de ressources, autant naturelles qu'artificielles. Des facteurs tels que le changement climatique, la sécheresse, les changements dans les politiques de l'eau, la menace de la désertification, les conflits sociaux, le déséquilibre écologique, la pénurie économique, la crise de l'énergie, l'obsolescence architecturale, le patrimoine bâti pratiquement détruit et une mauvais compréhensif de la nouvelle architecture. Il est important de de faire remarquer le peu d'informations graphiques du domaine d'action, ce qui a conduit à un vaste travail de documentation, autant cartographique que relative à l'observation directe. Cette documentation s'ajoute à la thèse en tant que recherche propre. Le regard analytique sur le cas d'étude permet de connaître les ressources disponibles et le potentiel latent de l'oasis de M’hamid, qui agiront pour renverser la dynamique d'involution en vigueur. Ainsi, les premiers dessins d'appropriation contextuelle et analyse critique deviennent des cartes d'action schématisées formées par un système d'objets et la définition de stratégies transversales, qui déconstruisent le passé et reconstruisent l'avenir, en incorporant des systèmes alternatifs qui se définissent sur 7 lignes stratégiques d'action formulées à partir des 3 domaines en relation avec l’écosystème: l’écologique, le socio-économique et l'architectural. Ainsi, la thèse défend l'action architecturale en tant que promotrice du développement durable, et ce basé sur 3 éléments: - la création d'objets "technoartisans" pour l'exploitation des ressources énergétiques - les modifications architecturales, pour reformuler l'habitat du point de vue de l'efficacité énergétique et le progrès - et la promotion des actions quotidiennes, pour redéfinir les relations sociales, et la création d'environnements de coopération et collaboration. Dans le domaine de l'écologie des actions de lutte contre la désertification sont proposées à travers des pépinières d'arbres, des systèmes alternatifs de gestion de l'eau comme par exemple la pluie solide, des stratégies de mise en valeur de la production agricole, la construction de mécanismes de production d'énergie à partir de résidus, tels que les panneaux solaires ou les bouteilles en PET. Dans le domaine socio-économique, l'on propose de nouvelles formes d'action sociale et de reprise économique. Enfin, dans le domaine de l'urbain et de l'architectural, on incorpore des changements morphologiques à l'architecture existante et une relecture contemporaine de la terre, comme matériau qui permet de nouvelles géométries, en obtenant du sable pétrifié par des procédés microbiologiques et en mettant en valeur la terre comme une ressource artistique. Cette thèse n'est qu'un point de départ. Elle recueille des systèmes, des stratégies et des expériences pour servir de stimulus ou d'impulsion dynamisatrice du futur développement durable de l'oasis, en ouvrant des voies de recherche et d'expérimentation.
Energy storage at low maintenance cost is one of the key challenges for generating electricity from the solar energy. This paper presents the theoretical analysis (verified by CFD) of the night time performance of a recently proposed conceptual system that integrates thermal storage (via phase change materials) and thermophotovoltaics for power generation. These storage integrated solar thermophotovoltaic (SISTPV) systems are attractive owing to their simple design (no moving parts) and modularity compared to conventional Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. Importantly, the ability of high temperature operation of these systems allows the use of silicon (melting point of 1680 K) as the phase change material (PCM). Silicon's very high latent heat of fusion of 1800 kJ/kg and low cost ($1.70/kg), makes it an ideal heat storage medium enabling for an extremely high storage energy density and low weight modular systems. In this paper, the night time operation of the SISTPV system optimised for steady state is analysed. The results indicate that for any given PCM length, a combination of small taper ratio and large inlet hole-to-absorber area ratio are essential to increase the operation time and the average power produced during the night time. Additionally, the overall results show that there is a trade-off between running time and the average power produced during the night time. Average night time power densities as high as 30 W/cm(2) are possible if the system is designed with a small PCM length (10 cm) to operate just a few hours after sun-set, but running times longer than 72 h (3 days) are possible for larger lengths (50 cm) at the expense of a lower average power density of about 14 W/cm(2). In both cases the steady state system efficiency has been predicted to be about 30%. This makes SISTPV systems to be a versatile solution that can be adapted for operation in a broad range of locations with different climate conditions, even being used off-grid and in space applications.
The benefits of urban agriculture are many and well documented, ranging from health improvement to community betterment, more sustainable urban development and environment protection. On the negative side, urban soils are commonly enriched in toxic trace elements that have accumulated over time through the deposition of atmospheric particles (generated by automotive traffic, heating systems, historical industrial activities and resuspended street dust), and the uncontrolled disposal of domestic, commercial and industrial wastes. This in turn has given rise to concerns about the level of exposure of urban farmers to these elements and the potential health hazards associated with this exposure. Research efforts in this field have started relatively recently and have almost systematically omitted the influence of Sb and Se, and to a lesser extent of As, although all three have proven toxic effects.
Trihalomethanes are organic compounds formed in drinking water distribution systems as a result of disinfection. This capstone project researched and evaluated the statistical correlation of trihalomethanes in finished drinking water and total organic carbon in source water using data generated by Denver area utilities. Results of the study conclude that some drinking water supply systems show a slight correlation between source water total organic carbon levels and trihalomethane levels in finished water. Results of the study also verify the assertion that changes to treatment for the reduction of trihalomethanes, for the protection of human health under the Safe Drinking Water Act should be determined by each utility, using information from gathered data, seasonal trends, and small scale batch testing.
"August 1979
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"In the present work there have been incorporated several papers ... which have been read before the Institution of Civil Engineers; and also the author's articles on 'Stoves' and 'Ventilation,' published in the Encyclopædia metropolitana."--Pref.
Miami-Dade County implemented a series of water conservation programs, which included rebate/exchange incentives to encourage the use of high efficiency aerators (AR), showerheads (SH), toilets (HET) and clothes washers (HEW), to respond to the environmental sustainability issue in urban areas. This study first used panel data analysis of water consumption to evaluate the performance and actual water savings of individual programs. Integrated water demand model has also been developed for incorporating property’s physical characteristics into the water consumption profiles. Life cycle assessment (with emphasis on end-use stage in water system) of water intense appliances was conducted to determine the environmental impacts brought by each practice. Approximately 6 to 10 % of water has been saved in the first and second year of implementation of high efficiency appliances, and with continuing savings in the third and fourth years. Water savings (gallons per household per day) for water efficiency appliances were observed at 28 (11.1%) for SH, 34.7 (13.3%) for HET, and 39.7 (14.5%) for HEW. Furthermore, the estimated contributions of high efficiency appliances for reducing water demand in the integrated water demand model were between 5 and 19% (highest in the AR program). Results indicated that adoption of more than one type of water efficiency appliance could significantly reduce residential water demand. For the sustainable water management strategies, the appropriate water conservation rate was projected to be 1 to 2 million gallons per day (MGD) through 2030. With 2 MGD of water savings, the estimated per capita water use (GPCD) could be reduced from approximately 140 to 122 GPCD. Additional efforts are needed to reduce the water demand to US EPA’s “Water Sense” conservation levels of 70 GPCD by 2030. Life cycle assessment results showed that environmental impacts (water and energy demands and greenhouse gas emissions) from end-use and demand phases are most significant within the water system, particularly due to water heating (73% for clothes washer and 93% for showerhead). Estimations of optimal lifespan for appliances (8 to 21 years) implied that earlier replacement with efficiency models is encouraged in order to minimize the environmental impacts brought by current practice.
For the Wayuu of the Guajira Peninsula of northern Colombia, water procurement has historically been challenging. The ancestral territory of this indigenous pastoral society is windy and arid, with low rainfall, high temperatures and an absence of perennial rivers or streams. In the past, the Wayuu adapted to these environmental conditions by practicing transhumance during the prolonged dry seasons, digging spring wells and artificial ponds and by following guiding principles for water usage. Since the 1930s, the government has made efforts to build additional wind-powered wells and ponds for a growing native population. Notwithstanding, these water solutions have only partly met the necessities; public water sources are limited or unreliable and few attempts are made to generate safe drinking water. Furthermore, the ubiquitous practice of animal husbandry places added pressure on existing sources; livestock consume more water than the human populations in the areas visited. Rapid assessments in four Wayuu areas on the peninsula were conducted by the author and an interdisciplinary team working for the Cerrejón Foundation for Water in La Guajira from 2010 to 2013. The assessments were part of a larger pilot project to design and implement a sustainability plan for reservoir-based water supply systems in the region. This study brings cultural practices and local knowledge to the forefront as key elements for the success of water works and other development projects carried out in Wayuu territory.
Urban areas such as megacities (those with populations greater than 10 million) are hotspots of global water use and thus face intense water management challenges. Urban areas are influenced by local interactions between human and natural systems and interact with distant systems through flows of water, food, energy, people, information, and capital. However, analyses of water sustainability and the management of water flows in urban areas are often fragmented. There is a strong need to apply integrated frameworks to systematically analyze urban water dynamics and factors that influence these dynamics. We apply the framework of telecoupling (socioeconomic and environmental interactions over distances) to analyze urban water issues, using Beijing as a demonstration megacity. Beijing exemplifies the global water sustainability challenge for urban settings. Like many other cities, Beijing has experienced drastic reductions in quantity and quality of both surface water and groundwater over the past several decades; it relies on the import of real and virtual water from sending systems to meet its demand for clean water, and releases polluted water to other systems (spillover systems). The integrative framework we present demonstrates the importance of considering socioeconomic and environmental interactions across telecoupled human and natural systems, which include not only Beijing (the water-receiving system) but also water-sending systems and spillover systems. This framework helps integrate important components of local and distant human–nature interactions and incorporates a wide range of local couplings and telecouplings that affect water dynamics, which in turn generate significant socioeconomic and environmental consequences, including feedback effects. The application of the framework to Beijing reveals many research gaps and management needs. We also provide a foundation to apply the telecoupling framework to better understand and manage water sustainability in other cities around the world.
This report contains information about Iowa's public drinking water program for the calendar year 2015. Included in the report are descriptions of Iowa's systems, monitoring and reporting requirements of the systems, and violations incurred during the year. This report meets the federal Safe Drinking Water Act's requirement of an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations by public water supply systems in Iowa.
El Sistema Energético Solar-Hidrógeno (SESH) constituye un sistema energético cuya fuente primaria es la energía solar, directa o indirecta, y la secundaria el hidrógeno. Actualmente, se considera como la mejor opción para complementar en el mediano y sustituir en el largo plazo, al actual sistema energético basado en fuentes fósiles. En este contexto se desenvuelve este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es identificar y analizar los factores intervinientes en el desarrollo del SESH en el ámbito latinoamericano, mediante una investigación documental basada en una amplia revisión bibliográfica. Se obtiene que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos disponen de ingentes potenciales aprovechables de energías renovables que harían posible y atractiva económicamente la implantación del SESH; que la hidrogenaría y biomasa son las fuentes más adecuadas como base para esta implantación, tanto por su potencial como por su presencia en la matriz energética y costos del SESH. Los estudios indican que la energización rural y el transporte urbano constituyen nichos de oportunidad para la penetración del SESH. También se reportan barreras: acciones de investigación escasas y concentradas en pocos países, un exiguo talento humano formado y capacitado para operar y desarrollar esta tecnología, como resultado de una débil oferta formativa; y la carencia de un marco legal e institucional que incentive el desarrollo de este sistema. Se concluye que sólo con la acción concertada de centros de investigación, universidades y la empresa privada, bajo la tutela del estado, se logrará que este elemento químico singular conduzca el desarrollo humano de la región por caminos sustentables.
A smart solar photovoltaic grid system is an advent of innovation coherence of information and communications technology (ICT) with power systems control engineering via the internet [1]. This thesis designs and demonstrates a smart solar photovoltaic grid system that is selfhealing, environmental and consumer friendly, but also with the ability to accommodate other renewable sources of energy generation seamlessly, creating a healthy competitive energy industry and optimising energy assets efficiency. This thesis also presents the modelling of an efficient dynamic smart solar photovoltaic power grid system by exploring the maximum power point tracking efficiency, optimisation of the smart solar photovoltaic array through modelling and simulation to improve the quality of design for the solar photovoltaic module. In contrast, over the past decade quite promising results have been published in literature, most of which have not addressed the basis of the research questions in this thesis. The Levenberg-Marquardt and sparse based algorithms have proven to be very effective tools in helping to improve the quality of design for solar photovoltaic modules, minimising the possible relative errors in this thesis. Guided by theoretical and analytical reviews in literature, this research has carefully chosen the MatLab/Simulink software toolbox for modelling and simulation experiments performed on the static smart solar grid system. The auto-correlation coefficient results obtained from the modelling experiments give an accuracy of 99% with negligible mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation. This thesis further explores the design and implementation of a robust real-time online solar photovoltaic monitoring system, establishing a comparative study of two solar photovoltaic tracking systems which provide remote access to the harvested energy data. This research made a landmark innovation in designing and implementing a unique approach for online remote access solar photovoltaic monitoring systems providing updated information of the energy produced by the solar photovoltaic module at the site location. In addressing the challenge of online solar photovoltaic monitoring systems, Darfon online data logger device has been systematically integrated into the design for a comparative study of the two solar photovoltaic tracking systems examined in this thesis. The site location for the comparative study of the solar photovoltaic tracking systems is at the National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C. The overall comparative energy output efficiency of the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic monitoring system as observed at the research location site is about 72% based on the total energy produced, estimated money saved and the amount of CO2 reduction achieved. Similarly, in comparing the total amount of energy produced by the two solar photovoltaic tracking systems, the overall daily generated energy for the month of July shows the effectiveness of the azimuthal-altitude tracking systems over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic system. It was found that the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis tracking systems were about 68.43% efficient compared to the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic systems. Lastly, the overall comparative hourly energy efficiency of the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic energy system was found to be 74.2% efficient. Results from this research are quite promising and significant in satisfying the purpose of the research objectives and questions posed in the thesis. The new algorithms introduced in this research and the statistical measures applied to the modelling and simulation of a smart static solar photovoltaic grid system performance outperformed other previous works in reviewed literature. Based on this new implementation design of the online data logging systems for solar photovoltaic monitoring, it is possible for the first time to have online on-site information of the energy produced remotely, fault identification and rectification, maintenance and recovery time deployed as fast as possible. The results presented in this research as Internet of things (IoT) on smart solar grid systems are likely to offer real-life experiences especially both to the existing body of knowledge and the future solar photovoltaic energy industry irrespective of the study site location for the comparative solar photovoltaic tracking systems. While the thesis has contributed to the smart solar photovoltaic grid system, it has also highlighted areas of further research and the need to investigate more on improving the choice and quality design for solar photovoltaic modules. Finally, it has also made recommendations for further research in the minimization of the absolute or relative errors in the quality and design of the smart static solar photovoltaic module.